411 research outputs found

    Successful cryptanalytic attacks upon RSA moduli N = pq

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    This paper reports four new cryptanalytic attacks which show that t instances of RSA moduli Ns = psqs for s = 1, . . . , t where t ≥ 2 can be simultaneously factored in polynomial time using simultaneous Diophantine approximations and lattice basis reduction techniques. We construct four system of equations of the form esd − ksφ(Ns) = 1, esds − kφ(Ns) = 1, esd − kφ(Ns) = zs and esds − kφ(Ns) = zs using N – [(a i+1/i + b i+1/i / 2(ab) i+1/2i + a 1/j + b 1/j / 2(ab) 1/2j) √N] + 1 as a good approximations of φ(Ns) for unknown positive integers d, ds, ks, k, and zs . In our attacks, we found an improved short decryption exponent bound of some reported attacks

    Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core with a Cryptographic Unit for Performance and Security

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    We present a set of low-cost architectural enhancements to accelerate the execution of certain arithmetic operations common in cryptographic applications on an extensible embedded processor core. The proposed enhancements are generic in the sense that they can be beneficially applied in almost any RISC processor. We implemented the enhancements in form of a cryptographic unit (CU) that offers the programmer an extended instruction set. The CU features a 128-bit wide register file and datapath, which enables it to process 128-bit words and perform 128-bit loads/stores. We analyze the speed-up factors for some arithmetic operations and public-key cryptographic algorithms obtained through these enhancements. In addition, we evaluate the hardware overhead (i.e. silicon area) of integrating the CU into an embedded RISC processor. Our experimental results show that the proposed architectural enhancements allow for a significant performance gain for both RSA and ECC at the expense of an acceptable increase in silicon area. We also demonstrate that the proposed enhancements facilitate the protection of cryptographic algorithms against certain types of side-channel attacks and present an AES implementation hardened against cache-based attacks as a case study

    Exploitation of Unintentional Information Leakage from Integrated Circuits

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    Unintentional electromagnetic emissions are used to recognize or verify the identity of a unique integrated circuit (IC) based on fabrication process-induced variations in a manner analogous to biometric human identification. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through an extensive empirical study, with results presented indicating correct device identification success rates of greater than 99:5%, and average verification equal error rates (EERs) of less than 0:05% for 40 near-identical devices. The proposed approach is suitable for security applications involving commodity commercial ICs, with substantial cost and scalability advantages over existing approaches. A systematic leakage mapping methodology is also proposed to comprehensively assess the information leakage of arbitrary block cipher implementations, and to quantitatively bound an arbitrary implementation\u27s resistance to the general class of differential side channel analysis techniques. The framework is demonstrated using the well-known Hamming Weight and Hamming Distance leakage models, and approach\u27s effectiveness is demonstrated through the empirical assessment of two typical unprotected implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard. The assessment results are empirically validated against correlation-based differential power and electromagnetic analysis attacks

    Formal verification of a software countermeasure against instruction skip attacks

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    Fault attacks against embedded circuits enabled to define many new attack paths against secure circuits. Every attack path relies on a specific fault model which defines the type of faults that the attacker can perform. On embedded processors, a fault model consisting in an assembly instruction skip can be very useful for an attacker and has been obtained by using several fault injection means. To avoid this threat, some countermeasure schemes which rely on temporal redundancy have been proposed. Nevertheless, double fault injection in a long enough time interval is practical and can bypass those countermeasure schemes. Some fine-grained countermeasure schemes have also been proposed for specific instructions. However, to the best of our knowledge, no approach that enables to secure a generic assembly program in order to make it fault-tolerant to instruction skip attacks has been formally proven yet. In this paper, we provide a fault-tolerant replacement sequence for almost all the instructions of the Thumb-2 instruction set and provide a formal verification for this fault tolerance. This simple transformation enables to add a reasonably good security level to an embedded program and makes practical fault injection attacks much harder to achieve

    Utilizing Computational Complexity to Protect Cryptocurrency against Quantum Threats: A Review

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    Digital currency is primarily designed on problems that are computationally hard to solve using traditional computing techniques. However, these problems are now vulnerable due to the computational power of quantum computing. For the postquantum computing era, there is an immense need to reinvent the existing digital security measures. Problems that are computationally hard for any quantum computation will be a possible solution to that. This research summarizes the current security measures and how the new way of solving hard problems will trigger the future protection of the existing digital currency from the future quantum threat

    A DPA Attack against Asymmetric Encryption: RSA Attacks and Countermeasures

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    Abstract This paper discusses side-channel attacks based on Power Analysis. This approach utilizes physical side effects of using cryptographic functions in the real world. A side channel is a source of information that is inherent to a physical implementation of cryptographic functions. Research done in the last half of the 1990s has shown that the information transmitted by side channels, such as execution time, computational faults and power consumption, can be disadvantageous to the security of cryptosystem like RSA or AES. This paper surveys the techniques of Differential Power Analysis presented i

    Cache-timing attack against aes crypto system - countermeasures review

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    Side channel attacks are based on side channel information, which is information that is leaked from encryption systems. Implementing side channel attacks is possible if and only if an attacker has access to a cryptosystem (victim) or can interact with cryptosystem remotely to compute time statistics of information that collected from targeted system. Cache timing attack is a special type of side channel attack. Here, timing information caused by cache effect is collected and analyzed by an attacker to guess sensitive information such as encryption key or plaintext. Cache timing attack against AES was known theoretically until Bernstein carry out a real implementation of the attack. Fortunately, this attack can be a success only by exploiting bad implementation in software or hardware, not for algorithm structure weaknesses, and that means attack could be prevented if proper implementation has been used. For that reason, modification in software and hardware has been proposed as countermeasures. This paper reviews the technique applied in this attack, surveys the countermeasures against it, and evaluates the feasibility and usability of each countermeasure. We made comparison between these countermeasure based on certain aspect furthermore

    Efficient Cache Attacks on AES, and Countermeasures

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    We describe several software side-channel attacks based on inter-process leakage through the state of the CPU's memory cache. This leakage reveals memory access patterns, which can be used for cryptanalysis of cryptographic primitives that employ data-dependent table lookups. The attacks allow an unprivileged process to attack other processes running in parallel on the same processor, despite partitioning methods such as memory protection, sandboxing, and virtualization. Some of our methods require only the ability to trigger services that perform encryption or MAC using the unknown key, such as encrypted disk partitions or secure network links. Moreover, we demonstrate an extremely strong type of attack, which requires knowledge of neither the specific plaintexts nor ciphertexts and works by merely monitoring the effect of the cryptographic process on the cache. We discuss in detail several attacks on AES and experimentally demonstrate their applicability to real systems, such as OpenSSL and Linux's dm-crypt encrypted partitions (in the latter case, the full key was recovered after just 800 writes to the partition, taking 65 milliseconds). Finally, we discuss a variety of countermeasures which can be used to mitigate such attacks