98 research outputs found

    Language support for dynamic, hierarchical data partitioning

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    Master of Science

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    thesisDirect equivalence testing is a framework for detecting errors in C compilers and application programs that exploits the fact that program semantics should be preserved during the compilation process. Binaries generated from the same piece of code should remain equivalent irrespective of the compiler, or compiler optimizations, used. Compiler errors as well as program errors such as out of bounds memory access, stack over ow, and use of uninitialized local variables cause nonequivalence in the generated binaries. Direct equivalence testing has detected previously unknown errors in real world embedded software like TinyOS and in di fferent compilers like msp430-gcc and llvm-msp430

    Model checking large design spaces: Theory, tools, and experiments

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    In the early stages of design, there are frequently many different models of the system under development constituting a design space. The different models arise out of a need to weigh different design choices, to check core capabilities of system versions with varying features, or to analyze a future version against previous ones in the product line. Every unique combinations of choices yields competing system models that differ in terms of assumptions, implementations, and configurations. Formal verification techniques, like model checking, can aid system development by systematically comparing the different models in terms of functional correctness, however, applying model checking off-the-shelf may not scale due to the large size of the design spaces for today’s complex systems. We present scalable algorithms for design-space exploration using model checking that enable exhaustive comparison of all competing models in large design spaces. Model checking a design space entails checking multiple models and properties. Given a formal representation of the design space and properties expressing system specifications, we present algorithms that automatically prune the design space by finding inter-model relationships and property dependencies. Our design-space reduction technique is compatible with off-the-shelf model checkers, and only requires checking a small subset of models and properties to provide verification results for every model-property pair in the original design space. We evaluate our methodology on case-studies from NASA and Boeing; our techniques offer up to 9.4× speedup compared to traditional approaches. We observe that sequential enumeration of the design space generates models with small incremental differences. Typical model-checking algorithms do not take advantage of this information; they end up re-verifying “already-explored” state spaces across models. We present algorithms that learn and reuse information from solving related models against a property in sequential model-checking runs. We formalize heuristics to maximize reuse between runs by efficient “hashing” of models. Extensive experiments show that information reuse boosts runtime performance of sequential model-checking by up to 5.48×. Model checking design spaces often mandates checking several properties on individual models. State-of-the-art tools do not optimally exploit subproblem sharing between properties, leaving an opportunity to save verification resource via concurrent verification of “nearly-identical” properties. We present a near-linear runtime algorithm for partitioning properties into provably high-affinity groups for individual model-checking tasks. The verification effort expended for one property in a group can be directly reused to accelerate the verification of the others. The high-affinity groups may be refined based on semantic feedback, to provide an optimal multi-property localization solution. Our techniques significantly improve multi-property model-checking performance, and often yield \u3e4.0× speedup. Building upon these ideas, we optimize parallel verification to maximize the benefits of our proposed techniques. Model checking tools utilize parallelism, either in portfolio mode where different algorithm strategies run concurrently, or in partitioning mode where disjoint property subsets are verified independently. However, both approaches often degrade into highly-redundant work across processes, or under-utilize available processes. We propose methods to minimize redundant computation, and dynamically optimize work distribution when checking multiple properties for individual models. Our techniques offer a median 2.4× speedup for complex parallel verification tasks with thousands of properties

    Thirty-seven years of relational Hoare logic: remarks on its principles and history

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    Relational Hoare logics extend the applicability of modular, deductive verification to encompass important 2-run properties including dependency requirements such as confidentiality and program relations such as equivalence or similarity between program versions. A considerable number of recent works introduce different relational Hoare logics without yet converging on a core set of proof rules. This paper looks backwards to little known early work. This brings to light some principles that clarify and organize the rules as well as suggesting a new rule and a new notion of completeness.Comment: A version appears in proceedings of ISOLA 2020. Version2: fix typos, minor clarifications, add a citation. Version3: copy edits, add citations on completeness. Version 4: minor corrections. Version 5: restore missing precond in loop rul

    Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers

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    ManuscriptCompilers should be correct. To improve the quality of C compilers, we created Csmith, a randomized test-case generation tool, and spent three years using it to find compiler bugs. During this period we reported more than 325 previously unknown bugs to compiler developers. Every compiler we tested was found to crash and also to silently generate wrong code when presented with valid input. In this paper we present our compiler-testing tool and the results of our bug-hunting study. Our first contribution is to advance the state of the art in compiler testing. Unlike previous tools, Csmith generates programs that cover a large subset of C while avoiding the undefined and unspecified behaviors that would destroy its ability to automatically find wrong-code bugs. Our second contribution is a collection of qualitative and quantitative results about the bugs we have found in open-source C compilers

    Automated incremental software verification

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    Software continuously evolves to meet rapidly changing human needs. Each evolved transformation of a program is expected to preserve important correctness and security properties. Aiming to assure program correctness after a change, formal verification techniques, such as Software Model Checking, have recently benefited from fully automated solutions based on symbolic reasoning and abstraction. However, the majority of the state-of-the-art model checkers are designed that each new software version has to be verified from scratch. In this dissertation, we investigate the new Formal Incremental Verification (FIV) techniques that aim at making software analysis more efficient by reusing invested efforts between verification runs. In order to show that FIV can be built on the top of different verification techniques, we focus on three complementary approaches to automated formal verification. First, we contribute the FIV technique for SAT-based Bounded Model Checking developed to verify programs with (possibly recursive) functions with respect to the set of pre-defined assertions. We present the function-summarization framework based on Craig interpolation that allows extracting and reusing over- approximations of the function behaviors. We introduce the algorithm to revalidate the summaries of one program locally in order to prevent re-verification of another program from scratch. Second, we contribute the technique for simulation relation synthesis for loop-free programs that do not necessarily contain assertions. We introduce an SMT-based abstraction- refinement algorithm that proceeds by guessing a relation and checking whether it is a simulation relation. We present a novel algorithm for discovering simulations symbolically, by means of solving ∀∃-formulas and extracting witnessing Skolem relations. Third, we contribute the FIV technique for SMT-based Unbounded Model Checking developed to verify programs with (possibly nested) loops. We present an algorithm that automatically derives simulations between programs with different loop structures. The automatically synthesized simulation relation is then used to migrate the safe inductive invariants across the evolution boundaries. Finally, we contribute the implementation and evaluation of all our algorithmic contributions, and confirm that the state-of-the-art model checking tools can successfully be extended by the FIV capabilities

    Translating Clojure to ACL2 for Verification

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    Software spends a significant portion of its life-cycle in the maintenance phase and over 20\% of the maintenance effort is fixing defects. Formal methods, including verification, can reduce the number of defects in software and lower corrective maintenance, but their industrial adoption has been underwhelming. A significant barrier to adoption is the overhead of converting imperative programming languages, which are common in industry, into the declarative programming languages that are used by formal methods tools. In comparison, the verification of software written in declarative programming languages is much easier because the conversion into a formal methods tool is easier. The growing popularity of declarative programming --- evident from the rise of multi-paradigm languages such as Javascript, Ruby, and Scala --- affords us the opportunity to verify the correctness of software more easily. Clojure is a declarative language released in 2007 that compiles to bytecode that executes on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Despite being a newer, declarative programming language, several companies have already used it to develop commercial products. Clojure shares a Lisp syntax with ACL2, an interactive theorem prover that is used to verify the correctness of software. Since both languages are based on Lisp, code written in either Clojure or ACL2 is easily converted to the other. Therefore, Clojure can conceivably be verified by ACL2 with limited overhead assuming that the underlying behavior of Clojure code matches that of ACL2. ACL2 has been previously used to reason about Java programs through the use of formal models of the JVM. Since Clojure compiles to JVM bytecode, a similar approach is taken in this dissertation to verify the underlying implementation of Clojure. The research presented in this dissertation advances techniques to verify Clojure code in ACL2. Clojure and ACL2 are declarative, but they are specifically functional programming languages so the research focuses on two important concepts in functional programming and verification: arbitrary-precision numbers ("bignums") and lists. For bignums, the correctness of a model of addition is verified that addresses issues that arise from the unique representation of bignums in Clojure. Lists, in Clojure, are implemented as a type of sequence. This dissertation demonstrates an abstraction that equates Clojure sequences to ACL2 lists. In support of the research, an existing ACL2 model of the JVM is modified to address specific aspects of compiled Clojure code and the new model is used to verify the correctness of core Clojure functions with respect to corresponding ACL2 functions. The results support the ideas that ACL2 can be used to reason about Clojure code and that formal methods can be integrated more easily in industrial software development when the implementation corresponds semantically to the verification model

    Dynamic Logic for an Intermediate Language: Verification, Interaction and Refinement

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    This thesis is about ensuring that software behaves as it is supposed to behave. More precisely, it is concerned with the deductive verification of the compliance of software implementations with their formal specification. Two successful ideas in program verification are integrated into a new approach: dynamic logic and intermediate verification language. The well-established technique of refinement is used to decompose the difficult task of program verification into two easier tasks

    Software Model Checking with Uninterpreted Functions

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    Software model checkers attempt to algorithmically synthesize an inductive proof that a piece of software is safe. Such proofs are composed of complex logical assertions about program variables and control structures, and are computationally expensive to produce. Our unifying motivation is to increase the efficiency of verifying software control behavior despite its dependency on data. Control properties include important topics such as mutual exclusion, safe privilege elevation, and proper usage of networking and other APIs. These concerns motivate our techniques and evaluations. Our approach integrates an efficient abstraction procedure based on the logic of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF) into the core of a modern model checker. Our checker, called euforia, targets control properties by treating a program's data operations and relations as uninterpreted functions and predicates, respectively. This reduces the cost of building inductive proofs, especially for verifying control relationships in the presence of complex but irrelevant data processing. We show that our method is sound and terminates. We provide a ground-up implementation and evaluate the abstraction on a variety of software verification benchmarks. We show how to extend this abstraction to memory-manipulating programs. By judicious abstraction of array operations to EUF, we show that we can directly reason about array reads and adaptively learn lemmas about array writes leading to significant performance improvements over existing approaches. We show that our abstraction of array operations completely eliminates much of the array theory reasoning otherwise required. We report on experiments with and without abstraction and compare our checker to the state of the art. Programs with procedures pose unique difficulties and opportunities. We show how to retrofit a model checker not supporting procedures so that it supports modular analysis of programs with non-recursive procedures. This technique applies to euforia as well as other logic-based algorithms. We show that this technique enables logical assertions about procedure bodies to be reused at different call sites. We report on experiments on software benchmarks compared to the alternative of inlining all procedures.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/168092/1/dlbueno_1.pd