8,875 research outputs found

    Embedded 5V-to-3.3V Voltage Regulator for Supplying Digital ICs in 3.3V CMOS Technology

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    A fully integrated 5 V-to-3.3 V supply voltage regulator for application in digital IC's has been designed in a 3.3 V 0.5 μm CMOS process. The regulator is able to deliver peak current transients of 300 mA, while the output voltage remains within a margin of 10% around the nominal value. The circuit draw's a static quiescent current of 750 μA during normal operation, and includes a power-down mode with only 10 μA current consumption. The die area is 1 mm2, and can be scaled proportional to the maximum peak current. Special precautions have been taken to allow 5 V in the 3.3 V process

    Isothermal heat flux sensing unit Final report, Jun. 21, 1967 - Jan. 2, 1968

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    Thermal analysis, theory of operation, and operating instructions for isothermal heat flux sensing uni

    Development and performance of pulse-width-modulated static inverter and converter modules

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    Pulse-width-modulated inverter and converter modules are being developed for modular aerospace electrical power systems. The modules, rate 2.5 kilowatts per module and 10-minute - 150-percent overload, operate from 56 volts dc. The converter module provides two output voltages: a nominal link voltage of 200 volts dc when used with the inverter, and 150 volts dc to a load bus when used separately. The inverter module output is 400-hertz, sinusoidal, three-phase, 120/208 volts. Tests of breadboard models with standard parts and integrated circuits show rated power efficiencies of 71.4 and 85.1 percent and voltage regulation of 5 and 3.1 percent for inverter and converter modules, respectively. Sine-wave output distortion is 0.74 percent

    ASDTIC control and standardized interface circuits applied to buck, parallel and buck-boost dc to dc power converters

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    Versatile standardized pulse modulation nondissipatively regulated control signal processing circuits were applied to three most commonly used dc to dc power converter configurations: (1) the series switching buck-regulator, (2) the pulse modulated parallel inverter, and (3) the buck-boost converter. The unique control concept and the commonality of control functions for all switching regulators have resulted in improved static and dynamic performance and control circuit standardization. New power-circuit technology was also applied to enhance reliability and to achieve optimum weight and efficiency

    Space electric power systems study- d-c to d-c converters for nuclear-thermionic energy sources

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    Direct current converters used in space electric power system for nuclear-electric power suppl

    Modeling and Analysis of Power Processing Systems

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    The feasibility of formulating a methodology for the modeling and analysis of aerospace electrical power processing systems is investigated. It is shown that a digital computer may be used in an interactive mode for the design, modeling, analysis, and comparison of power processing systems

    Energy Efficient Engine (E3) controls and accessories detail design report

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    An Energy Efficient Engine program has been established by NASA to develop technology for improving the energy efficiency of future commercial transport aircraft engines. As part of this program, a new turbofan engine was designed. This report describes the fuel and control system for this engine. The system design is based on many of the proven concepts and component designs used on the General Electric CF6 family of engines. One significant difference is the incorporation of digital electronic computation in place of the hydromechanical computation currently used

    High-power converters for space applications

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    Phase 1 was a concept definition effort to extend space-type dc/dc converter technology to the megawatt level with a weight of less than 0.1 kg/kW (220 lb./MW). Two system designs were evaluated in Phase 1. Each design operates from a 5 kV stacked fuel cell source and provides a voltage step-up to 100 kV at 10 A for charging capacitors (100 pps at a duty cycle of 17 min on, 17 min off). Both designs use an MCT-based, full-bridge inverter, gaseous hydrogen cooling, and crowbar fault protection. The GE-CRD system uses an advanced high-voltage transformer/rectifier filter is series with a resonant tank circuit, driven by an inverter operating at 20 to 50 kHz. Output voltage is controlled through frequency and phase shift control. Fast transient response and stability is ensured via optimal control. Super-resonant operation employing MCTs provides the advantages of lossless snubbing, no turn-on switching loss, use of medium-speed diodes, and intrinsic current limiting under load-fault conditions. Estimated weight of the GE-CRD system is 88 kg (1.5 cu ft.). Efficiency of 94.4 percent and total system loss is 55.711 kW operating at 1 MW load power. The Maxwell system is based on a resonance transformer approach using a cascade of five LC resonant sections at 100 kHz. The 5 kV bus is converted to a square wave, stepped-up to a 100 kV sine wave by the LC sections, rectified, and filtered. Output voltage is controlled with a special series regulator circuit. Estimated weight of the Maxwell system is 83.8 kg (4.0 cu ft.). Efficiency is 87.2 percent and total system loss is 146.411 kW operating at 1 MW load power

    Local control of multiple module converters with ratings-based load sharing

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    Multiple module dc-dc converters show promise in meeting the increasing demands on ef- ficiency and performance of energy conversion systems. In order to increase reliability, maintainability, and expandability, a modular approach in converter design is often desired. This thesis proposes local control of multiple module converters as an alternative to using a central controller or master controller. A power ratings-based load sharing scheme that allows for uniform and non-uniform sharing is introduced. Focus is given to an input series, output parallel (ISOP) configuration and modules with a push-pull topology. Sensorless current mode (SCM) control is digitally implemented on separate controllers for each of the modules. The benefits of interleaving the switching signals of the distributed modules is presented. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate stable, ratings-based sharing in an ISOP converter with a high conversion ratio for both uniform and non-uniform load sharing cases