1,526 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of the dark matter haloes of dwarf galaxies and correlations with the environment

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    According to the now strongly supported concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model, galaxies may be grossly described as a luminous component embedded in a dark matter halo. The density profile of these mass dominating haloes may be determined by N - body simulations which mimic the evolution of the tiny initial density perturbations during the process leading to the structures we observe today. Unfortunately, when the effect of baryons is taken into account, the situation gets much more complicated due to the difficulties in simulating their physics. As a consequence, a definitive prediction of how dark matter haloes should presently look like is still missing. We revisit here this issue from an observational point of view devoting our attention to dwarf galaxies. Being likely dark matter dominated, these systems are ideal candidates to investigate the present day halo density profiles and check whether dark matter related quantities correlate with the stellar ones or the environment. By fitting a large sample of well measured rotation curves, we infer constraints on both halo structural parameters (such as the logarithmic slope of the density profile and its concentration) and derived quantities (e.g., the mass fraction and the Newtonian acceleration) which could then be used to constrain galaxy formation scenarios. Moreover, we investigate whether the halo properties correlates with the environment the galaxy lives in thus offering a new tool to deepen our understanding of galaxy formation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 tables, 5 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Demonstration and Comparison of Operation of Photomultiplier Tubes at Liquid Argon Temperature

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    Liquified noble gases are widely used as a target in direct Dark Matter searches. Signals from scintillation in the liquid, following energy deposition from the recoil nuclei scattered by Dark Matter particles (e.g. WIMPs), should be recorded down to very low energies by photosensors suitably designed to operate at cryogenic temperatures. Liquid Argon based detectors for Dark Matter searches currently implement photo multiplier tubes for signal read-out. In the last few years PMTs with photocathodes operating down to liquid Argon temperatures (87 K) have been specially developed with increasing Quantum Efficiency characteristics. The most recent of these, Hamamatsu Photonics Mod. R11065 with peak QE up to about 35%, has been extensively tested within the R&D program of the WArP Collaboration. During these testes the Hamamatsu PMTs showed superb performance and allowed obtaining a light yield around 7 phel/keVee in a Liquid Argon detector with a photocathodic coverage in the 12% range, sufficient for detection of events down to few keVee of energy deposition. This shows that this new type of PMT is suited for experimental applications, in particular for new direct Dark Matter searches with LAr-based experiments

    On a method of determination of chlorophyll in cells of algae collected on a membrane filter. [Translation from: Trudy Instituta Biologii Vnutrennykh Vodnany 11(14), 198-202, 1966.]

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    The original method, proposed by Yentsch (1957), of determination of chlorophyll directly in the cells, attracts attention by its simplicity. In order to measure the content of chlorophyll by this method, a determined volume of suspension of algae is filtered through a membrane filter. The latter is dried a little, clarified by immersion oil, clamped between two glasses, and spectrophotometrized. Extinction is read off at , wavelengths equal to 670 millimicrons (around the maximum absorption of chlorophyll a in the cell) and 750 millimicrons (correction for non- specific absorption and dispersion of light by particles of the preparation). The method of Yentsch was employed by the authors for determination of chlorophyll-a in samples of phytoplankton. They conclude that in spite of the simplicity and convenience of determination the method must be applied sufficiently carefully. It is more suitable for analysis of cultures of algae, where, non-specific absorption of light is insignificant

    REDIportal: a comprehensive database of A-to-I RNA editing events in humans

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    RNA editing by A-to-I deamination is the prominent co-/post-transcriptional modification in humans. It is carried out by ADAR enzymes and contributes to both transcriptomic and proteomic expansion. RNA editing has pivotal cellular effects and its deregulation has been linked to a variety of human disorders including neurological and neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Despite its biological relevance, many physiological and functional aspects of RNA editing are yet elusive. Here, we present REDIportal, available online at http://srv00.recas.ba.infn.it/atlas/, the largest and comprehensive collection of RNA editing in humans including more than 4.5 millions of A-to-I events detected in 55 body sites from thousands of RNAseq experiments. REDIportal embeds RADAR database and represents the first editing resource designed to answer functional questions, enabling the inspection and browsing of editing levels in a variety of human samples, tissues and body sites. In contrast with previous RNA editing databases, REDIportal comprises its own browser (JBrowse) that allows users to explore A-to-I changes in their genomic context, empathizing repetitive elements in which RNA editing is prominent

    Response of Freshwater Biofilm to pollution and ecosystem in Baiyangdian Lake of China

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    AbstractAn experimental study was undertaken to highlight the potential applicability of biofilms as biomonitors forming simultaneously on natural and artificial substrata in Baiyngdian Lake(China).We investigated the responses of freshwater biofilm in 8 site of Baiyngdian Lake and compared with control site (a reservoir) to assess the relative health of water. Exposure to pollution and its impact on biofilms were assessed by measuring the biomass production, Chlorophyll concentration, the algal composition, extracellular enzyme activity of bacterial communities and Polysaccharide content. This relation between the biological characters of biofilms and water quality were discussed, and the relative health of regions were demonstrated by the degree of deviation based on bioflim indicator in the following order: Fu river (S4) < Duan cun (S8) < Nan Liuzhuang (S5) < Wang jiazai (S1) < Cai putai (S7) < Zao lingzhuang (S2)< Shao Chedian (S3).. The result indicated that biofilm can provide information for pollution detection and ecological health assessment of water, and biofilm on aritificial substrata was recommended for biomonitoring in the Baiyangdian Lake

    FlyAtlas: database of gene expression in the tissues of drosophila melanogaster

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    The FlyAtlas resource contains data on the expression of the genes of Drosophila melanogaster in different tissues (currently 25—17 adult and 8 larval) obtained by hybridization of messenger RNA to Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2 microarrays. The microarray probe sets cover 13 250 Drosophila genes, detecting 12 533 in an unambiguous manner. The data underlying the original web application (http://flyatlas.org) have been restructured into a relational database and a Java servlet written to provide a new web interface, FlyAtlas 2 (http://flyatlas.gla.ac.uk/), which allows several additional queries. Users can retrieve data for individual genes or for groups of genes belonging to the same or related ontological categories. Assistance in selecting valid search terms is provided by an Ajax ‘autosuggest’ facility that polls the database as the user types. Searches can also focus on particular tissues, and data can be retrieved for the most highly expressed genes, for genes of a particular category with above-average expression or for genes with the greatest difference in expression between the larval and adult stages. A novel facility allows the database to be queried with a specific gene to find other genes with a similar pattern of expression across the different tissues

    3D modeling from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged SNR: Role of an initial ejecta anisotropy on matter mixing

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    The aim of this work is to bridge the gap between CC SNe and their remnants by investigating how post-explosion anisotropies in the ejecta influence the structure and chemical properties of the remnant at later times. We performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations starting soon after the SN event and following the evolution of the system in the circumstellar medium (consisting of the wind of the stellar progenitor), for 5000 years, obtaining the physical scenario of a SNR. Here we focused the analysis on the case of a progenitor red supergiant of 19.8 M_sun. We also investigated how a post-explosion large-scale anisotropy in the SN affects the ejecta distribution and the matter mixing of heavy elements in the remnant, during the first 5000 years of evolution. In the case of a spherically symmetric SN explosion without large-scale anisotropies, the remnant roughly keeps memory of the original onion-like layering of ejecta soon after the SN event. Nevertheless, as the reverse shock hits the ejecta, the element distribution departs from a homologous expansion, because of the slowing down of the outermost ejecta layers due to interaction with the reverse shock. In the case of a large-scale anisotropy developed after the SN, we found that the chemical stratification in the ejecta can be strongly modified and the original onion-like layering is not preserved. The anisotropy may cause spatial inversion of ejecta layers, for instance leading to Fe/Si-rich ejecta outside the O shell, and may determine the formation of Fe/Si-rich jet-like features that may protrude the remnant outline. The level of matter mixing and the properties of the jet-like feature are sensitive to the initial physical (density and velocity) and geometrical (size and position) initial characteristics of the anisotropy.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted to A&

    Penghitungan Tebal Setara Metode Boussinesq-Exel dan FWD-ELMOD pada Perkerasan Lentur

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    Calculating the Flexible Pavement System (FPS) response has initiated by Boussinesq, Burmister, Huang and more scientists around the world. Determining modulus elasticity each stratum FPS very important to note to designing the Flexible Pavement. The purpose of this study is to determine the elastic modulus of each layer in the profile Flexible Pavement Systems (FPS) with a thickness equivalent method Boussinesq-Exel and FWD-ELMOD. Tests were run on the Soekarno-Hatta Cikampek-Purwakarta-Bandung and West Java highways, Indonesia. The test results showed a good correlation between the modulus of each layer in the FWD testing with those of Boussinesq-Exel test

    Optical study on characteristics of non-reacting and reacting diesel spray with different strategies of split injection

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    [EN] Even though studies on split-injection strategies have been published in recent years, there are still many remaining questions about how the first injection affects the mixing and combustion processes of the second one by changing the dwell time between both injection events or by the first injection quantity. In this article, split-injection diesel sprays with different injection strategies are investigated. Visualization of n-dodecane sprays was carried out under both non-reacting and reacting operating conditions in an optically accessible two-stroke engine equipped with a single-hole diesel injector. High-speed Schlieren imaging was applied to visualize the spray geometry development, while diffused backgroundillumination extinction imaging was applied to quantify the instantaneous soot production (net result of soot formation and oxidation). For non-reacting conditions, it was found that the vapor phase of second injection penetrates faster with a shorter dwell time and independently of the duration of the first injection. This could be explained in terms of onedimensional spray model results, which provided information on the local mixing and momentum state within the flow. Under reacting conditions, interaction between the second injection and combustion recession of the first injection is observed, resulting in shorter ignition delay and lift-off compared to the first injection. However, soot production behaves differently with different injection strategies. The maximum instantaneous soot mass produced by the second injection increases with a shorter dwell time and with longer first injection duration.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the frame of the advanced spray combustion models for efficient powertrains (COMEFF) (TRA2014-59483-R) project. Funding for Tiemin Xuan's PhD studies was granted by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) (grant reference FPI-2015-S2-1068)Desantes, J.; GarcĂ­a-Oliver, JM.; GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez, A.; Xuan, T. (2019). Optical study on characteristics of non-reacting and reacting diesel spray with different strategies of split injection. International Journal of Engine Research. 20(6):606-623. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418773012S606623206ArrĂšgle, J., Pastor, J. V., LĂłpez, J. J., & GarcĂ­a, A. (2008). Insights on postinjection-associated soot emissions in direct injection diesel engines. Combustion and Flame, 154(3), 448-461. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.04.021Mendez, S., & Thirouard, B. (2008). Using Multiple Injection Strategies in Diesel Combustion: Potential to Improve Emissions, Noise and Fuel Economy Trade-Off in Low CR Engines. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 1(1), 662-674. doi:10.4271/2008-01-1329He, Z., Xuan, T., Jiang, Z., & Yan, Y. (2013). Study on effect of fuel injection strategy on combustion noise and exhaust emission of diesel engine. Thermal Science, 17(1), 81-90. doi:10.2298/tsci120603159hKook, S., Pickett, L. M., & Musculus, M. P. B. (2009). Influence of Diesel Injection Parameters on End-of-Injection Liquid Length Recession. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2(1), 1194-1210. doi:10.4271/2009-01-1356Musculus, M. P. B., & Kattke, K. (2009). Entrainment Waves in Diesel Jets. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2(1), 1170-1193. doi:10.4271/2009-01-1355O’Connor, J., Musculus, M. P. B., & Pickett, L. M. (2016). Effect of post injections on mixture preparation and unburned hydrocarbon emissions in a heavy-duty diesel engine. Combustion and Flame, 170, 111-123. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.03.031O’Connor, J., & Musculus, M. (2013). Post Injections for Soot Reduction in Diesel Engines: A Review of Current Understanding. SAE International Journal of Engines, 6(1), 400-421. doi:10.4271/2013-01-0917O’Connor, J., & Musculus, M. (2014). In-Cylinder Mechanisms of Soot Reduction by Close-Coupled Post-Injections as Revealed by Imaging of Soot Luminosity and Planar Laser-Induced Soot Incandescence in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine. SAE International Journal of Engines, 7(2), 673-693. doi:10.4271/2014-01-1255Bruneaux, G., & Maligne, D. (2009). Study of the Mixing and Combustion Processes of Consecutive Short Double Diesel Injections. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2(1), 1151-1169. doi:10.4271/2009-01-1352Pickett, L. M., Kook, S., & Williams, T. C. (2009). Transient Liquid Penetration of Early-Injection Diesel Sprays. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2(1), 785-804. doi:10.4271/2009-01-0839Skeen, S., Manin, J., & Pickett, L. M. (2015). Visualization of Ignition Processes in High-Pressure Sprays with Multiple Injections of n-Dodecane. SAE International Journal of Engines, 8(2), 696-715. doi:10.4271/2015-01-0799Bolla, M., Chishty, M. A., Hawkes, E. R., & Kook, S. (2017). Modeling combustion under engine combustion network Spray A conditions with multiple injections using the transported probability density function method. International Journal of Engine Research, 18(1-2), 6-14. doi:10.1177/1468087416689174Blomberg, C. K., Zeugin, L., Pandurangi, S. S., Bolla, M., Boulouchos, K., & Wright, Y. M. (2016). Modeling Split Injections of ECN «Spray A» Using a Conditional Moment Closure Combustion Model with RANS and LES. SAE International Journal of Engines, 9(4), 2107-2119. doi:10.4271/2016-01-2237Cung, K., Moiz, A., Johnson, J., Lee, S.-Y., Kweon, C.-B., & Montanaro, A. (2015). Spray–combustion interaction mechanism of multiple-injection under diesel engine conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(3), 3061-3068. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.054Moiz, A. A., Cung, K. D., & Lee, S.-Y. (2017). Simultaneous Schlieren–PLIF Studies for Ignition and Soot Luminosity Visualization With Close-Coupled High-Pressure Double Injections of n-Dodecane. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 139(1). doi:10.1115/1.4035071Maes, N., Bakker, P. C., Dam, N., & Somers, B. (2017). Transient Flame Development in a Constant-Volume Vessel Using a Split-Scheme Injection Strategy. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 10(2), 318-327. doi:10.4271/2017-01-0815Moiz, A. A., Ameen, M. M., Lee, S.-Y., & Som, S. (2016). Study of soot production for double injections of n-dodecane in CI engine-like conditions. Combustion and Flame, 173, 123-131. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.08.005PASTOR, J., JAVIERLOPEZ, J., GARCIA, J., & PASTOR, J. (2008). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled inert diesel sprays. Fuel, 87(13-14), 2871-2885. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2008.04.017Desantes, J. M., Pastor, J. V., GarcĂ­a-Oliver, J. M., & Pastor, J. M. (2009). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled reacting diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 156(1), 234-249. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.10.008Pastor, J., Garcia-Oliver, J. M., Garcia, A., Zhong, W., MicĂł, C., & Xuan, T. (2017). An Experimental Study on Diesel Spray Injection into a Non-Quiescent Chamber. 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    Charyfa Cakery in Food Photography as Promotion Media at Instagram. Bakery is a rapidly developing culinary business. As a result, the consumption of bakery products increased, and new businesses in the culinary field began to emerge. To promote their food products, culinary entrepre- neurs use food photography. Charyfa Cakery, which produces cakes and bread with a marketing target of the upper-middle class, promotes their products through Instagram by sharing commercial photos or videos processed using photographic techniques. This research aims to create food pho- tography as a promotional tool for Charyfa Cakery to replace the previous photo on Instagram social media with available light lighting techniques and concepts that match the target market to get new consumers. The methods used in making this photo work are observation, data collection about the bakery, food photo references, interviews with the owner of Charyfa Cakery, and literature studies that can assist in the writing process. The results of this final project are food photographs with nat- ural images using available lighting techniques. Food styling and selection of property for Charyfa Cakery’s image with a middle and upper target market is a clean shot and minimalist property by utilizing the framing proportion to strengthen the impression on the main object of the photo.ABSTRAKBakery merupakan usaha yang memiliki perkembangan cukup pesat dibidang makanan. Tingginya daya tarik dan kemudahan akses dimedia digital membuat masyarakat mulai mengeksplore informasi budaya kuliner yang ada di dunia. Sehingga perkembangan konsumsi produk bakery meningkat dan mulai bermuculan usaha baru dibidang kuliner dan mempromosikan produk makanannya dalam food photography melalui media sosial Instagram dengan membagikan foto atau video yang sudah diproses dengan teknik fotografi dan dikomersilkan, antara lain Charyfa Cakery yang memproduksi kue dan roti dengan target pemasaran kalangan menengah keatas.Tujuan pembuatan karya ini adalah pemotretan food photography sebagai alat promosi Charyfa Cakery untuk menggantikan foto sebelumnya dimedia sosial Instagram dengan teknik pencahayaan available light  dan konsep sesuai target market untuk mendapatkan konsumen baru.Metode yang digunakan dalam membuat karya foto ini dengan observasi data tentang bakery, referensi foto makanan, wawancara dengan pemilik Charyfa Cakery dan studi pustaka yang dapat membantu dalam proses penulisan.Hasil penelitian dari karya tugas akhir ini adalah untuk memotret makanan, teknik pencahayaan available light karena hasil gambar terkesan natural. Food styling dan pemilihan props untuk image Charyfa Cakery dengan target market menengah keatas adalah clean shot dan property yang minimal dengan memanfaatkan pembagian bidang dalam frame sehingga dapat memperkuat kesan pada objek utama foto
