9,346 research outputs found

    A framework for measuring & improving CX : white paper

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    A growing number of global organisations are using the Customer Experience Management (CEM) Maturity Model to benchmark their customer experience development and identify where improvements need to be made. And the architects of the framework are now sharing the Model and the accompanying staff questionnaire to support your efforts to measure and improve your organisation's customer experience management. Developed by DHL Freight in conjunction with Strathclyde University Business School, Ovum and Gallup, the CEM Maturity Model is a proven framework to aid all organisations, no matter if they are just embarking on their CEM journey or are already well underway

    Characterizing Customer Experience Management in Business Markets

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    Managing the customer experience has become a top priority for marketing managers and researchers. Research on customer experience management (CEM) has traditionally adopted a customer’s viewpoint. Few studies have explicitly embraced an organizational perspective, and existing research focuses mainly on business-to-consumer settings. The present study espouses the utility of CEM in business-to-business (B2B) settings on the grounds that interactions in B2B contexts are also “experienced”. It explains how B2B firms can design and manage the customer experience to influence the customer at different touchpoints. The paper develops a comprehensive framework that characterizes CEM in B2B. The paper articulates key challenges for B2B CEM; relationship expectations (mismatches in customer relationships, siloed customer experiences); actor interaction issues (mismatches across the customer’s journey, lack of touchpoint control); and temporal challenges (dynamics of the customer experience). The paper draws out the theoretical implications and develops managerial implications for B2B firms

    Incorporating Customer Experience Management Concepts within your Executive MBA Program

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    The primary thesis of this research is to illustrate the importance of Customer Experience Management (CEM) and why CEM principles must be rigorously applied to the successful management and execution of Executive MBA programs

    Faktor-Faktor Customer Experience Management Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Peningkatan Citra Telkom Speedy Pada PT TELKOM Kandatel Bekasi

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    Speedy as PT. Telkom Product is facing a high competition in internet services provider business. The product functional value is not sufficient to win the competition but it is need the internet service image as product image. Nowadays, Consumer perspective about product image is determined by their experiences. This is the reason behind Customer Experience Management (CEM) which defines as a process of managing customer experiences through company products or services. The factors of CEM are product, service, channel, promotion and brand. The research objectives at PT. Telkom Kandatel Bekasi are (1) to identify CEM factors of SPEEDY (2) to identify which CEM factors are influencing product image, (3) to indentify dominant CEM factor which influencing product imager (4) to recommend the effective implementation of CEM. The research showed 68,8 percent CEM factors were influencing Telkom Speedy image, which there are three factors e.g. product, promotion and brand were partially influenced Telkom Speedy image. Product was the most dominant factors of CEM which influenced image. The research recommended PT. Telkom to improve the quality of Telkom Speedy through speed of internet access improvement, front liners services, and promotion, to manage customer experience

    Meanings and practices of customer experience managment.

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    The notion of creating a superior customer experience is increasingly determining business focus and shaping marketing practice. The strategic role of customer experience management (CEM) is evidenced in the central role customer experience has in mission statements of prominent companies and the addition of customer-dedicated teams and senior-ranking roles. The use of the term “experience” both signifies and imposes a shift in marketing management thinking and practice because an experience, unlike a product or service, by definition, is always from the point of view of the person doing the ‘experiencing’ (e.g. the customer). Despite its prominence and popularity in practice, it is unclear what customer experience management (CEM) as an overall business focus means or entails. This research comprises a doctoral thesis presented in ‘paper format’, presenting the work in the form of four papers in journal paper style rather than in the style of a monograph. The research is conducted in three phases ((1) a systematic literature review of the field, (2) longitudinal multi-informant case studies and (3) new multidimensional scale development) with the aim of answering the overall research question of, what are the meanings and practices of customer experience management? The thesis contributes to CEM literature and theory and provides several contributions to practice. Key contributions of this research are (1) systematically identifying a comprehensive and integrative body of CEM literature, (2) developing a grounded-theory firm-side conceptualization of CEM practice and organizational values, (3) demarcating CEM from market orientation (i.e. a prevalent firm-wide marketing management approach) and proposing an updated and distinctive orientation relabelled customer experience orientation (CXO) and (4) developing a scale for measuring CEM organizational values and exploring their associations with performance outcomes. The thesis concludes with a discussion of limitations and directions for future research.PhD in Leadership and Managemen

    Customer Experience Management: Topology, Antecedents, And Outcome

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    Academic research on Customer Experience Management (CEM) is still inconclusive although it is an important element in exploring customer experience. This limitation calls for a systematic theorization and operationalization of CEM. To this end, this study employed a sequential mixed-method methodology to identify the CEM topology and its antecedents and outcome in the Malaysian hotel industry. An exploratory study was first conducted to develop this model based on the triangulation between data from a set of best-practice reviews, interviews, and observations. The proposed model was then tested through a survey and analyzed by using structural equation modeling via Smart PLS. This study reconceptualized customer experience in the context of the service industry based on the experiential values that are detectable, memorable, manageable, distinguishable, and personalizable. Accordingly, CEM topology was operationalized as an organizational competency to manage experiential values co-creation (emotional, sensorial, behavioral, intellectual, relational, and interactional values). Customer relationship management, employee experience management, innovation management, and experiential marketing were identified as the key antecedents and marketing performance as the main outcome. The findings revealed the relative importance of the CEM antecedents. Apparently, CRM drives behavioral, relational and interactional experience management whilst innovation management drives emotional, sensorial and intellectual experience management

    Literature Review - the Role of innovations in Customer Experience Management

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    My literature review topic is the role of innovations in Customer Experience Management. It aims to give a reader a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of customer experience and customer experience management (CEM). This thesis also aims to form an understand-ing of the important role that innovations play in customer experience and how these innova-tions are essential for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. In the paper I mainly focus on service and product innovations since they are distinctly valuable for customers and customer experience management. The review will also cover digital customer experience innovations that are highly current and actually one of the most important and disruptive in-novations of 2010s. The first part of the thesis reviews the literature and research about customer experience management and defines the concept as a whole. It focuses on the prospects of customer ex-perience management and point out to executives, why customer experience management (CEM) is worth the bother. In the second part of the paper the concept of innovation is de-scribed and especially literature about digital customer experience innovations and digital environment is reviewed. The third part combines these two concepts and forms a totality of them. It discovers the significance and importance of customer experience innovations in or-der for companies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. In the paper I discover that even though the benefits of customer experience management are widely recognized, companies still struggle to use it in practice and some even ignore it completely. It has been proven that most of the companies that have customer experience maturity levels above average have better financial reports than their competitors. This sup-ports the argument that companies can no longer differentiate themselves from competitors by solely on physical elements, such as product features or price. The vital differences are found in the brand, in the perception and feel of a company, all of which are central elements in customer experience. This has led to customer experience and customer experience inno-vations especially becoming the key competitive factors in more and more industries. In the competitive and global environment the need and demand for innovations is now greater than ever. Customer collaboration in creating successful customer experience innovations is vital and supported by thesis’s marketing theory

    Customer Experience Management

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    Im Zuge der allgemeinen Digitalisierung entwickelt sich das Customer Experience Management (CEM) auf Konsumentenmärkten zu einem zentralen Innovations- und Kundenloyalitätstreiber (e.g.,Eberwein and Luyken 2009; Jaruzelski, Loehr, and Holman 2011). In der Praxis erachten nur 7% von 200 Unternehmen ihre CEM Initiativen als bereits effektiv durchdacht (Temkin Group 2012). In der Forschung fehlen die konzeptuellen Grundlagen für ein besseres Verständnis wichtiger Unternehmensimplikationen