14,281 research outputs found

    The experience of enchantment in human-computer interaction

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    Improving user experience is becoming something of a rallying call in human–computer interaction but experience is not a unitary thing. There are varieties of experiences, good and bad, and we need to characterise these varieties if we are to improve user experience. In this paper we argue that enchantment is a useful concept to facilitate closer relationships between people and technology. But enchantment is a complex concept in need of some clarification. So we explore how enchantment has been used in the discussions of technology and examine experiences of film and cell phones to see how enchantment with technology is possible. Based on these cases, we identify the sensibilities that help designers design for enchantment, including the specific sensuousness of a thing, senses of play, paradox and openness, and the potential for transformation. We use these to analyse digital jewellery in order to suggest how it can be made more enchanting. We conclude by relating enchantment to varieties of experience.</p

    The visceral embodiment of digital pleasures

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    This panel explores digital pleasures that arise through the entanglement of bodies and digital technologies. Focusing on the digital structures and affordances that facilitate seeking, receiving and giving pleasure we analyse the ways in which intimacy is not only interactive, but also profoundly embodied. Haraway’s work in particular highlights the importance of taking seriously the nexus of human bodies and technologies and attending to the ways in which technologies not only deliver and mediate pleasure, but potentially expand upon our capacity to experience it. This panel explores how mediated practices engage the body as a site of pleasure and embodied affective intensity. Within this frame, we suggest that digitally mediated pleasures, while widely consumed, still have a hint of the ‘fringe’ or ‘subversive’. As well as proposing a theoretical framework for understanding embodied digital pleasures, this panel also examines specific examples of digital pleasure from sex to drugs and sound. To date the research corpus has largely focused upon the micro-social interactions of digital intimacies. This emphasis on relational intimacy puts the body into the background of the digitally mediated encounter and limits the ways in which we can talk about embodiment, sex and pleasure online. Embodied pleasure is intrinsic to the human condition, and digital media is deeply embedded in contemporary life. How these intersect is a key piece of the puzzle of what it means to be human in contemporary society

    How to do Grindr :sensory, visceral and haptic geographies of men who use Grindr in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis explores how Grindr – a location-based dating app used mainly by men – mediates the everyday lives of the men who use it in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK. I take a feminist corporeal approach that aligns with assemblage thinking, enabling an exploration of how sexualities and masculinities emerge in and through multiple bodies, objects and places. I explore Grindr as a digital screen, space and technology. I focus on emotional, sensory, visceral and haptic experiences of Grindr. The thesis is based on analysis of 30 semi-structured interviews and four participant research diaries with men who use Grindr living in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I focus on the ways discourses of gender and sexuality work to shape the lives of men who use Grindr, and how they emerge differently through digitally mediated lives. I argue that using Grindr has the capacity –in work to disorientate and reorientate users in their everyday spaces and places, shaping the ways men perform and embody gender and sexuality differently. Different men are learning how to do Grindr in different ways. There are multiple ways that gender, sexuality and bodies emerge through Grindr. Therefore, there are different bodily and spatial disorientations and reorientations. Exploring the ways the body feels, I bring feminist corporeal scholarship in conversation with geographies of sexualities and digital geographies. I attend to calls for materially grounded studies of the digital, highlighting the complex entanglements of flesh, skin, screens, emotions, desires, and discourses. I explore how geographic concepts such as public/private, home, mobility, sexual citizenship and proximity and distance are being reorientated as bodies become entangled with digital technologies. I conclude by suggesting three ways that future research can enhance understandings of the ways the digital is (re)shaping everyday spaces, places and bodies

    Why Youth (heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life

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    Part of the Volume on Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Social network sites like MySpace and Facebook serve as "networked publics." As with unmediated publics like parks and malls, youth use networked publics to gather, socialize with their peers, and make sense of and help build the culture around them. This article examines American youth engagement in networked publics and considers how properties unique to such mediated environments (e.g., persistence, searchability, replicability, and invisible audiences) affect the ways in which youth interact with one another. Ethnographic data is used to analyze how youth recognize these structural properties and find innovative ways of making these systems serve their purposes. Issues like privacy and impression management are explored through the practices of teens and youth participation in social network sites is situated in a historical discussion of youth's freedom and mobility in the United States

    Sonic presence and spectral technology

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    We describe a series of experiments in artistic research, each investigating and illustrating aspects of presence phenomena. In each, we utilise digital technologies to invert the prevailing academic approach to presence, with the intention not to teleport a person to another place but to draw attention to unseen phenomena in physical spaces, specifically through the use of sound. Our work is grounded in theories of experience, mediation and context, and we follow a methodology merging artistic strategies with computational thinking. This paper serves to introduce aspects of presence theory into our existing conceptual model in order to develop it further, and to conversely contribute an alternative perspective to the presence research community

    Empathy at Play:Embodying Posthuman Subjectivities in Gaming

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    In this article, we address the need for a posthuman account of the relationship between the avatar and player. We draw on a particular line of posthumanist theory associated closely with the work of Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti and N. Katherine Hayles that suggests a constantly permeable, fluid and extended subjectivity, displacing the boundaries between human and other. In doing so, we propose a posthuman concept of empathy in gameplay, and we apply this concept to data from the first author’s 18-month ethnographic field notes of gameplay in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. Exploring these data through our analysis of posthuman empathy, we demonstrate the entanglement of avatar–player, machine–human relationship. We show how empathy allows us to understand this relationship as constantly negotiated and in process, producing visceral reactions in the intra-connected avatar–player subject as well as moments of co-produced in-game action that require ‘affective matching’ between subjective and embodied experiences. We argue that this account of the avatar–player relationship extends research in game culture, providing a horizontal, non-hierarchical discussion of its most necessary interaction

    A three person poncho and a set of maracas:designing Ola De La Vida, a co-located social play computer game

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    Events that bring people together to play video games as a social experience are growing in popularity across the western world. Amongst these events are ‘play parties,’ temporary social play environments which create unique shared play experiences for attendees unlike anything they could experience elsewhere. This paper explores co-located play experience design and proposes that social play games can lead to the formation of temporary play communities. These communities may last for a single gameplay session, for a whole event, or beyond the event. The paper analyses games designed or enhanced by social play contexts and evaluates a social play game, Ola de la Vida. The research findings suggest that social play games can foster community through the design of game play within the game itself, through curation which enhances their social potential, and through design for ‘semi-spectatorship’, which blurs the boundaries between player and spectator thus widening the game’s magic circle

    Sensibility, narcissism and affect: using immersive practices in design for embodied experience

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    ‘Embodiment’ need not focus on isolated individuals or group interactions. This article articulates the potential for designs that prompt participants to bring relationships with other people to mind. These can be fleeting relationships between participants and unknown others, or remembered relationships with romantic partners, family members, or close friends who are not physically co-present or digitally represented. In either case, it is possible to generate affective responses that profoundly shape participants’ emotional and physical reactions to, and co-creation of, the designed interaction. This article presents existing practices of immersive theatre to frame our exploration of this phenomenon. It introduces three theories—mise-en-sensibilitĂ©, narcissistic spectatorship and affect—through which we illuminate both the internally felt and the externally designed experience, whether or not it is explicitly framed as theatrical performance. Through analysis of two immersive performances (one-on-one interactions that could easily be understood in terms of experience design) and two designs of our own, we argue that the affect generated by personal relationships in immersive experiences can both shape and drive participation, and we offer a three-point guideline by which one can design for the affective consequences of bringing relationships to mind

    Value beyond function: Analyzing the perception of wheelchair innovations in Kenya

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    Innovations in the field of assistive technology are usually evaluated based on practical considerations related to their ability to perform certain functions. However, social and emotional aspects play a huge role in how people with disabilities interact with assistive products and services. Over a five months period, we tested an innovative wheelchair service provision model that leverages 3D printing and Computer Aided Design to provide bespoke wheelchairs in Kenya. The study involved eight expert wheelchair users and five healthcare professionals who routinely provide wheelchair services in their community. Results from the study show that both users and providers attributed great value to both the novel service delivery model and the wheelchairs produced as part of the study. The reasons for their appreciation went far beyond the practical considerations and were rooted in the fact that the service delivery model and the wheelchairs promoted core values of agency, empowerment and self-expression
