1,017 research outputs found

    AUC Optimization from Multiple Unlabeled Datasets

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    Weakly supervised learning aims to empower machine learning when the perfect supervision is unavailable, which has drawn great attention from researchers. Among various types of weak supervision, one of the most challenging cases is to learn from multiple unlabeled (U) datasets with only a little knowledge of the class priors, or Um^m learning for short. In this paper, we study the problem of building an AUC (area under ROC curve) optimization model from multiple unlabeled datasets, which maximizes the pairwise ranking ability of the classifier. We propose Um^m-AUC, an AUC optimization approach that converts the Um^m data into a multi-label AUC optimization problem, and can be trained efficiently. We show that the proposed Um^m-AUC is effective theoretically and empirically

    Scalable large margin pairwise learning algorithms

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Classification is a major task in machine learning and data mining applications. Many of these applications involve building a classification model using a large volume of imbalanced data. In such an imbalanced learning scenario, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) has proven to be a reliable performance measure to evaluate a classifier. Therefore, it is desirable to develop scalable learning algorithms that maximize the AUC metric directly. The kernelized AUC maximization machines have established a superior generalization ability compared to linear AUC machines. However, the computational cost of the kernelized machines hinders their scalability. To address this problem, we propose a large-scale nonlinear AUC maximization algorithm that learns a batch linear classifier on approximate feature space computed via the k-means Nyström method. The proposed algorithm is shown empirically to achieve comparable AUC classification performance or even better than the kernel AUC machines, while its training time is faster by several orders of magnitude. However, the computational complexity of the linear batch model compromises its scalability when training sizable datasets. Hence, we develop a second-order online AUC maximization algorithms based on a confidence-weighted model. The proposed algorithms exploit the second-order information to improve the convergence rate and implement a fixed-size buffer to address the multivariate nature of the AUC objective function. We also extend our online linear algorithms to consider an approximate feature map constructed using random Fourier features in an online setting. The results show that our proposed algorithms outperform or are at least comparable to the competing online AUC maximization methods. Despite their scalability, we notice that online first and second-order AUC maximization methods are prone to suboptimal convergence. This can be attributed to the limitation of the hypothesis space. A potential improvement can be attained by learning stochastic online variants. However, the vanilla stochastic methods also suffer from slow convergence because of the high variance introduced by the stochastic process. We address the problem of slow convergence by developing a fast convergence stochastic AUC maximization algorithm. The proposed stochastic algorithm is accelerated using a unique combination of scheduled regularization update and scheduled averaging. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the state-of-the-art online and stochastic AUC maximization methods in terms of AUC classification accuracy. Moreover, we develop a proximal variant of our accelerated stochastic AUC maximization algorithm. The proposed method applies the proximal operator to the hinge loss function. Therefore, it evaluates the gradient of the loss function at the approximated weight vector. Experiments on several benchmark datasets show that our proximal algorithm converges to the optimal solution faster than the previous AUC maximization algorithms

    Exploring the Role of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in Dental Radiography Segmentation: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review

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    In the field of dentistry, there is a growing demand for increased precision in diagnostic tools, with a specific focus on advanced imaging techniques such as computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and traditional intra-oral periapical X-rays. Deep learning has emerged as a pivotal tool in this context, enabling the implementation of automated segmentation techniques crucial for extracting essential diagnostic data. This integration of cutting-edge technology addresses the urgent need for effective management of dental conditions, which, if left undetected, can have a significant impact on human health. The impressive track record of deep learning across various domains, including dentistry, underscores its potential to revolutionize early detection and treatment of oral health issues. Objective: Having demonstrated significant results in diagnosis and prediction, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent an emerging field of multidisciplinary research. The goals of this study were to provide a concise overview of the state of the art, standardize the current debate, and establish baselines for future research. Method: In this study, a systematic literature review is employed as a methodology to identify and select relevant studies that specifically investigate the deep learning technique for dental imaging analysis. This study elucidates the methodological approach, including the systematic collection of data, statistical analysis, and subsequent dissemination of outcomes. Conclusion: This work demonstrates how Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be employed to analyze images, serving as effective tools for detecting dental pathologies. Although this research acknowledged some limitations, CNNs utilized for segmenting and categorizing teeth exhibited their highest level of performance overall

    A Classification Framework for Imbalanced Data

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    As information technology advances, the demands for developing a reliable and highly accurate predictive model from many domains are increasing. Traditional classification algorithms can be limited in their performance on highly imbalanced data sets. In this dissertation, we study two common problems when training data is imbalanced, and propose effective algorithms to solve them. Firstly, we investigate the problem in building a multi-class classification model from imbalanced class distribution. We develop an effective technique to improve the performance of the model by formulating the problem as a multi-class SVM with an objective to maximize G-mean value. A ramp loss function is used to simplify and solve the problem. Experimental results on multiple real-world datasets confirm that our new method can effectively solve the multi-class classification problem when the datasets are highly imbalanced. Secondly, we explore the problem in learning a global classification model from distributed data sources with privacy constraints. In this problem, not only data sources have different class distributions but combining data into one central data is also prohibited. We propose a privacy-preserving framework for building a global SVM from distributed data sources. Our new framework avoid constructing a global kernel matrix by mapping non-linear inputs to a linear feature space and then solve a distributed linear SVM from these virtual points. Our method can solve both imbalance and privacy problems while achieving the same level of accuracy as regular SVM. Finally, we extend our framework to handle high-dimensional data by utilizing Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning to select a sparse combination of features and kernels. This new model produces a smaller set of features, but yields much higher accuracy


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    Questa tesi esplora l'integrazione dell'intelligenza artificiale (IA) in Otorinolaringoiatria – Chirurgia di Testa e Collo, concentrandosi sui progressi della computer vision per l’endoscopia e le procedure chirurgiche. La ricerca inizia con una revisione completa dello stato dell’arte dell'IA e della computer vision in questo campo, identificando aree per ulteriori sviluppi. L'obiettivo principale è stato quello di sviluppare un sistema di computer vision per l'analisi di immagini e video endoscopici. La ricerca ha coinvolto la progettazione di strumenti per la rilevazione e segmentazione di neoplasie nelle vie aerodigestive superiori (VADS) e la valutazione della motilità delle corde vocali, cruciale nella stadiazione del carcinoma laringeo. Inoltre, lo studio si è focalizzato sul potenziale dei foundation vision models, vision transformers basati su self-supervised learning, per ridurre la necessità di annotazione da parte di esperti, approccio particolarmente vantaggioso in campi con dati limitati. Inoltre, la ricerca ha incluso lo sviluppo di un'applicazione web per migliorare e velocizzare il processo di annotazione in endoscopia delle VADS, nell’ambito generale delle tecniche di MLOps. La tesi copre varie fasi della ricerca, a partire dalla definizione del quadro concettuale e della metodologia, denominata "Videomics". Include una revisione della letteratura sull'IA in endoscopia clinica, focalizzata sulla Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) e sulle reti neurali convoluzionali (CNN). Lo studio progredisce attraverso diverse fasi, dalla valutazione della qualità delle immagini endoscopiche alla caratterizzazione approfondita delle lesioni neoplastiche. Si affronta anche la necessità di standard nel reporting degli studi di computer vision in ambito medico e si valuta l'applicazione dell'IA in setting dinamici come la motilità delle corde vocali. Una parte significativa della ricerca indaga l'uso di algoritmi di computer vision generalizzati (“foundation models”) e la “commoditization” degli algoritmi di machine learning, utilizzando polipi nasali e il carcinoma orofaringeo come casi studio. Infine, la tesi discute lo sviluppo di ENDO-CLOUD, un sistema basato su cloud per l’analisi della videolaringoscopia, evidenziando le sfide e le soluzioni nella gestione dei dati e l’utilizzo su larga scala di modelli di IA nell'imaging medico.This thesis explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, focusing on advancements in computer vision for endoscopy and surgical procedures. It begins with a comprehensive review of AI and computer vision advancements in this field, identifying areas for further exploration. The primary aim was to develop a computer vision system for endoscopy analysis. The research involved designing tools for detecting and segmenting neoplasms in the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) and assessing vocal fold motility, crucial in laryngeal cancer staging. Further, the study delves into the potential of vision foundation models, like vision transformers trained via self-supervision, to reduce the need for expert annotations, particularly beneficial in fields with limited cases. Additionally, the research includes the development of a web application for enhancing and speeding up the annotation process in UADT endoscopy, under the umbrella of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). The thesis covers various phases of research, starting with defining the conceptual framework and methodology, termed "Videomics". It includes a literature review on AI in clinical endoscopy, focusing on Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The research progresses through different stages, from quality assessment of endoscopic images to in-depth characterization of neoplastic lesions. It also addresses the need for standards in medical computer vision study reporting and evaluates the application of AI in dynamic vision scenarios like vocal fold motility. A significant part of the research investigates the use of "general purpose" vision algorithms and the commoditization of machine learning algorithms, using nasal polyps and oropharyngeal cancer as case studies. Finally, the thesis discusses the development of ENDO-CLOUD, a cloud-based system for videolaryngoscopy, highlighting the challenges and solutions in data management and the large-scale deployment of AI models in medical imaging

    Dynamic Data Mining: Methodology and Algorithms

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    Supervised data stream mining has become an important and challenging data mining task in modern organizations. The key challenges are threefold: (1) a possibly infinite number of streaming examples and time-critical analysis constraints; (2) concept drift; and (3) skewed data distributions. To address these three challenges, this thesis proposes the novel dynamic data mining (DDM) methodology by effectively applying supervised ensemble models to data stream mining. DDM can be loosely defined as categorization-organization-selection of supervised ensemble models. It is inspired by the idea that although the underlying concepts in a data stream are time-varying, their distinctions can be identified. Therefore, the models trained on the distinct concepts can be dynamically selected in order to classify incoming examples of similar concepts. First, following the general paradigm of DDM, we examine the different concept-drifting stream mining scenarios and propose corresponding effective and efficient data mining algorithms. • To address concept drift caused merely by changes of variable distributions, which we term pseudo concept drift, base models built on categorized streaming data are organized and selected in line with their corresponding variable distribution characteristics. • To address concept drift caused by changes of variable and class joint distributions, which we term true concept drift, an effective data categorization scheme is introduced. A group of working models is dynamically organized and selected for reacting to the drifting concept. Secondly, we introduce an integration stream mining framework, enabling the paradigm advocated by DDM to be widely applicable for other stream mining problems. Therefore, we are able to introduce easily six effective algorithms for mining data streams with skewed class distributions. In addition, we also introduce a new ensemble model approach for batch learning, following the same methodology. Both theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate its effectiveness. Future work would be targeted at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms. Meantime, we would explore the possibilities of using the integration framework to solve other open stream mining research problems

    Frameworks in medical image analysis with deep neural networks

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    In recent years, deep neural network based medical image analysis has become quite powerful and achieved similar results performance-wise as experts. Consequently, the integration of these tools into the clinical routine as clinical decision support systems is highly desired. The benefits of automatic image analysis for clinicians are massive, ranging from improved diagnostic as well as treatment quality to increased time-efficiency through automated structured reporting. However, implementations in the literature revealed a significant lack of standardization in pipeline building resulting in low reproducibility, high complexity through extensive knowledge requirements for building state-of-the-art pipelines, and difficulties for application in clinical research. The main objective of this work is the standardization of pipeline building in deep neural network based medical image segmentation and classification. This is why the Python frameworks MIScnn for medical image segmentation and AUCMEDI for medical image classification are proposed which simplify the implementation process through intuitive building blocks eliminating the need for time-consuming and error-prone implementation of common components from scratch. The proposed frameworks include state-of-the-art methodology, follow outstanding open-source principles like extensive documentation as well as stability, offer rapid as well as simple application capabilities for deep learning experts as well as clinical researchers, and provide cutting-edge high-performance competitive with the strongest implementations in the literature. As secondary objectives, this work presents more than a dozen in-house studies as well as discusses various external studies utilizing the proposed frameworks in order to prove the capabilities of standardized medical image analysis. The presented studies demonstrate excellent predictive capabilities in applications ranging from COVID-19 detection in computed tomography scans to the integration into a clinical study workflow for Gleason grading of prostate cancer microscopy sections and advance the state-of-the-art in medical image analysis by simplifying experimentation setups for research. Furthermore, studies for increasing reproducibility in performance assessment of medical image segmentation are presented including an open-source metric library for standardized evaluation and a community guideline on proper metric usage. The proposed contributions in this work improve the knowledge representation of the field, enable rapid as well as high-performing applications, facilitate further research, and strengthen the reproducibility of future studies

    Personalized large scale classification of public tenders on hadoop

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    Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre Fujitsu Canada et Université Laval. Les besoins du projets ont été centrés sur une problématique d’affaire définie conjointement avec Fujitsu. Le projet consistait à classifier un corpus d’appels d’offres électroniques avec une approche orienté big data. L’objectif était d’identifier avec un très fort rappel les offres pertinentes au domaine d’affaire de l’entreprise. Après une séries d’expérimentations à petite échelle qui nous ont permise d’illustrer empiriquement (93% de rappel) l’efficacité de notre approche basé sur l’algorithme BNS (Bi-Normal Separation), nous avons implanté un système complet qui exploite l’infrastructure technologique big data Hadoop. Nos expérimentations sur le système complet démontrent qu’il est possible d’obtenir une performance de classification tout aussi efficace à grande échelle (91% de rappel) tout en exploitant les gains de performance rendus possible par l’architecture distribuée de Hadoop.This project was completed as part of an innovation partnership with Fujitsu Canada and Université Laval. The needs and objectives of the project were centered on a business problem defined jointly with Fujitsu. Our project aimed to classify a corpus of electronic public tenders based on state of the art Hadoop big data technology. The objective was to identify with high recall public tenders relevant to the IT services business of Fujitsu Canada. A small scale prototype based on the BNS algorithm (Bi-Normal Separation) was empirically shown to classify with high recall (93%) the public tender corpus. The prototype was then re-implemented on a full scale Hadoop cluster using Apache Pig for the data preparation pipeline and using Apache Mahout for classification. Our experimentation show that the large scale system not only maintains high recall (91%) on the classification task, but can readily take advantage of the massive scalability gains made possible by Hadoop’s distributed architecture

    Técnicas de análise de imagens para detecção de retinopatia diabética

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha. Jacques WainerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Retinopatia Diabética (RD) é uma complicação a longo prazo do diabetes e a principal causa de cegueira da população ativa. Consultas regulares são necessárias para diagnosticar a retinopatia em um estágio inicial, permitindo um tratamento com o melhor prognóstico capaz de retardar ou até mesmo impedir a cegueira. Alavancados pela evolução da prevalência do diabetes e pelo maior risco que os diabéticos têm de desenvolver doenças nos olhos, diversos trabalhos com abordagens bem estabelecidas e promissoras vêm sendo desenvolvidos para triagem automática de retinopatia. Entretanto, a maior parte dos trabalhos está focada na detecção de lesões utilizando características visuais particulares de cada tipo de lesão. Além do mais, soluções artesanais para avaliação de necessidade de consulta e de identificação de estágios da retinopatia ainda dependem bastante das lesões, cujo repetitivo procedimento de detecção é complexo e inconveniente, mesmo se um esquema unificado for adotado. O estado da arte para avaliação automatizada de necessidade de consulta é composto por abordagens que propõem uma representação altamente abstrata obtida inteiramente por meio dos dados. Usualmente, estas abordagens recebem uma imagem e produzem uma resposta ¿ que pode ser resultante de um único modelo ou de uma combinação ¿ e não são facilmente explicáveis. Este trabalho objetivou melhorar a detecção de lesões e reforçar decisões relacionadas à necessidade de consulta, fazendo uso de avançadas representações de imagens em duas etapas. Nós também almejamos compor um modelo sofisticado e direcionado pelos dados para triagem de retinopatia, bem como incorporar aprendizado supervisionado de características com representação orientada por mapa de calor, resultando em uma abordagem robusta e ainda responsável para triagem automatizada. Finalmente, tivemos como objetivo a integração das soluções em dispositivos portáteis de captura de imagens de retina. Para detecção de lesões, propusemos abordagens de caracterização de imagens que possibilitem uma detecção eficaz de diferentes tipos de lesões. Nossos principais avanços estão centrados na modelagem de uma nova técnica de codificação para imagens de retina, bem como na preservação de informações no processo de pooling ou agregação das características obtidas. Decidir automaticamente pela necessidade de encaminhamento do paciente a um especialista é uma investigação ainda mais difícil e muito debatida. Nós criamos um método mais simples e robusto para decisões de necessidade de consulta, e que não depende da detecção de lesões. Também propusemos um modelo direcionado pelos dados que melhora significativamente o desempenho na tarefa de triagem da RD. O modelo produz uma resposta confiável com base em respostas (locais e globais), bem como um mapa de ativação que permite uma compreensão de importância de cada pixel para a decisão. Exploramos a metodologia de explicabilidade para criar um descritor local codificado em uma rica representação em nível médio. Os modelos direcionados pelos dados são o estado da arte para triagem de retinopatia diabética. Entretanto, mapas de ativação são essenciais para interpretar o aprendizado em termos de importância de cada pixel e para reforçar pequenas características discriminativas que têm potencial de melhorar o diagnósticoAbstract: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a long-term complication of diabetes and the leading cause of blindness among working-age adults. A regular eye examination is necessary to diagnose DR at an early stage, when it can be treated with the best prognosis and the visual loss delayed or deferred. Leveraged by the continuous expansion of diabetics and by the increased risk that those people have to develop eye diseases, several works with well-established and promising approaches have been proposed for automatic screening. Therefore, most existing art focuses on lesion detection using visual characteristics specific to each type of lesion. Additionally, handcrafted solutions for referable diabetic retinopathy detection and DR stages identification still depend too much on the lesions, whose repetitive detection is complex and cumbersome to implement, even when adopting a unified detection scheme. Current art for automated referral assessment resides on highly abstract data-driven approaches. Usually, those approaches receive an image and spit the response out ¿ that might be resulting from only one model or ensembles ¿ and are not easily explainable. Hence, this work aims at enhancing lesion detection and reinforcing referral decisions with advanced handcrafted two-tiered image representations. We also intended to compose sophisticated data-driven models for referable DR detection and incorporate supervised learning of features with saliency-oriented mid-level image representations to come up with a robust yet accountable automated screening approach. Ultimately, we aimed at integrating our software solutions with simple retinal imaging devices. In the lesion detection task, we proposed advanced handcrafted image characterization approaches to detecting effectively different lesions. Our leading advances are centered on designing a novel coding technique for retinal images and preserving information in the pooling process. Automatically deciding on whether or not the patient should be referred to the ophthalmic specialist is a more difficult, and still hotly debated research aim. We designed a simple and robust method for referral decisions that does not rely upon lesion detection stages. We also proposed a novel and effective data-driven model that significantly improves the performance for DR screening. Our accountable data-driven model produces a reliable (local- and global-) response along with a heatmap/saliency map that enables pixel-based importance comprehension. We explored this methodology to create a local descriptor that is encoded into a rich mid-level representation. Data-driven methods are the state of the art for diabetic retinopathy screening. However, saliency maps are essential not only to interpret the learning in terms of pixel importance but also to reinforce small discriminative characteristics that have the potential to enhance the diagnosticDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE
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