1,801 research outputs found

    Rational Spline with Interval and Point Tension

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    Data visualization using rational spline interpolation

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    AbstractA smooth curve interpolation scheme for positive, monotonic, and convex data has been developed. This scheme uses piecewise rational cubic functions. The two families of parameters, in the description of the rational interpolant, have been constrained to preserve the shape of the data. The rational spline scheme has a unique representation. The degree of smoothness attained is C1

    Rational Cubic Ball Interpolants For Shape Preserving Curves And Surfaces

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    Interpolan pengekalan bentuk adalah satu teknik rekabentuk lengkung/ permukaan yang sangat penting dalam CAD/-CAM dan rekabentuk geometric Shape preserving interpolation is an essential curve/surface design technique in CAD/CAM and geometric desig

    Constrained Interpolation By Parametric Rational Cubic Splines

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    Interpolasi terkekang adalah berguna dalam masalah seperti mereka bentuk sebuah Iengkung yang perlu dihadkan dalam suatu kawasan tertentu. Dalam disertasi ini, kami membincangkan interpolasi terkekang dengan menggunakan splin kubik nisbah yang diperkenalkan dalam (Goodman et aI, 1991). Terdapat dua kaedah pengubahsuaian lengkung disarankan, kaedah yang melibatkan modifikasi pemberat a,p berkaitan dengan titik hujung segmen lengkung dibincangkan dalam disertasi ini. Skim ini memperoleh sebuah G2 lengkung interpolasi yang terletak di sebelah garis-garis yang diberikan seperti data yang diberikan. Sebagai perkembangan daripada kertas ini, kami akan memperoleh satu skim interpolasi terkekang altematif dengan menggunakan lengkung kubik nisbah. Pemberat n, e yang berkaitan dengan titik kawalan dalaman diubah suai untuk memperoleh sebuah G1 lengkung interpolasi yang terletak di sebelah garis-garis yang diberikan seperti data yang diberikan. Constrained interpolation could be useful in problem like designing a curve that must be restricted within a specified region. In this dissertation, we discuss constrained interpolation using rational cubic splines introduced in (Goodman et aI, 1991). There are two curve modification methods suggested and the one which involves modification of the weights a ,fJ associated with the end points of the curve segments is discussed in this dissertation. This scheme obtains a G2 interpolating curve which lies on one side of the given lines as the given data. Extension from this paper, we will derive an alternative constrained interpolation scheme using rational cubic curve. The weights Q , e associated with the inner control points are modified to obtain a G1 interpolating curve which lies on one side of the given lines as the given data

    Shape Designing of Engineering Images Using Rational Spline Interpolation

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    In modern days, engineers encounter a remarkable range of different engineering problems like study of structure, structure properties, and designing of different engineering images, for example, automotive images, aerospace industrial images, architectural designs, shipbuilding, and so forth. This paper purposes an interactive curve scheme for designing engineering images. The purposed scheme furnishes object designing not just in the area of engineering, but it is equally useful for other areas including image processing (IP), Computer Graphics (CG), Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). As a method, a piecewise rational cubic spline interpolant, with four shape parameters, has been purposed. The method provides effective results together with the effects of derivatives and shape parameters on the shape of the curves in a local and global manner. The spline method, due to its most generalized description, recovers various existing rational spline methods and serves as an alternative to various other methods including v-splines, gamma splines, weighted splines, and beta splines

    Parametric Spiral And Its Application As Transition Curve

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    Lengkung Bezier merupakan suatu perwakilan lengkungan yang paling popular digunakan di dalam applikasi Rekabentuk Berbantukan Komputer (RBK) dan Rekabentuk Geometrik Berbantukan Komputer (RGBK). The Bezier curve representation is frequently utilized in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided geometric design (CAGD) applications. The curve is defined geometrically, which means that the parameters have geometric meaning; they are just points in three-dimensional space