39 research outputs found

    Recent advances in the hardware architecture of flat display devices

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2007Includes bibliographical References (leaves: 115-117)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiii, 133 leavesThesis will describe processing board hardware design for flat panel displays with integrated digital reception, the design challenges in flat panel displays with integrated digital reception explained with details. Thesis also includes brief explanation of flat panel technology and processing blocks. Explanations of building blocks of TV and flat panel displays are given before design stage for better understanding of design stage. Hardware design stage of processing board is investigated in two major steps, schematic design and layout design. First step of the schematic design is system level block diagram design. Schematic diagram is the detailed application level hardware design and layout is the implementation level of the design. System level, application level and implementation level hardware design of the TV processing board is described with details in thesis. Design challenges, considerations and solutions are defined in advance for flat panel displays

    Study of Various Motherboards

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    Architecture design of video processing systems on a chip

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    Methodology and optimizing of multiple frame format buffering within FPGA H.264/AVC decoder with FRExt.

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    Digital representation of video data is an inherently resource demanding problem that continues to necessitate the development and refinement of coding methods. The H.264/AVC standard, along with its recent Fidelity Range Extensions amendment (FRExt), is quickly being adopted as the standard codec for broadcast and distribution of high definition video. The FRExt amendment, while not necessarily affecting the overall decoder architecture, presents an added complexity of providing efficient memory management for buffering intermediate frames of various pixel color samplings and depths. This thesis evaluated the role of designing the frame buffer of a hardware video decoder, with integrated support for the H.264/AVC codec plus FRExt. With focus on organizing external memory data access, the frame buffer was designed to provide intermediate data storage for the decoder, while using an efficient store and load scheme that takes into consideration each frame pixel format of the video data. VHDL was used to model the frame buffer. Exploitation of reconfigurability and post-synthesis FPGA simulations were used to evaluate behavior, scalability and power consumption, while providing an analysis of approaches to adding FRExt to the memory management. Real-time buffer performance was achieved for two common frame formats at 1080 HD resolution; and an innovative pipeline design provides dynamic switching of formats between video sequences. As an additional consequence of verifying the model, a preexisting Baseline H.264/AVC decoder testbench was augmented to support testing of multiple frame formats

    Design of a parallel vector access unit for SDRAM memory systems

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    Journal ArticleParallel Vector Access is a technique that exploits the regularity of vector or stream accesses to perform them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank memory system. The performance of applications that have vector accesses may be improved using a memory controller that performs scatter/gather operations so that only the vector or stream elements that are accessed by the application are transmitted across the system bus. These scatter/gather operations can be speeded up by broadcasting vector operations to all banks of memory in parallel, each of which implements an algorithm to determine which elements of the requested vector they contain. This thesis presents the mathematical foundations behind one such algorithm for controller are investigated. The the performance of such a memory controller on vector kernels is studied by gate level simulation and the results analyzed. Because of the parallel approach, the PVA is able to load elements up to 32.8 times faster than a conventional memory system and 3.3 times faster than a pipelined vector unit, without hurting normal cache line fill performance

    Predictable and composable system-on-chip memory controllers

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    Contemporary System-on-Chip (SoC) become more and more complex, as increasing integration results in a larger number of concurrently executing applications. These applications consist of tasks that are mapped on heterogeneous multi-processor platforms with distributed memory hierarchies, where SRAMs and SDRAMs are shared by a variety of arbiters. Some applications have real-time requirements, meaning that they must perform a particular computation before a deadline to guarantee functional correctness, or to prevent quality degradation. Mapping the applications on the platform such that all real-time requirements are satisfied is very challenging. The number of possible mappings of tasks to processing elements and data structures to memories may be large, and appropriate configuration settings must be determined once the mapping is chosen. Verifying that a particular mapping satisfies all application requirements is typically done by system-level simulation. However, resource sharing causes interference between applications, making their temporal behaviors inter-dependent. All concurrently executing applications must hence be verified together, causing the verification complexity of the system to increase exponentially with the number of applications. Together these factors contribute to making the integration and verification process a dominant part of SoC development, both in terms of time and money. Predictable and composable systems are proposed to manage the increasing verification complexity. Predictable systems provide lower bounds on application performance, while applications in composable systems are completely isolated and cannot affect each other’s temporal behavior by even a single clock cycle. Predictable systems enable formal verification that covers all possible interactions with the platform. However, this assumes that the behavior of an application is captured in a performance model, which is not the case for many applications. Composability offers a complementary verification approach by letting these applications be verified independently by simulation with linear verification complexity. A limitation of current predictable and composable systems is that there are no memory controllers supporting the concepts in a general way. Current SRAM controllers can be shared in a predictable way with a variety of arbiters, but are only composable if statically scheduled or shared using time-division multiplexing. Existing SDRAM controllers are not composable, and are either unpredictable or limited to applications that are statically scheduled. This thesis addresses the limitations of current predictable and composable systems by proposing a general predictable and composable memory controller, thereby addressing the mapping and verification problem in embedded systems. The proposed memory controller is divided into a front-end and a back-end. The back-end is specific for DDR2/DDR3 SDRAM and makes the memory behave in a predictable manner using precomputed memory patterns that are dynamically combined at run time. The front-end contains buffering and an arbiter in the class of Latency-Rate (LR) servers, which is a class with many well-known predictable arbiters. We extend this class with a Credit-Controlled Static-Priority (CCSP) arbiter that is developed specifically for shared resources with latency-critical requestors and high loads, such as memories. Three key features of CCSP are: 1) It accommodates latency-critical requestors with low bandwidth requirements without wasting bandwidth. 2) Over-allocated bandwidth can be made negligible at an increased area cost, without affecting latency. 3) It has a small implementation that runs fast enough to keep up with most DDR2/DDR3 memories. The proposed front-end is general and can be used with other predictable resources, such as SRAM controllers. The proposed memory controller hence supports multiple arbiter and memory types, thus addressing the diversity in modern SoCs. The combination of front-end and predictable memory behaves like a LR server, which is the shared resource abstraction used in this work. In essence, a LR server guarantees a requestor a minimum bandwidth and a maximum latency, enabling formal verification of real-time requirements. The LR server model is compatible with several commonly used formal analysis frameworks, such as network calculus and data-flow analysis. Our memory controller hence allows any combination of predictable memory and LR arbiter to be used transparently for formal verification of applications with any of these frameworks. Sharing a predictable memory at run-time results in interference between requestors, making the memory controller non-composable. This is addressed by adding a Delay Block to the front-end that delays all signals sent from the front-end to a requestor to always emulate worst-case interference. This makes requestors unable to affect each other’s temporal behavior, which is sufficient to guarantee composability on the level of applications. Our predictable memory controller hence offers composable service with a variety of memory and arbiter types, which widely extends the scope of composable platforms. Another benefit of this approach is that it enables composable service to be dynamically enabled and disabled, enabling requestors that do not require composable service to use slack bandwidth to improve performance. The predictable and composable memory controller is supported by a configuration flow that automatically computes memory patterns and arbiter settings to satisfy given bandwidth and latency requirements. The flow uses abstraction to separate the configuration of the memory and the arbiter, enabling settings to be computed in a streamlined fashion for all supported memories and arbiters

    Scalable and bandwidth-efficient memory subsystem design for real-time systems

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    Exploration of communication strategies for computation intensive Systems-On-Chip

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe computing landscape is undergoing a major change, primarily enabled by ubiquitous wireless networks and the rapid increase in the use of mobile devices which access a web-based information infrastructure. It is expected that most intensive computing may either happen in servers housed in large datacenters (warehouse- scale computers), e.g., cloud computing and other web services, or in many-core high-performance computing (HPC) platforms in scientific labs. It is clear that the primary challenge to scaling such computing systems into the exascale realm is the efficient supply of large amounts of data to hundreds or thousands of compute cores, i.e., building an efficient memory system. Main memory systems are at an inflection point, due to the convergence of several major application and technology trends. Examples include the increasing importance of energy consumption, reduced access stream locality, increasing failure rates, limited pin counts, increasing heterogeneity and complexity, and the diminished importance of cost-per-bit. In light of these trends, the memory system requires a major overhaul. The key to architecting the next generation of memory systems is a combination of the prudent incorporation of novel technologies, and a fundamental rethinking of certain conventional design decisions. In this dissertation, we study every major element of the memory system - the memory chip, the processor-memory channel, the memory access mechanism, and memory reliability, and identify the key bottlenecks to efficiency. Based on this, we propose a novel main memory system with the following innovative features: (i) overfetch-aware re-organized chips, (ii) low-cost silicon photonic memory channels, (iii) largely autonomous memory modules with a packet-based interface to the proces- sor, and (iv) a RAID-based reliability mechanism. Such a system is energy-efficient, high-performance, low-complexity, reliable, and cost-effective, making it ideally suited to meet the requirements of future large-scale computing systems

    FlexWAFE - eine Architektur für rekonfigurierbare-Bildverarbeitungssysteme

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    Recently there has been an increase in demand for high-resolution digital media content in both cinema and television industries. Currently existing equipment does not meet the requirements, or is too costly. New hardware systems and new programming techniques are needed in order to meet the high-resolution, high-quality, image requirements and reduce costs. The industry seeks a flexible architecture capable of running multiple applications on top of standard off-the-shelf components, with reduced development time. Until now, standard practice has been to develop specialized architectures and systems that target a single application. This has little flexibility and leads to high developments costs, every new application is designed almost from scratch. Our focus was to develop an architecture that is suited to image stream processing and has the flexibility to run multiple applications using the same FPGA-based hardware platform. The novelty in our approach is that we reconfigure parts of the architecture at run-time, but without incurring in the time and added constraints penalty of FPGA-partial-reconfiguration techniques. The architecture uses a hierarchical control structure that is well suited to parallel processing, and allows single cycle latency reconfiguration of parts of the processing pipeline. This is achieved using relatively little resources for the distributed control structures. To test the developed architecture a complex film-grain noise reduction algorithm was implemented on an off-the-shelf hardware platform developed by Thomson-Grass Valley. The system meet all the requirements and had very little load on the hierarchical control structures, there is growth headroom for much complexer control demands. The architecture has been ported to other hardware platforms, and other applications have been implemented as well. The run-time reconfigurability has proven to be a key factor in the success of the FlexWAFE.Kürzlich gab es eine Zunahme der Nachfrage nach hochauflösenden digitalen Medieninhalten in den Kino- und Fernsehenindustrien. Derzeit vorhandene Systeme entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen, oder sind zu teuer. Neue Hardware-Systeme und neuer Programmiertechniken sind erforderlich, um den hochauflösenden, hochwertigen, Bildanforderungen zu genügen und Kosten zu verringern. Die Industrie sucht eine flexible Architektur zur Ausführung mehrerer Anwendungen auf Standard-Komponenten, mit reduzierten Entwicklungszeiten. Bis jetzt ist gängige Praxis, spezialisierten Architektur und Systeme zu entwickeln, die eine einzelne Anwendung zielen. Dieses hat wenig Flexibilität und führt zu hohe Entwicklungskosten, jede neue Anwendung ist fast von Grund auf neu konzipiert. Unser Fokus war es, eine für Bild Verarbeitung geeignet Architektur zu entwickeln dass die Flexibilität hat mehrere Anwendungen an dieselbe FPGA-basierte Hardware-Plattform zu laufen. Die Neuheit in unserem Ansatz ist, dass wir Teile der Architektur zur Laufzeit rekonfigurieren, aber, ohne das Zeit und constraints strafe von FPGA Partielle-Rekonfiguration-Techniken. Die Architektur verwendet eine hierarchische Kontrollstruktur, die zur parallel Verarbeitung gut geeignet ist, und Single-Cycle-Latenz Rekonfiguration von Teilen der Verarbeitungs-Pipeline ermöglicht. Dieses wird unter Verwendung relativ weniger Ressourcen für die verteiltes Steuerung Strukturen erzielt. Um das entwickelte Architektur zu testen ein komplexer Film-Korn-Rauschunterdrückung Algorithmus wurde auf einer von Thomson-Grass Valley entwickelt standard Hardware-Plattform umgesetzt. Das System erfüllt alle Anforderungen und hatte sehr wenig Last auf den hierarchischen Kontrollstrukturen, es gibt viel Wachstum Spielraum für viel kompliziertere Steuerunganforderungen. Die Architektur ist zu anderen Hardwareplattformen portiert worden, und andere Anwendungen wurden ebenfalls implementiert. Der Laufzeitreconfigurability ist ein Schlüsselfaktor im Erfolg des FlexWAFE gewesen