4,340 research outputs found

    The virtual human face – superimposing the simultaneously captured 3D photorealistic skin surface of the face on the untextured skin image of the CBCT Scan

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of simultaneous capture of the three-dimensional (3D) surface of the face and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan of the skull on the accuracy of their registration and superimposition. 3D facial images were acquired in 14 patients using the Di3d (Dimensional Imaging, UK) imaging system and i-CAT CBCT scanner. One stereophotogrammetry image was captured at the same time as the CBCT and another one hour later. The two stereophotographs were then individually superimposed over the CBCT using VRmesh. Seven patches were isolated on the final merged surfaces. For the whole face and each individual patch; maximum and minimum range of deviation between surfaces, absolute average distance between surfaces, and standard deviation for the 90th percentile of the distance errors were calculated. The superimposition errors of the whole face for both captures revealed statistically significant differences (P=0.00081). The absolute average distances in both separate and simultaneous captures were 0.47mm and 0.27mm, respectively. The level of superimposition accuracy in patches from separate captures ranged between 0.3 and 0.9mm, while that of simultaneous captures was 0.4mm. Simultaneous capture of Di3d and CBCT images significantly improved the accuracy of superimposition of these image modalities

    Descubriendo Patrones Craneofaciales Usando Datos Cefalométricos Multivariados para la Toma de Decisiones en Ortodoncia

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.The aim was to find craniofacial morphology patterns in a multivariate cephalometric database using a clustering technique. Cephalometric analysis was performed in a sample of 100 teleradiographs collected from Chilean orthodontic patients. Thirty cephalometric measurements were taken from commonly used analysis. The computed variables were used to perform a clustering analysis with the k-means algorithm to identify patterns of craniofacial morphology. The J48 decision tree was used to analyze each cluster, and the ANOVA test to determine the statistical differences between the clusters. Four clusters were found that had significant differences (P<0.001) in 24 of the 30 variables studied, suggesting that they represent different patterns of craniofacial form. Using the decision tree, 8 of the 30 variables appeared to be relevant for describing the clusters. The clustering analysis is effective in identifying different craniofacial patterns based on a multivariate database. The distinct clusters appear to be caused by differences in the compensation process of the facial structure responding to a genetically determined cranial and mandible form. The proposed method can be applied to several databases, creating specific classifications for each one of them. KEY WORDS: Craniofacial patterns; Morphological patterns; Clustering technique; Orthodontics.RESUMEN: El objetivo fue encontrar patrones morfológicos craneofaciales, a partir de una base de datos cefalométricos multivariada, utilizando una técnica de clustering. Se realizó un análisis cefalométrico a una muestra de 100 telerradiografías pertenecientes a pacientes chilenos de ortodoncia. Treinta medidas cefalométricas obtenidas de los análisis más utilizados fueron registradas. Las variables computadas se utilizaron para realizar un análisis de clustering con el algoritmo k-medias, para identificar patrones de morfología craneofacial. El árbol de decisión J48 se utilizó para analizar cada cluster, y test de ANOVA para determinar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los clusters. Se encontraron cuatro clusters con diferencia estadísticamente significativas (p<0,001) en 24 de las 30 variables estudiadas, lo que sugiere que efectivamente corresponden a diferentes patrones craneofaciales. Utilizando el árbol de decisión, se pudo determinar que 8 de las 30 variables resultaron ser relevantes en la definición de los clusters. El análisis de clustering es efectivo en identificar patrones morfológicos craneofaciales usando una base de datos multivariada. Los distintos cluster encontrados, aparentemente se formarían a partir de diferencias en el proceso de compensación de la estructura facial, en respuesta a la forma mandibular genéticamente determinada. El método propuesto puede ser aplicado a múltiples bases de datos, creando clasificaciones específicas para cada una de ellas. PALABRAS CLAVE: Patrones craneofaciales; Patrones morfológicos; Técnica de clustering; Ortodoncia.http://ref.scielo.org/qdkkz

    Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 3D printing Special Interest Group (SIG): Guidelines for medical 3D printing and appropriateness for clinical scenarios

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    Este número da revista Cadernos de Estudos Sociais estava em organização quando fomos colhidos pela morte do sociólogo Ernesto Laclau. Seu falecimento em 13 de abril de 2014 surpreendeu a todos, e particularmente ao editor Joanildo Burity, que foi seu orientando de doutorado na University of Essex, Inglaterra, e que recentemente o trouxe à Fundação Joaquim Nabuco para uma palestra, permitindo que muitos pudessem dialogar com um dos grandes intelectuais latinoamericanos contemporâneos. Assim, buscamos fazer uma homenagem ao sociólogo argentino publicando uma entrevista inédita concedida durante a sua passagem pelo Recife, em 2013, encerrando essa revista com uma sessão especial sobre a sua trajetória

    A cleft care workshop for speech and language pathologists in resource-limited countries : the participants' experiences about cleft care in Uganda and satisfaction with the training effect

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    Objectives: workshops and specialized training programs are often inaccessible for speech and language pathologists (SLPs) based in resource-limited countries given the lack of supply, the long travel distances and the excessive participation fees. To stimulate life-long learning opportunities for all, this study described and measured the effect of a free, two-day cleft care workshop for SLPs in Uganda. The workshop included different topics related to the assessment and treatment of children with a cleft of the palate with or without a cleft of the lip (CP +/- L). Methods: The participants who presented during the two-day course were asked to complete a pre- and postworkshop questionnaire to evaluate their satisfaction. The pre-workshop form also included some questions concerning cleft care in Uganda. Both the pre- and post-workshop forms included three visual analogue scales to investigate the evolution of the participants' estimation of their knowledge regarding speech in patients with a CP +/- L and to assess the changes in their self-confidence in the diagnosis and treatment of this population. Results: seventeen SLPs completed the pre- and post-workshop questionnaires. In general, the participants were highly satisfied with the different themes covered in the program. After the training course, the participants rated their general knowledge about CP +/- L and their self-confidence in the diagnosis and treatment of children with a CP +/- L significantly higher than before the workshop. Conclusion: the vast majority of the SLPs reported that cleft care was not easily accessible in Uganda. The most commonly reported obstacle for cleft care was a lack of knowledge about this matter in the SLPs themselves highlighting the importance of the organization of additional education opportunities. The participants reported a significantly higher level of self-confidence in diagnosing and treating children with a CP +/- L after the workshop. The content of this workshop can form the basis for future learning opportunities for SLPs based in resource-limited countries

    3D-printing techniques in a medical setting : a systematic literature review

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    Background: Three-dimensional (3D) printing has numerous applications and has gained much interest in the medical world. The constantly improving quality of 3D-printing applications has contributed to their increased use on patients. This paper summarizes the literature on surgical 3D-printing applications used on patients, with a focus on reported clinical and economic outcomes. Methods: Three major literature databases were screened for case series (more than three cases described in the same study) and trials of surgical applications of 3D printing in humans. Results: 227 surgical papers were analyzed and summarized using an evidence table. The papers described the use of 3D printing for surgical guides, anatomical models, and custom implants. 3D printing is used in multiple surgical domains, such as orthopedics, maxillofacial surgery, cranial surgery, and spinal surgery. In general, the advantages of 3D-printed parts are said to include reduced surgical time, improved medical outcome, and decreased radiation exposure. The costs of printing and additional scans generally increase the overall cost of the procedure. Conclusion: 3D printing is well integrated in surgical practice and research. Applications vary from anatomical models mainly intended for surgical planning to surgical guides and implants. Our research suggests that there are several advantages to 3D- printed applications, but that further research is needed to determine whether the increased intervention costs can be balanced with the observable advantages of this new technology. There is a need for a formal cost-effectiveness analysis
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