110,455 research outputs found

    Cyclic Complexity of Words

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    We introduce and study a complexity function on words cx(n),c_x(n), called \emph{cyclic complexity}, which counts the number of conjugacy classes of factors of length nn of an infinite word x.x. We extend the well-known Morse-Hedlund theorem to the setting of cyclic complexity by showing that a word is ultimately periodic if and only if it has bounded cyclic complexity. Unlike most complexity functions, cyclic complexity distinguishes between Sturmian words of different slopes. We prove that if xx is a Sturmian word and yy is a word having the same cyclic complexity of x,x, then up to renaming letters, xx and yy have the same set of factors. In particular, yy is also Sturmian of slope equal to that of x.x. Since cx(n)=1c_x(n)=1 for some n1n\geq 1 implies xx is periodic, it is natural to consider the quantity lim infncx(n).\liminf_{n\rightarrow \infty} c_x(n). We show that if xx is a Sturmian word, then lim infncx(n)=2.\liminf_{n\rightarrow \infty} c_x(n)=2. We prove however that this is not a characterization of Sturmian words by exhibiting a restricted class of Toeplitz words, including the period-doubling word, which also verify this same condition on the limit infimum. In contrast we show that, for the Thue-Morse word tt, lim infnct(n)=+.\liminf_{n\rightarrow \infty} c_t(n)=+\infty.Comment: To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    Cyclic Complexity of Some Infinite Words and Generalizations

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    Cassaigne et al. introduced the cyclic complexity function c_x(n), which gives the number of cyclic conjugacy classes of length-n factors of a word x. We study the behavior of this function for the Fibonacci word f and the Thue–Morse word t. If φ = (1 + √5)/2, we show that lim sup_{n → 1} c_f(n)/n ≥ 2/φ² and conjecture that equality holds. Similarly, we show that lim sup_{n → 1} c_t(n)/n ≥ 2 and conjecture that equality holds. We also propose a generalization of the cyclic complexity function and suggest some directions for further investigation. Most results are obtained by computer proofs using Mousavi’s Walnut software.The first author was supported by an NSERC USRA. The second author was supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant

    Counting words of minimum length in an automorphic orbit

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    Let u be a cyclic word in a free group F_n of finite rank n that has the minimum length over all cyclic words in its automorphic orbit, and let N(u) be the cardinality of the set {v: |v|=|u| and v= \phi(u) for some \phi \in \text {Aut}F_n}. In this paper, we prove that N(u) is bounded by a polynomial function with respect to |u| under the hypothesis that if two letters x, y occur in u, then the total number of x and x^{-1} occurring in u is not equal to the total number of y and y^{-1} occurring in u. A complete proof without the hypothesis would yield the polynomial time complexity of Whitehead's algorithm for F_n.Comment: 35 pages, revised versio

    On the complexity of the Whitehead minimization problem

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    The Whitehead minimization problem consists in finding a minimum size element in the automorphic orbit of a word, a cyclic word or a finitely generated subgroup in a finite rank free group. We give the first fully polynomial algorithm to solve this problem, that is, an algorithm that is polynomial both in the length of the input word and in the rank of the free group. Earlier algorithms had an exponential dependency in the rank of the free group. It follows that the primitivity problem -- to decide whether a word is an element of some basis of the free group -- and the free factor problem can also be solved in polynomial time.Comment: v.2: Corrected minor typos and mistakes, improved the proof of the main technical lemma (Statement 2.4); added a section of open problems. 30 page

    On the Exact Evaluation of Certain Instances of the Potts Partition Function by Quantum Computers

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    We present an efficient quantum algorithm for the exact evaluation of either the fully ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic q-state Potts partition function Z for a family of graphs related to irreducible cyclic codes. This problem is related to the evaluation of the Jones and Tutte polynomials. We consider the connection between the weight enumerator polynomial from coding theory and Z and exploit the fact that there exists a quantum algorithm for efficiently estimating Gauss sums in order to obtain the weight enumerator for a certain class of linear codes. In this way we demonstrate that for a certain class of sparse graphs, which we call Irreducible Cyclic Cocycle Code (ICCC_\epsilon) graphs, quantum computers provide a polynomial speed up in the difference between the number of edges and vertices of the graph, and an exponential speed up in q, over the best classical algorithms known to date