542 research outputs found

    Physical-Layer Security, Quantum Key Distribution and Post-quantum Cryptography

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    The growth of data-driven technologies, 5G, and the Internet place enormous pressure on underlying information infrastructure. There exist numerous proposals on how to deal with the possible capacity crunch. However, the security of both optical and wireless networks lags behind reliable and spectrally efficient transmission. Significant achievements have been made recently in the quantum computing arena. Because most conventional cryptography systems rely on computational security, which guarantees the security against an efficient eavesdropper for a limited time, with the advancement in quantum computing this security can be compromised. To solve these problems, various schemes providing perfect/unconditional security have been proposed including physical-layer security (PLS), quantum key distribution (QKD), and post-quantum cryptography. Unfortunately, it is still not clear how to integrate those different proposals with higher level cryptography schemes. So the purpose of the Special Issue entitled “Physical-Layer Security, Quantum Key Distribution and Post-quantum Cryptography” was to integrate these various approaches and enable the next generation of cryptography systems whose security cannot be broken by quantum computers. This book represents the reprint of the papers accepted for publication in the Special Issue

    Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links

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    [ES] Las comunicaciones ópticas inalámbricas (OWC) constituyen una tecnología muy prometedora para el desarrollo de futuras comunicaciones inalámbricas. De hecho, ha despertado un interés creciente entre los investigadores y varias empresas de todo el mundo trabajan actualmente en el desarrollo de redes inalámbricas de muy alta velocidad. Las comunidades científica e industrial consideran la OWC como una tecnología complementaria en sus diversas formas: comunicaciones ópticas en el espacio libre (FSO), comunicaciones de luz visible (VLC) o fidelidad de la luz (Li-Fi). El espectro óptico ha sido considerado durante muchos años como una gran oportunidad para las comunicaciones inalámbricas, especialmente debido a la saturación del espectro de radiofrecuencia (RF). Esta disertación trata del uso de fuentes de banda ancha en sistemas de transmisión de luz visible (VLC), así como en sistemas de transmisión en el espectro infrarrojo por fibra óptica. En el trabajo de investigación realizado se pueden distinguir tres partes: En la primera parte, se considera el estudio y la simulación de componentes de Diodos Emisores de Luz (LED) con el software WIEN2k centrándose en las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de los elementos II-VI. La segunda parte trata del diseño, la implementación y las pruebas de diferentes prototipos de comunicación VLC para la transmisión analógica y digital en modo simplex y semidúplex. Hemos demostrado un sistema OWC empleando una fuente de banda ancha (LED) para la transmisión no sólo de datos, sino también para la transmisión inalámbrica de energía. Además, se aborda el problema de la sincronización y la detección del nivel "1" o "0" de un bit en los sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica óptica implementados que surge como consecuencia de la atenuación de la luz a lo largo de la distancia y al problema de la pérdida de línea de visión (NLOS) entre el emisor y el receptor. Para hacer frente a este problema, se ha proporcionado un protocolo de comunicación que garantiza la transmisión fiable de datos digitales con un algoritmo de detección de nivel de bits adaptativo y se ha demostrado su eficacia mediante la transmisión de textos e imágenes. Además, esta tesis aporta una solución para la implementación de transmisores multiplexados en redes con división de longitud de onda (WDM) para formatos de modulación con multiplexación por división de frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM) basados en el uso de fuentes de banda ancha en el espectro infrarrojo para redes de fibra bidireccionales centralizadas. A pesar de las limitaciones impuestas por la dispersión cromática en el uso de este tipo de fuentes ópticas, la inclusión de ciertas estructuras antes de la detección permite la transmisión de señales OFDM en enlaces ópticos. En este trabajo se ha demostrado experimentalmente la reutilización de portadoras, la asignación dinámica de ancho de banda y la transmisión de señales OFDM multibanda mediante el uso de fuentes ópticas de banda ancha en redes WDM. Los principales resultados obtenidos en cada parte de esta tesis doctoral muestran los procedimientos de estudio, la eficacia de las soluciones propuestas y las limitaciones encontradas.[CA] Les comunicacions òptiques sense fils (OWC) constitueixen una tecnologia molt prometedora per al desenvolupament de futures comunicacions sense fils. De fet, ha despertat un interés creixent entre els investigadors i diverses empreses de tot el món treballen actualment en el desenvolupament de xarxes sense fils de molt alta velocitat. Les comunitats científica i industrial consideren la OWC com una tecnologia complementària en les seues diverses formes: comunicacions òptiques en l'espai lliure (FSO), comunicacions de llum visible (VLC) o fidelitat de la llum (Li-Fi). L'espectre òptic ha sigut considerat durant molts anys com una gran oportunitat per a les comunicacions sense fils, especialment a causa de la saturació de l'espectre de radiofreqüència (RF). Aquesta dissertació tracta de l'ús de fonts de banda ampla en sistemes de transmissió de llum visible (VLC), així com en sistemes de transmissió en l'espectre infraroig per fibra òptica. En el treball de recerca realitzat es poden distingir tres parts: ¿ En la primera part, es considera l'estudi i la simulació de components de Díodes Emissors de Llum (LED) amb el software WIEN2k centrant-se en les propietats òptiques i elèctriques dels elements II-VI. ¿ La segona part tracta del disseny, la implementació i les proves de diferents prototips de comunicació VLC per a la transmissió analògica i digital de manera simplex i semidúplex. Hem demostrat un sistema OWC emprant una font de banda ampla (LED) per a la transmissió no sols de dades, sinó també per a la transmissió sense fil d'energia. A més, s'aborda el problema de la sincronització i la detecció del nivell "1" o "0" d'un bit en els sistemes de comunicació sense fil òptica implementats, que sorgeix a conseqüència de l'atenuació de la llum al llarg de la distància i al problema de la pèrdua de línia de visió (NLOS) entre l'emissor i el receptor. Per a fer front a aquest problema, s'ha proporcionat un protocol de comunicació que garanteix la transmissió fiable de dades digitals amb un algorisme de detecció de nivell de bits adaptatiu i s'ha demostrat la seua eficàcia mitjançant la transmissió de textos i imatges. ¿ A més, aquesta tesi aporta una solució per a la implementació de transmissors multiplexats en xarxes amb divisió de longitud d'ona (WDM) per a formats de modulació amb multiplexació per divisió de freqüència ortogonal (OFDM) basats en l'ús de fonts de banda ampla en l'espectre infraroig per a xarxes de fibra bidireccionals centralitzades. Malgrat les limitacions imposades per la dispersió cromàtica en l'ús d'aquest tipus de fonts òptiques, la inclusió d'unes certes estructures abans de la detecció permet la transmissió de senyals OFDM en enllaços òptics. En aquest treball s'ha demostrat experimentalment la reutilització de portadores, l'assignació dinàmica d'amplada de banda i la transmissió de senyals OFDM multibanda mitjançant l'ús de fonts òptiques de banda ampla en xarxes WDM. Els principals resultats obtinguts en cada part d'aquesta tesi doctoral mostren els procediments d'estudi, l'eficàcia de les solucions proposades i les limitacions trobades.[EN] Optical wireless communication (OWC) is a very promising technology for future wireless communications developments. It has attracted increasing interest from researchers and several companies around the world are currently working on the development of very high-speed wireless networks. The scientific and industrial communities believe that OWC will be a complementary technology in its various forms: Free Space Optical communications (FSO), Visible Light Communications (VLC), Light Fidelity (Li-Fi). In fact, the optical spectrum has been considered for many years as a great opportunity for wireless communications especially due to the saturation of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. This dissertation deals with the use of broadband sources in visible light transmission systems (VLC) as well as fiber optic systems. To carry out the research, three parts can be distinguished: In the first part, we consider the study and simulation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) components with the WIEN2k software by focusing on the optical and electrical properties of elements II-VI. The second part deals with the design, implementation and testing of different VLC communication prototypes for analog and digital transmission in simplex and half-duplex mode. We have demonstrated that an OWC system using a broadband source (i.e. an LED) can be used not only for data transmission, but also for wireless power transmission. Moreover, the synchronization problem and the detection of level "1" or "0" of a bit often arise in the optical wireless communication systems. This is a result of the attenuation nature of the light over the distance and the problem of Non Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) between the emitter and the receiver. To deal with this problem, a communication protocol ensuring reliable digital data transmission with an adaptive bit level detection algorithm has been provided and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by the transmission of texts and images. In addition, this thesis provides a solution for the implementation of wavelength division multiplexed - orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (WDM-OFDM) transmitters based on the use of broadband sources in the infrared spectrum for centralized bidirectional fiber networks. Despite the chromatic dispersion that avoids the use of this type of optical sources, the inclusion of certain structures before detection allows the transmission of OFDM signals in optical links. Carrier reuse, dynamic bandwidth allocation and multiband OFDM signals transmission will be experimentally demonstrated by using optical broadband sources in WDM networks. The main results obtained during this thesis work demonstrate the study procedures, for each part, the effectiveness of the proposed solutions as well as the constraints encountered.Sekkiou, I. (2021). Design of communication systems based on broadband sources for fiber and free space optical links [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172542TESI

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today’s telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today’s optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields

    A Resource Framework for Quantum Shannon Theory

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    Quantum Shannon theory is loosely defined as a collection of coding theorems, such as classical and quantum source compression, noisy channel coding theorems, entanglement distillation, etc., which characterize asymptotic properties of quantum and classical channels and states. In this paper we advocate a unified approach to an important class of problems in quantum Shannon theory, consisting of those that are bipartite, unidirectional and memoryless. We formalize two principles that have long been tacitly understood. First, we describe how the Church of the larger Hilbert space allows us to move flexibly between states, channels, ensembles and their purifications. Second, we introduce finite and asymptotic (quantum) information processing resources as the basic objects of quantum Shannon theory and recast the protocols used in direct coding theorems as inequalities between resources. We develop the rules of a resource calculus which allows us to manipulate and combine resource inequalities. This framework simplifies many coding theorem proofs and provides structural insights into the logical dependencies among coding theorems. We review the above-mentioned basic coding results and show how a subset of them can be unified into a family of related resource inequalities. Finally, we use this family to find optimal trade-off curves for all protocols involving one noisy quantum resource and two noiseless ones.Comment: 60 page

    Decoherence and reservoir engineering in linear optical systems

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    Realistic quantum systems interact with their environment and, as a consequence, may lose their quantum properties. This phenomenon is known as decoherence, and it keeps the many oddities of quantum mechanics at the level of elementary particles. But while doing so, decoherence constitutes one of the biggest hindrances to efficient technologies fueled by quantum mechanics. Hence, it is essential to understand the different mechanisms of decoherence and how to control them. Recently, reservoir engineering, i.e., manipulating the environmental degrees of freedom and their initial correlations, has attracted a lot of attention as a means to control decoherence. Reservoir engineering allows, e.g., to restore information previously leaked into environment back to open quantum systems—a phenomenon often associated with memory and non-Markovianity. In this Thesis, we study decoherence and reservoir engineering in the context of linear optical systems, where the polarization degree of freedom of single photons is the open quantum system. We begin with a short introduction to the very basics of quantum theory, from which we gradually proceed to the dynamics of open quantum systems. The rest of the Thesis is dedicated to the main results of Publications I–VII. We derive the decoherence functions of a biphoton system and show how to control them independently of each other. Using the same methods, we can even reverse the direction of decoherence. This allows us to realize quantum teleportation without the resource qubits being entangled, which we demonstrate also experimentally. We also consider decoherence occurring in interferometric setups, revealing the interesting effects of which-path-information in Mach-Zehnder interference and photon bunching in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. Monitoring the open-system dynamics in these setups allows us to estimate different parameters outside the interferometers’ more common working region. As for the interferometric region, we present numerical results implying the possibility of breaking the so-called quantum Cramér-Rao bound, a fundamental lower bound for the sensitivity of parameter estimation. Finally, we consider parameter estimation from the opposite point of view, i.e., when the decoherence model is not known and we cannot monitor it. We implement our alternative protocol in two experiments and apply the results in snapshot verification of non-Markovianity—a task typically requiring monitoring the open-system dynamics.--- Realistiset kvanttisysteemit vuorovaikuttavat ympäristönsä kanssa, minkä seurauksena ne voivat menettää kvanttiominaisuutensa. Tämä ilmiö tunnetaan dekoherenssina, ja se rajaa kvanttimekaniikan kummallisuudet alkeishiukkasten tasolle. Samaan aikaan dekoherenssi kuitenkin muodostaa yhden suurimmista haitoista hyödyllisille kvanttiteknologioille. Tästä syystä on erittäin tärkeää ymmärtää erilaisia dekoherenssimalleja ja kuinka hallita niitä. Viime aikoina huomiota herättänyt reservimuuntelu on yksi tapa hallita dekoherenssia. Reservimuuntelulla tarkoitetaan ympäristön vapausasteiden ja niiden korrelaatioiden manipuloimista. Kyseisen tekniikan avulla voidaan muun muassa palauttaa ympäristöön vuotanutta informaatiota takaisin avoimiin kvanttisysteemeihin. Tämä ilmiö yhdistetään usein avointen kvanttisysteemien muistiin ja niiden dynamiikan epämarkovisuuteen. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan dekoherenssia ja reservimuuntelua lineaarisen optiikan viitekehyksessä. Tässä yhteydessä yksittäisten fotonien polarisaatiovapausaste muodostaa avoimen kvanttisysteemin. Aloitamme lyhyellä johdatuksella kvanttimekaniikan perusteisiin ja siirrymme vähitellen avointen kvanttisysteemien dynamiikkaan. Loput väitöskirjasta perustuu tieteellisiin alkuperäisjulkaisuihin I–VII. Johdamme kahden fotonin dekoherenssifunktiot ja osoitamme kuinka hallita näitä toisistaan riippumatta. Samoja menetelmiä soveltamalla kykenemme jopa kääntämään dekoherenssin suunnan. Tämä sallii kvanttiteleportaation ilman kietoutunutta kubittiparia, minkä osoitamme myös kokeellisesti. Tutkimme myös interferometreissä tapahtuvaa dekoherenssia kiinnittäen erityishuomiota fotonin reittitietoon Mach-Zehnder-interferometrissä ja fotonien ryhmittymiseen Hong-Ou-Mandel-interferometrissä. Monitoroimalla polarisaation käyttäytymistä voimme estimoida erilaisia parametreja näiden interferometrien tavanomaisen toiminta-alueen ulkopuolella. Interferenssialueella esitämme puolestaan numeerisia tuloksia, jotka viittaavat mahdollisuuteen rikkoa niin sanottu kvantti-Cramér-Rao-raja, vastaavanlaisiin arviointitehtäviin liittyvä herkkyysalaraja. Lopuksi tutkimme tällaisia dekoherenssiin perustuvia parametrien arviointitehtäviä vastakkaisesta näkökulmasta, eli kun dekoherenssimalli ei ole tunnettu, eikä sitä voi monitoroida. Implementoimme vaihtoehtoisen arviointiprotokollamme kahdessa kokeessa ja sovellamme tuloksiamme epämarkovisuuden todentamisessa yhtenä ajanhetkenä. Tyypillisesti tämä tehtävä vaatisi nimenomaan dynamiikan monitorointia

    Roadmap of optical communications

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    © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd. Lightwave communications is a necessity for the information age. Optical links provide enormous bandwidth, and the optical fiber is the only medium that can meet the modern society's needs for transporting massive amounts of data over long distances. Applications range from global high-capacity networks, which constitute the backbone of the internet, to the massively parallel interconnects that provide data connectivity inside datacenters and supercomputers. Optical communications is a diverse and rapidly changing field, where experts in photonics, communications, electronics, and signal processing work side by side to meet the ever-increasing demands for higher capacity, lower cost, and lower energy consumption, while adapting the system design to novel services and technologies. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this rich research field, Journal of Optics has invited 16 researchers, each a world-leading expert in their respective subfields, to contribute a section to this invited review article, summarizing their views on state-of-the-art and future developments in optical communications

    Satellite Communications

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    This study is motivated by the need to give the reader a broad view of the developments, key concepts, and technologies related to information society evolution, with a focus on the wireless communications and geoinformation technologies and their role in the environment. Giving perspective, it aims at assisting people active in the industry, the public sector, and Earth science fields as well, by providing a base for their continued work and thinking