16 research outputs found

    Speech Styles used by male and female Teachers in English Language interaction at Junior High School

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    ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the speech styles used by male and female teachers in junior high schools in the context of classroom interactions. There are 5 English teachers including 2 male teachers and 3 female teachers at SMP Negeri 14 Makassar who participated in this study using a qualitative descriptive method. This qualitative method study looks at the types of speech styles used by male and female teachers using the theory from Tubbs and Moss (2008) and their impact on students' interaction in English using the theory from Baxter (2010). Data was collected using Audio Recording, Observation, and Interview by conducting data analysis through a discourse analysis approach. Based on the research findings, (1) male and female teachers use the six types of speech styles namely Controlling style, Equalitarian style, Structuring style, Dynamic style, Relinguinshing style, and Withdrawal style with different usage contexts (2) the impact that occurs on students through male and female features, namely maintaining student focus in class, developing student creativity in interacting with English, and student enthusiasm in learning. Kata Kunci: Gaya Tutur, Guru Pria, Guru Wanita, Sekolah Menengah Pertama

    How to phrase critical realist interview questions in applied social science research

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    The tenets of critical and social realism are well supported in the literature. However, researchers following a realist paradigm have concerns about the lack of methodical guidance for qualitative interviewing, despite their affirmation about the importance of in-depth interviews. A conducted review of empirical realist literature provides evidence of an absence of guidance and commonality regarding interview planning practices. To overcome this absence, this paper composes a guiding framework to assist researchers to phrase more appropriate interview questions in realist research. The steps are founded on critical and social realist concepts while guided by methodological realist principles. Its contribution aims to not only improve the practice of realist inquiry methods but also to introduce more research transparency. A more transparent method for interview questions can lead to increased validity and afford replicability of mechanism-based theories resulting from empirical realist research

    The development of Islamic house financing

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    Among all of those products and services offered by Islamic banking, house financing has received a high demand from the customer which need a long commitment and giving a financial implication to the household. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the development of Islamic house financing by looking at the current practice of Islamic house financing contract applied by the Islamic bank in Malaysia and to understand some of its practical issues such as pricing and ownership issues. This study is a qualitative research and the data was collected through a face-to-face interview with five informants who are among the expertise in Islamic house financing. The qualitative data was being analysed by using content analysis approach through Creswell analysis. The finding of this study found that, although there are variety of Islamic house financing contract available in the market, tawarruq or commodity murabahah has become the current practice of Islamic house financing contract in most of Islamic bank in Malaysia. The selection of contract was determined by the Shariah body in the respective bank and with the permission of Shariah Advisory Council and Bank Negara Malaysia and its was influence by the worldwide acceptance. The study also found that, the misconception and misunderstanding among the society regarding the pricing and ownership issues in Islamic house financing is because of the lack of knowledge and exposure about the practice of Islamic house financing. Thus, it is important to expose and educate the society about the real operation and concept applied in Islamic house financing

    Transformational Leadership Behaviors Promoting Job Satisfaction in Mental Health Leaders: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study

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    Similar to leaders in other roles, mental health leaders are responsible for leading, supporting, and guiding their followers. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction are two popular areas of research. However, research primarily focuses on followers’ job satisfaction rather than leaders with transformational leadership. This study focused on what and how mental health leaders’ transformational leadership behaviors promote their job satisfaction. This study used a qualitative phenomenological research design with semi-structured interviews as the data collection method. The population sample consisted of ten (10) mental health leaders. The participants were recruited using social media platforms Facebook, LinkedIn, and Liberty University’s School of Behavioral Sciences faculty and student email database. Participants answered seven formal interview and follow-up questions about leadership behaviors promoting job satisfaction. Data analysis was conducted through Quirkos 2.5 qualitative analysis software. The data was coded and placed into themes representing mental health leaders’ responses to what transformational leadership behaviors promote their job satisfaction. The study found six themes associated with leadership behaviors promoting job satisfaction. The themes were encouraging growth and development, building trust, expressing self-awareness behaviors, work factors promoting job satisfaction, building teamwork, and creating a positive work culture. Member-checking and data saturation validated the study’s findings, showing validity and reliability. Researchers and mental health organizational leadership can use the implications of the study to help further develop job satisfaction among mental health leaders by designing training programs from the findings

    Industry 4.0 & Servitization: Role and impact of digital servitization strategies in international industrial markets

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    Il presente progetto di ricerca riguarda l'indagine di due fenomeni principali, la digitalizzazione e la servitizzazione, e la risultante ‘servitizzazione digitale’, all’interno dei mercati industriali. L'obiettivo principale di questo studio è contribuire alla generazione di nuova conoscenza circa i fenomeni indagati e fornire a manager e professionisti validi suggerimenti su come affrontarli con successo. La digitalizzazione e la servitizzazione digitale sono ambiti di ricerca recenti ma in forte crescita, attorno ai quali sta convergendo l'attenzione di numerose figure accademiche e professionali. Nonostante il grande dinamismo che caratterizza tali fenomeni, le imprese industriali si trovano ad affrontare ancora oggi diverse sfide nel tentativo di implementarli. In effetti, le aziende manifatturiere dimostrano di percepire barriere elevate all'investimento in strategie digitali. Adottando un approccio alla problematizzazione, è possibile notare come sia necessario sviluppare ulteriori conoscenze circa i processi di digitalizzazione e servitizzazione al fine di comprendere al meglio i vantaggi e le sfide ad essi connessi. Partendo dall’identificazione di una serie di nuove aree di ricerca ancora poco studiate, questa tesi analizza empiricamente i fenomeni di digitalizzazione e servitizzazione. A tal fine, il presente lavoro di ricerca è strutturato in cinque capitoli principali. Il Capitolo I – Fondamenti teorici e note metodologiche – passa in rassegna la letteratura disponibile su digitalizzazione e servitizzazione digitale e fornisce chiarimenti sulle note metodologiche adottate in questa tesi. Lo scopo del capitolo è fornire un'analisi teorica preliminare sulla digitalizzazione e la servitizzazione. Il Capitolo II – I meccanismi di diffusione della conoscenza di Industria 4.0 nei distretti industriali tradizionali: evidenze dall'Italia – indaga empiricamente la digitalizzazione a livello di analisi contestuale. Il capitolo esamina il contesto e i meccanismi attraverso i quali si stanno diffondendo le tecnologie di Industria 4.0. Il Capitolo III – Verso una prospettiva multilivello sulla servitizzazione digitale – studia empiricamente i percorsi di servitizzazione digitale di due aziende manifatturiere a livello intersettoriale. Il Capitolo IV – Tensioni intra e interorganizzative di una strategia di servitizzazione digitale: evidenze dal settore meccatronico in Italia – è uno studio empirico circa le tensioni emergenti legate alla servitizzazione digitale. In particolare, il capitolo implementa un'indagine approfondita su un'azienda industriale esplorando longitudinalmente le fasi del suo percorso di servitizzazione digitale al fine di districarne la complessità. Il Capitolo V – Osservazioni conclusive e percorsi di ricerca futuri – traccia le conclusioni della ricerca e fornisce linee di ricerca future. I principali contributi di questo lavoro di ricerca possono essere riassunti come segue. Questa tesi evidenzia la stretta connessione tra i fenomeni di digitalizzazione e servitizzazione e prova che la digitalizzazione può essere ‘un’arma a doppio taglio’. I risultati empirici raccolti descrivono la servitizzazione digitale attraverso la sua natura multilivello, che si manifesta su tre livelli: micro (individuale), organizzativo e di network. Inoltre, sottolinea l'impatto del networking nei processi di digitalizzazione e servitizzazione; nuovi attori entrano a far parte della catena del valore e possono influenzare l’andamento dei due fenomeni. Infine, la complessità dei processi di digitalizzazione e servitizzazione è provata empiricamente e si propone evidenza delle difficoltà incontrate dalle aziende manifatturiere nel tentativo di realizzarli

    Masalah dan pendekatan menangani displin pelatih di Pusat Giat MARA, Negeri Johor

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    An important function of Skill Training Institutions in Malaysia besides coaching the youth in obtaining the desired necessary skills, is to educate trainees from the aspects of physical, emotions, spiritual and intellectual development, as embedded in the National Education Philosophy (FPK). One of the primary challenges faced by these institutions is finding a cure for disciplinary problems among trainees. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify disciplinary problems in Skill Training Institutions, specifically Pusat Giat MARA in the state of Johore and methods implemented by the trainers to address the problems. The research used a qualitative approach based on multiple case studies design. The sample for the study was selected based on purposive sampling technique and comprised of trainers who have served 10 years or more. Data were gathered via episodes of in-depth interviews, direct observation during theoretical and practical teaching sessions of trainers, and document review of trainees’ wrong behaviours. Saturation of data was achieved at the eighth participant among the selected trainers of the nine Pusat Giat MARA. Data were analyzed inductively by applying a thematic analysis through open, axial and selective coding. Findings showed that the various disciplinary problems discovered were truancy, smoking, drug abuse, stealing, fighting, defiance and insubordination. Besides, the data showed that trainers implemented various methods such as being considerate, giving advice and motivation through value attributes and religious aspects, and punishment method where necessary to address these problems. Further analysis of the findings produced themes that were used to develop several approaches based on religion, humanity and punishment method. The role of religion in moulding the characters and personalities is seen as an important resource with emphasis on programmes that educate the soul to be obedient to God and love to perform good deeds. Meanwhile, humanistic approach emphasizes the inculcation of moral values in the life of the trainees as per contained in the National Education Philosophy, while the punishment approach is meant as an educational process to be more responsible for all offenses committed. The approaches can be used to aid trainers in overcoming the disciplinary problems among trainees of Pusat Giat MARA, Johore in accordance with the nature of the problems

    Social Media Strategies to Increase Professional Membership Association Dues Income

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    Social media strategies can play an important and specific role in nonprofits by increasing membership dues income. However, insufficient data exists supporting effective strategies for social media in professional membership associations, potentially affecting both business managers within those associations and the stakeholders they represent. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore social media strategies that nonprofit marketing professionals used to increase professional membership association dues income. The sample included 7 nonprofit marketing professionals in a New Jersey-based professional membership association. Social exchange theory and social influence theory formed the conceptual framework. Data collection occurred using semistructured interviews, a review of campaign data, review of social media, and directly observing a social media planning meeting. Yin\u27s 5 steps for qualitative data analysis formed a logical and sequential process for analysis. An overarching theme, actionable strategies to increase dues income in professional membership associations, emerged with 5 themes, including engagement with social media connections; a comprehensive, coordinated strategy; and establishing trust. The implications for positive social change include the potential to help professional membership associations to increase revenue and better support their social advocacy missions, which could include an improvement in community service activities, benefiting both association members and small and large communities across the United States

    Marketing and Microbusiness

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    Marketing plays an influential role in small business survival. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the mechanisms used by microbusiness retail store owners for collecting, monitoring, and transforming market data into operational marketing activities. Marketing orientation (MO) provided the conceptual framework for this study. Guided by an abridged interview protocol, 4 retail microbusiness owners from Delaware participated in audio-recorded, semistructured interviews. Saturation of data occurred after 3 interviews, confirmed when the 4th interview produced no new information. After transcribing the interviews, member checking occurred, as each participant received a summary of the interview, along with thematic interpretations to ensure accurate capture of their intended meaning. The data were triangulated using the audio-recordings, transcriptions, observations, field notes, and Internet documents. From the coded data, 3 main themes emerged: (a) role of business owner as marketing instrument, (b) human capital, time, and self, and (c) relationships and networking. Positive social change may result from helping retail microbusiness owners understand the (a) identity relationship that exists between retail microbusiness owners and their business, (b) importance of active owner involvement in marketing, and (c) significant influence of networking and relationships on profitability. These findings may also promote firm and local economic stability through greater understanding of microbusiness owner marketing orientation and effective mechanisms for the integration of marketing activities into operations

    Strategies to Prevent Security Breaches Caused by Mobile Devices

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    Data breaches happen almost every day in the United States and, according to research, the majority of these breaches occur due to a lack of security with organizations\u27 mobile devices. Although most of the security policies related to mobile devices currently in place may meet the guidelines required by law, they often fail to prevent a data breach caused by a mobile device. The main purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the strategies used by security managers to prevent data breaches caused by mobile devices. The study population consisted of security managers working for a government contractor located in the southeastern region of the United States. Ludwig von Bertalanffy\u27s general systems theory was used as the conceptual framework of this study. The data collection process included interviews with organization security managers (n = 5) and company documents and procedures (n = 13) from the target organization related to mobile device security. Data from the interviews and organizational documents were coded using thematic analysis. Methodological triangulation of the data uncovered 4 major themes: information security policies and procedures, security awareness, technology management tools, and defense-in-depth. The implications for positive social change from this study include the potential to enhance the organizations\u27 security policies, cultivate a better security awareness training program, and improve the organizations data protection strategies. In addition, this study outlines some strategies for preventing data breaches caused by mobile devices while still providing maximum benefit to its external and internal customers

    Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems Within Primary Care Practices

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    Primary care physicians (PCPPs) have been slow to implement electronic health records (EHRs), even though there is a U.S. federal requirement to implement EHRs. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to determine why PCPPs have been slow to adopt electronic health record (EHR) systems despite the potential to increase efficiency and quality of health care. The complex adaptive systems theory (CAS) served as the conceptual framework for this study. Twenty-six PCPPs were interviewed from primary care practices (PCPs) based in southwestern Ohio. The data were collected through a semistructured interview format and analyzed using a modified van Kaam method. Several themes emerged as barriers to EHR implementation, including staff training on the new EHR system, the decrease in productivity experienced by primary care practice (PCP) staff adapting to the new EHR system, and system usability and technical support after adoption. The findings may contribute to the body of knowledge regarding EHR system implementation and assist healthcare providers who are slow to adopt EHRs. Additionally, findings could contribute to social change by reducing healthcare costs, increasing patient access to care, and improving the efficacy of patient diagnosis and treatment