179 research outputs found

    Improved timing recovery in wireless mobile receivers

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    The problem of timing recovery in wireless mobile receiver systems is critical. This is partly because timing recovery functions must follow rapid parameter changes inherent in mobile systems and partly because both bandwidth and power must be conserved in low signal to noise ratio communication channels. The ultimate goal is therefore to achieve a low bit error rate on the recovered information for improving QoS provisioning to terminal mobile users. Traditional timing recovery methods have over-relied on phase-locked loops for timing information adjustment. However, associated schemes do not exploit code properties. This leads to synchronization difficulties in digital receivers separated from transmitters by lossy channels. In this paper we present a soft timing phase estimation algorithm for wireless mobile receivers in low signal to noise ratios. In order to develop a bandwidth and power efficient timing recovery method for wireless mobile receivers, a raised cosine filter and a multilevel phase shift keying modulation scheme are implemented and no clock signals are transmitted to the receiver. In the proposed method, the receiver exploits the soft decisions computed at each turbo decoding iteration to provide reliable estimates of a soft timing signal, which in turn, improves the decoding time. The derived method, based on sequential minimization techniques, approaches the theoretical Cramer-Rao bound with unbiased estimates within a few iterations.Key Words: discrete polyphase matched filters, maximum likelihood estimators, iterative turbo receivers, log-MAP b

    Channel estimation, data detection and carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) plays an important role in the implementation of high data rate communication. In this thesis, the problems of data detection and channel and carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems are studied. Multi-symbol non-coherent data detection is studied which performs data detection by processing multiple symbols without the knowledge of the channel impulse response (CIR). For coherent data detection, the CIR needs to be estimated. Our objective in this thesis is to work on blind channel estimators which can extract the CIR using just one block of received OFDM data. A blind channel estimator for (Single Input Multi Output) SIMO OFDM systems is derived. The conditions under which the estimator is identifiable is studied and solutions to resolve the phase ambiguity of the proposed estimator are given.A channel estimator for superimposed OFDM systems is proposed and its CRB is derived. The idea of simultaneous transmission of pilot and data symbols on each subcarrier, the so called superimposed technique, introduces the efficient use of bandwidth in OFDM context. Pilot symbols can be added to data symbols to enable CIR estimation without sacrificing the data rate. Despite the many advantages of OFDM, it suffers from sensitivity to carrier frequency offset (CFO). CFO destroys the orthogonality between the subcarriers. Thus, it is necessary for the receiver to estimate and compensate for the frequency offset. Several high accuracy estimators are derived. These include CFO estimators, as well as a joint iterative channel/CFO estimator/data detector for superimposed OFDM. The objective is to achieve CFO estimation with using just one OFDM block of received data and without the knowledge of CIR

    Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Constrained Complex Parameters

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    Abstract-An expression for the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB) on the covariance of unbiased estimators of a constrained complex parameter vector is derived. The application and usefulness of the result is demonstrated through its use in the context of a semi-blind channel estimation problem

    Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Constrained Complex Parameters

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    Abstract-An expression for the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB) on the covariance of unbiased estimators of a constrained complex parameter vector is derived. The application and usefulness of the result is demonstrated through its use in the context of a semiblind channel estimation problem

    Visualization on colour based flow vector of thermal image for movement detection during interactive session

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    Recently thermal imaging is exploited in applications such as motion and face detection. It has drawn attention many researchers to build such technology to improve lifestyle. This work proposed a technique to detect and identify a motion in sequence images for the application in security monitoring system or outdoor surveillance. Conventional system might cause false information with the present of shadow. Thus, methods employed in this work are Canny edge detector method, Lucas Kanade and Horn Shunck algorithms, to overcome the major problem when using thresholding method, which is only intensity or pixel magnitude is considered instead of relationships between the pixels. The results obtained could be observed in flow vector parameter and the segmentation colour based image for the time frame from 1 to 10 seconds. The visualization of both the parameters clarified the movement and changes of pixel intensity between two frames by the supportive colour segmentation, either in smooth or rough motion. Thus, this technique may contribute to others application such as biometrics, military system, and surveillance machine

    Advanced methods in automatic modulation classification for emerging technologies

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    Modulation classification (MC) is of large importance in both military and commercial communication applications. It is a challenging problem, especially in non-cooperative wireless environments, where channel fading and no prior knowledge on the incoming signal are major factors that deteriorate the reception performance. Although the average likelihood ratio test method can provide an optimal solution to the MC problem with unknown parameters, it suffers from high computational complexity and in some cases mathematical intractability. Instead, in this research, an array-based quasi-hybrid likelihood ratio test (qHLRT) algorithm is proposed, which depicts two major advantages. First, it is simple yet accurate enough parameter estimation with reduced complexity. Second the incorporation of antenna arrays offers an effective ability to combat fading. Furthermore, a practical array-based qHLRT classifier scheme is implemented, which applies maximal ratio combining (MRC) to increase the accuracy of both carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation and likelihood function calculation in channel fading. In fact, double CFO estimations are executed in this classifier. With the first the unknown CFO, phase offsets and amplitudes are estimated as prerequisite for MRC operation. Then, MRC is performed using these estimates, followed by a second CFO estimator. Since the input of the second CFO estimator is the output of the MRC, fading effects on the incoming signals are removed significantly and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is augmented. As a result, a more accurate CFO estimate is obtained. Consequently, the overall classification performance is improved, especially in low SNR environment. Recently, many state-of-the-arts communication technologies, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulations, have been emerging. The need for distinguishing OFDM signal from single carrier has become obvious. Besides, some vital parameters of OFDM signals should be extracted for further processing. In comparison to the research on MC for single carrier single antenna transmission, much less attention has been paid to the MC for emerging modulation methods. A comprehensive classification system is proposed for recognizing the OFDM signal and extracting its parameters. An automatic OFDM modulation classifier is proposed, which is based on the goodness-of-fittest. Since OFDM signal is Gaussian, Cramer-von Mises technique, working on the empirical distribution function, has been applied to test the presence of the normality. Numerical results show that such approach can successfully identify OFDM signals from single carrier modulations over a wide SNR range. Moreover, the proposed scheme can provide the acceptable performance when frequency-selective fading is present. Correlation test is then applied to estimate OFDM cyclic prefix duration. A two-phase searching scheme, which is based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) as well as Gaussianity test, is devised to detect the number of subcarriers. In the first phase, a coarse search is carried out iteratively. The exact number of subcarriers is determined by the fine tune in the second phase. Both analytical work and numerical results are presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed scheme

    MIMO-OFDM communication systems: channel estimation and wireless location

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    In this new information age, high data rate and strong reliability features our wireless communication systems and is becoming the dominant factor for a successful deployment of commercial networks. MIMO-OFDM (multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), a new wireless broadband technology, has gained great popularity for its capability of high rate transmission and its robustness against multi-path fading and other channel impairments. A major challenge to MIMO-OFDM systems is how to obtain the channel state information accurately and promptly for coherent detection of information symbols and channel synchronization. In the first part, this dissertation formulates the channel estimation problem for MIMO-OFDM systems and proposes a pilot-tone based estimation algorithm. A complex equivalent base-band MIMO-OFDM signal model is presented by matrix representation. By choosing equally-spaced and equally-powered pilot tones from sub-carriers in one OFDM symbol, a down-sampled version of the original signal model is obtained. Furthermore, this signal model is transformed into a linear form solvable for the LS (least-square) estimation algorithm. Based on the resultant model, a simple pilot-tone design is proposed in the form of a unitary matrix, whose rows stand for different pilot-tone sets in the frequency domain and whose columns represent distinct transmit antennas in the spatial domain. From the analysis and synthesis of the pilot-tone design in this dissertation, our estimation algorithm can reduce the computational complexity inherited in MIMO systems by the fact that the pilot-tone matrix is essentially a unitary matrix, and is proven an optimal channel estimator in the sense of achieving the minimum MSE (mean squared error) of channel estimation for a fixed power of pilot tones. In the second part, this dissertation addresses the wireless location problem in WiMax (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) networks, which is mainly based on the MIMO-OFDM technology. From the measurement data of TDOA (time difference of arrival), AOA (angle of arrival) or a combination of those two, a quasi-linear form is formulated for an LS-type solution. It is assumed that the observation data is corrupted by a zero-mean AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) with a very small variance. Under this assumption, the noise term in the quasi-liner form is proved to hold a normal distribution approximately. Hence the ML (maximum-likelihood) estimation and the LS-type solution are equivalent. But the ML estimation technique is not feasible here due to its computational complexity and the possible nonexistence of the optimal solution. Our proposed method is capable of estimating the MS location very accurately with a much less amount of computations. A final result of the MS (mobile station) location estimation, however, cannot be obtained directly from the LS-type solution without bringing in another independent constraint. To solve this problem, the Lagrange multiplier is explored to find the optimal solution to the constrained LS-type optimization problem

    Synchronization in CDMA systems

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