122 research outputs found

    Security Analysis of Bit plane Level Image Encryption Schemes

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    A selective bit-plane encryption scheme was proposed for securing the transmission of image data in mobile environments with a claim that it provides a high security viz. the encryption of the four most significant bit-planes is sufficient for a high image data security. This paper presents the security analysis of the said encryption scheme and reports new important results. We perform the security analysis of the bit-level encryption by considering the normal images and their histogram equalised enhanced images. We consider different bit-plane aspects to analyse the security of the image encryption, and show that the encryption of the four most significant bit-planes is not adequate. The contents of the images can be obtained even when all the bit-planes except one least significant bit-plane are encrypted in the histogram equalised images as shown in the results. The bit-plane level security analysis seems very useful for the analysis of the bit-plane level image encryption schemes

    Code wars: steganography, signals intelligence, and terrorism

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    This paper describes and discusses the process of secret communication known as steganography. The argument advanced here is that terrorists are unlikely to be employing digital steganography to facilitate secret intra-group communication as has been claimed. This is because terrorist use of digital steganography is both technically and operationally implausible. The position adopted in this paper is that terrorists are likely to employ low-tech steganography such as semagrams and null ciphers instead

    Enhanced image encryption scheme with new mapreduce approach for big size images

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    Achieving a secured image encryption (IES) scheme for sensitive and confidential data communications, especially in a Hadoop environment is challenging. An accurate and secure cryptosystem for colour images requires the generation of intricate secret keys that protect the images from diverse attacks. To attain such a goal, this work proposed an improved shuffled confusion-diffusion based colour IES using a hyper-chaotic plain image. First, five different sequences of random numbers were generated. Then, two of the sequences were used to shuffle the image pixels and bits, while the remaining three were used to XOR the values of the image pixels. Performance of the developed IES was evaluated in terms of various measures such as key space size, correlation coefficient, entropy, mean squared error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and differential analysis. Values of correlation coefficient (0.000732), entropy (7.9997), PSNR (7.61), and MSE (11258) were determined to be better (against various attacks) compared to current existing techniques. The IES developed in this study was found to have outperformed other comparable cryptosystems. It is thus asserted that the developed IES can be advantageous for encrypting big data sets on parallel machines. Additionally, the developed IES was also implemented on a Hadoop environment using MapReduce to evaluate its performance against known attacks. In this process, the given image was first divided and characterized in a key-value format. Next, the Map function was invoked for every key-value pair by implementing a mapper. The Map function was used to process data splits, represented in the form of key-value pairs in parallel modes without any communication between other map processes. The Map function processed a series of key/value pairs and subsequently generated zero or more key/value pairs. Furthermore, the Map function also divided the input image into partitions before generating the secret key and XOR matrix. The secret key and XOR matrix were exploited to encrypt the image. The Reduce function merged the resultant images from the Map tasks in producing the final image. Furthermore, the value of PSNR did not exceed 7.61 when the developed IES was evaluated against known attacks for both the standard dataset and big data size images. As can be seen, the correlation coefficient value of the developed IES did not exceed 0.000732. As the handling of big data size images is different from that of standard data size images, findings of this study suggest that the developed IES could be most beneficial for big data and big size images

    Web-based application for cryptographic protocols visualization

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    Práce se zabývá vytvořením interaktivní webové aplikace pro substituční šifry a jejich interaktivní kryptoanalýzu. V práci je implementováno šest šifer a zástupci monoalfabetických šifer jsou Caesarova šifra, Atbaš a substituce s klíčovým slovem. Dále zástupci polyalfabetických šifer jsou Vigenrova šifra, Kryptos a Vernamova šifra. Pro interaktivní analýzu je použita frekvenční analýza, index koincidence a n-gramová statistika jako fitness funkce. Výsledek byl dosažen za pomoci HTML5, CSS a skriptovacího jazyka ReactJS což je JavaScriptová knihovna s možností typové kontroly proměnných.The thesis deals with the creation of an interactive web application for substitution ciphers and their interactive cryptanalysis. Six ciphers are implemented in the work. Representatives of monoalphabetic ciphers are Caesar’s cipher, Atbash, and Keyword cipher and representatives of polyalphabetic ciphers are Vigenre cipher, Kryptos and Vernam cipher. Frequency analysis, index of coincidence and n-gram statistics as a fitness function are used for interactive cryptanalysis. The result is achieved by using HTML5, CSS and ReactJS scripting language which is a JavaScript library with the ability of variable type-check.

    Image encryption techniques: A comprehensive review

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    This paper presents an exhaustive review of research within the field of image encryption techniques. It commences with a general introduction to image encryption, providing an overview of the fundamentals. Subsequently, it explores a comprehensive exploration of chaos-based image encryption, encompassing various methods and approaches within this domain. These methods include full encryption techniques as well as selective encryption strategies, offering insights into their principles and applications. The authors place significant emphasis on surveying prior research contributions, shedding light on noteworthy developments within the field. Additionally, the paper addresses emerging challenges and issues that have arisen as a consequence of these advancements

    Public Key Cryptosystems with Noisy Secret Keys

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    Passwords bootstrap symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, tying keys to an individual user. Biometrics are intended to strengthen this tie. Unfortunately, biometrics exhibit noise between repeated readings. Fuzzy extractors (Dodis et al., Eurocrypt 2004) derive stable symmetric keys from noisy sources. We ask if it is also possible for noisy sources to directly replace private keys in asymmetric cryptosystems. We propose a new primitive called public-key cryptosystems with noisy keys. Such a cryptosystem functions when the private key varies according to some metric. An intuitive solution is to combine a fuzzy extractor with a public key cryptosystem. Unfortunately, fuzzy extractors need static helper information to account for noise. This helper information creates fundamental limitations on the resulting cryptosytems. To overcome these limitations, we directly construct public-key encryption and digital signature algorithms with noisy keys. The core of our constructions is a computational version of the fuzzy vault (Juels and Sudan, Designs, Codes, and Cryptography 2006). Security of our schemes is based on graded encoding schemes (Garg et al., Eurocrypt 2013, Garg et al., TCC 2016). Importantly, our public-key encryption algorithm is based on a weaker model of grading encoding. If functional encryption or indistinguishable obfuscation exist in this weaker model, they also exist in the standard model. In addition, we use the computational fuzzy vault to construct the first reusable fuzzy extractor (Boyen, CCS 2004) supporting a linear fraction of errors

    Shorter Signatures Based on Tailor-Made Minimalist Symmetric-Key Crypto

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    Signature schemes based on the MPC-in-the-head approach (MPCitH) have either been designed by taking a proof system and selecting a suitable symmetric-key primitive (Picnic, CCS16), or starting with an existing primitive such as AES and trying to find the most suitable proof system (BBQ, SAC19 or Banquet, PKC21). In this work we do both: we improve certain symmetric-key primitives to better fit existing signature schemes, and we also propose a new signature scheme that combines a new, minimalist one-way function with changes to a proof system to make their combination even more efficient. Our concrete results are as follows. First, we show how to provably remove the need to include the key schedule of block ciphers. This simplifies schemes like Picnic and it also leads to the fastest and smallest AES-based signatures, where we achieve signature sizes of around 10.8 to 14.2 KB using AES-128, on average 10% shorter than Banquet and 15% faster. Second, we investigate a variant of AES with larger S-boxes we call LSAES, for which we argue that it is likely to be at least as strong as AES, further reducing the size of AES-based signatures to 9.9 KB. Finally, we present a new signature scheme, Rainier, combining a new one-way function called Rain with a Banquet-like proof system. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first MPCitH-based signature scheme which can produce signatures that are less than 5 KB in size; it also outperforms previous Picnic and Banquet instances in all performance metrics


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    Quantum computers offer the potential to extend our abilities to tackle computational problems in fields such as number theory, encryption, search and scientific computation. Up to a superpolynomial speedup has been reported for quantum algorithms in these areas. Motivated by the promise of faster computations, the development of quantum machines has caught the attention of both academics and industry researchers. Quantum machines are now at sizes where implementations of quantum algorithms or their components are now becoming possible. In order to implement quantum algorithms on quantum machines, resource efficient circuits and functional blocks must be designed. In this work, we propose quantum circuits for Galois and integer arithmetic. These quantum circuits are necessary building blocks to realize quantum algorithms. The design of resource efficient quantum circuits requires the designer takes into account the gate cost, quantum bit (qubit) cost, depth and garbage outputs of a quantum circuit. Existing quantum machines do not have many qubits meaning that circuits with high qubit cost cannot be implemented. In addition, quantum circuits are more prone to errors and garbage output removal adds to overall cost. As more gates are used, a quantum circuit sees an increased rate of failure. Failures and error rates can be countered by using quantum error correcting codes and fault tolerant implementations of universal gate sets (such as Clifford+T gates). However, Clifford+T gates are costly to implement with the T gate being significantly more costly than the Clifford gates. As a result, designers working with Clifford+T gates seek to minimize the number of T gates (T-count) and the depth of T gates (T-depth). In this work, we propose quantum circuits for Galois and integer arithmetic with lower T-count, T-depth and qubit cost than existing work. This work presents novel quantum circuits for squaring and exponentiation over binary extension fields (Galois fields of form GF(2 m )). The proposed circuits are shown to have lower depth, qubit and gate cost to existing work. We also present quantum circuits for the core operations of multiplication and division which enjoy lower T-count, T-depth and qubit costs compared to existing work. This work also illustrates the design of a T-count and qubit cost efficient design for the square root. This work concludes with an illustration of how the arithmetic circuits can be combined into a functional block to implement quantum image processing algorithms