1,802 research outputs found

    Curvature-based sparse rule base generation for fuzzy rule interpolation

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    Fuzzy logic has been successfully widely utilised in many real-world applications. The most common application of fuzzy logic is the rule-based fuzzy inference system, which is composed of mainly two parts including an inference engine and a fuzzy rule base. Conventional fuzzy inference systems always require a rule base that fully covers the entire problem domain (i.e., a dense rule base). Fuzzy rule interpolation (FRI) makes inference possible with sparse rule bases which may not cover some parts of the problem domain (i.e., a sparse rule base). In addition to extending the applicability of fuzzy inference systems, fuzzy interpolation can also be used to reduce system complexity for over-complex fuzzy inference systems. There are typically two methods to generate fuzzy rule bases, i.e., the knowledge driven and data-driven approaches. Almost all of these approaches only target dense rule bases for conventional fuzzy inference systems. The knowledge-driven methods may be negatively affected by the limited availability of expert knowledge and expert knowledge may be subjective, whilst redundancy often exists in fuzzy rule-based models that are acquired from numerical data. Note that various rule base reduction approaches have been proposed, but they are all based on certain similarity measures and are likely to cause performance deterioration along with the size reduction. This project, for the first time, innovatively applies curvature values to distinguish important features and instances in a dataset, to support the construction of a neat and concise sparse rule base for fuzzy rule interpolation. In addition to working in a three-dimensional problem space, the work also extends the natural three-dimensional curvature calculation to problems with high dimensions, which greatly broadens the applicability of the proposed approach. As a result, the proposed approach alleviates the ‘curse of dimensionality’ and helps to reduce the computational cost for fuzzy inference systems. The proposed approach has been validated and evaluated by three real-world applications. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to generate sparse rule bases with less rules but resulting in better performance, which confirms the power of the proposed system. In addition to fuzzy rule interpolation, the proposed curvature-based approach can also be readily used as a general feature selection tool to work with other machine learning approaches, such as classifiers

    Towards sparse rule base generation for fuzzy rule interpolation

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    Fuzzy inference systems have been successfully applied to many real-world applications. Traditional fuzzy inference systems are only applicable to problems with dense rule bases by which the entire input domain is fully covered, whilst fuzzy rule interpolation (FRI) is also able to work with sparse rule bases that may not cover certain observations. Thanks to their abilities to work with fewer rules, FRI approaches have also been utilised to reduce system complexity by removing those rules which can be approximated by their neighbouring ones for complex fuzzy models. A number of important fuzzy rule base generation approaches have been proposed in the literature, but the majority of these only target dense rule bases for traditional fuzzy inference systems. This paper proposes a novel sparse fuzzy rule base generation method to support FRI. The approach first identifies important rules that cannot be accurately approximated by their neighbouring ones to initialise the rule base. Then the raw rule base is optimised by fine tuning the membership functions of the fuzzy sets. Experimentation is conducted to demonstrate the working principles of the proposed system, with results comparable to those of traditional methods

    Fuzzy Interpolation Systems and Applications

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    Fuzzy inference systems provide a simple yet effective solution to complex non-linear problems, which have been applied to numerous real-world applications with great success. However, conventional fuzzy inference systems may suffer from either too sparse, too complex or imbalanced rule bases, given that the data may be unevenly distributed in the problem space regardless of its volume. Fuzzy interpolation addresses this. It enables fuzzy inferences with sparse rule bases when the sparse rule base does not cover a given input, and it simplifies very dense rule bases by approximating certain rules with their neighbouring ones. This chapter systematically reviews different types of fuzzy interpolation approaches and their variations, in terms of both the interpolation mechanism (inference engine) and sparse rule base generation. Representative applications of fuzzy interpolation in the field of control are also revisited in this chapter, which not only validate fuzzy interpolation approaches but also demonstrate its efficacy and potential for wider applications

    Seen to Unseen: When Fuzzy Inference System Predicts IoT Device Positioning Labels That Had Not Appeared in Training Phase

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    Situating at the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and more specifically, Deep Learning (DL) have embraced great success in the past two decades. However, unseen class label prediction is far less explored due to missing classes being invisible in training ML or DL models. In this work, we propose a fuzzy inference system to cope with such a challenge by adopting TSK+ fuzzy inference engine in conjunction with the Curvature-based Feature Selection (CFS) method. The practical feasibility of our system has been evaluated by predicting the positioning labels of networking devices within the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT). Competitive prediction performance confirms the efficiency and efficacy of our system, especially when a large number of continuous class labels are unseen during the model training stage.Comment: Accepted by International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS) 202

    Interval Type-2 TSK+ Fuzzy Inference System

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    Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems can better handle uncertainties compared to its type-1 counterpart, and the widely applied Mamdani and TSK fuzzy inference approaches have been both extended to support interval type-2 fuzzy sets. Fuzzy interpolation enhances the conventional Mamdani and TKS fuzzy inference systems, which not only enables inferences when inputs are not covered by an incomplete or sparse rule base but also helps in system simplification for very complex problems. This paper extends the recently proposed fuzzy interpolation approach TSK+ to allow the utilization of interval type-2 TSK fuzzy rule bases. One illustrative case based on an example problem from the literature demonstrates the working of the proposed system, and the application on the cart centering problem reveals the power of the proposed system. The experimental investigation confirmed that the proposed approach is able to perform fuzzy inferences using either dense or sparse interval type-2 TSK rule bases with promising results generated

    TSK Inference with Sparse Rule Bases

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    The Mamdani and TSK fuzzy models are fuzzy inference engines which have been most widely applied in real-world problems. Compared to the Mamdani approach, the TSK approach is more convenient when the crisp outputs are required. Common to both approaches, when a given observation does not overlap with any rule antecedent in the rule base (which usually termed as a sparse rule base), no rule can be fired, and thus no result can be generated. Fuzzy rule interpolation was proposed to address such issue. Although a number of important fuzzy rule interpolation approaches have been proposed in the literature, all of them were developed for Mamdani inference approach, which leads to the fuzzy outputs. This paper extends the traditional TSK fuzzy inference approach to allow inferences on sparse TSK fuzzy rule bases with crisp outputs directly generated. This extension firstly calculates the similarity degrees between a given observation and every individual rule in the rule base, such that the similarity degrees between the observation and all rule antecedents are greater than 0 even when they do not overlap. Then the TSK fuzzy model is extended using the generated matching degrees to derive crisp inference results. The experimentation shows the promising of the approach in enhancing the TSK inference engine when the knowledge represented in the rule base is not complete

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition