189 research outputs found

    Library strategies in the Cyber-Physical Society

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution leads to cyber-physical systems facilitating communication not only between machines and people, but between machines themselves (Straub, 2015). Such radical changes give rise to the cyber-physical society including not only the physical and virtual spaces, but the human social, and cultural sphere as well (Monostori 2019). Several professions and trades disappear and new ones emerge on the labour market while the skills required of employees have changed too (World Economy Forum, 2018). Hence the need for institutions capable of preparing people to meet such challenges becomes pressing. In the United States libraries are expected train the population for the use of technological devices brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution along with improving the respective digital competence levels (Horrigan, 2016). Furthermore, various international strategies and the changing learning environment assign new tasks for libraries. Thus in the 21st century, in addition to their traditional function libraries have to become -digital education centres -learning environments -on-line educational spaces. Based upon data obtained via computerized qualitative content analysis of international strategies my presentation focuses on the changing tasks and future perspectives of libraries

    Probabilistic resource space model for managing resources in cyber-physical society

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    Classification is the most basic method for organizing resources in the physical space, cyber space, socio space and mental space. To create a unified model that can effectively manage resources in different spaces is a challenge. The Resource Space Model RSM is to manage versatile resources with a multi-dimensional classification space. It supports generalization and specialization on multi-dimensional classifications. This paper introduces the basic concepts of RSM, and proposes the Probabilistic Resource Space Model, P-RSM, to deal with uncertainty in managing various resources in different spaces of the cyber-physical society. P-RSM’s normal forms, operations and integrity constraints are developed to support effective management of the resource space. Characteristics of the P-RSM are analyzed through experiments. This model also enables various services to be described, discovered and composed from multiple dimensions and abstraction levels with normal form and integrity guarantees. Some extensions and applications of the P-RSM are introduced

    Future of Libraries in the Cyber-Physical Society

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    A broadband polygonal cloak for acoustic wave designed with linear coordinate transformation

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    Previous acoustic cloaks designed with transformation acoustics always involve inhomogeneous material. In this paper, a design of acoustic polygonal cloak is proposed using linear polygonal transformation method. The designed acoustic polygonal cloak has homogeneous and anisotropic parameters, which is much easier to realize in practice. Furthermore, a possible acoustic metamaterial structure to realize the cloak is proposed. Simulation results on the real structure show that the metamaterial acoustic cloak is effective to reduce the scattering of the object.National Natural Science Foundation (China) (Grants 61322501, 61574127, and 61275183)Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (China) (NCET-12-0489)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of ChinaZhejiang University. Innovation Joint Research Center for Cyber-Physical-Society SystemChina Postdoctoral Science FoundationUnited States. Office of Naval Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant 2015M581930)Top-Notch Young Talents Program of Chin

    Valley-Hall photonic topological insulators with dual-band kink states

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    Extensive researches have revealed that valley, a binary degree of freedom (DOF), can be an excellent candidate of information carrier. Recently, valley DOF has been introduced into photonic systems, and several valley-Hall photonic topological insulators (PTIs) have been experimentally demonstrated. However, in the previous valley-Hall PTIs, topological kink states only work at a single frequency band, which limits potential applications in multiband waveguides, filters, communications, and so on. To overcome this challenge, here we experimentally demonstrate a valley-Hall PTI, where the topological kink states exist at two separated frequency bands, in a microwave substrate-integrated circuitry. Both the simulated and experimental results demonstrate the dual-band valley-Hall topological kink states are robust against the sharp bends of the internal domain wall with negligible inter-valley scattering. Our work may pave the way for multi-channel substrate-integrated photonic devices with high efficiency and high capacity for information communications and processing

    Realization of a three-dimensional photonic topological insulator

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    Confining photons in a finite volume is in high demand in modern photonic devices. This motivated decades ago the invention of photonic crystals, featured with a photonic bandgap forbidding light propagation in all directions. Recently, inspired by the discoveries of topological insulators (TIs), the confinement of photons with topological protection has been demonstrated in two-dimensional (2D) photonic structures known as photonic TIs, with promising applications in topological lasers and robust optical delay lines. However, a fully three-dimensional (3D) topological photonic bandgap has never before been achieved. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a 3D photonic TI with an extremely wide (> 25% bandwidth) 3D topological bandgap. The sample consists of split-ring resonators (SRRs) with strong magneto-electric coupling and behaves as a 'weak TI', or a stack of 2D quantum spin Hall insulators. Using direct field measurements, we map out both the gapped bulk bandstructure and the Dirac-like dispersion of the photonic surface states, and demonstrate robust photonic propagation along a non-planar surface. Our work extends the family of 3D TIs from fermions to bosons and paves the way for applications in topological photonic cavities, circuits, and lasers in 3D geometries
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