148,528 research outputs found

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Syftet med den hÀr studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger tÀnker kring sitt förhÄllningssÀtt i konflikter och vilka effekter de tror att förhÄllningssÀttet kan fÄ i barngruppen. Studiens metod har varit kvalitativa intervjuer dÀr sex pedagoger frÄn olika förskolor har deltagit. Resultatet visade att deltagarna hela tiden reflekterar över sitt förhÄllningssÀtt till konflikter och varför konflikter uppstÄr. NÄgot som alla deltagare belyste var att det Àr viktigt att barnen ges verktyg för att klara konflikter sjÀlva. Flera olika strategier kunde ses pÄ hur konflikthantering gÄr till men mycket handlar om bemötande, förklaringar och att alla i slutÀndan ska kÀnna sig nöjda. Alla deltagande ansÄg att konflikter Àr lÀrande men pÄ olika plan. Bland annat handlar det om ett lÀrande utifrÄn den gemensamma respekt man bör ha mot varandra men Àven det sociala samspelet nÀmns. De slutsatser som kan dras Àr att konflikthantering i förskolan Àr en viktig del dÀr pedagogens förhÄllningssÀtt pÄverkar konfliktens utgÄng. Att ge barnen verktyg för att klara konflikter sjÀlva ses som en bra start och en central del i konflikthantering hos deltagarna

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    It's Public Knowledge: The National Digital Archive of Datasets

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    This article describes the history and development of the National Digital Archive of Datasets, a service run by the University of London Computer Centre for the National Archives of England. It discusses the project in light of the context in which it emerged in the 1990s, its departure in approach from traditional data archives, and the range of archival functions. Finally, it offers reflections on the project as whole. Cet article dĂ©crit l’histoire et le dĂ©veloppement du National Digital Archive of Datasets, un service offert par le centre informatique de l’UniversitĂ© de Londres pour les Archives nationales de l’Angleterre. L’auteure prĂ©sente le contexte dans lequel le projet a Ă©mergĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1990, son approche qui diffĂšre de celle des archives de donnĂ©es informatiques traditionnelles, ainsi que la gamme de ses fonctions archivistiques. Finalement, elle offre des rĂ©flexions sur le projet dans son ensemble

    The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Architecture

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    The powerful discovery capabilities available in the ADS bibliographic services are possible thanks to the design of a flexible search and retrieval system based on a relational database model. Bibliographic records are stored as a corpus of structured documents containing fielded data and metadata, while discipline-specific knowledge is segregated in a set of files independent of the bibliographic data itself. The creation and management of links to both internal and external resources associated with each bibliography in the database is made possible by representing them as a set of document properties and their attributes. To improve global access to the ADS data holdings, a number of mirror sites have been created by cloning the database contents and software on a variety of hardware and software platforms. The procedures used to create and manage the database and its mirrors have been written as a set of scripts that can be run in either an interactive or unsupervised fashion. The ADS can be accessed at http://adswww.harvard.eduComment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Electronic governance technologies in the system of providing administrative services

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    The practice of using the term “electronic governance” does not differentiate the concepts of the subject of management, that is, the three branches of government, with forms, processes and technologies of governance, which is not correct, since the use of information technology in state activities is not a top priority. On the other hand, electronic governance technologies cannot be considered separately from the automated governance processes as well as electronic governance technologies are not a supplement or an analogue of the traditional state, as intended to communicate by means of electronic governance technologies to increase the efficiency of the entire system of public administration, in particular in the system of administrative services

    The emergence of competitors to the Science Citation Index and the Web of Science

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