3,016 research outputs found

    LPDQ: a self-scheduled TDMA MAC protocol for one-hop dynamic lowpower wireless networks

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    Current Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for data collection scenarios with a large number of nodes that generate bursty traffic are based on Low-Power Listening (LPL) for network synchronization and Frame Slotted ALOHA (FSA) as the channel access mechanism. However, FSA has an efficiency bounded to 36.8% due to contention effects, which reduces packet throughput and increases energy consumption. In this paper, we target such scenarios by presenting Low-Power Distributed Queuing (LPDQ), a highly efficient and low-power MAC protocol. LPDQ is able to self-schedule data transmissions, acting as a FSA MAC under light traffic and seamlessly converging to a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) MAC under congestion. The paper presents the design principles and the implementation details of LPDQ using low-power commercial radio transceivers. Experiments demonstrate an efficiency close to 99% that is independent of the number of nodes and is fair in terms of resource allocation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Goodbye, ALOHA!

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) to interconnect and Internet-connect everyday people, objects, and machines poses new challenges in the design of wireless communication networks. The design of medium access control (MAC) protocols has been traditionally an intense area of research due to their high impact on the overall performance of wireless communications. The majority of research activities in this field deal with different variations of protocols somehow based on ALOHA, either with or without listen before talk, i.e., carrier sensing multiple access. These protocols operate well under low traffic loads and low number of simultaneous devices. However, they suffer from congestion as the traffic load and the number of devices increase. For this reason, unless revisited, the MAC layer can become a bottleneck for the success of the IoT. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing MAC solutions for the IoT, describing current limitations and envisioned challenges for the near future. Motivated by those, we identify a family of simple algorithms based on distributed queueing (DQ), which can operate for an infinite number of devices generating any traffic load and pattern. A description of the DQ mechanism is provided and most relevant existing studies of DQ applied in different scenarios are described in this paper. In addition, we provide a novel performance evaluation of DQ when applied for the IoT. Finally, a description of the very first demo of DQ for its use in the IoT is also included in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Cross-layer design and optimization of medium access control protocols for wlans

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    This thesis provides a contribution to the field of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocol design for wireless networks by proposing and evaluating mechanisms that enhance different aspects of the network performance. These enhancements are achieved through the exchange of information between different layers of the traditional protocol stack, a concept known as Cross-Layer (CL) design. The main thesis contributions are divided into two parts. The first part of the thesis introduces a novel MAC layer protocol named Distributed Queuing Collision Avoidance (DQCA). DQCA behaves as a reservation scheme that ensures collision-free data transmissions at the majority of the time and switches automatically to an Aloha-like random access mechanism when the traffic load is low. DQCA can be enriched by more advanced scheduling algorithms based on a CL dialogue between the MAC and other protocol layers, to provide higher throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. The second part of the thesis explores a different challenge in MAC layer design, related to the ability of multiple antenna systems to offer point-to-multipoint communications. Some modifications to the recently approved IEEE 802.11n standard are proposed in order to handle simultaneous multiuser downlink transmissions. A number of multiuser MAC schemes that handle channel access and scheduling issues and provide mechanisms for feedback acquisition have been presented and evaluated. The obtained performance enhancements have been demonstrated with the help of both theoretical analysis and simulation obtained results

    Queue utilization with hop based enhanced arbitrary inter frame spacing MAC for saturated ad HOC networks

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    © 2015 IEEE. Path length of a multi hop Ad Hoc networks has an adverse impact on the end-to-end throughput especially during network saturation. The success rate of forwarding packets towards destination is limited due to interference, contention, limited buffer space, and bandwidth. Real time applications streaming data fill the buffer space at a faster rate at the source and its nearby forwarding nodes since the channel is shared. The aim of this paper is to increase the success rate of forwarding the packets to yield a higher end-to-end throughput. In order to reduce loss of packets due to buffer overflow and enhance the performance of the network for a saturated network, a novel MAC protocol named Queue Utilization with Hop Based Enhanced Arbitrary Inter Frame Spacing based (QU-EAIFS) MAC is proposed for alleviating the problems in saturated Ad Hoc networks. The protocol prioritises the nodes based on its queue utilization and hops travelled by the packet and it helps achieving higher end-toend performance by forwarding the packets with higher rate towards the destination during network saturation. The proposed MAC enhances the end-to-end performance by approximately 40% and 34% for a 5hop and 6hop communication respectively in a chain topology as compared to the standard IEEE802.11b. The performance of the new MAC also outperforms the performance of IEEE 802.11e MAC. In order to validate the protocol, it is also tested with short hops and varying packet sizes and more realistic random topologies

    Application of the DQCA protocol to the optimization of wireless communications systems in cellular environments

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    This final career thesis (Master thesis) is a contribution on the enhancement of wireless communications, specifically WLAN multi-cell systems based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. The objectives were to propose and study different Cross-Layer AP selection mechanisms that include single, dual and multiple metric based criteria using PHY-MAC interactions. These mechanisms are designed in order to improve system efficiency through the increase of the utilization of the available transmission resources. The key idea of these mechanisms is to make use of certain PHY and MAC parameters, other than the traditional RSSI measurements, in order to optimize the association to the best AP, specially focusing on the innovative use of MAC level state metrics. In this regard, of special interest is the inclusion of MAC level AP traffic load estimations within these association decisions. All the proposals are based on the use of a high-performance MAC protocol called DQCA (Distributed Queueing Collision Avoidance), which is specially fitted to include the proposed techniques. Computer simulations have been carried out to evaluate and quantify the benefits of the proposed mechanisms and techniques in representative scenarios. Moreover, a completely new handoff procedure has been designed for the DQCA muti-cell operation. This handoff process allows implementing each of the proposed AP selection mechanisms. Furthermore, the interaction between a Cross-Layer scheduling technique at the MAC level and two proposed AP selection mechanisms has also been studied. The performance of these techniques has also been assessed by means of computer simulations. The analysis of the obtained results show that the proposed mechanisms perform differently under the considered scenarios. However, the main conclusion that can be drawn is that AP selection mechanisms that are based on joint multiple metrics considerations (SNR, AP load, delay, etc.) perform significantly better than those that use only single or dual metric based mechanisms. After the study, we can conclude that the proposed techniques and mechanisms provide significant efficiency enhancements for DQCA-based WLAN multi-cell systems so that all of them may be taken into account in future wireless networks
