626 research outputs found

    Fisher information and asymptotic normality in system identification for quantum Markov chains

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    This paper deals with the problem of estimating the coupling constant θ\theta of a mixing quantum Markov chain. For a repeated measurement on the chain's output we show that the outcomes' time average has an asymptotically normal (Gaussian) distribution, and we give the explicit expressions of its mean and variance. In particular we obtain a simple estimator of θ\theta whose classical Fisher information can be optimized over different choices of measured observables. We then show that the quantum state of the output together with the system, is itself asymptotically Gaussian and compute its quantum Fisher information which sets an absolute bound to the estimation error. The classical and quantum Fisher informations are compared in a simple example. In the vicinity of θ=0\theta=0 we find that the quantum Fisher information has a quadratic rather than linear scaling in output size, and asymptotically the Fisher information is localised in the system, while the output is independent of the parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. final versio

    Squeezed vacuum as a universal quantum probe

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    We address local quantum estimation of bilinear Hamiltonians probed by Gaussian states. We evaluate the relevant quantum Fisher information (QFI) and derive the ultimate bound on precision. Upon maximizing the QFI we found that single- and two-mode squeezed vacuum represent an optimal and universal class of probe states, achieving the so-called Heisenberg limit to precision in terms of the overall energy of the probe. We explicitly obtain the optimal observable based on the symmetric logarithmic derivative and also found that homodyne detection assisted by Bayesian analysis may achieve estimation of squeezing with near-optimal sensitivity in any working regime. Besides, by comparison of our results with those coming from global optimization of the measurement we found that Gaussian states are effective resources, which allow to achieve the ultimate bound on precision imposed by quantum mechanics using measurement schemes feasible with current technology.Comment: revised version, 2 figure

    Differential geometric aspects of parametric estimation theory for states on finite-dimensional C*-algebras

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    A geometrical formulation of estimation theory for finite-dimensional C⋆C^{\star}-algebras is presented. This formulation allows to deal with the classical and quantum case in a single, unifying mathematical framework. The derivation of the Cramer-Rao and Helstrom bounds for parametric statistical models with discrete and finite outcome spaces is presented.Comment: 33 pages. Minor improvements. References added. Comments are welcome

    Quantum reading of quantum information

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    We extend the notion of quantum reading to the case where the information to be retrieved, which is encoded into a set of quantum channels, is of quantum nature. We use two-qubit unitaries describing the system-environment interaction, with the initial environment state determining the system's input-output channel and hence the encoded information. The performance of the most relevant two-qubit unitaries is determined with two different approaches: (i) one-shot quantum capacity of the channel arising between environment and system's output; (ii) estimation of parameters characterizing the initial quantum state of the environment. The obtained results are mostly in (qualitative) agreement, with some distinguishing features that include the CNOT unitary

    Quantum reading of quantum information

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    We extend the notion of quantum reading to the case where the information to be retrieved, which is encoded into a set of quantum channels, is of quantum nature. We use two qubit unitaries describing the system environment interaction, with the initial environment state determining the system's input output channel and hence the encoded information. The performance of the most relevant two-qubit unitaries is determined with two different approaches: i) one-shot quantum capacity of the channel arising between environment and system's output; ii) estimation of parameters characterizing the initial quantum state of the environment. The obtained results are mostly in (qualitative) agreement, with some distinguishing features that include the CNOT unitary.Comment: Relations/differences with respect to previous works are better explained, and new references are adde

    On the existence of unbiased resilient estimators in discrete quantum systems

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    Cram\'er-Rao constitutes a crucial lower bound for the mean squared error of an estimator in frequentist parameter estimation, albeit paradoxically demanding highly accurate prior knowledge of the parameter to be estimated. Indeed, this information is needed to construct the optimal unbiased estimator, which is highly dependent on the parameter. Conversely, Bhattacharyya bounds result in a more resilient estimation about prior accuracy by imposing additional constraints on the estimator. Initially, we conduct a quantitative comparison of the performance between Cram\'er-Rao and Bhattacharyya bounds when faced with less-than-ideal prior knowledge of the parameter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the nthn^{th}order classical and quantum Bhattacharyya bounds cannot be computed -- given the absence of estimators satisfying the constraints -- under specific conditions tied to the dimension mm of the discrete system. Intriguingly, for a system with the same dimension mm, the maximum non-trivial order nn is m−1m-1 in the classical case, while in the quantum realm, it extends to m(m+1)/2−1m(m+1)/2-1. Consequently, for a given system dimension, one can construct estimators in quantum systems that exhibit increased robustness to prior ignorance.Comment: typos corrected and we extended some explanation

    High posterior density ellipsoids of quantum states

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    Regions of quantum states generalize the classical notion of error bars. High posterior density (HPD) credible regions are the most powerful of region estimators. However, they are intractably hard to construct in general. This paper reports on a numerical approximation to HPD regions for the purpose of testing a much more computationally and conceptually convenient class of regions: posterior covariance ellipsoids (PCEs). The PCEs are defined via the covariance matrix of the posterior probability distribution of states. Here it is shown that PCEs are near optimal for the example of Pauli measurements on multiple qubits. Moreover, the algorithm is capable of producing accurate PCE regions even when there is uncertainty in the model.Comment: TL;DR version: computationally feasible region estimator

    Primordial non-Gaussianity and Bispectrum Measurements in the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-Scale Structure

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    The most direct probe of non-Gaussian initial conditions has come from bispectrum measurements of temperature fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background and of the matter and galaxy distribution at large scales. Such bispectrum estimators are expected to continue to provide the best constraints on the non-Gaussian parameters in future observations. We review and compare the theoretical and observational problems, current results and future prospects for the detection of a non-vanishing primordial component in the bispectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background and large-scale structure, and the relation to specific predictions from different inflationary models.Comment: 82 pages, 23 figures; Invited Review for the special issue "Testing the Gaussianity and Statistical Isotropy of the Universe" for Advances in Astronom
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