405 research outputs found

    Satellite-matrix-switched, time-division-multiple-access network simulator

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    A versatile experimental Ka-band network simulator has been implemented at the NASA Lewis Research Center to demonstrate and evaluate a satellite-matrix-switched, time-division-multiple-access (SMS-TDMA) network and to evaluate future digital ground terminals and radiofrequency (RF) components. The simulator was implemented by using proof-of-concept RF components developed under NASA contracts and digital ground terminal and link simulation hardware developed at Lewis. This simulator provides many unique capabilities such as satellite range delay and variation simulation and rain fade simulation. All network parameters (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio, satellite range variation rate, burst density, and rain fade) are controlled and monitored by a central computer. The simulator is presently configured as a three-ground-terminal SMS-TDMA network

    Photo Thermal Effect Graphene Detector Featuring 105 Gbit s-1 NRZ and 120 Gbit s-1 PAM4 Direct Detection

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    The challenge of next generation datacom and telecom communication is to increase the available bandwidth while reducing the size, cost and power consumption of photonic integrated circuits. Silicon (Si) photonics has emerged as a viable solution to reach these objectives. Graphene, a single-atom thick layer of carbon5, has been recently proposed to be integrated with Si photonics because of its very high mobility, fast carrier dynamics and ultra-broadband optical properties. Here, we focus on graphene photodetectors for high speed datacom and telecom applications. High speed graphene photodetectors have been demonstrated so far, however the most are based on the photo-bolometric (PB) or photo-conductive (PC) effect. These devices are characterized by large dark current, in the order of milli-Amperes , which is an impairment in photo-receivers design, Photo-thermo-electric (PTE) effect has been identified as an alternative phenomenon for light detection. The main advantages of PTE-based photodetectors are the optical power to voltage conversion, zero-bias operation and ultra-fast response. Graphene PTE-based photodetectors have been reported in literature, however high-speed optical signal detection has not been shown. Here, we report on an optimized graphene PTE-based photodetector with flat frequency response up to 65 GHz. Thanks to the optimized design we demonstrate a system test leading to direct detection of 105 Gbit s-1 non-return to zero (NRZ) and 120 Gbit s-1 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) optical signal

    Comb-based WDM transmission at 10 Tbit/s using a DC-driven quantum-dash mode-locked laser diode

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    Chip-scale frequency comb generators have the potential to become key building blocks of compact wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) transceivers in future metropolitan or campus-area networks. Among the various comb generator concepts, quantum-dash (QD) mode-locked laser diodes (MLLD) stand out as a particularly promising option, combining small footprint with simple operation by a DC current and offering flat broadband comb spectra. However, the data transmission performance achieved with QD-MLLD was so far limited by strong phase noise of the individual comb tones, restricting experiments to rather simple modulation formats such as quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) or requiring hard-ware-based compensation schemes. Here we demonstrate that these limitations can be over-come by digital symbol-wise phase tracking algorithms, avoiding any hardware-based phase-noise compensation. We demonstrate 16QAM dual-polarization WDM transmission on 38 channels at an aggregate net data rate of 10.68 Tbit/s over 75 km of standard single-mode fiber. To the best of our knowledge, this corresponds to the highest data rate achieved through a DC-driven chip-scale comb generator without any hardware-based phase-noise reduction schemes

    Quantification of channel performance and development and characterization of small magnetic field probes

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    This thesis presents a new approach to quantifying channel performance using a transmitter waveform and dispersion penalty (TWDP) with frequency domain S-parameter data. Initially TWDP was defined to characterize the performance of a transmitter in optical links. More recently its use has been extended to include the quantification of channel performance, especially in high-speed copper links. This project focused mainly on channel characterization. Instead of using the time-domain oscilloscope measurements involved in the original approach, it proposes a new method that relies on frequency-domain S-parameter data obtained either from measurements or simulations. It included a parametric study of TWDP with respect to factors such as bit rate, number of samples, and rise/fall time. This paper discusses the parameters and the results of that study. This thesis also describes a means to obtain a flat frequency response from the first-order-derivative behavior of an electrically small loop and an electrically short electric field probe by using both in combination with active oscilloscope probes. Several magnetic field (H-field) probes based on flex-circuit technology were designed to operate at up to about 5 GHz. The H-field probe terminals were connected to the differential amplifier of the active oscilloscope probe, which functioned as an integrator to achieve a flat frequency response. The integrator behavior compensated for the first-order-derivative response of the flex circuit probes. Another H-field probe was designed as a new approach to ensure high sensitivity without compromising spatial resolution. This thesis describes full wave simulations of the 1-mil probe and analyses the result --Abstract, page iii

    A micropower ultra-wideband RADAR profiling system

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-75).Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology can be used in many applications, including radar, communications, and geo-location. In this dissertation, UWB technology is utilized to directly generate sub-nanosecond pulses with more than 1 GHz bandwidth to implement radio detection and ranging (RADAR) for distances up to 5 or 10 metres. This low-cost, rnicropower radiation, short-range radar profiling system consists of the radar circuitry, the data-acquisition subsystem, the signal processing subsystem and the graphical user interface. Additional modules such as a front-end RF amplifier can be integrated into the complete system. The performance was analysed, particularly the circuitry performance and system performance. The capability for detecting metal objects was demonstrated, along with discussion of preliminary "seeing-through-wall" experiments

    50 GBd PAM4 transmitter with a 55nm SiGe BiCMOS driver and silicon photonic segmented MZM

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    We demonstrate an optical transmitter consisting of a limiting SiGe BiCMOS driver co-designed and co-packaged with a silicon photonic segmented traveling-wave Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM). The MZM is split into two traveling-wave segments to increase the bandwidth and to allow a 2-bit DAC functionality. Two limiting driver channels are used to drive these segments, allowing both NRZ and PAM4 signal generation in the optical domain. The voltage swing as well as the peaking of the driver output are tunable, hence the PAM4 signal levels can be tuned and possible bandwidth limitations of the MZM segments can be partially alleviated. Generation of 50 Gbaud and 53 Gbaud PAM4 yields a TDECQ of 2.8 and 3.8 dB with a power efficiency of 3.9 and 3.6 pJ/bit, respectively; this is the best reported efficiency for co-packaged silicon transmitters for short-reach datacenter interconnects at these data rates. With this work, we show the potential of limiting drivers and segmented traveling-wave modulators in 400G capable short-reach optical interconnects

    Ultrashort, High Power, And Ultralow Noise Mode-locked Optical Pulse Generation Using Quantum-dot Semiconductor Lasers

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    This dissertation explores various aspects and potential of optical pulse generation based on active, passive, and hybrid mode-locked quantum dot semiconductor lasers with target applications such as optical interconnect and high speed signal processing. Design guidelines are developed for the single mode operation with suppressed reflection from waveguide discontinuities. The device fabrication procedure is explained, followed by characteristics of FP laser, SOA, and monolithic two-section devices. Short pulse generation from an external cavity mode-locked QD two-section diode laser is studied. High quality, sub-picosecond (960 fs), high peak power (1.2 W) pulse trains are obtained. The sign and magnitude of pulse chirp were measured for the first time. The role of the self-phase modulation and the linewidth enhancement factor in QD mode-locked lasers is addressed. The noise performance of two-section mode-locked lasers and a SOA-based ring laser was investigated. Significant reduction of the timing jitter under hybrid mode-locked operation was achieved owing to more than one order of magnitude reduction of the linewidth in QD gain media. Ultralow phase noise performance (integrated timing jitter of a few fs at a 10 GHz repetition rate) was demonstrated from an actively mode-locked unidirectional ring laser. These results show that quantum dot mode-locked lasers are strong competitors to conventional semiconductor lasers in noise performance. Finally we demonstrated an opto-electronic oscillator (OEO) and coupled opto-electronic oscillators (COEO) which have the potential for both high purity microwave and low noise optical pulse generation. The phase noise of the COEO is measured by the photonic delay line frequency discriminator method. Based on this study we discuss the prospects of the COEO as a low noise optical pulse source
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