1,848 research outputs found

    Validity of the Expert System based VIT Model (Vocational Interest Test)

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    The purpose of this study was to produce avalid expert system-based VIT (Vocational Interest Test)model. Recruitment or student admission plays animportant role for the success of a vocational education.Therefore, using a valid student admission tool isimportant which will result good and quality students,and this can be seen in the admission process through theright means and tools. The novelty of the productdeveloped was to be able to calibrate vocational interestinstruments developed from Holland's theory withinformation technology and knowledge based system. Thisresearch product is in accordance with the VocationalEducation Spectrum which consists of 9 Areas ofExpertise, 48 Expertise Programs and 142 ExpertCompetencies that are in line with 21st CenturyCompetencies to produce a vocational interest test modeland a vocational interest software based on innovativeexpert system and in supporting the right decision making(Decision Support System). The type of research used isResearch and Development (R & D) using the Four-D(4D) model. To produce valid products, expert validity isused. Based on the data analysis, the results of the studywere obtained: (a) Book of Vocational Interest Testmodel, (b) Vocational Interest Test Software Product, (c)Application Usage Handbook, (d) Vocational Interest TestSocialization Handbook that has fulfilled the valid termsand conditions

    On the possible Computational Power of the Human Mind

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    The aim of this paper is to address the question: Can an artificial neural network (ANN) model be used as a possible characterization of the power of the human mind? We will discuss what might be the relationship between such a model and its natural counterpart. A possible characterization of the different power capabilities of the mind is suggested in terms of the information contained (in its computational complexity) or achievable by it. Such characterization takes advantage of recent results based on natural neural networks (NNN) and the computational power of arbitrary artificial neural networks (ANN). The possible acceptance of neural networks as the model of the human mind's operation makes the aforementioned quite relevant.Comment: Complexity, Science and Society Conference, 2005, University of Liverpool, UK. 23 page

    Illuminating the Shadows: Unveiling the Path of Black Men in the Information Technology Workforce

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    The absence of Black1 men2 in the Information Technology (IT)3 sector is a pressing issue both in academia and society. Diversity enriches learning, with diverse backgrounds offering varied experiences. An ethnically varied IT field can significantly influence the recruitment and retention of minority undergraduates by offering mentors and role models. This research, rooted in the Individual Differences Theory of Gender and IT, uses qualitative methods and interviews to delve into the experiences of Black men. While many studies touch upon gender and racial disparities, few specifically address Black men's experiences. This paper bridges this gap, spotlighting the underrepresentation of Black men in IT, and identifies key factors for future research based on a study begun in 2011, further enriching existing literature and theories

    O modelo integrativo para o espaço semântico da música e um processo educacional musical contemporâneo: a herança científica e criativa de Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev

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    The advent of computer technology has led to the creation and development of new forms of teaching musical art. The emergence of music computer technologies (MCT) was the basis for creating both new forms in the educational process and new subjects, the appearance of new disciplines and new educational trends in the system of a contemporary musical education. These new subjects, such as “Musical Informatics,” “Computer Music Creative Work,” “Computer Arrangement and Composition, Sound and Timbre Programming,” “Electronic Musical Instruments” and many others, fully reflect the essence of the changes that have occurred in approaches to the study of music art. This article analyzes the possibility of including an integrative model for the semantic space of music, developed with the participation of the prominent cybernetics, scientist Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev, in a contemporary musical educational process.O advento da tecnologia da computação levou à criação e ao desenvolvimento de novas formas de ensino da arte musical. O surgimento das tecnologias de computação musical (MCT) foi a base para a criação tanto de novas formas no processo educacional quanto de novos sujeitos, o surgimento de novas disciplinas e novas tendências educacionais no sistema de uma educação musical contemporânea. Esses novos assuntos, como "Informática Musical", "Trabalho Criativo de Música de Computador", "Arranjo e Composição de Computador, Programação de Som e Timbre", "Instrumentos Musicais Eletrônicos" e muitos outros, refletem totalmente a essência das mudanças que ocorreram em abordagens para o estudo da arte musical. Este artigo analisa a possibilidade de incluir um modelo integrativo para o espaço semântico da música, desenvolvido com a participação do destacado cibernético, o cientista Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev, em um processo educacional musical contemporâneo

    Actitudes emprendedoras de estudiantes de humanidades: perspectiva internacional (España, Polonia, Noruega)

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    The aim of the publication is to show the importance of academic entrepreneurship classes in the process of effective education of humanistic studies students and the role of entrepreneurship university centers in the process of maximizing and accelerating the career opportunities. In the process of designing the research we decided to examine the entrepreneurship attitudes, knowledge and past experiences of students in Spain, Norway and Poland at the bachelor level of humanistic studies. Entrepreneurship classes are compulsory at this level of studies due to Bologna strategy. 249 students from the three countries BA level filled out the questionnaire. We initially examined the dependence of chosen variables in order to point out the features, which might help students to initiate their own business.El objetivo de la publicación es mostrar la importancia de las clases de emprendimiento académico en el proceso de educación efectiva de los estudiantes de estudios humanísticos y el papel de los centros universitarios de emprendimiento en el proceso de maximizar y acelerar las oportunidades de carrera. En el proceso de diseño de la investigación, decidimos examinar las actitudes empresariales, el conocimiento y las experiencias pasadas de los estudiantes en España, Noruega y Polonia a nivel de licenciatura en estudios humanísticos. Las clases de emprendimiento son obligatorias en este nivel de estudios debido a la estrategia de Bolonia. 249 estudiantes de los tres países de nivel BA completaron el cuestionario. Inicialmente, examinamos la dependencia de las variables elegidas para señalar las características, lo que podría ayudar a los estudiantes a iniciar su propio negocio

    Crafting Critical Heritage Discourses into Interactive Exhibition Design

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    This paper argues how a more reflective design practice that embraces critical discourses can transform interactive exhibition design and therefore the museum visiting experience. Four framing arguments underpin our exhibition design making: the value of materiality, visiting as an aesthetic experience, challenging the authorized voice, and heritage as a process. These arguments were embodied through design, art and craft practice into one interactive exhibition at a house museum. We draw from our design process discussing the implications that adopting an approach informed by critical heritage debates has on exhibition design and suggest three sensitizing concepts (polyvocal narratives, dialogical interaction, interweaving time and space) bridging the practice of interactive exhibition design and critical heritage theory

    The emerging landscape of Social Media Data Collection: anticipating trends and addressing future challenges

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    [spa] Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta poderosa para crear y compartir contenido generado por usuarios en todo internet. El amplio uso de las redes sociales ha llevado a generar una enorme cantidad de información, presentando una gran oportunidad para el marketing digital. A través de las redes sociales, las empresas pueden llegar a millones de consumidores potenciales y capturar valiosos datos de los consumidores, que se pueden utilizar para optimizar estrategias y acciones de marketing. Los beneficios y desafíos potenciales de utilizar las redes sociales para el marketing digital también están creciendo en interés entre la comunidad académica. Si bien las redes sociales ofrecen a las empresas la oportunidad de llegar a una gran audiencia y recopilar valiosos datos de los consumidores, el volumen de información generada puede llevar a un marketing sin enfoque y consecuencias negativas como la sobrecarga social. Para aprovechar al máximo el marketing en redes sociales, las empresas necesitan recopilar datos confiables para propósitos específicos como vender productos, aumentar la conciencia de marca o fomentar el compromiso y para predecir los comportamientos futuros de los consumidores. La disponibilidad de datos de calidad puede ayudar a construir la lealtad a la marca, pero la disposición de los consumidores a compartir información depende de su nivel de confianza en la empresa o marca que lo solicita. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir a la brecha de investigación a través del análisis bibliométrico del campo, el análisis mixto de perfiles y motivaciones de los usuarios que proporcionan sus datos en redes sociales y una comparación de algoritmos supervisados y no supervisados para agrupar a los consumidores. Esta investigación ha utilizado una base de datos de más de 5,5 millones de colecciones de datos durante un período de 10 años. Los avances tecnológicos ahora permiten el análisis sofisticado y las predicciones confiables basadas en los datos capturados, lo que es especialmente útil para el marketing digital. Varios estudios han explorado el marketing digital a través de las redes sociales, algunos centrándose en un campo específico, mientras que otros adoptan un enfoque multidisciplinario. Sin embargo, debido a la naturaleza rápidamente evolutiva de la disciplina, se requiere un enfoque bibliométrico para capturar y sintetizar la información más actualizada y agregar más valor a los estudios en el campo. Por lo tanto, las contribuciones de esta tesis son las siguientes. En primer lugar, proporciona una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura sobre los métodos para recopilar datos personales de los consumidores de las redes sociales para el marketing digital y establece las tendencias más relevantes a través del análisis de artículos significativos, palabras clave, autores, instituciones y países. En segundo lugar, esta tesis identifica los perfiles de usuario que más mienten y por qué. Específicamente, esta investigación demuestra que algunos perfiles de usuario están más inclinados a cometer errores, mientras que otros proporcionan información falsa intencionalmente. El estudio también muestra que las principales motivaciones detrás de proporcionar información falsa incluyen la diversión y la falta de confianza en las medidas de privacidad y seguridad de los datos. Finalmente, esta tesis tiene como objetivo llenar el vacío en la literatura sobre qué algoritmo, supervisado o no supervisado, puede agrupar mejor a los consumidores que proporcionan sus datos en las redes sociales para predecir su comportamiento futuro

    Protecting the Consumer Rights in the Digital Economic Era: Future Challenges in Indonesia

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    The emerging technological prospects affected many aspects, including consumer protection. The creation of data and computer-driven innovation would derive several advantages for consumers. Innovative products and services and new ways in which goods and services are developed and delivered. This paper aims to analyse how Indonesian legal policy on protection consumer rights in the digital era. The paper emphasized that it would advise against believing that policy is unreasonably permitted to give way to the technological agenda, whilst accepting that adaptations should be made and also that there should be a critical review of whether existing forms of regulation are needed in the digital economy of Indonesia. Regulations concerning to the protecting consumer rights in the world of e-commerce are still worrying even though many sectoral regulations have been promulgated, as well as weak supervision and lack of strict law enforcement in resolving consumer disputes. Trade regulation via the internet still raises many conceptual or theoretical questions that indicate the need to develop more detailed conceptual and theoretical explanations to the need for more complex laws and regulations to be able to protect consumers properly. More than that, national regulations are dealing with the context of trade through the internet, which transcends national boundaries without always being controlled through conventional means