171,748 research outputs found

    Using collaborative web 2.0 tools in enterprise system implementation to assist with change management as a critical success factor

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    The aim of this paper is to provide enterprise system and BPMS implementers an alternative approach to address those critical success factors that can be supported by new web based collaborative technology and to propose a typical model or configuration to deploy this approach as a methodology. In order to achieve this aim the following objectives are identified: Gain an understanding of enterprise and BPMS systems and the history of failed enterprise system implementations; Identify and analyse the critical success factors of enterprise system implementation with a specific view on those that require communication and collaboration that can be supported by a Web 2.0 technology; Gain an understanding of change management as a critical success factor for enterprise system implementation and the role of communication and collaboration as components of change management; Research the current state of Web 2.0 collaborative technology and determine the components that may be useful to support the specific requirements identified for change management as a critical success factor in enterprise system implementation; Propose a model using Web 2.0 tools in the BPMS deployment; Identify areas to be investigated in future research such as a case study. The application of the principles identified and researched for the model is demonstrated through the application of the principles to a specific case, in this instance the FlowCentric Business Process Management Suite.Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2008.Informaticsunrestricte

    Health Information System Implementation: The Role Of Business Process Management On Successful Implementation

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    Integrated HIS provides significant improvements in efficiency across an environment of health care. However, there are also risk associated with implementation of integrated HIS but the actual implementation of integrated health information systems (HIS) is a challenging issue. Implementing integrated HIS are increasingly seen as the way to achieve quality and continuity in treatment, reducing clinical errors, and supporting health care professional in providing care. With the hurried growth in popularity of integrated HIS package, an increasing number of health care sectors are making the decision to implement an integrated HIS. The critical success factors for integrated HIS implementation include top management support, a clear business vision and issues specific to HIS such as implementation strategy and software configuration. However, some of the more important factors are the issues related to re-engineering business processes and the integration of various core processes to the HIS. This paper investigates the role and impact of business process management in successful integrated HIS implementation. The paper starts by defining business process management and the integrated HIS critical success factors. The impact of business process management on successful integrated HIS implementation is then assessed through looking at the experiences of several health care sectors. The paper concludes by documenting best practices for capitalizing on business process management for successful integrated HIS implementation

    Critical Factors and Multisite Implementation of ERP: A Case Study in the UAE

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    Despite extensive studies in the ERP literature, little empirical understanding has been reached in relation to ERP implementation experiences in developing markets, particularly in the UAE context. Derived from the notions of critical successful factors and multisite implementation, two of widely researched areas in ERP studies, this paper thus seeks to provide practical insights about organizations’ ERP implementation experiences in the UAE setting. More specifically, it describes and contrasts critical factors and multisite implementation experiences in two case organizations situated in the UAE. These case organizations, one being categorized as a global company and the other local, provide interesting comparison of ERP implementation because of their complementary organizational structure and business strategies. In contrast to traditional ERP frameworks’ suggestions, these case organizations’ experiences reveal that contemporary ERP implementations might be more complex than previously expected since none of these case organizations’ ERP experiences follows suggestions made by frameworks based. Further discussion about how to better understand and examine maturing ERP technology in an increasingly globalized business environment such as the UAE is provided

    Transforming the UK public procurement from transactional/relational practice to strategic commercial management

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    The thesis is about the shift of UK public sector procurement from the current transactional and tactical procurement processes into a strategic commercial management function in order to create and retain value. Strategic Commercial Management being the adoption of the most appropriate and relevant procurement approach in determining supply chain management relationships i.e. transactional, relational or a combination of both approaches. This is informed by the influences that the structure and configuration of supply chain management has on value creation and retention. The study addresses two primary research issues. The structure and organisation of public sector procurement groups determines their ability to manage highly complex public sector procurement requirements and the type of procurement approach adopted is likely to determine their ability to deliver greater value. The methodology is based on cases of three UK Government Departments (Department for Work and Pensions, the Ministry of Justice and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs). In which quantitative analysis (multiple linear regression modelling) was used to determine the effect of procurement approaches on value creation and retention and qualitative analysis used in the identification and analysis of the critical success factors. The study concludes that a shift towards the procurement of standard services based on output or outcomes provides the optimum strategic commercial management. That the adoption of a combination of transactional and relational procurement approach provides the most effective basis for increasing the delivery of value and ensuring that it is not eroded. This thesis provides a framework for value creation and retention for practitioners. It also provides the basis for leveraging adopted procurement approaches and develops a number of critical success factors for implementation. The thesis offers up a theoretical model with specific predictions by predicting the effect that transactional, relational or the combination of both approaches has on value creati

    The fundamental challenge: human and organisational factors in an ERP implementation

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    Organisations encounter obstacles when implementing ERP systems. This paper intends to explore some of the problems that occur throughout the implementation of an ERP system. Using a combination of the work of Markus et al (2001) and Kim et al (2005), a framework is constructed of Human and Organisational and Technical problems in ERP Implementations during the project phase. Drawing on empirical evidences from a UK furniture manufacturer, this study then discusses and analyses each problem identified in the framework and its affect on the implementation of their ERP system. The findings of this paper reveal that the fundamental challenge of ERP implementation is not technology but organisational and human problems, which, if not properly comprehended and addressed, can lead to ERP failure. Understanding that organisational and human issues are extremely important will encourage practitioners to address these problems and succeed in their ERP system implementations

    System implementation: managing project and post project stage - case study in an Indonesian company

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    The research reported in this paper aims to get a better\ud understanding of how the implementation process of\ud enterprise systems (ES) can be managed, by studying the\ud process from an organisational perspective. A review of\ud the literature on previous research in ES implementation\ud has been carried out and the state of the art of ES\ud implementation research is defined. Using several body of\ud literature, an organisational view on ES implementation is\ud described, explaining that ES implementation involves\ud challenges from triple domain, namely technological\ud challenge, business process related challenge, and\ud organisational challenge. Based on the defined state of the\ud art and the organisational view on ES implementation\ud developed in this research, a research framework is\ud presented, addressing the project as well as the postproject\ud stage, and a number of essential issues within the\ud stages. System alignment, knowledge acquisition, change\ud mobilisation are the essntial issues to be studied in the\ud project stage while institutionalisation effort and\ud continuous improvement facilitation are to be studied in\ud the post-project stage. Case studies in Indonesian\ud companies are used to explain the framework

    Information technology and performance management for build-to-order supply chains

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    En las siguientes lĂ­neas se plantea un artĂ­culo de reflexiĂłn que tiene en cuenta parte del marco teĂłrico que sustenta la investigaciĂłn titulada “PrĂĄcticas pedagĂłgicas que promueven la competencia argumentativa escrita (CAE) en niños campesinos de los grados 4° y 5° del Centro Educativo Municipal La Caldera, Sede Principal de Pasto”, desarrollada en el año 2012. En Ă©l se contemplan los aportes de las ciencias del lenguaje y la comunicaciĂłn, la teorĂ­a de la argumentaciĂłn, la didĂĄctica de la lengua escrita y los gĂ©neros discursivos, que dan cuenta de la necesidad de desarrollar la capacidad crĂ­tica en los estudiantes a travĂ©s de la argumentaciĂłn, lo cual implica transformar las prĂĄcticas pedagĂłgicas para que se alejen de la transmisiĂłn de conocimientos y den paso a la comunicaciĂłn, para que la palabra escrita sea apropiada de manera significativa
