260 research outputs found

    Multi-Source Spatial Entity Extraction and Linkage

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    Similarity-driven and Task-driven Models for Diversity of Opinion in Crowdsourcing Markets

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    The recent boom in crowdsourcing has opened up a new avenue for utilizing human intelligence in the realm of data analysis. This innovative approach provides a powerful means for connecting online workers to tasks that cannot effectively be done solely by machines or conducted by professional experts due to cost constraints. Within the field of social science, four elements are required to construct a sound crowd - Diversity of Opinion, Independence, Decentralization and Aggregation. However, while the other three components have already been investigated and implemented in existing crowdsourcing platforms, 'Diversity of Opinion' has not been functionally enabled yet. From a computational point of view, constructing a wise crowd necessitates quantitatively modeling and taking diversity into account. There are usually two paradigms in a crowdsourcing marketplace for worker selection: building a crowd to wait for tasks to come and selecting workers for a given task. We propose similarity-driven and task-driven models for both paradigms. Also, we develop efficient and effective algorithms for recruiting a limited number of workers with optimal diversity in both models. To validate our solutions, we conduct extensive experiments using both synthetic datasets and real data sets.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    ReviewerGPT? An Exploratory Study on Using Large Language Models for Paper Reviewing

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    Given the rapid ascent of large language models (LLMs), we study the question: (How) can large language models help in reviewing of scientific papers or proposals? We first conduct some pilot studies where we find that (i) GPT-4 outperforms other LLMs (Bard, Vicuna, Koala, Alpaca, LLaMa, Dolly, OpenAssistant, StableLM), and (ii) prompting with a specific question (e.g., to identify errors) outperforms prompting to simply write a review. With these insights, we study the use of LLMs (specifically, GPT-4) for three tasks: 1. Identifying errors: We construct 13 short computer science papers each with a deliberately inserted error, and ask the LLM to check for the correctness of these papers. We observe that the LLM finds errors in 7 of them, spanning both mathematical and conceptual errors. 2. Verifying checklists: We task the LLM to verify 16 closed-ended checklist questions in the respective sections of 15 NeurIPS 2022 papers. We find that across 119 {checklist question, paper} pairs, the LLM had an 86.6% accuracy. 3. Choosing the "better" paper: We generate 10 pairs of abstracts, deliberately designing each pair in such a way that one abstract was clearly superior than the other. The LLM, however, struggled to discern these relatively straightforward distinctions accurately, committing errors in its evaluations for 6 out of the 10 pairs. Based on these experiments, we think that LLMs have a promising use as reviewing assistants for specific reviewing tasks, but not (yet) for complete evaluations of papers or proposals

    Methods to Support the Project Selection Problem With Non-Linear Portfolio Objectives, Time Sensitive Objectives, Time Sensitive Resource Constraints, and Modeling Inadequacies

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    The United States Air Force relies upon information production activities to gain insight regarding uncertainties affecting important system configuration and in-mission task execution decisions. Constrained resources that prevent the fulfillment of every information production request, multiple information requestors holding different temporal-sensitive objectives, non-constant marginal value preferences, and information-product aging factors that affect the value-of-information complicate the management of these activities. This dissertation reviews project selection research related to these issues and presents novel methods to address these complications. Quantitative experimentation results demonstrate these methods’ significance

    Answering skyline queries over incomplete data with crowdsourcing (Extended Abstract)

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    Macro- and microscopic analysis of the internet economy from network measurements

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions.The growth of the Internet impacts multiple areas of the world economy, and it has become a permanent part of the economic landscape both at the macro- and at microeconomic level. On-line traffic and information are currently assets with large business value. Even though commercial Internet has been a part of our lives for more than two decades, its impact on global, and everyday, economy still holds many unknowns. In this work we analyse important macro- and microeconomic aspects of the Internet. First we investigate the characteristics of the interdomain traffic, which is an important part of the macroscopic economy of the Internet. Finally, we investigate the microeconomic phenomena of price discrimination in the Internet. At the macroscopic level, we describe quantitatively the interdomain traffic matrix (ITM), as seen from the perspective of a large research network. The ITM describes the traffic flowing between autonomous systems (AS) in the Internet. It depicts the traffic between the largest Internet business entities, therefore it has an important impact on the Internet economy. In particular, we analyse the sparsity and statistical distribution of the traffic, and observe that the shape of the statistical distribution of the traffic sourced from an AS might be related to congestion within the network. We also investigate the correlations between rows in the ITM. Finally, we propose a novel method to model the interdomain traffic, that stems from first-principles and recognizes the fact that the traffic is a mixture of different Internet applications, and can have regional artifacts. We present and evaluate a tool to generate such matrices from open and available data. Our results show that our first-principles approach is a promising alternative to the existing solutions in this area, which enables the investigation of what-if scenarios and their impact on the Internet economy. At the microscopic level, we investigate the rising phenomena of price discrimination (PD). We find empirical evidences that Internet users can be subject to price and search discrimination. In particular, we present examples of PD on several ecommerce websites and uncover the information vectors facilitating PD. Later we show that crowd-sourcing is a feasible method to help users to infer if they are subject to PD. We also build and evaluate a system that allows any Internet user to examine if she is subject to PD. The system has been deployed and used by multiple users worldwide, and uncovered more examples of PD. The methods presented in the following papers are backed with thorough data analysis and experiments.Internet es hoy en día un elemento crucial en la economía mundial, su constante crecimiento afecta directamente múltiples aspectos tanto a nivel macro- como a nivel microeconómico. Entre otros aspectos, el tráfico de red y la información que transporta se han convertido en un producto de gran valor comercial para cualquier empresa. Sin embargo, más de dos decadas después de su introducción en nuestras vidas y siendo un elemento de vital importancia, el impacto de Internet en la economía global y diaria es un tema que alberga todavía muchas incógnitas que resolver. En esta disertación analizamos importantes aspectos micro y macroeconómicos de Internet. Primero, investigamos las características del tráfico entre Sistemas Autónomos (AS), que es un parte decisiva de la macroeconomía de Internet. A continuacin, estudiamos el controvertido fenómeno microeconómico de la discriminación de precios en Internet. A nivel macroeconómico, mostramos cuantitatívamente la matriz del tráfico entre AS ("Interdomain Traffic Matrix - ITM"), visto desde la perspectiva de una gran red científica. La ITM obtenida empíricamente muestra la cantidad de tráfico compartido entre diferentes AS, las entidades más grandes en Internet, siendo esto uno de los principales aspectos a evaluar en la economiá de Internet. Esto nos permite por ejemplo, analizar diferentes propiedades estadísticas del tráfico para descubrir si la distribución del tráfico producido por un AS está directamente relacionado con la congestión dentro de la red. Además, este estudio también nos permite investigar las correlaciones entre filas de la ITM, es decir, entre diferentes AS. Por último, basándonos en el estudio empírico, proponemos una innovadora solución para modelar el tráfico en una ITM, teniendo en cuenta que el tráfico modelado es dependiente de las particularidades de cada escenario (e.g., distribución de apliaciones, artefactos). Para obtener resultados representativos, la herramienta propuesta para crear estas matrices es evaluada a partir de conjuntos de datos abiertos, disponibles para toda la comunidad científica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el método propuesto es una prometedora alternativa a las soluciones de la literatura. Permitiendo así, la nueva investigación de escenarios desconocidos y su impacto en la economía de Internet. A nivel microeconómico, en esta tesis investigamos el fenómeno de la discriminación de precios en Internet ("price discrimination" - PD). Nuestros estudios permiten mostrar pruebas empíricas de que los usuarios de Internet están expuestos a discriminación de precios y resultados de búsquedas. En particular, presentamos ejemplos de PD en varias páginas de comercio electrónico y descubrimos que informacin usan para llevarlo a cabo. Posteriormente, mostramos como una herramienta crowdsourcing puede ayudar a la comunidad de usuarios a inferir que páginas aplican prácticas de PD. Con el objetivo de mitigar esta cada vez más común práctica, publicamos y evaluamos una herramienta que permite al usuario deducir si está siendo víctima de PD. Esta herramienta, con gran repercusión mediática, ha sido usada por multitud de usuarios alrededor del mundo, descubriendo así más ejemplos de discriminación. Por último remarcar que todos los metodos presentados en esta disertación están respaldados por rigurosos análisis y experimentos.Postprint (published version

    Modeling and Engineering Constrained Shortest Path Algorithms for Battery Electric Vehicles

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    We study the problem of computing constrained shortest paths for battery electric vehicles. Since battery capacities are limited, fastest routes are often infeasible. Instead, users are interested in fast routes where the energy consumption does not exceed the battery capacity. For that, drivers can deliberately reduce speed to save energy. Hence, route planning should provide both path and speed recommendations. To tackle the resulting NP-hard optimization problem, previous work trades correctness or accuracy of the underlying model for practical running times. In this work, we present a novel framework to compute optimal constrained shortest paths for electric vehicles that uses more realistic physical models, while taking speed adaptation into account. Careful algorithm engineering makes the approach practical even on large, realistic road networks: We compute optimal solutions in less than a second for typical battery capacities, matching performance of previous inexact methods. For even faster performance, the approach can easily be extended with heuristics that provide high quality solutions within milliseconds

    Exploratory wrangling and annotation of Tweets

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    Twitter is an ever growing social platform that is full of ideas and opinions. Huge amount of data is produced daily that is usually too cumbersome to process and mine for the opinions of individuals. As of 2010, 55 million tweets are sent daily and the number is doubled by now. Also twitter data is not structured as a text based information source, considering the lack of structure of the data along with its huge volume, it is nearly impossible to have a healthy summarization of all the ideas and opinions at real time. Therefore in this work we propose a set of algorithms to cluster relevant tweets and similar tweets talking about the same concept on twitter domain. We demonstrate and explain how this information can be used on tweets. As a side benefit we also use these algorithms to detect bots or spammer accounts on twitter since we place such tweets to the same clusters. We show that by transforming twitter data into a clustered structure we are able to overcome problems such as detecting bots and providing a neat summary of the data. these are solvable by transforming the unstructured data environment of twitter to a structured data environment by forming clusters and buckets over the data feed. Another interesting observation we made is that the clusters we form follow the Pareto principle therefore by inspecting only 20% of the clusters we can cover 80% of the whole data
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