153 research outputs found

    European hydrogen train the trainer framework for responders: Outcomes of the HyResponder project

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    HyResponder is a European Hydrogen Train the Trainer programme for responders. This paper describes the key outputs of the project and the steps taken to develop and implement a long-term sustainable train the trainer programme in hydrogen safety for responders across Europe and beyond. This FCH2 JU (now Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) funded project has built on the successful outcomes of the previous HyResponse project. HyResponder has developed further and updated educational, operational, and virtual reality training for trainers of responders to reflect the state-of-the-art in hydrogen safety, including liquid hydrogen, and expand the programme across Europe and specifically within the 10 countries represented directly within the project consortium: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. For the first time, four levels of educational materials from fire fighter through to specialist have been developed. The digital training resources are available on the e-Platform (https://hyresponder.eu/e-platform/). The revised European Emergency Response Guide is now available to all stakeholders. The resources are intended to be used to support national training programs. They are available in 8 languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish. Through the HyResponder activities, trainers from across Europe have undertaken joint actions which are in turn being used to inform the delivery of regional and national training both within and beyond the project. The established pan-European network of trainers is shaping the future in the important for inherently safer deployment of hydrogen systems and infrastructure across Europe and enhancing the reach and impact of the programme

    Проектирование системы визуализации тренажерного комплекса на основе компетентностного подхода

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    Архипов, А. Е. Проектирование системы визуализации тренажерного комплекса на основе компетентностного подхода / А. Е. Архипов, А. И. Попов, А. Д. Обухов // Вопросы журналистики, педагогики, языкознания. - 2020. - Т.39, №3.-С. 378-390. - Doi: 10.18413/2712-7451-2020-39-3-378-390. - Библиогр.: с. 388-390.Статья посвящена разработке методологии создания системы визуализации тренажерных комплексов, обеспечивающих эффективное и результативное формирование требуемых компетенций. Использованы компетентностный, синергетический, контекстный и деятельностный методологические подход

    Beyond the Screen: Reshaping the Workplace with Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Although extended reality technologies have enjoyed an explosion in popularity in recent years, few applications are effectively used outside the entertainment or academic contexts. This work consists of a literature review regarding the effective integration of such technologies in the workplace. It aims to provide an updated view of how they are being used in that context. First, we examine existing research concerning virtual, augmented, and mixed-reality applications. We also analyze which have made their way to the workflows of companies and institutions. Furthermore, we circumscribe the aspects of extended reality technologies that determined this applicability

    Examining firefighter decision making process and choice in virtual reality

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    Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation, with over 100 fatalities and 85,000 injuries in the United States annually (National Fallen Firefighter Foundation, 2005). Though poor decision making may contribute to this high prevalence, surprisingly few studies exist of how emergency responders make decisions. The objective of this study was to utilize the virtual reality environment to identify relationships among firefighter experience, decision-making processes, and acute stress. Broadly, the research questions asked what were the effects of tradeoff values, time pressure, and experience on decision-making characteristics in firefighters; as well as, what were the associations of physiological responses to stress with firefighter decision making? The rationale for this research was that, once decision-making processes by firefighters are better understood, and the relationships among decision-making quality, stress, and firefighting experience are identified, decision-making quality may be enhanced. Interventions could lead to the acceleration of the development of expertise in novices. Utilizing the highest-resolution computerized virtual reality system in the world on the campus of Iowa State University, participants were exposed to realistic scenarios varying in the stressors of time pressure and tradeoff values. Decision-making processes and final decision choice were assessed in real-time, while heart rate and blood pressure were used to characterize participants\u27 stress state. A total of 62 career firefighters from fire departments throughout central Iowa participated in this study. Several important findings in this study included the identification of two previously unclassified decision strategies: diminished expectations (DE) and poliheuristic to diminished expectations (POLI2DE). Other findings showed that decision tasks under high tradeoff resulted in significantly less time, required the processing of less information, and were significantly more alternative-based in the search review process. Novices took less time to reach a decision and utilized dimension-based information search patterns more frequently. When time pressure was high, the time to decision decreased significantly and may have been perceived less as a challenge-related task, than under low time pressure. Between 48 - 55% of participants utilized recognition primed decision-making strategy while under time pressure. Lastly, novices seemed to best recognize the scenario, in that none misidentified the scenario under both low and high time pressure

    Research Proposal: Analyzing and Understanding Embodied Interactions in Virtual Reality Systems

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    International audienceVirtual reality (VR) offers opportunities in human-computer interaction research, to embody users in immersive environments and observe how they interact with 3D scenarios under well-controlled environments. VR content has stronger influences on users physical and emotional states as compared to traditional 2D media, however, a fuller understanding of this kind of embodied interaction is currently limited by the extent to which attention and behavior can be observed in a VR environment, and the accuracy at which these observations can be interpreted as, and mapped to, real-world interactions and intentions. This thesis aims at the creation of a system to help designers in the analysis of the entire user experience in VR environment: how they feel, what is their intentions when interacting with a certain object, provide them guidance based on their needs and attention. A controlled environment in which the user is guided will help to establish a better intersubjectivity between designer intention who created the experience and users who lived it and will lead to a more efficient analysis of the user behavior in VR systems for the design of better experiences. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Systems and tools for interaction design; • Computing methodologies → Virtual reality

    Decision-Making Styles in Metaverse: Effects of Immersion and Embodiment

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    Decision-making is a vital skill of our daily cognitive arsenal. The rise of virtual reality (VR) worlds like the metaverse, have created a new need to investigate human behavior under a technologically novel and multisensory prism. In this study, we experimentally investigate types of decision-making in artificial realities mediated by different levels of immersion (PC monitor vs. VR HMD) and sense of embodiment (self-motion vs. self-anchored). Participants (N=183) conducted a daily-life decision-making task of financial allocation, based on evaluating either a 3D graph or 2D graph containing price information across different periods. Five decision-making styles are evaluated including Rational, Intuitive, Dependent, Avoidant, and Spontaneous. Our results indicate that decision-making styles do not differ between diverse virtual realities, and instead remain similar to the control 2D condition. However, due to the flexible nature of decision-making it is possible that content and environmental factors are still likely to influence decision-making in VR experiences.Peer reviewe

    Ensuring High-Quality Professional Training for Future Tactical Air Force Pilots in Combat Flight through the Pedagogical System\u27s Effectiveness Justification

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    This article presents an in-depth analysis of the efficacy of the pedagogical system in providing high-quality professional training for prospective tactical air force pilots. The study encompasses the evaluation of cognitive, operational, motivational and conative, and physical components of professional training for combat flights through an extensive pedagogical experiment. Two distinct groups, namely the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG), comprising a total of 190 participants, were established for the experiment. The assessment of professional readiness among KNAFU student pilots for combat flights involved the examination of criteria, indicators, and levels associated with each component. The experimental process entailed both quantitative measurement and qualitative interpretation of the outcomes. The study uncovered noteworthy enhancements in professional training for future tactical air force pilots, encompassing intellectual domain, simulator training quality, operational proficiency, motivational and conative aspects, physical capabilities, and psychophysiological elements. These findings contribute to the progression of military pilot education and carry positive implications for public health. By refining the training programs and pedagogical approaches for military pilots, the implemented measures can indirectly impact public health by ensuring the deployment of highly skilled and mentally resilient pilots to safeguard national security. This study underscores the interdependence between professional training for tactical air force pilots and broader public health objectives, underscoring the significance of holistic education and training approaches in the military domain

    Learning First Aid with a Video Game

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    Any citizen can be involved in a situation that requires basic first aid knowledge. For this reason, it is important to be trained in this kind of activity. Serious games have been presented as a good option to integrate entertainment into the coaching process. This work presents a video game for mobile platforms which facilitate the formation and training in the PWA (Protect, Warn, Aid) first aid protocol. Users have to overcome a series of challenges to bring theoretical concepts closer to practice. To easily change the point of view of the game play, Augmented Reality technology has been used. In order to make each game looks different, neural networks have been implemented to perform the behavior of the Non-Playable Characters autonomous. Finally, in order to evaluate the quality and playability of the application, as well as the motivation and learning of content, several experiments were carried out with a sample of 50 people aged between 18 and 26. The obtained results confirm the playability and attractiveness of the video game, the increase of interest in learning first aid, as well as the greater fixation of the different concepts dealt with in the video game. The results support that this application facilitates and improves the learning of first aid protocols, making it more enjoyable, attractive, and practical.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (Project PID2019-106426RB-C32/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the Universitat Jaume I research project UJI-B2018-56