12 research outputs found

    ChatGPT and Death of an Author

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    The proposed piece seeks to critically explore pedagogical implication of ChatGPT, especially on students’ capacities to author a text. The piece suggests that increased reliance on the ChatGPT, while provide short term solution to produce a text, in the long term it is likely to lead to ‘death of an author’. Here the usage of the phrase is a twist to earlier usage by Barthes- which refers to ‘death of an author’ where once the text is written, it gets re-created in readers’ reception and through interpretive act and imagination. The overarching argument of the paper emphasizes that technology is not neutral, especially in a context where its opacity has risen concerns about surveillance, control, and manipulation of human behavior, and therefore its infiltration in education begs critical questioning and sensitive e-value-ation. The discussion argues that rise of AI in education should be checked and not embraced uncritically, but rather it should be critically scrutinized, debated, and scaffolded through critical theoretical, pedagogical, and ethical references to counter its hegemonic and de-humanization of learning. For empirical part, the analysis draws upon reflections generated through a focus group discussion with four undergraduate students enrolled in a Bachelors degree in Computer Science who employed use of ChatGPT in preparing their speeches in context of a humanities course. The students found ChatGPT useful in terms of composing a text/speech and saving time and efforts. However, they realized that its use caused them loss of authentic learning, imagination and suppressed self’s voice. Based on the analysis, the piece shares further insights into pedagogic implications, and suggest a pedagogical scaffolding using critical pedagogical references of relationship between technology and human/learners’ values, distinction between information, knowledge, and wisdom, application and experiential learning references, and praxis in learning

    Designing Cybersecurity Awareness Solutions for the Young People in Rural Developing Countries: The Need for Diversity and Inclusion

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    Cybersecurity challenges and the need for awareness are well-recognized in developed countries, but this still needs attention in less-developed countries. With the expansion of technology, security concerns are also becoming more prevalent worldwide. This paper presents a design and creation research study exploring which factors we should consider when designing cybersecurity awareness solutions for young people in developing countries. We have developed prototypes of mini-cybersecurity awareness applications and conducted a pilot study with eight participants (aged 16-30) from Gambia, Eritrea, and Syria. Our findings show that factors like the influence of culture and social constructs, literacy, and language competence, the way of introducing cybersecurity terms and concepts, and the need for reflection are essential to consider when designing and developing cybersecurity awareness solutions for target users in developing countries. The findings of this study will guide future researchers to design more inclusive cybersecurity awareness solutions for users in developing countries.Comment: 17 page

    The Effectiveness of an Interactive WhatsApp Bot on Listening Skills

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    The present paper attempted to measure the effectiveness of an interactive WhatsApp bot on the listening skills of Omani English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. For this purpose, 40 Omani intermediate EFL learners were divided into two groups: a control and an experimental in a higher education institution. A pretest was conducted to ensure the homogeneity of listening skills among all the participants. While both groups received instructions and exercises on listening in class, an interactive WhatsApp bot was designed for the experimental group to receive more instructions and training without time and place limitations. Later, a posttest and a delayed posttest were conducted to compare learners’ performance. The study results showed smooth progress of both groups in listening exams during the posttest and delayed posttest; however, the experimental group’s performance was significantly high. The findings of the study are efficacious and helpful for teachers and learners

    Sweeter than honey: Are Gmail accounts associated with greater rewards at a higher risk of hijacking?

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    Objectives: This study investigates the effect of advertised rewards in credential leaks on the likelihood and speed of account hijacking. Methods: In an online field experiment, we created 176 honey Gmail accounts and randomly assigned them to eight different posts containing account credential leaks. We used a 2 × 2 experimental design, manipulating two key variables within the post titles: the number of accounts (5 K or 1.5 M) and the promise of access to additional platforms (absent or present). We then monitored the accounts for any subsequent activity. Results: Our findings indicate that the promise of access to additional platforms increased the likelihood and speed of an attempted access. Only 12 accounts were fully accessed, however, because most hijackers did not complete the second-factor authentication (2FA) process required for gaining full access. It seems that the 2FA acted as a deterrent to complete Gmail account hijacking. Conclusions: The study aligns with the rational choice perspective of crime, showing that the prospect of greater rewards leads to more attempted account accesses. Pre-registration: https://osf.io/9y26z

    A hybrid methodology to assess cyber resilience of IoT in energy management and connected sites

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    Cyber threats and vulnerabilities present an increasing risk to the safe and frictionless execution of business operations. Bad actors (“hackers”), including state actors, are increasingly targeting the operational technologies (OTs) and industrial control systems (ICSs) used to protect critical national infrastructure (CNI). Minimisations of cyber risk, attack surfaces, data immutability, and interoperability of IoT are some of the main challenges of today’s CNI. Cyber security risk assessment is one of the basic and most important activities to identify and quantify cyber security threats and vulnerabilities. This research presents a novel i-TRACE security-by-design CNI methodology that encompasses CNI key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to combat the growing vicarious nature of remote, well-planned, and well-executed cyber-attacks against CNI, as recently exemplified in the current Ukraine conflict (2014–present) on both sides. The proposed methodology offers a hybrid method that specifically identifies the steps required (typically undertaken by those responsible for detecting, deterring, and disrupting cyber attacks on CNI). Furthermore, we present a novel, advanced, and resilient approach that leverages digital twins and distributed ledger technologies for our chosen i-TRACE use cases of energy management and connected sites. The key steps required to achieve the desired level of interoperability and immutability of data are identified, thereby reducing the risk of CNI-specific cyber attacks and minimising the attack vectors and surfaces. Hence, this research aims to provide an extra level of safety for CNI and OT human operatives, i.e., those tasked with and responsible for detecting, deterring, disrupting, and mitigating these cyber-attacks. Our evaluations and comparisons clearly demonstrate that i-TRACE has significant intrinsic advantages compared to existing “state-of-the-art” mechanisms


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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the main opportunities and limitations of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The survey was defined with the aim to involve the highest possible number of relevant CSR topics and give the issue a more wholesome perspective. It provides a basis for further comprehension and deeper analyses of specific CSR areas. The conditions determining the success of CSR in Romania have been defined in the paper on the basis of the previously cumulative knowledge as well as the results of various researches. This paper provides knowledge which may be useful in the programs promoting CSR.Corporate social responsibility, Supportive policies, Romania

    Techniques for the quantitative evaluation of 3D simulation

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 29/11/2019El creciente numero de dispositivos conectados a Internet sumado a muchos factores socio-culturales a nivel mundial, tales como el envejecimiento de la población, han impulsado un aumento considerable del uso de la inteligencia ambiental para la construcción de soluciones tecnológicas que cubran necesidades concretas de las personas. Diseñar y construir este tipo de soluciones asistivas no es tarea fácil. El desarrollo de una solución para personas mayores u otras que lo requieran, es complicado no sólo por el coste que supone la adecuación del entorno sino también porque requieren de mucha adaptación a necesidades muy específicas de cada usuario. Además, tambien es importante tener en cuenta los distintos actores que intervienen (usuarios, cuidadores, familiares, expertos,ingenieros, entre otros), a los que de alguna forma hay que facilitarles su interacción en el proceso de desarrollo...The growing number of connected devices to Internet and many socio-cultural factor sworldwide, such as the ageing of the population, has led to a considerable increase in theuse of ambient intelligence for the construction of technological solutions that meet thespecic needs of the people. Designing and building this type of assistive solutions is not an easy task because the cost of adapting the environment and especially because they require a great deal of adaptation to the very specic needs of each user. In addition, it is also important to take into account the dierent actors involved (users, caregivers,family members, experts, engineers, among others), who somehow have to facilitate theirinteraction in the development process...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu