11 research outputs found

    A hybrid biometric template protection algorithm in fingerprint biometric system

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    Biometric recognition has achieved a considerable popularity in recent years due its various properties and widespread application in various sectors. These include very top priority sectors like countries boundary security, military, space missions, banks etc. Due to these reasons the stealing of biometric information is a critical issue. To protect this user biometric template information there should be efficient biometric template transformation technique and thereby the privacy of user is preserved. Non-invertible transformation can keep the user template based transformed information maximum secure against the regeneration. But the performance of non-invertible template protection mechanism will be reduced by the increase in security. This limitation of non-invertible biometric transformation should be solved. This research aims to develop a hybrid biometric template protection algorithm to keep up a balance between security and performance in fingerprint biometric system. The hybrid biometric template protection algorithm is developed from the combination of non-invertible biometric transformation and biometric key generation techniques. To meet the research objective this proposed framework composed of three phases: First phase focus on the extraction of fingerprint minutiae and formation of vector table, while second phase focus on develop a hybrid biometric template protection algorithm and finally the third phase focus on evaluation of performance of the proposed algorithm

    Composite Fixed-Length Ordered Features for Palmprint Template Protection with Diminished Performance Loss

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    Palmprint recognition has become more and more popular due to its advantages over other biometric modalities such as fingerprint, in that it is larger in area, richer in information and able to work at a distance. However, the issue of palmprint privacy and security (especially palmprint template protection) remains under-studied. Among the very few research works, most of them only use the directional and orientation features of the palmprint with transformation processing, yielding unsatisfactory protection and identification performance. Thus, this paper proposes a palmprint template protection-oriented operator that has a fixed length and is ordered in nature, by fusing point features and orientation features. Firstly, double orientations are extracted with more accuracy based on MFRAT. Then key points of SURF are extracted and converted to be fixed-length and ordered features. Finally, composite features that fuse up the double orientations and SURF points are transformed using the irreversible transformation of IOM to generate the revocable palmprint template. Experiments show that the EER after irreversible transformation on the PolyU and CASIA databases are 0.17% and 0.19% respectively, and the absolute precision loss is 0.08% and 0.07%, respectively, which proves the advantage of our method

    A cancelable iris- and steganography-based user authentication system for the Internet of Things

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    Remote user authentication for Internet of Things (IoT) devices is critical to IoT security, as it helps prevent unauthorized access to IoT networks. Biometrics is an appealing authentication technique due to its advantages over traditional password-based authentication. However, the protection of biometric data itself is also important, as original biometric data cannot be replaced or reissued if compromised. In this paper, we propose a cancelable iris- and steganography-based user authentication system to provide user authentication and secure the original iris data. Most of the existing cancelable iris biometric systems need a user-specific key to guide feature transformation, e.g., permutation or random projection, which is also known as key-dependent transformation. One issue associated with key-dependent transformations is that if the user-specific key is compromised, some useful information can be leaked and exploited by adversaries to restore the original iris feature data. To mitigate this risk, the proposed scheme enhances system security by integrating an effective information-hiding technique-steganography. By concealing the user-specific key, the threat of key exposure-related attacks, e.g., attacks via record multiplicity, can be defused, thus heightening the overall system security and complementing the protection offered by cancelable biometric techniques

    Protection of privacy in biometric data

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    Biometrics is commonly used in many automated veri cation systems offering several advantages over traditional veri cation methods. Since biometric features are associated with individuals, their leakage will violate individuals\u27 privacy, which can cause serious and continued problems as the biometric data from a person are irreplaceable. To protect the biometric data containing privacy information, a number of privacy-preserving biometric schemes (PPBSs) have been developed over the last decade, but they have various drawbacks. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing PPBSs and give guidance for future privacy-preserving biometric research. In particular, we explain the functional mechanisms of popular PPBSs and present the state-of-the-art privacy-preserving biometric methods based on these mechanisms. Furthermore, we discuss the drawbacks of the existing PPBSs and point out the challenges and future research directions in PPBSs

    On the Security Risk of Cancelable Biometrics

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    Over the years, a number of biometric template protection schemes, primarily based on the notion of "cancelable biometrics" (CB) have been proposed. An ideal cancelable biometric algorithm possesses four criteria, i.e., irreversibility, revocability, unlinkability, and performance preservation. Cancelable biometrics employed an irreversible but distance preserving transform to convert the original biometric templates to the protected templates. Matching in the transformed domain can be accomplished due to the property of distance preservation. However, the distance preservation property invites security issues, which are often neglected. In this paper, we analyzed the property of distance preservation in cancelable biometrics, and subsequently, a pre-image attack is launched to break the security of cancelable biometrics under the Kerckhoffs's assumption, where the cancelable biometrics algorithm and parameters are known to the attackers. Furthermore, we proposed a framework based on mutual information to measure the information leakage incurred by the distance preserving transform, and demonstrated that information leakage is theoretically inevitable. The results examined on face, iris, and fingerprint revealed that the risks origin from the matching score computed from the distance/similarity of two cancelable templates jeopardize the security of cancelable biometrics schemes greatly. At the end, we discussed the security and accuracy trade-off and made recommendations against pre-image attacks in order to design a secure biometric system.Comment: Submit to P

    A Cryptanalysis of Two Cancelable Biometric Schemes based on Index-of-Max Hashing

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    Cancelable biometric schemes generate secure biometric templates by combining user specific tokens and biometric data. The main objective is to create irreversible, unlinkable, and revocable templates, with high accuracy in matching. In this paper, we cryptanalyze two recent cancelable biometric schemes based on a particular locality sensitive hashing function, index-of-max (IoM): Gaussian Random Projection-IoM (GRP-IoM) and Uniformly Random Permutation-IoM (URP-IoM). As originally proposed, these schemes were claimed to be resistant against reversibility, authentication, and linkability attacks under the stolen token scenario. We propose several attacks against GRP-IoM and URP-IoM, and argue that both schemes are severely vulnerable against authentication and linkability attacks. We also propose better, but not yet practical, reversibility attacks against GRP-IoM. The correctness and practical impact of our attacks are verified over the same dataset provided by the authors of these two schemes.Comment: Some revisions and addition of acknowledgement

    Certificateless Digital Signature Technology for e-Governance Solutions

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    . In spite of the fact that digital signing is an essential requirement for implementation of e-governance solutions in any organization, its use in large scale Government ICT implementation is negligible in India. In order to understand the reasons for low-level acceptance of the technology, authors performed a detailed study of a famous e-governance initiative of India. The outcome of the study revealed that the reasons are related to the challenges concerning the use of cryptographic devices carrying private key and the complicated process of generation, maintenance and disposal of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC).The solution, for the challenges understood from the case study, required implementation of a certificateless technology where private keys should be generated as and when required rather than storing them on cryptographic devices. Although many solutions which provide certificateless technology exist, to date there have been no practical implementation for using biometrics for implementing the solution. This paper presents the first realistic architecture to implement Identity Based Cryptography with biometrics using RSA algorithm. The solution presented in the paper is capable of providing a certificateless digital signature technology to the users, where public and private keys are generated on-the-fly

    Biometrics based privacy-preserving authentication and mobile template protection

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    Smart mobile devices are playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Cancelable biometrics is a promising mechanism to provide authentication to mobile devices and protect biometric templates by applying a noninvertible transformation to raw biometric data. However, the negative effect of nonlinear distortion will usually degrade the matching performance significantly, which is a nontrivial factor when designing a cancelable template. Moreover, the attacks via record multiplicity (ARM) present a threat to the existing cancelable biometrics, which is still a challenging open issue. To address these problems, in this paper, we propose a new cancelable fingerprint template which can not only mitigate the negative effect of nonlinear distortion by combining multiple feature sets, but also defeat the ARM attack through a proposed feature decorrelation algorithm. Our work is a new contribution to the design of cancelable biometrics with a concrete method against the ARM attack. Experimental results on public databases and security analysis show the validity of the proposed cancelable template

    Performance comparison of intrusion detection systems and application of machine learning to Snort system

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    This study investigates the performance of two open source intrusion detection systems (IDSs) namely Snort and Suricata for accurately detecting the malicious traffic on computer networks. Snort and Suricata were installed on two different but identical computers and the performance was evaluated at 10 Gbps network speed. It was noted that Suricata could process a higher speed of network traffic than Snort with lower packet drop rate but it consumed higher computational resources. Snort had higher detection accuracy and was thus selected for further experiments. It was observed that the Snort triggered a high rate of false positive alarms. To solve this problem a Snort adaptive plug-in was developed. To select the best performing algorithm for Snort adaptive plug-in, an empirical study was carried out with different learning algorithms and Support Vector Machine (SVM) was selected. A hybrid version of SVM and Fuzzy logic produced a better detection accuracy. But the best result was achieved using an optimised SVM with firefly algorithm with FPR (false positive rate) as 8.6% and FNR (false negative rate) as 2.2%, which is a good result. The novelty of this work is the performance comparison of two IDSs at 10 Gbps and the application of hybrid and optimised machine learning algorithms to Snort