32 research outputs found

    Reducing the Arity in Unbiased Black-Box Complexity

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    We show that for all 1<klogn1<k \leq \log n the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of the nn-dimensional \onemax function class is O(n/k)O(n/k). This indicates that the power of higher arity operators is much stronger than what the previous O(n/logk)O(n/\log k) bound by Doerr et al. (Faster black-box algorithms through higher arity operators, Proc. of FOGA 2011, pp. 163--172, ACM, 2011) suggests. The key to this result is an encoding strategy, which might be of independent interest. We show that, using kk-ary unbiased variation operators only, we may simulate an unrestricted memory of size O(2k)O(2^k) bits.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has been accepted for inclusion in the proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2012

    A comparison of crossover control mechanisms within single-point selection hyper-heuristics using HyFlex

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    Hyper-heuristics are search methodologies which operate at a higher level of abstraction than traditional search and optimisation techniques. Rather than operating on a search space of solutions directly, a hyper-heuristic searches a space of low-level heuristics or heuristic components. An iterative selection hyper-heuristic operates on a single solution, selecting and applying a low-level heuristic at each step before deciding whether to accept the resulting solution. Crossover low-level heuristics are often included in modern selection hyper-heuristic frameworks, however as they require multiple solutions to operate, a strategy is required to manage potential solutions to use as input. In this paper we investigate the use of crossover control schemes within two existing selection hyper-heuristics and observe the difference in performance when the method for managing potential solutions for crossover is modified. Firstly, we use the crossover control scheme of AdapHH, the winner of an international competition in heuristic search, in a Modified Choice Function - All Moves selection hyper-heuristic. Secondly, we replace the crossover control scheme within AdapHH with another method taken from the literature. We observe that the performance of selection hyper-heuristics using crossover low level heuristics is not independent of the choice of strategy for managing input solutions to these operators

    Faster Black-Box Algorithms Through Higher Arity Operators

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    We extend the work of Lehre and Witt (GECCO 2010) on the unbiased black-box model by considering higher arity variation operators. In particular, we show that already for binary operators the black-box complexity of \leadingones drops from Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) for unary operators to O(nlogn)O(n \log n). For \onemax, the Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n \log n) unary black-box complexity drops to O(n) in the binary case. For kk-ary operators, knk \leq n, the \onemax-complexity further decreases to O(n/logk)O(n/\log k).Comment: To appear at FOGA 201

    Benchmarking a (μ+λ)(\mu+\lambda) Genetic Algorithm with Configurable Crossover Probability

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    We investigate a family of (μ+λ)(\mu+\lambda) Genetic Algorithms (GAs) which creates offspring either from mutation or by recombining two randomly chosen parents. By scaling the crossover probability, we can thus interpolate from a fully mutation-only algorithm towards a fully crossover-based GA. We analyze, by empirical means, how the performance depends on the interplay of population size and the crossover probability. Our comparison on 25 pseudo-Boolean optimization problems reveals an advantage of crossover-based configurations on several easy optimization tasks, whereas the picture for more complex optimization problems is rather mixed. Moreover, we observe that the ``fast'' mutation scheme with its are power-law distributed mutation strengths outperforms standard bit mutation on complex optimization tasks when it is combined with crossover, but performs worse in the absence of crossover. We then take a closer look at the surprisingly good performance of the crossover-based (μ+λ)(\mu+\lambda) GAs on the well-known LeadingOnes benchmark problem. We observe that the optimal crossover probability increases with increasing population size μ\mu. At the same time, it decreases with increasing problem dimension, indicating that the advantages of the crossover are not visible in the asymptotic view classically applied in runtime analysis. We therefore argue that a mathematical investigation for fixed dimensions might help us observe effects which are not visible when focusing exclusively on asymptotic performance bounds

    Optimal Recombination in Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper surveys results on complexity of the optimal recombination problem (ORP), which consists in finding the best possible offspring as a result of a recombination operator in a genetic algorithm, given two parent solutions. We consider efficient reductions of the ORPs, allowing to establish polynomial solvability or NP-hardness of the ORPs, as well as direct proofs of hardness results

    Approximating geometric crossover in semantic space

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    We propose a crossover operator that works with genetic programming trees and is approximately geometric crossover in the semantic space. By defining semantic as program's evaluation profile with respect to a set of fitness cases and constraining to a specific class of metric-based fitness functions, we cause the fitness landscape in the semantic space to have perfect fitness-distance correlation. The proposed approximately geometric semantic crossover exploits this property of the semantic fitness landscape by an appropriate sampling. We demonstrate also how the proposed method may be conveniently combined with hill climbing. We discuss the properties of the methods, and describe an extensive computational experiment concerning logical function synthesis and symbolic regression