32,252 research outputs found

    Polaroid, aperture, and Ansel Adams: rethinking the industry-aesthetic divide

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    This article takes the history of Polaroid photography as an opportunity to question a presupposition that underpins much thinking on photography: the split between industrial (ie useful) applications of photography and its fine art (ie aesthetic) manifestations. Critics as ideologically opposed as Peter Bunnell and Abigail Solomon-Godeau steadfastly maintain the existence of this separation of utility and aesthetics in photography, even if they take contrasting views on its meaning and desirability. However, Polaroid, at one time the second largest company in the photo industry, not only enjoyed close relations with those key representatives of fine art photography, Ansel Adams and the magazine Aperture, but it also intermittently asserted the ‘essentially aesthetic’ nature of its commercial and industrial activities in its own internal publications. The divide between industry and aesthetics is untenable, then, but this does not mean that the two poles were reconciled at Polaroid. While Aperture may have underplayed its commercial connections and Polaroid may have retrospectively exaggerated its own contributions to the development of fine art photography, most interesting are the contradictions and tensions that arise when the industrial and the aesthetic come together. The article draws on original research undertaken at the Polaroid Corporation archives held at the Baker Library, Harvard, as well as with the Ansel Adams correspondence with Polaroid, held at the Polaroid Collections in Concord, Massachusett

    Sentencing as craftwork and the binary epistemologies of the discretionary decision process

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    This article contends that it is time to take a critical look at a series of binary categories which have dominated the scholarly and reform epistemologies of the sentencing decision process. These binaries are: rules versus discretion; reason versus emotion; offence versus offender; normative principles versus incoherence; aggravating versus mitigating factors; and aggregate/tariff consistency versus individualized sentencing. These binaries underpin both the 'legal-rational' tradition (by which I mean a view of discretion as inherently suspect, a preference for the use of philosophy of punishment justifications and an explanation of the decision process through factors or variables), and also the more recent rise of the 'new penology'. Both approaches tend to rely on 'top-down' assumptions of change, which pay limited attention to the agency of penal workers. The article seeks to develop a conception of sentencing craftwork as a social and interpretive process.1 In so doing, it applies and develops a number of Kritzer's observations (in this issue) about craftwork to sentencing. These craftwork observations are: problem solving (applied to the rules - discretion and reason - emotion dichotomies); skills and techniques (normative penal principles and the use of cognitive analytical assumptions); consistency (tariff versus individualized sentencing); clientele (applied to account giving and the reality of decision making versus expression). By conceiving of sentencing as craftwork, the binary epistemologies of the sentencing decision process, which have dominated (and limited) the scholarly and policy sentencing imaginations, are revealed as dynamic, contingent, and synergistic. However, this is not to say that such binaries are no more than empty rhetoric concealing the reality of the decision process. Rather, these binaries serve as crucial legitimating reference points in the vocabulary of sentencing account giving

    Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan

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    This study investigates whether board gender diversity influences corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting in Jordan, where there are no gender board balance regulatory requirements. Data was examined from all non-financial Jordanian listed companies for the period of 2006 to 2015. This longitudinal data results in balanced panel data of 800 observations. A content analysis method was used to obtain the reporting index of CSR disclosure in the annual reports. Ordinary least square regression showed that the presence of female directors on a board has a significantly positive effect on the level of CSR reporting. The presence of female directors on the board appears to play a significant role in enhancing compliance with corporate governance best practices. These results provide motivations for companies to consider gender balance on boards. Further, these results reinforce the decision making of regulators in countries where policies have been adopted to increase female representation on corporate boards. In countries where no such regulation exists the inclusion of gender balance practices within boards of directors may increase the level of CSR reporting practices. This study can be considered as one of the few empirical studies that have evaluated the impact of board gender diversity on the level of CSR reporting in a context where there are no gender balance strategies or policies

    New Entrants versus Incumbents in the Emerging On-Line Financial Services Complex

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    The emergence of electronic commerce complexes raises important questions regarding competence building and leveraging, both for practitioners and strategy scholars. Competences of brick-and-mortar incumbents (large and mature players) are being challenged by new entrants' click-and-mortar or click-and-click business models. The implications of this challenge for the financial services industry - as for many other industries - are only starting to become clear. In this paper we contribute to these initial understandings by developing a conceptual framework that considers which strategies incumbents and new entrants might adopt to improve their competitiveness. We identify four relevant organizational types in the emerging on-line financial services complex. For each of these types we outline how ties to sponsoring organizations can be used as a buffer against environmental turbulence and as a bridge towards changing stakeholder perspectives.legitimacy;e-commerce;co-evolution;competence building and leveraging;on-line financial services complex

    Using all the tools in our arsenal

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    In the face of budget cuts and threats to professional posts, librarians should promote all of the professional skills they have, particularly information literacy, in order to ensure relevance as more information is delivered electronically

    Not as strong as we thought: The puzzling collapse of the Mubarak regime in Egypt

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    After nearly thirty years in rule, the regime of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt was considered by many to be as 1Cimmovable as the pyramids 1D (Hamid 2011: 102). However, the collapse of this regime in 2011, following a mere eighteen days of protests stymied many scholars who began to question how such a revered 18pharaoh 19 could have fallen so abruptly. In this thesis, I try to provide an answer to this question. I hypothesise that the collapse of the Mubarak regime was facilitated by four developments, which, when combined, exposed the true hollowness of the regime 19s coercive and persuasive powers. These four developments were: the declining legitimacy of the Mubarak regime; the defection of key internal and external allies from the regime; the coalescence of a broad and unified opposition; and the strategic use of social media by that opposition. Through the development of a theoretical framework and the subsequent application of that framework to the case study of Egypt, this thesis finds that all four of these developments were present and did in fact facilitate the collapse of the Mubarak regime by revealing the regime 19s lack of coercive and persuasive powers

    Book Reviews

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    Between empowerment and abuse: citizen participation beyond the post-democratic turn

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    In this special issue on “Democratization beyond the Post-Democratic Turn. Political Participation between Empowerment and Abuse”, we have explored changing understandings of participation in contemporary Western representative democracies through the analytical lens of the concept of the post-democratic-turn. We have investigated technology-based, market-based, and expert-led innovations that claim to enhance democratic participation and to provide policy legitimation. In this concluding article, I revisit the cases made by the individual contributors and analyse how shifting notions of participation alter dominant understandings of democracy. I carve out how new and emerging ideas of participation are based on different understandings of political subjectivity; furthermore, how constantly rising democratic expectations and simultaneously increasing scepticism with regard to democratic processes and institutions point to a growing democratic ambivalence within Western societies. Making use of Dahl’s conceptualization of democracy, in this article, I review changing understandings of participation in light of their contribution to further democratization. The article shows how under post-democratic conditions the simulative performance of autonomy and subjectivity has become central to democratic participation. It emphasizes that what in established perspectives on democratization might appear as an abuse of participation, through the lens of a post-democratic-turn might be perceived as emancipatory and liberating

    Understanding capacity for implementing new interventions : A qualitative study of speech and language therapy services for children with speech sound disorder

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    Acknowledgements Thank you to all participants who gave so generously of their time to share their experiences of practice change, and to the services and other people who facilitated access, including the Scottish Speech and Language Therapy Managers’ group. Thanks also to the Specialists in SSD Network, Caroline Bowen, Sharynne McLeod, and to team leaders in a fourth Scottish service whose SSD intervention initiative informed the study design. Finally, thank you to retired speech and language therapists Linda Armstrong and Jen Reid for critical feedback throughout the study. Funding statement This paper is based on work carried out as part of an ESRC funded PhD studentship awarded to AN at the NMAHP Research Unit, University of Stirling. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. The paper was written after AN moved to the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPublisher PD