55,760 research outputs found

    On Norman Rush

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    Norman Rush, author of Whites, Mating, and Mortals, is one of the finest American writers now working, and, given his achievement, one of the most grievously neglected. The essay below (of which this is the first part) aims to justify the initial claim in the preceding sentence and to explore the reasons for the second. A close examination of Rush\u27s work will make apparent its quality; the neglect of that work may be accounted for by the long gaps between Rush\u27s books, the years he spent living outside America, and his concern with things other than the American experience

    Characterization of sine oculis, eyes absent and dachshund Mutant Phenotypes and the Search for Novel Regulators

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    The complexity of the Drosophila compound eye is under the control of eight “master control” genes. These genes are known to interact genetically and biochemically. Documentation of various gene expressions in various eye gene mutants is reported here as well as preliminary results from a deficiency screen to find novel regulators of the eye gene dachshund. Interestingly, in addition to the varying effects of eye genes on one another, we report alternate functions for which sine oculis, eyes absent and dachshund are critical such as gut formation and nervous system development. We also propose slight modifications to the current model of genetic pathways patterning the eye to reflect the abilities of sine oculis and eyes absent to independently activate their downstream target dachshund and their independence of positive feedback from dachshund as well

    Into the Magic Cirlce. If all is cozy, what isn’t?:Some conceptual problems regarding cozy games

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    The emergence of ‘cozy games’ as a distinct game category gives rise to some fundamental questions about this category’s formal qualifications regarding ludic and narrative elements (including ludo-narrative dissonance), players’ experiences, developers’ intentions, and definitions of other constituent characteristics. Interpreting video games as digitally mediated ludo-narrative texts and employing a communication-oriented methodology, the two authors analyze, as case studies for their reflections on the problematic nature of the category, two well-known (if not unproblematic in their identification) ‘cozy games’ – Gris (Nomada Studio 2018) and Spiritfarer (Thunder Lotus Games 2021): both games are identified as ‘cozy’ by critics and players, but – quite paradoxically – deal with not-so-cozy subject matters like death, dying, and grief

    How a professionals slash writer disrupts readers' expectations

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    Professionals fandom is a fertile ground for AU stories. At face value, Rhiannon's The Larton Chronicles is a pleasant, cozy AU that bears only a token resemblance to the show that inspired it. On closer examination, though, it disrupts a number of the themes that thread through The Professionals, including those of sexuality, race, and class


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    Penelitian ini berawal dari ketertarikan peneliti terhadap gaya hidup komunitas yang sering nongkrong di Kedai Kopi Demang yang dianggap lebih cozy daripada kafe lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap peran pertunjukan musik akustik dalam proses komodifikasi cozy di Kedai Kopi Demang Surakarta. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang harus diuraikan antara lain: (1) Bagaimanakah konsepsi dari musik akustik?; (2) Bagaimanakah bentuk pertunjukan musik akustik di Kedai Kopi Demang?; dan (3) Bagaimanakah peran pertunjukan musik akustik dalam proses komodifikasi cozy di Kedai Kopi Demang? Dalam upayanya menelusuri dan memahami fenomena musik dalam konteks ruang pertunjukan kafe di Kedai Kopi Demang tersebut, maka penelitian ini menggunakan teori komodifikasi Georg Lukacs, Theodor Adorno, dan Yasraf Amir Piliang; sementara teori tentang gaya hidup menggunakan pemikiran dari David Chaney dan Yasraf Amir Piliang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data-data kualitatif yang dikumpulkan didapat dengan metode penggalian data seperti: observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi; dan metode analisisnya menggunakan interpretasi yang diwujudkan dalam suatu deskripsi analitis. Hasil dari menunjukkan bahwa: (1) musik akustik telah mengalami pergeseran secara prinsipal menyesuaikan konteks kebutuhannya di Kedai Kopi Demang; (2) bentuk pertunjukan musik akustik di Kedai Kopi Demang bersifat terstruktur dan sistematis karena unsur-unsur atau komponen-komponen pertunjukannya memiliki suatu pola dasar atau keterhubungan satu sama lain dalam konteks komodifikasi cozy; dan (3) musik bergenre reggae dan penyajiannya secara jamming berhasil mempertemukan identitas-identitas gaya hidup yang dibawa dari komunitas reggae, komunitas motor (vespa), dan komunitas vapor. Kata kunci : musik akustik, gaya hidup dan komodifikasi cozy

    Development of a Scenic Design for \u3cem\u3eBus Stop\u3c/em\u3e by William Inge

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    A warm and cozy visual sensation and early 1900s architecture provided the basis for this design. It features an intimate space with a comfortable interior where all the characters gather to tell their stories. This approach was shaped by repeated references to bitter cold, blizzard-like weather outside the building in which the play Bus Stop takes place, with the interior providing a safe haven from the ferocious weather and the lonesomeness felt by the characters who find themselves at this bus stop. The visual approach was pursued through a warm color palette and use of William Inge\u27s description of Grace\u27s Diner as a “dingy, street-corner building in a small Kansas town” with a “few antique set dressings and a few modern improvements. Since the play takes place during the early 1950s, the modern improvements Inge references were based on that era. Warm and cozy spaces are usually ones that have been heavily lived in. Therefore, in Grace\u27s establishment the history of the building and its users is noticeable throughout the space with obvious modern improvements added only when absolutely necessary. This design was created for Linfield\u27s Scene Design course. At the 2016 Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Region VII Conference in Denver, Colorado, the design and associated poster presentation received a Meritorious Achievement Award in the Non-Realized Scenic Design division

    Making Your Bedroom Cozy

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    Goosey, Goosey, Gander, Where shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs, And in my lady\u27s chamber