26 research outputs found

    Curse of dimensionality reduction in max-plus based approximation methods: theoretical estimates and improved pruning algorithms

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    Max-plus based methods have been recently developed to approximate the value function of possibly high dimensional optimal control problems. A critical step of these methods consists in approximating a function by a supremum of a small number of functions (max-plus "basis functions") taken from a prescribed dictionary. We study several variants of this approximation problem, which we show to be continuous versions of the facility location and kk-center combinatorial optimization problems, in which the connection costs arise from a Bregman distance. We give theoretical error estimates, quantifying the number of basis functions needed to reach a prescribed accuracy. We derive from our approach a refinement of the curse of dimensionality free method introduced previously by McEneaney, with a higher accuracy for a comparable computational cost.Comment: 8pages 5 figure

    On Time-optimal Trajectories for a Car-like Robot with One Trailer

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    In addition to the theoretical value of challenging optimal control problmes, recent progress in autonomous vehicles mandates further research in optimal motion planning for wheeled vehicles. Since current numerical optimal control techniques suffer from either the curse of dimens ionality, e.g. the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, or the curse of complexity, e.g. pseudospectral optimal control and max-plus methods, analytical characterization of geodesics for wheeled vehicles becomes important not only from a theoretical point of view but also from a prac tical one. Such an analytical characterization provides a fast motion planning algorithm that can be used in robust feedback loops. In this work, we use the Pontryagin Maximum Principle to characterize extremal trajectories, i.e. candidate geodesics, for a car-like robot with one trailer. We use time as the distance function. In spite of partial progress, this problem has remained open in the past two decades. Besides straight motion and turn with maximum allowed curvature, we identify planar elastica as the third piece of motion that occurs along our extr emals. We give a detailed characterization of such curves, a special case of which, called \emph{merging curve}, connects maximum curvature turns to straight line segments. The structure of extremals in our case is revealed through analytical integration of the system and adjoint equations

    Bundle-based pruning in the max-plus curse of dimensionality free method

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    Recently a new class of techniques termed the max-plus curse of dimensionality-free methods have been developed to solve nonlinear optimal control problems. In these methods the discretization in state space is avoided by using a max-plus basis expansion of the value function. This requires storing only the coefficients of the basis functions used for representation. However, the number of basis functions grows exponentially with respect to the number of time steps of propagation to the time horizon of the control problem. This so called "curse of complexity" can be managed by applying a pruning procedure which selects the subset of basis functions that contribute most to the approximation of the value function. The pruning procedures described thus far in the literature rely on the solution of a sequence of high dimensional optimization problems which can become computationally expensive. In this paper we show that if the max-plus basis functions are linear and the region of interest in state space is convex, the pruning problem can be efficiently solved by the bundle method. This approach combining the bundle method and semidefinite formulations is applied to the quantum gate synthesis problem, in which the state space is the special unitary group (which is non-convex). This is based on the observation that the convexification of the unitary group leads to an exact relaxation. The results are studied and validated via examples

    Certification of inequalities involving transcendental functions: combining SDP and max-plus approximation

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    We consider the problem of certifying an inequality of the form f(x)0f(x)\geq 0, xK\forall x\in K, where ff is a multivariate transcendental function, and KK is a compact semialgebraic set. We introduce a certification method, combining semialgebraic optimization and max-plus approximation. We assume that ff is given by a syntaxic tree, the constituents of which involve semialgebraic operations as well as some transcendental functions like cos\cos, sin\sin, exp\exp, etc. We bound some of these constituents by suprema or infima of quadratic forms (max-plus approximation method, initially introduced in optimal control), leading to semialgebraic optimization problems which we solve by semidefinite relaxations. The max-plus approximation is iteratively refined and combined with branch and bound techniques to reduce the relaxation gap. Illustrative examples of application of this algorithm are provided, explaining how we solved tight inequalities issued from the Flyspeck project (one of the main purposes of which is to certify numerical inequalities used in the proof of the Kepler conjecture by Thomas Hales).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, Appears in the Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC'13, July 17-19, 2013, Zurich, pp. 2244--2250, copyright EUCA 201

    Certification of Bounds of Non-linear Functions: the Templates Method

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    The aim of this work is to certify lower bounds for real-valued multivariate functions, defined by semialgebraic or transcendental expressions. The certificate must be, eventually, formally provable in a proof system such as Coq. The application range for such a tool is widespread; for instance Hales' proof of Kepler's conjecture yields thousands of inequalities. We introduce an approximation algorithm, which combines ideas of the max-plus basis method (in optimal control) and of the linear templates method developed by Manna et al. (in static analysis). This algorithm consists in bounding some of the constituents of the function by suprema of quadratic forms with a well chosen curvature. This leads to semialgebraic optimization problems, solved by sum-of-squares relaxations. Templates limit the blow up of these relaxations at the price of coarsening the approximation. We illustrate the efficiency of our framework with various examples from the literature and discuss the interfacing with Coq.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Tropical Kraus maps for optimal control of switched systems

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    Kraus maps (completely positive trace preserving maps) arise classically in quantum information, as they describe the evolution of noncommutative probability measures. We introduce tropical analogues of Kraus maps, obtained by replacing the addition of positive semidefinite matrices by a multivalued supremum with respect to the L\"owner order. We show that non-linear eigenvectors of tropical Kraus maps determine piecewise quadratic approximations of the value functions of switched optimal control problems. This leads to a new approximation method, which we illustrate by two applications: 1) approximating the joint spectral radius, 2) computing approximate solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi PDE arising from a class of switched linear quadratic problems studied previously by McEneaney. We report numerical experiments, indicating a major improvement in terms of scalability by comparison with earlier numerical schemes, owing to the "LMI-free" nature of our method.Comment: 15 page