1,703 research outputs found

    Wheat: Its water use, production and disease detection and prediction

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Discussed in this report are: (1) the effects of wheat disease on water use and yield; and (2) the use of ERTS-1 imagery in the evaluation of wheat growth and in the detection of disease severity. Leaf area index was linearly correlated with ratios MSS4:MSS5 and MSS5:MSS6. In an area of severe wheat streak mosaic virus infected fields, correlations of ERTS-1 digital counts with wheat yields and disease severity levels were significant at the 5% level for MSS bands 4 and 5 and band ratios 4/6 and 4/7. Data collection platforms were used to gather meteorological data for the early prediction of rust severity and economic loss

    Exploration for fossil and nuclear fuels from orbital altitudes

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    Results from the ERTS program pertinent to exploration for oil, gas, and uranium are discussed. A review of achievements in relevant geological studies from ERTS, and a survey of accomplishments oriented towards exploration for energy sources are presented along with an evaluation of the prospects and limitations of the space platform approach to fuel exploration, and an examination of continuing programs designed to prove out the use of ERTS and other space system in exploring for fuel resources

    Development of a drive system for a sequential space camera

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    An electronically commutated dc motor is reported for driving the camera claw and magazine, and a stepper motor is described for driving the shutter with the two motors synchronized electrically. Subsequent tests on the breadboard positively proved the concept, but further development beyond this study should be done. The breadboard testing also established that the electronically commutated motor can control speed over a wide dynamic range, and has a high torque capability for accelerating loads. This performance suggested the possibility of eliminating the clutch from the system while retaining all of the other mechanical features of the DAC, if the requirement for independent shutter speeds and frame rates can be removed. Therefore, as a final step in the study, the breadboard shutter and shutter drive were returned to the original DAC configuration, while retaining the brushless dc motor drive

    Investigation related to multispectral imaging systems

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    A summary of technical progress made during a five year research program directed toward the development of operational information systems based on multispectral sensing and the use of these systems in earth-resource survey applications is presented. Efforts were undertaken during this program to: (1) improve the basic understanding of the many facets of multispectral remote sensing, (2) develop methods for improving the accuracy of information generated by remote sensing systems, (3) improve the efficiency of data processing and information extraction techniques to enhance the cost-effectiveness of remote sensing systems, (4) investigate additional problems having potential remote sensing solutions, and (5) apply the existing and developing technology for specific users and document and transfer that technology to the remote sensing community

    Speech enhancement using auditory filterbank.

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    This thesis presents a novel subband noise reduction technique for speech enhancement, termed as Adaptive Subband Wiener Filtering (ASWF), based on a critical-band gammatone filterbank. The ASWF is derived from a generalized Subband Wiener Filtering (SWF) equation and reduces noises according to the estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in each auditory channel and in each time frame. The design of a subband noise estimator, suitable for some real-life noise environments, is also presented. This denoising technique would be beneficial for some auditory-based speech and audio applications, e.g. to enhance the robustness of sound processing in cochlear implants. Comprehensive objective and subjective tests demonstrated the proposed technique is effective to improve the perceptual quality of enhanced speeches. This technique offers a time-domain noise reduction scheme using a linear filterbank structure and can be combined with other filterbank algorithms (such as for speech recognition and coding) as a front-end processing step immediately after the analysis filterbank, to increase the robustness of the respective application.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .G85. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1452. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    An integrated study of earth resources in the state of California using remote sensing techniques

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    The University of California has been conducting an investigation which seeks to determine the usefulness of modern remote sensing techniques for studying various components of California's earth resources complex. Most of the work has concentrated on California's water resources, but with some attention being given to other earth resources as well and to the interplay between them and California's water resources

    Genetic control and biodiversity of tolerance to Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae in Medicago truncatula

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    La verticilliose est une maladie vasculaire des plantes dont les symptômes typiques sont un flétrissement des parties aériennes, des feuilles chlorosées puis séchées, et dans les cas de maladie grave la mort de la plante. Au niveau des racines on observe une coloration brune du tissu conducteur. Cette maladie est causée par un champignon du sol du genre Verticillium. Les espèces majeures V. dahliae et V. albo-atrum sont responsables de pertes importantes de rendement sur de nombreuses cultures. Le champignon entre dans la racine par des blessures ou par des fissures au niveau de sites d’émergence de racines latérales, puis il avance vers le cylindre central et envahit les vaisseaux du xylème. Sa croissance reste pendant longtemps limitée aux vaisseaux qu’il colonise en avançant vers les parties aériennes de la plante. Aux stades tardifs, le champignon sort du cylindre central et colonise les autres tissus. En Europe, V. albo-atrum constitue l’une des principales causes de maladies chez la luzerne pérenne et est à l’origine de pertes économiques très importantes. La capacité de V. albo-atrum de survivre dans le sol ainsi que sa localisation protégée dans le cylindre centrale des plantes infectées en font un pathogène difficile à combattre, la lutte génétique par sélection de variétés tolérantes apparaissant comme une approche prometteuse. Cependant, la capacité des microorganismes pathogènes de s’adapter rapidement à des nouvelles plantes hôtes est une menace bien connue de la durabilité des variétés résistantes. Au laboratoire, des travaux ultérieurs ont établi que la plante modèle des légumineuses Medicago truncatula, une espèce sauvage proche de la luzerne cultivée, peut être utilisée pour étudier les mécanismes de résistance et sensibilité vis-à-vis de V. alboatrum. Une lignée résistant et une lignée sensible ont été identifiées et l’étude de la descendance d’un croisement entre ces deux lignées a permis d’identifier un locus majeur (Quantitative trait locus, QTL) contrôlant la résistance à une souche de V. albo-atrum isolée de la Luzerne (Ben et al., 2013 ; Negahi en 6e co-auteur). Ce travail a également montré qu’il existait une grande biodiversité au sein de l’espèce M. truncatula par rapport à la réponse à cette souche de V. albo-atrum. ABSTRACT : Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium albo-atrum (Vaa) and Verticillium dahliae (Vd), is responsible for yield losses in many economically important crops. The capacity of pathogenic fungi to adapt to new hosts is a well-known threat to the durability of resistant crop varieties. Medicago truncatula is a good model for studying resistance and susceptibility to Verticillium wilt in legume plants. Phenotyping a population of inbred lines from a cross between resistant parent line A17 and susceptible parent F83005.5 contributed to the identification of a first QTL controlling resistance to an alfalfa strain of Vaa in M. truncatula. Then, 25 M. truncatula genotypes from a core collection and six Vaa and Vd strains were used to study the potential of non-host Verticillium strains isolated from different plant species to infect this legume plant, and the plant’s susceptibility to the pathogens. The experiment was arranged as factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. The wilt symptoms caused by Vaa and Vd were scored on a disease index scale from 0 to 4, during 30 days after inoculation of ten day-old plantlets. Disease severity was quantified by the parameters Maximum Symptom Scores (MSS) and Areas Under the Disease Progress Curves (AUDPC). Highly significant differences were observed among plant genotypes and fungal strains, and their interaction was also significant. The correlation between MSS and AUDPC was 0.86 and highly significant. The most severe symptoms were caused by the alfalfa strain Vaa-V31-2 and the least severe by Vd-JR2, as shown by mean values obtained on the 25 genotypes. M. truncatula genotype TN8.3 was identified as the most susceptible genotype by mean values obtained with the 6 fungal strains, whereas F11013-3, F83005.9 and DZA45.6 were highly resistant to all strains studied. The results were used to choose parents for studying the genetics of resistance in M. truncatula to a nonalfalfa Verticillium strain. So, in the second part of this work, genotype A17 which was susceptible and genotype F83005.5 which was resistant to the potato strain Vaa-LPP0323 and recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between these genotypes were selected in order to study the genetic control of resistance to this strain of the pathogen. Our experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with 116 RILs and three replications. High genetic variability and transgressive segregation for resistance to Vaa-LPP0323 were observed among RILs. A total of four QTLs controlling resistance to Vaa-LPP0323 were detected for the parameters MSS and AUDPC. The phenotypic variance explained by each QTL (R2) was moderate, ranging from 3 to 21%. A negative sign of additive gene effects showed that favourable alleles for resistance come from the resistant parent

    Breadboard linear array scan imager using LSI solid-state technology

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    The performance of large scale integration photodiode arrays in a linear array scan (pushbroom) breadboard was evaluated for application to multispectral remote sensing of the earth's resources. The technical approach, implementation, and test results of the program are described. Several self scanned linear array visible photodetector focal plane arrays were fabricated and evaluated in an optical bench configuration. A 1728-detector array operating in four bands (0.5 - 1.1 micrometer) was evaluated for noise, spectral response, dynamic range, crosstalk, MTF, noise equivalent irradiance, linearity, and image quality. Other results include image artifact data, temporal characteristics, radiometric accuracy, calibration experience, chip alignment, and array fabrication experience. Special studies and experimentation were included in long array fabrication and real-time image processing for low-cost ground stations, including the use of computer image processing. High quality images were produced and all objectives of the program were attained

    Digital computer processing of LANDSAT data for North Alabama

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    Computer processing procedures and programs applied to Multispectral Scanner data from LANDSAT are described. The output product produced is a level 1 land use map in conformance with a Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The region studied was a five-county area in north Alabama

    Fast unsupervised multiresolution color image segmentation using adaptive gradient thresholding and progressive region growing

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    In this thesis, we propose a fast unsupervised multiresolution color image segmentation algorithm which takes advantage of gradient information in an adaptive and progressive framework. This gradient-based segmentation method is initialized by a vector gradient calculation on the full resolution input image in the CIE L*a*b* color space. The resultant edge map is used to adaptively generate thresholds for classifying regions of varying gradient densities at different levels of the input image pyramid, obtained through a dyadic wavelet decomposition scheme. At each level, the classification obtained by a progressively thresholded growth procedure is combined with an entropy-based texture model in a statistical merging procedure to obtain an interim segmentation. Utilizing an association of a gradient quantized confidence map and non-linear spatial filtering techniques, regions of high confidence are passed from one level to another until the full resolution segmentation is achieved. Evaluation of our results on several hundred images using the Normalized Probabilistic Rand (NPR) Index shows that our algorithm outperforms state-of the art segmentation techniques and is much more computationally efficient than its single scale counterpart, with comparable segmentation quality
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