5,001 research outputs found

    Analysis of Crimes Against Women in India between Years 2001 - 2015

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    The motivation behind this report is to break down the wrongdoings conferred against women in India between years 2001 ndash 2015 and specifically those violating section 375: Intercourse with a woman without her assent or will.nbspnbsp This report covers the insights of crimes perpetrated against women in each state, the increase/decrease in the crime rate in each state between the mentioned years (2001-2015), the relation between the casualties and the offenders, the age groups of the victims that the offenders target the most.nbsp According to 2015, the number of cases of evidence announced against women have practically multiplied since that of the year 2001. It has been expanding in every state each year. Madhya Pradesh has been the state that had the most number of cases followed by West Bengal. The states with minimal violations against women are Manipur and Sikkim. [note that population is not taken into consideration here] From the charts that are appeared towards the finish of the report, clearly, women between ages 18-29 are targeted the most. Kids under the age of 6 had also been casualties of assault. The graphs taking after that demonstrate the connection of the victims to the offenders. 96% of the casualties knew the offenders somehow.nbspNeighborsnbspand individuals who promised to marry their victims secured a vast bit of this graph.nbspnbspnbs

    International Crimes against Women: An Introduction

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    Adjudication of Gender Based Crimes against Women in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals

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    Sexual crimes against women have always been a part of war and have occurred in virtually every armed conflict throughout human history. For a very long time, and still today in some cultures, women were not seen as equal to men. Thus, gender based crimes against women were almost invisible to international criminal law. While these crimes were largely ignored after World War I and II, things have recently started changing for the better. This change started in the 1990’s with the establishment of the ICTY and ICTR, as the first international criminal tribunals which had a mission to also punish crimes against women. These tribunals were the first ones that explicitly included rape as a crime against humanity in their statutes and their jurisprudence is of crucial importance for the prosecution of gender based crimes against women. The ICTR in Akayesu provided the first definition of rape in international criminal law and set the precedent that rape could constitute genocide. The ICTY in Kunarac expanded the definition of rape and also became the first international criminal tribunal to convict a perpetrator for enslavement for sexual reasons (sexual slavery). The ICC further continued the work of the ad hoc tribunals and expanded the list of gender based crimes against women by including in its statute several crimes that had never before been explicitly criminalized. Similarly, the SCSL became the first international criminal tribunal to explicitly recognize forced marriage as a crime against humanity. This thesis aims to widen the knowledge of this issue and provide an overview and analysis of the treatment of gender based crimes against women in international criminal law


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    Violence against women is a serious and a widespread social problem in the world. Numerous research studies have examined this phenomenon and its reasons and results. However, knife crimes against women have not been adequately investigated. This particular type of violence is the most serious and the deathly one. For instance, hundreds of women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends in the last decade in Turkey, and the knives are the most preferred crime tool in these cases. This research study examined knife crimes against women. The data were collected from police departments in a middle-sized city, which has a population around 800,000. All of the recorded knife crime cases were collected as data for a ten-year period between 2002 and 2012. The data consist of 3.050 knife crime cases and 12.757 individuals involved in these cases. Of all these cases 514 were committed against women. The demographics of victims, the date, time and location of cases, type of knives, type of wounds, location of wounds, relationship between suspects and victims, and reasons behind use of knives were investigated. It is presumed that findings from the study can help better understand knife crime against women and generate effective solution to minimize the crime rate

    Rape in Turkey: Between Incitement, Complicity, and Silence

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    The debates triggered by a 14-fold increase in violent crimes against women in Turkey in the last seven years have pitted Islamic male scholars and journalists against Islamic women writers, reports Sertaç Sehlikoğl

    Preventing crimes against women: are stringent laws the only solution?

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    "All this emerges from the patriarchal value system, which is an accompaniment of sectarian politics. While demanding for strong punishment against the criminals, one hopes the issues raised by this upsurge will be channelized to go to the deeper causes of this phenomenon and will also come to challenge the politics which is based on caste and gender hierarchy, the communal politics. This politics, which can come in the garb of any religion, is detrimental to the rights and status of women. The need is not to look at women as someone who need protection and respect as the subordinate being, but to work towards a society where women have control over their lives, where women are not the weaker sex, but one amongst the two equal sexes. One wishes the infinite pain and anguish of this upsurge will come to challenge the deep set norms of patriarchy in our society. Lets hope we don’t have to hang our head in shame again.

    Surfacing Gender: Re-Engraving Crimes Against Women in Humanitarian Law

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    Historically, the rape of women in war has drawn occasional and short lived international attention. Most of the time rape has been invisible, or has come to light as part of the competing diplomacies of war, illustrating the viciousness of the conqueror or the innocence of the conquered. When war is done, it is comfortably cabined as a mere inevitable by-product, a matter of indiscipline, of soldiers revved up by war, needy, and briefly out of control

    Advanced Women Security System Based on IOT

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    It is the country where women are considered as most respected and safer and . Safety of women matters a lot whether at home or outside the home or working place. Last few crimes against women especially most common crimes against women are rape, dowry deaths, sexual harassment at home or work place, kidnapping and abduction, cruelty by husband, relatives, assault on a woman, and sex trafficking and are very dread and fearful. Because of such crimes, women security in India has become a doubtful and critic topic. This paper represents an Android Application for the Safety of Women .This application simply includes safety hardware device and main cloud server which manage all synchronized control over system This app recognize the location through tracking service i.e. GPS and sends a message comprising this location coordinates to the registered contacts and also send messages to near by mobile which are having this app

    The Power of Political Voice: Women's Political Representation and Crime in India

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    Using state-level variation in the timing of political reforms, we find that an increase in female representation in local government induces a large and significant rise in documented crimes against women in India. Our evidence suggests that this increase is good news, as it is driven primarily by greater reporting rather than greater incidence of such crimes. In contrast, we find no increase in crimes against men or gender-neutral crimes. We also examine the effectiveness of alternative forms of political representation: large scale membership of women in local councils affects crime against them more than their presence in higher level leadership positions.crime; women’s empowerment; minority representation; voice

    The Power of Political Voice: Women's Political Representation and Crime in India

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    Using state-level variation in the timing of political reforms, we find that an increase in female representation in local government induces a large and significant rise in documented crimes against women in India. Our evidence suggests that this increase is good news, driven primarily by greater reporting rather than greater incidence of such crimes. In contrast, we find no increase in crimes against men or gender-neutral crimes. We also examine the effectiveness of alternative forms of political representation: large scale membership of women in local councils affects crime against them more than their presence in higher level leadership positions.crime, women's empowerment, minority representation, voice
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