6,293 research outputs found

    The Inferred Cardiogenic Gene Regulatory Network in the Mammalian Heart

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    Cardiac development is a complex, multiscale process encompassing cell fate adoption, differentiation and morphogenesis. To elucidate pathways underlying this process, a recently developed algorithm to reverse engineer gene regulatory networks was applied to time-course microarray data obtained from the developing mouse heart. Approximately 200 genes of interest were input into the algorithm to generate putative network topologies that are capable of explaining the experimental data via model simulation. To cull specious network interactions, thousands of putative networks are merged and filtered to generate scale-free, hierarchical networks that are statistically significant and biologically relevant. The networks are validated with known gene interactions and used to predict regulatory pathways important for the developing mammalian heart. Area under the precision-recall curve and receiver operator characteristic curve are 9% and 58%, respectively. Of the top 10 ranked predicted interactions, 4 have already been validated. The algorithm is further tested using a network enriched with known interactions and another depleted of them. The inferred networks contained more interactions for the enriched network versus the depleted network. In all test cases, maximum performance of the algorithm was achieved when the purely data-driven method of network inference was combined with a data-independent, functional-based association method. Lastly, the network generated from the list of approximately 200 genes of interest was expanded using gene-profile uniqueness metrics to include approximately 900 additional known mouse genes and to form the most likely cardiogenic gene regulatory network. The resultant network supports known regulatory interactions and contains several novel cardiogenic regulatory interactions. The method outlined herein provides an informative approach to network inference and leads to clear testable hypotheses related to gene regulation

    Parsimonious Time Series Clustering

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    We introduce a parsimonious model-based framework for clustering time course data. In these applications the computational burden becomes often an issue due to the number of available observations. The measured time series can also be very noisy and sparse and a suitable model describing them can be hard to define. We propose to model the observed measurements by using P-spline smoothers and to cluster the functional objects as summarized by the optimal spline coefficients. In principle, this idea can be adopted within all the most common clustering frameworks. In this work we discuss applications based on a k-means algorithm. We evaluate the accuracy and the efficiency of our proposal by simulations and by dealing with drosophila melanogaster gene expression data

    A data-driven clustering method for time course gene expression data

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    Gene expression over time is, biologically, a continuous process and can thus be represented by a continuous function, i.e. a curve. Individual genes often share similar expression patterns (functional forms). However, the shape of each function, the number of such functions, and the genes that share similar functional forms are typically unknown. Here we introduce an approach that allows direct discovery of related patterns of gene expression and their underlying functions (curves) from data without a priori specification of either cluster number or functional form. Smoothing spline clustering (SSC) models natural properties of gene expression over time, taking into account natural differences in gene expression within a cluster of similarly expressed genes, the effects of experimental measurement error, and missing data. Furthermore, SSC provides a visual summary of each cluster's gene expression function and goodness-of-fit by way of a ‘mean curve’ construct and its associated confidence bands. We apply this method to gene expression data over the life-cycle of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans to discover 17 and 16 unique patterns of gene expression in each species, respectively. New and previously described expression patterns in both species are discovered, the majority of which are biologically meaningful and exhibit statistically significant gene function enrichment. Software and source code implementing the algorithm, SSClust, is freely available ()

    Som-Based Class Discovery Exploring the ICA-Reduced Features of Microarray Expression Profiles

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    Gene expression datasets are large and complex, having many variables and unknown internal structure. We apply independent component analysis (ICA) to derive a less redundant representation of the expression data. The decomposition produces components with minimal statistical dependence and reveals biologically relevant information. Consequently, to the transformed data, we apply cluster analysis (an important and popular analysis tool for obtaining an initial understanding of the data, usually employed for class discovery). The proposed self-organizing map (SOM)-based clustering algorithm automatically determines the number of ‘natural’ subgroups of the data, being aided at this task by the available prior knowledge of the functional categories of genes. An entropy criterion allows each gene to be assigned to multiple classes, which is closer to the biological representation. These features, however, are not achieved at the cost of the simplicity of the algorithm, since the map grows on a simple grid structure and the learning algorithm remains equal to Kohonen’s one

    Noise resistant generalized parametric validity index of clustering for gene expression data

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Validity indices have been investigated for decades. However, since there is no study of noise-resistance performance of these indices in the literature, there is no guideline for determining the best clustering in noisy data sets, especially microarray data sets. In this paper, we propose a generalized parametric validity (GPV) index which employs two tunable parameters α and β to control the proportions of objects being considered to calculate the dissimilarities. The greatest advantage of the proposed GPV index is its noise-resistance ability, which results from the flexibility of tuning the parameters. Several rules are set to guide the selection of parameter values. To illustrate the noise-resistance performance of the proposed index, we evaluate the GPV index for assessing five clustering algorithms in two gene expression data simulation models with different noise levels and compare the ability of determining the number of clusters with eight existing indices. We also test the GPV in three groups of real gene expression data sets. The experimental results suggest that the proposed GPV index has superior noise-resistance ability and provides fairly accurate judgements

    A mathematical and computational framework for quantitative comparison and integration of large-scale gene expression data

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    Analysis of large-scale gene expression studies usually begins with gene clustering. A ubiquitous problem is that different algorithms applied to the same data inevitably give different results, and the differences are often substantial, involving a quarter or more of the genes analyzed. This raises a series of important but nettlesome questions: How are different clustering results related to each other and to the underlying data structure? Is one clustering objectively superior to another? Which differences, if any, are likely candidates to be biologically important? A systematic and quantitative way to address these questions is needed, together with an effective way to integrate and leverage expression results with other kinds of large-scale data and annotations. We developed a mathematical and computational framework to help quantify, compare, visualize and interactively mine clusterings. We show that by coupling confusion matrices with appropriate metrics (linear assignment and normalized mutual information scores), one can quantify and map differences between clusterings. A version of receiver operator characteristic analysis proved effective for quantifying and visualizing cluster quality and overlap. These methods, plus a flexible library of clustering algorithms, can be called from a new expandable set of software tools called CompClust 1.0 (). CompClust also makes it possible to relate expression clustering patterns to DNA sequence motif occurrences, protein–DNA interaction measurements and various kinds of functional annotations. Test analyses used yeast cell cycle data and revealed data structure not obvious under all algorithms. These results were then integrated with transcription motif and global protein–DNA interaction data to identify G(1) regulatory modules

    Methods for evaluating clustering algorithms for gene expression data using a reference set of functional classes

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    BACKGROUND: A cluster analysis is the most commonly performed procedure (often regarded as a first step) on a set of gene expression profiles. In most cases, a post hoc analysis is done to see if the genes in the same clusters can be functionally correlated. While past successes of such analyses have often been reported in a number of microarray studies (most of which used the standard hierarchical clustering, UPGMA, with one minus the Pearson's correlation coefficient as a measure of dissimilarity), often times such groupings could be misleading. More importantly, a systematic evaluation of the entire set of clusters produced by such unsupervised procedures is necessary since they also contain genes that are seemingly unrelated or may have more than one common function. Here we quantify the performance of a given unsupervised clustering algorithm applied to a given microarray study in terms of its ability to produce biologically meaningful clusters using a reference set of functional classes. Such a reference set may come from prior biological knowledge specific to a microarray study or may be formed using the growing databases of gene ontologies (GO) for the annotated genes of the relevant species. RESULTS: In this paper, we introduce two performance measures for evaluating the results of a clustering algorithm in its ability to produce biologically meaningful clusters. The first measure is a biological homogeneity index (BHI). As the name suggests, it is a measure of how biologically homogeneous the clusters are. This can be used to quantify the performance of a given clustering algorithm such as UPGMA in grouping genes for a particular data set and also for comparing the performance of a number of competing clustering algorithms applied to the same data set. The second performance measure is called a biological stability index (BSI). For a given clustering algorithm and an expression data set, it measures the consistency of the clustering algorithm's ability to produce biologically meaningful clusters when applied repeatedly to similar data sets. A good clustering algorithm should have high BHI and moderate to high BSI. We evaluated the performance of ten well known clustering algorithms on two gene expression data sets and identified the optimal algorithm in each case. The first data set deals with SAGE profiles of differentially expressed tags between normal and ductal carcinoma in situ samples of breast cancer patients. The second data set contains the expression profiles over time of positively expressed genes (ORF's) during sporulation of budding yeast. Two separate choices of the functional classes were used for this data set and the results were compared for consistency. CONCLUSION: Functional information of annotated genes available from various GO databases mined using ontology tools can be used to systematically judge the results of an unsupervised clustering algorithm as applied to a gene expression data set in clustering genes. This information could be used to select the right algorithm from a class of clustering algorithms for the given data set