8 research outputs found

    First Results Of TanDEM-X Along-Track Interferometry

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    The interferometric imaging modes of the TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurements) satellite formation offer improved along-track interferometric capabilities e.g. through longer and multiple baselines. While the first provide high sensitivities to ground motions, the latter enable to resolve ambiguities. The extraction of motion information from TanDEM-X data by means of ATI is challenging due to the hybrid nature of the interferometric baseline. This is generally composed of an across-track (XTI) and an along-track interferometric (ATI) component BATI and requires a separation of the respective interferometric phase contributions

    Current Measurements by SAR Along-Track Interferometry from a Space Shuttle

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    We present one of the first studies on ocean current retrievals from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data acquired during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) in February 2000. The InSAR system of SRTM was designed for high-resolution topographic mapping of the Earths land surfaces, using two SAR antennas on a Space Shuttle with a cross-track separation of 60 m. An additional along-track antenna separation of 7 m resulted in an effective time lag of about 0.5 ms between the two images, which could theoretically be exploited for target velocity retrievals. However, the feasibility of ocean current measurements with SRTM has been questionable, since the time lag was much shorter than the theoretical optimum (about 3 ms at X-band) and the signal-to-noise ratio over water was quite low. Nevertheless, some X-band InSAR images of coastal areas exhibit clear signatures of tidal flow patterns. As an example, we discuss an image of the DutchWadden Sea.We convert the InSAR data into a line-of-sight current field, which is then compared with results of the numerical circulation model KUSTWAD. For tidal phases close to the conditions at the time of the SRTM overpass; we obtain correlation coefficients of up to 0.6 and rms differences on the order of 0.2 m/s. Furthermore we find that SRTM resolves current variations down to spatial scales on the order of 1 km. This is consistent with predictions of a numerical InSAR imaging model. Remaining differences between SRTMand KUSTWAD-derived currents can be attributed mainly to residual motion errors in the SRTM data as well as to a limited representation of the conditions at the time of the SRTM overpass in the available KUSTWAD result

    Agulhas current variability determined from space : a multi-sensor approach

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-132).Satellite remote sensing datasets including more than 6 years of high frequency Sea Surface Temperature (SST) imagery as well as surface current observations derived from 18 years of merged-altimetry and over 2 years of Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) observations are combined to study the variability of the Agulhas Current. The newly available rangedirected surface currents velocities from ASAR, which rely on the careful analysis of the measured Doppler shift, show strong promise for monitoring the meso to sub-mesoscale features of the surface circulation. While the accuracy of ASAR surface current velocities suffers from occasional bias due to our current inability to systematically account for the wind-induced contribution to the Doppler shift signal, the ASAR surface current velocities are able to consistently highlight regions of strong current and shear. The synaptic nature and relatively high resolution of ASAR acquisitions make the ASAR derived current velocities a good complement to altimetry for the study of sub-mesoscale processes and western boundary current dynamics. Time-averaged range-directed surface currents derived from ASAR provide an improved map of the mean Agulhas Current flow, clearly showing the location of the Agulhas Current core over the 1000 m isobath and identifying the region at the shelf edge of the north-eastern Agulhas Bank as one of the most variable within the Agulhas Current. To determine the variability of the Agulhas Current, an algorithm to track the position of the current is developed and applied to the longer merged-altimetry and SST records. Limitations associated with altimetry near the coast favour the use of the SST dataset to track the position of the Agulhas Current in its northern region. In the southern Agulhas, where the current lies further from the coast, altimetry is suited to monitoring the position of the Agulhas Current. The front detection analysis conducted on the SST dataset in the northern Agulhas reveals the complex nature of Natal Pulses. The downstream passage of the Natal Pulses is associated with the generation of secondary offshore meanders at the inshore edge of the current. Perturbations formed during the passage of Natal Pulses evolve rapidly to either dissipate, re-merge with the initial Natal Pulse or in some rare occasion, detach from the Agulhas Current

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries.Postprint (published version

    Assessment of landslide susceptibility in Structurally Complex Formations by integration of different A-DInSAR techniques

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    Instability events are recurring phenomena in Southern Italy due to its geological history and tectonic-geomorphological evolution leading to the occurrence of several formations identified as Structurally Complex Formations (SCFs; Esu, 1977) in a territory mainly composed of densely populated areas also in mountainous and hilly regions. SCFs are clay-dominant terrains that, usually, give origin from very-slow to extremely-slow phenomena (Cruden and Varnes, 1996) with a long evolutionary history made up of multiple reactivations that makes difficult their identification, monitoring and susceptibility evaluation. The study has been carried out from point-wise (Bisaccia, Costa della Gaveta and Nerano cases) to wide areas (Palermo province case) where crops out SCFs as the Termini sandstones Formation (CARG, 2011), the Varicoloured Clays of Calaggio Formation (Ciaranfi et al., 1973), the Varicoloured Clays Unit (Mattioni et al., 2006) the Sicilide Unit (Vitale and Ciarcia, 2013 and references therein), the Numidian Flysch (Johansson et al., 1998) and the Corleone Calcarenites (Catalano R. et al., 2002). The aim of this thesis is to produce updated Landslide Inventory Maps and, whenever possible, Landslide Susceptibility Maps following a new approach during the landslide mapping and landslide monitoring stages. The Landslide Inventory Maps have taken into account the combination of geological, geomorphological, and stereoscopic surveys, as well as engineering geological investigations, namely conventional techniques. In addition innovative Advanced-Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (A-DInSAR) techniques have been used: the Coherent Pixels Technique – CPT (Mora et al., 2003; Blanco et al., 2008), the Intermittent Small BAseline Subset – ISBAS (Sowter et al., 2013) and the Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar. Finally, the Weight of Evidence method (van Westen, 1993) has been chosen to generate the Landslide Susceptibility Maps only for the point-wise studies. In the case of Nerano (Province of Naples), the ISBAS analysis on ENVISAT images (for the period 2003-2010) has been carried out and compared with inclinometric and rainfall data. These have revealed several reactivations of a rotational slide + earth flow (Cruden and Varnes, 1996) that involves reworked clay olistostromes and limestone olistoliths inside the Termini sandstones Formation; even in recent years the landslide, despite many engineering works, has given evidence of a continuing activity. The results highlight a very slow movement in the detachment zone (<1 mm/yr), which assumes slightly higher values in the accumulation area (5 mm/yr). The Landslide Susceptibility Map confirms the high levels in the flow track and the accumulation area. In Bisaccia (Province of Avellino), a conglomeratic slab undergoes a Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD; Pasuto and Soldati, 2013 and references therein) due to the bedrock consolidation, made of the Varicoloured Clays of Calaggio Formation. Here the CPT processing on ENVISAT images (covering the period between 2002 and 2010), displays a vertical displacement for the town center, suffering a progressively increasing velocity from the southern (4.2 mm/yr) to the northern (15.5 mm/yr) portion of the slab that localizes four different sectors. The pattern is confirmed from the building damage map. The landslides susceptibility reaches the highest values in the adjacent valleys and at the edges of each sector. Multiple datasets have been employed for the Costa della Gaveta case-study (Province of Potenza), these encompass: ENVISAT, TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed constellations together with Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR). The A-DInSAR data have been compared with stereoscopic analysis and the available rainfall and inclinometric data. The analysis allows for the identification of 16 landslides (complexes and earth flows; Cruden and Varnes, 1996) developed in the Varicoloured Clays Unit that show, according to all the existing instruments, velocities between 1.5 and 30 mm/yr. The western side of Costa della Gaveta slope is the portion which suffers the highest landslides susceptibility levels. In the Province of Palermo (northwestern Sicily) information deriving from A-DInSAR processing, specifically the ISBAS technique, have been focused on three subareas (Piana degli Albanesi, Marineo and Ventimiglia di Sicilia) for a total extension of 182 Km2 where standard A-DInSAR algorithms showed limitations due to the widespread presence of densely vegetated areas. The radar-detected landslides have been validated through field geomorphological mapping and stereoscopic analysis proving to be highly consistent especially with slow phenomena. The outcome has allowed to confirm 152 preexisting landslides, to detect 81 new events and to change 133 previously mapped landslides, modifying their typology, boundary and/or state of activity. The study demonstrates how a better knowledge of landslide development and their cause-effect mechanisms provided by new Earth Observation techniques is useful for Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Maps. The research project has been carried out at the University of Naples "Federico II", including nine months (September 2013 – May 2014) spent in the United Kingdom, at the British Geological Survey under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Cigna and Dr. Jordan Colm and at the University of Nottingham (Department of Civil Engineering), under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Sowter where the ISBAS technique has been recently developed