7 research outputs found

    Smart monitoring information system based on RF 433 Mhz (SMIS)

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    Many research works are devoted to the design of remote control systems of objects. Remote monitoring is among the technologies of data acquisition on a remote object and its characteristics without physical contact with it. These data can be collected by acoustic waves, the distribution of forces and electromagnetic energy to process them to locate the object and its characteristics. This paper presents a smart monitoring information system based on RF 433MHz, Arduinonano and arduinouno named SMIS

    Mobilemicroservices Architecture for Remote Monitoring of Patients : A Feasibility Study

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    Recent developments in smart mobile devices (SMDs), wearable sensors, the Internet, mobile networks, and computing power provide new healthcare opportunities that are not restricted geographically. This paper aims to introduce Mobilemicroservices Architecture (MMA) based on a study on architectures. In MMA, an HTTP-based Mobilemicroservivce (MM) is allocated to each SMD's sensor. The key benefits are extendibility, scalability, ease of use for the patient, security, and the possibility to collect raw data without the necessity to involve cloud services. Feasibility was investigated in a two-year project, where MMA-based solutions were used to collect motor function data from patients with Parkinson's disease. First, we collected motor function data from 98 patients and healthy controls during their visit to a clinic. Second, we monitored the same subjects in real-time for three days in their everyday living environment. These MMA applications represent HTTP-based business-logic computing in which the SMDs' resources are accessible globally.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard and homecare, a scoping review

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    The scoping review reported by this article aimed to analyze the state of the art of the use of Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) in the development of homecare applications and was informed by the following research questions: (i) what type of homecare applications benefit from the use of FHIR?; (ii) what FHIR resources are being implemented?; (iii) what publicly available development tools are being used?; and (iv) how privacy and security issues are being addressed? An electronic search was conducted, and 27 studies were included in the scoping review after the selection process. The results show a current interest in using FHIR to implement: i) applications to provide interoperable measurement devices for home monitoring; (ii) applications to remotely collected Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM); (iii) Personal Health Records (PHR); and (iv) specific applications for self-management. According to the results, the FHIR resources being implemented are quite diverse and contribute for the challenge of handling the variability caused by diverse healthcare processes. However, the use of publicly available development tools (e.g., SMART on FHIR or HAPI) is not yet generalized. Moreover, just a small number of studies reported the validation of the implemented resources using publicly available FHIR validators. Finally, in terms of privacy and security issues, different approaches were identified: authentication and authorizations mechanisms, end-to-end encrypted messaging mechanisms, and decentralized management and audit trail based on blockchain technologies.publishe

    Servicio web para el acceso a información sanitaria de pacientes renales

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    La e-Salud alude a la práctica de cuidados sanitarios apoyada en tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, introduciendo dichas tecnologías en la vida de los pacientes, y haciendo que participen de forma activa en el cuidado de su salud. Con un número cada vez mayor de sistemas de e-Salud trabajando conjuntamente, se hace necesario que interoperen e intercambien información con el fin de mejorar la atención a los pacientes, reducir costes y hacer sostenibles los complejos sistemas sanitarios. Hacer que sistemas independientes interoperen no es una tarea sencilla pues dichos sistemas pueden trabajar internamente de maneras muy distintas. Por ello se hace necesario que, de cara a comunicarse con otros sistemas, se utilice un lenguaje común que todos entiendan. Ese lenguaje común puede ser convenido entre cada par de sistemas (protocolo propietario) o adoptado desde un estándar de interoperabilidad en salud. Este trabajo tiene por objeto, el diseño y desarrollo de un servicio web, siguiendo la especificación Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) de la organización Health Level 7 (HL7), para el acceso a información sanitaria almacenada en la base de datos de un sistema de e-Salud para monitorización remota de pacientes renales. Aunque el dominio de aplicación del servicio es la patología renal, los resultados son extensibles a cualquier otro sistema que gestione información de pacientes crónicos. Previo al diseño del servicio web, se ha llevado a cabo un profundo estudio del estándar, así como de su estado actual y los principales sistemas que lo utilizan o planean utilizar, con el objetivo de enmarcar nuestro trabajo en el contexto actual.e-Health alludes to healthcare supported in TICs, introducing these technologies into patient’s lifes, and making them participate in an active way in their own health care. With a growing number of e-Salud systems working all together, it is increasingly necessary that they are able to interoperate and share information, in order to improve patient’s care, reduce costs and help the complex sanitary systems to be sustainable. Getting independent systems into working together it’s not an easy task, because those systems could internally work in so many different ways. It is because of that sort of things that we need a common language for the systems to communicate, a language understandable by all of them. That common language could be agreed between each pair of systems (proprietary protocol) or adopted from an interoperability standard in health. The aim of this work is the design and development of a web service, following the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) specification from the HealthLevel 7(HL7) organization, for access the healthcare information stored in an e-Salud system for remote monitoring of renal patients. Although the service application domain is renal pathology, results could be extended to any other system used to manage chronicle patient’s information. Previous to the design of web service, it has conducted a thorough study of the standard, its current status and major systems that use or plan to use, in order to frame our work in the current context.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    CyPhyS plus : A Reliable and Managed Cyber-Physical System for Old-age Home Healthcare over a 6LoWPAN using Wearable Motes

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    We present design and implementation of CyPhyS+, a comprehensive, low-cost and standards compliant Cyber-Physical System (CPS) using 6LoWPAN based Internet of Things for remote health monitoring of elderly staying in old-age homes. It is a closed-loop system that incorporates an end-to-end reliable message transfer scheme for the resource constrained environment, data security, real-time medical signal processing and data analytics, and FHIR/HL7 compliant web services. The low power operation of CyPhyS+ allows the CPS an extended uptime, ensuring connectivity to the medical sensors, via the Internet, anytime/anywhere. The end-to-end reliable and secure messaging mechanism of CyPhyS+ does not necessitate intermediate application end-points at the old-age homes. This enables easy deployment with low operational overheads, scalability as well as easy introduction of newer applications or application upgrades. The paper describes system architecture, design and implementation details of software and hardware sub-systems. HealthMote, a power efficient Bluetooth-6LoWPAN mote was designed and deployed as a sub-system. We describe the novel low power end-to-end multi-stage message reliability scheme for UDP based sensor applications that does not require intermediate application-aware devices within the network. The experimental results presented show the efficacy of the approach. CyPhyS+ employs an application performance aware SNMP based network monitoring for robust operations of the 6LoWPAN multihop network. It incorporates a 128-bit AES, CBC-MAC based encryption and authentication mechanism for security and privacy. CyPhyS+ is compliant with FHIR/HL7 standards framework, with support for RESTful FHIR, and medical data analytics of ECG. We report on the extensive field trials carried out across a city