9 research outputs found

    Mapping dynamical properties of cortical microcircuits using robotized TMS and EEG: Towards functional cytoarchitectonics

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    International audienceBrain dynamics at rest depend on the large-scale interactions between oscillating cortical microcircuits arranged into macrocolumns. Cytoarchitectonic studies have shown that the structure of those microcircuits differs between cortical regions, but very little is known about interregional differences of their intrinsic dynamics at a macro-scale in human. We developed here a new method aiming at mapping the dynamical properties of cortical microcircuits non-invasively using the coupling between robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation and elec-troencephalography. We recorded the responses evoked by the stimulation of 18 cortical targets largely covering the accessible neocortex in 22 healthy volunteers. Specific data processing methods were developed to map the local source activity of each cortical target, which showed interregional differences with very good interhemi-spheric reproducibility. Functional signatures of cortical microcircuits were further studied using spatio-temporal decomposition of local source activities in order to highlight principal brain modes. The identified brain modes revealed that cortical areas with similar intrinsic dynamical properties could be distributed either locally or not, with a spatial signature that was somewhat reminiscent of resting state networks. Our results provide the proof of concept of " functional cytoarchitectonics " , that would guide the parcellation of the human cortex using not only its cytoarchitecture but also its intrinsic responses to local perturbations. This opens new avenues for brain modelling and physiopathology readouts

    Multiscale examination of cytoarchitectonic similarity and human brain connectivity

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    The human brain comprises an efficient communication network, with its macroscale connectome organization argued to be directly associated with the underlying microscale organization of the cortex. Here, we further examine this link in the human brain cortex by using the ultrahigh-resolution BigBrain dataset; 11,660 BigBrain profiles of laminar cell structure were extracted from the BigBrain data and mapped to the MRI based Desikan–Killiany atlas used for macroscale connectome reconstruction. Macroscale brain connectivity was reconstructed based on the diffusion-weighted imaging dataset from the Human Connectome Project and cross-correlated to the similarity of laminar profiles. We showed that the BigBrain profile similarity between interconnected cortical regions was significantly higher than those between nonconnected regions. The pattern of BigBrain profile similarity across the entire cortex was also found to be strongly correlated with the pattern of cortico-cortical connectivity at the macroscale. Our findings suggest that cortical regions with higher similarity in the laminar cytoarchitectonic patterns have a higher chance of being connected, extending the evidence for the linkage between macroscale connectome organization and microscale cytoarchitecture. The human brain connectome organization has been suggested to associate with cytoarchitecture similarity. Here, we utilize the state-of-the-art ultrahigh-resolution BigBrain dataset and diffusion-weighted imaging dataset to examine this association. Our results show that cortical regions with higher cytoarchitecture similarity are more likely to be connected, as well as connected by stronger white matter tracts. This work further extends our understanding of the interaction between macroscale cortico-cortical connectivity organization and microscale cortical cytoarchitecture

    Bringing Anatomical Information into Neuronal Network Models

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    For constructing neuronal network models computational neuroscientists have access to wide-ranging anatomical data that nevertheless tend to cover only a fraction of the parameters to be determined. Finding and interpreting the most relevant data, estimating missing values, and combining the data and estimates from various sources into a coherent whole is a daunting task. With this chapter we aim to provide guidance to modelers by describing the main types of anatomical data that may be useful for informing neuronal network models. We further discuss aspects of the underlying experimental techniques relevant to the interpretation of the data, list particularly comprehensive data sets, and describe methods for filling in the gaps in the experimental data. Such methods of `predictive connectomics' estimate connectivity where the data are lacking based on statistical relationships with known quantities. It is instructive, and in certain cases necessary, to use organizational principles that link the plethora of data within a unifying framework where regularities of brain structure can be exploited to inform computational models. In addition, we touch upon the most prominent features of brain organization that are likely to influence predicted neuronal network dynamics, with a focus on the mammalian cerebral cortex. Given the still existing need for modelers to navigate a complex data landscape full of holes and stumbling blocks, it is vital that the field of neuroanatomy is moving toward increasingly systematic data collection, representation, and publication

    The Structural Model: a theory linking connections, plasticity, pathology, development and evolution of the cerebral cortex

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    Published in final edited form as: Brain Struct Funct. 2019 April ; 224(3): 985–1008. doi:10.1007/s00429-019-01841-9.The classical theory of cortical systematic variation has been independently described in reptiles, monotremes, marsupials and placental mammals, including primates, suggesting a common bauplan in the evolution of the cortex. The Structural Model is based on the systematic variation of the cortex and is a platform for advancing testable hypotheses about cortical organization and function across species, including humans. The Structural Model captures the overall laminar structure of areas by dividing the cortical architectonic continuum into discrete categories (cortical types), which can be used to test hypotheses about cortical organization. By type, the phylogenetically ancient limbic cortices-which form a ring at the base of the cerebral hemisphere-are agranular if they lack layer IV, or dysgranular if they have an incipient granular layer IV. Beyond the dysgranular areas, eulaminate type cortices have six layers. The number and laminar elaboration of eulaminate areas differ depending on species or cortical system within a species. The construct of cortical type retains the topology of the systematic variation of the cortex and forms the basis for a predictive Structural Model, which has successfully linked cortical variation to the laminar pattern and strength of cortical connections, the continuum of plasticity and stability of areas, the regularities in the distribution of classical and novel markers, and the preferential vulnerability of limbic areas to neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases. The origin of cortical types has been recently traced to cortical development, and helps explain the variability of diseases with an onset in ontogeny.R01 MH057414 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH101209 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH101209 - National Institute of Mental Health; R01 MH057414 - National Institute of Mental Health; R01 MH117785 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH117785 - National Institute of Mental Health; R01 NS024760 - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (US); R01 NS024760 - NINDS NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    Predictions not commands: active inference in the motor system

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    Delta rhythms as a substrate for holographic processing in sleep and wakefulness

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    PhD ThesisWe initially considered the theoretical properties and benefits of so-called holographic processing in a specific type of computational problem implied by the theories of synaptic rescaling processes in the biological wake-sleep cycle. This raised two fundamental questions that we attempted to answer by an experimental in vitro electrophysiological approach. We developed a comprehensive experimental paradigm based on a pharmacological model of the wake-sleep-associated delta rhythm measured with a Utah micro-electrode array at the interface between primary and associational areas in the rodent neocortex. We first verified that our in vitro delta rhythm model possessed two key features found in both in vivo rodent and human studies of synaptic rescaling processes in sleep: The first property being that prior local synaptic potentiation in wake leads to increased local delta power in subsequent sleep. The second property is the reactivation in sleep of neural firing patterns observed prior to sleep. By reproducing these findings we confirmed that our model is arguably an adequate medium for further study of the putative sleep-related synaptic rescaling process. In addition we found important differences between neural units that reactivated or deactivated during delta; these were differences in cell types based on unit spike shapes, in prior firing rates and in prior spike-train-to-local-field-potential coherence. Taken together these results suggested a mechanistic chain of explanation of the two observed properties, and set the neurobiological framework for further, more computationally driven analysis. Using the above experimental and theoretical substrate we developed a new method of analysis of micro-electrode array data. The method is a generalization to the electromagnetic case of a well-known technique for processing acoustic microphone array data. This allowed calculation of: The instantaneous spatial energy flow and dissipation in the neocortical areas under the array; The spatial energy source density in analogy to well-known current source density analysis. We then refocused our investigation on the two theoretical questions that we hoped to achieve experimental answers for: Whether the state of the neocortex during a delta rhythm could be described by ergodic statistics, which we determined by analyzing the spectral properties of energy dissipation as a signature of the state of the dynamical system; A more explorative approach prompting an investigation of the spatiotemporal interactions across and along neocortical layers and areas during a delta rhythm, as implied by energy flow patterns. We found that the in vitro rodent neocortex does not conform to ergodic statistics during a pharmacologically driven delta or gamma rhythm. We also found a delta period locked pattern of energy flow across and along layers and areas, which doubled the processing cycle relative to the fundamental delta rhythm, tentatively suggesting a reciprocal, two-stage information processing hierarchy similar to a stochastic Helmholtz machine with a wake-sleep training algorithm. Further, the complex valued energy flow might suggest an improvement to the Helmholtz machine concept by generalizing the complex valued weights of the stochastic network to higher dimensional multi-vectors of a geometric algebra with a metric particularity suited for holographic processes. Finally, preliminary attempts were made to implement and characterize the above network dynamics in silico. We found that a qubit valued network does not allow fully holographic processes, but tentatively suggest that an ebit valued network may display two key properties of general holographic processing

    Mapping the primate brain with network analysis

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