17 research outputs found

    Intellectual Property and Innovation: Changing Perspectives in the Indian IT Industry

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    Indian government has undertaken significant modifications in the IP regime of the country. This will lead to a realignment of business strategies by firms in several sectors. Similarly, with liberalization and globalization, new opportunities for IP creation may emerge for Indian firms. In this context, the paper attempts to document the emerging perspectives vis-�-vis IPRs in the Indian IT industry and explore factors that are driving the change in perspectives. Large IT firms and firms in high-end niche areas are proactively seeking IP based growth strategies. While they typically seek IP protection in Western nations and not so much in India, this has led them to perceive restrictive IP regimes more positively. IP regimes in the West are more relevant for IP creating Indian IT firms today but this may change in the near future as Indian market expands. Significant IP creation by MNC subsidiaries in India is also contributing to this change in perception. Survey data show that an average IT firm in India also perceives IP protection as an important appropriability mechanism, but access to markets and relevant complementary assets continue to be more important for appropriating profits from their economic activity. A positive view of the restrictive IP regimes also gets reflected in the demands of Indian industry associations for changes in the Indian law. Broadly, these changes in perceptions seem to be linked to the evolving global production networks, changing activity profile of Indian IT firms, emerging business opportunities and changes in the competitive scenario. The understanding of Indian IT firms of the complexities of IP regimes remains rudimentary and they will need significant preparation to deal with these IP related challenges.

    Software and hardware variation in Symbian camera system

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    During the past decade, multimedia features in mobile phones have become common. Even the low-end category mobile phones are equipped with camera in order to capture digital images and record videos. Mobile phones are giving tough competition to standalone camera devices by providing quality imaging experience to the consumers. In order to lead and compete with the pack of global mobile device manufacturers, Nokia has to differentiate its mobile device offerings across the wide price range addressing different market requirements. This necessitates them to use different types of cameras and flash hardware modules across their mobile phone range resulting in different camera system configurations. To support the range of mobile phones with a single software operating system platform, effective software variation is required. Some of the possibilities with mobile phone camera system configurations are devices equipped with one or two camera modules along with multiple or no flash HW, camera sensors with resolutions ranging from VGA to 41 megapixels, camera modules with autofocus or fixed focus lenses, flash modules based on Xenon or LED technology and the camera system controlled by either application processor or dedicated image signal processor. Symbian OS is the software platform capable of supporting various Nokia mobile devices with different hardware configurations. This is possible due to extensive software variation mechanisms that the Symbian OS supports. This thesis is an effort in describing various camera system configurations within the Nokia Symbian mobile phones and the software variation being used in supporting those

    A study of smart device-based mobile imaging and implementation for engineering applications

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on June 12, 2013Thesis advisor: ZhiQiang ChenVitaIncludes bibliographic references (pages 76-82)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2013Mobile imaging has become a very active research topic in recent years thanks to the rapid development of computing and sensing capabilities of mobile devices. This area features multi-disciplinary studies of mobile hardware, imaging sensors, imaging and vision algorithms, wireless network and human-machine interface problems. Due to the limitation of computing capacity that early mobile devices have, researchers proposed client-server module, which push the data to more powerful computing platforms through wireless network, and let the cloud or standalone servers carry out all the computing and processing work. This thesis reviewed the development of mobile hardware and software platform, and the related research done on mobile imaging for the past 20 years. There are several researches on mobile imaging, but few people aim at building a framework which helps engineers solving problems by using mobile imaging. With higher-resolution imaging and high-performance computing power built into smart mobile devices, more and more imaging processing tasks can be achieved on the device rather than the client-server module. Based on this fact, a framework of collaborative mobile imaging is introduced for civil infrastructure condition assessment to help engineers solving technical challenges. Another contribution in this thesis is applying mobile imaging application into home automation. E-SAVE is a research project focusing on extensive use of automation in conserving and using energy wisely in home automation. Mobile users can view critical information such as energy data of the appliances with the help of mobile imaging. OpenCV is an image processing and computer vision library. The applications in this thesis use functions in OpenCV including camera calibration, template matching, image stitching and Canny edge detection. The application aims to help field engineers is interactive crack detection. The other one uses template matching to recognize appliances in the home automation system.Introduction -- Background and related work -- Basic imaging processing methods for mobile applications -- Collaborative and interactive mobile imaging -- Mobile imaging for smart energy -- Conclusion and recommendation

    Software defined radio : a system engineering view of platform architecture and market diffusion

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design & Management Program, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 179-181).As complexity and ambiguity in products and customer needs increase, existing companies are being forced toward new organizational models. New products require integrating knowledge across technologies, architectures, and functions in new ways, building product platforms that can adapt to changes in markets and product design throughout the product development process. In particular, the wireless telecommunications industry is plagued by multiple incompatible dominant second-generation standards, with each with separate migration paths to future third generation functionality. The high initial investments in spectrum and infrastructure, and corresponding switching costs, call out for a technological solution that can both evolve with the rapid advances in technology and potentially operates seamlessly across multiple incompatible networks to unify a highly fragmented system. In a system engineering context, this thesis investigates the use of software define radio technology (SDR) as a potential replacement for hardware solutions to the multiple air interface standard problem. This thesis investigates the role of product platform architectures in product market diffusion by studying the selection of appropriate system and product architectures, product market diffusion, and the formation of a system dominant design. Using software defined radio (SDR) technology in the wireless telecommunications industry as a case study, the emergence of SDR as a potential replacement for multiple mobile phone standards is investigated. Compared with interim compatibility solutions that combine multiple air interfaces through hardware. SDRs are an emerging technology that promises to combine multiple air-interfaces into a single wireless phone platform though software configuration. Market and organizational disruptions are determined, and how platform architecture concepts can be used to mitigate these disruptions. The history of the wireless telecommunications industry is presented to highlight the determinants of product and standards success in the wireless industry. The transition between first-generation (1G) wireless, second-generation (2G) wireless, and the interim high data rate second-generation (2.5 G) system currently being rolled out is discussed. Geographical differences in standards acceptance and the role of government policies are discussed. The strong network effects in the industry are illustrated by the late success of GSM technology in the United States market. The mode of technological standard interaction or competition is determined through the use of the Lotka-Volterra model of technological interaction and lessons learned applied to third generation systems. Plans for third generation (3G) wireless are presented, and the various transition paths from 2G to 3G are discussed. The challenges of transitioning between technologies (technological discontinuities) are highlighted through a discussion of the installed base of legacy equipment. Software defined radio (SDR) technology is presented, and a platform architecture is developed in the context of 3G market penetration. The use of appropriate flexible SDR system architectures in light of rapidly changing technological and market innovations is discussed.by Moise N. Solomon.S.M

    Evaluating IP security and mobility on lightweight hardware

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    This work presents an empirical evaluation of applicability of selected existing IP security and mobility mechanisms to lightweight mobile devices and network components with limited resources and capabilities. In particular, we consider the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), recently specified by the IETF for achieving authentication, secure mobility and multihoming, data protection and prevention of several types of attacks. HIP uses the Diffie-Hellman protocol to establish a shared secret for two hosts, digital signatures to provide integrity of control plane and IPsec ESP encryption to protect user data. These computationally expensive operations might easily stress CPU, memory and battery resources of a lightweight client, as well as negatively affect data throughput and latency.We describe our porting experience with HIP on an embedded Linux PDA, a Symbian-based smartphone and two OpenWrt Wi-Fi access routers, thereby contributing to the protocol deployment. We present a set of measurement results of different HIP operations on these devices and evaluate the impact of public-key cryptography on the processor load, memory usage and battery lifetime, as well as the influence of the IPsec encryption on Round-Trip Time and TCP throughput. In addition, we assess how the lightweight hardware of a mobile handheld or a Wi-Fi access router in turn affects the duration of certain protocol operations including HIP base exchange, HIP mobility update, puzzle solving procedure and generation of an asymmetric key pair. After analyzing the empirical results we make conclusions and recommendations on applicability of unmodified HIP and IPsec to resource-constrained mobile devices. We also survey related work and draw parallels with our own research results

    Evaluating IP security on lightweight hardware

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    TCP/IP communications stack is being increasingly used to interconnect mobile phones, PDAs, sensor motes and other wireless embedded devices. Although the core functionality of communications protocols has been successfully adopted to lightweight hardware from the traditional Internet and desktop computers, suitability of strong security mechanisms on such devices remains questionable. Insufficient processor, memory and battery resources, as well as constraints of wireless communications limit the applicability of many existing security protocols that involve computationally intensive operations. Varying capabilities of devices and application scenarios with different security and operational requirements complicate the situation further and call for agile and flexible security systems. This study does an empirical evaluation of applicability of selected existing IP security mechanisms to lightweight (resource-constrained) devices. In particular, we evaluate various components of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force for achieving authentication, shared key negotiation, secure mobility and multihoming and, if used with IPsec, integrity and confidentiality of user data. Involving a set of cryptographic operations, HIP might easily stress a lightweight client, while affecting performance of applications running on it and shortening battery lifetime of the device. We present a background and related work on network-layer security, as well as a set of measurement results of various security components obtained on devices representing lightweight hardware: embedded Linux PDAs, Symbian-based smartphones, OpenWrt Wi-Fi access routers and wireless sensor platforms. To improve computational and energy efficiency of HIP, we evaluate several lightweight mechanisms that can substitute standard protocol components and provide a good trade-off between security and performance in particular application scenarios. We describe cases where existing HIP security mechanisms (i) can be used unmodified and (ii) should be tailored or replaced to suit resource-constrained environments. The combination of presented security components and empirical results on their applicability can serve as a reference framework for building adaptable and flexible security services for future lightweight communication systems

    Mobile cross-platform development in fragmentized environments

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    Design for energy-efficient and reliable fog-assisted healthcare IoT systems

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    Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are two of the most dangerous diseases as they are the leading causes of death in all ages. Unfortunately, they cannot be completely cured with the current knowledge and existing technologies. However, they can be effectively managed by applying methods of continuous health monitoring. Nonetheless, it is difficult to achieve a high quality of healthcare with the current health monitoring systems which often have several limitations such as non-mobility support, energy inefficiency, and an insufficiency of advanced services. Therefore, this thesis presents a Fog computing approach focusing on four main tracks, and proposes it as a solution to the existing limitations. In the first track, the main goal is to introduce Fog computing and Fog services into remote health monitoring systems in order to enhance the quality of healthcare. In the second track, a Fog approach providing mobility support in a real-time health monitoring IoT system is proposed. The handover mechanism run by Fog-assisted smart gateways helps to maintain the connection between sensor nodes and the gateways with a minimized latency. Results show that the handover latency of the proposed Fog approach is 10%-50% less than other state-of-the-art mobility support approaches. In the third track, the designs of four energy-efficient health monitoring IoT systems are discussed and developed. Each energy-efficient system and its sensor nodes are designed to serve a specific purpose such as glucose monitoring, ECG monitoring, or fall detection; with the exception of the fourth system which is an advanced and combined system for simultaneously monitoring many diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Results show that these sensor nodes can continuously work, depending on the application, up to 70-155 hours when using a 1000 mAh lithium battery. The fourth track mentioned above, provides a Fog-assisted remote health monitoring IoT system for diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease. Via several proposed algorithms such as QT interval extraction, activity status categorization, and fall detection algorithms, the system can process data and detect abnormalities in real-time. Results show that the proposed system using Fog services is a promising approach for improving the treatment of diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease

    Implementação de métodos de testes para sistema embutido de alarme e proteção contra incêndios

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    Os procedimentos de teste em sistemas têm sido objeto de muitos estudos nas últimas décadas, por proporcionarem mais segurança e confiabilidade aos sistemas, para além de diminuírem custos com problemas futuros. O controlo para aplicações de sistemas embutidos está a tornar-se cada vez mais complexo, devido à crescente implementação de novas e diferentes funções de utilização. No entanto, a maior parte do investimento é dedicado no desenvolvimento do projeto de hardware e software, sendo poucos os esforços para o controlo de qualidade através de testes, o que gera falhas que podem comprometer todo o projeto. Quando se trata de Controlo e Segurança contra incêndios, é essencial que o sistema não falhe, principalmente em momentos de alarme crítico. Deste modo, o estudo e desenvolvimento de técnicas para testes no sistema embutido de proteção e alarme contra incêndios é uma parte de grande importância no projeto. O presente documento enquadra-se na temática de testes em sistemas embutidos e consiste no estudo e desenvolvimento de testes para sistemas de controlo e segurança contra incêndios. Este relatório de estágio tem como principal objetivo relatar os principais métodos de testes executados aos painéis de controlo de segurança contra incêndios da empresa Global Fire Equipment, para além de mostrar novos métodos de testes aplicados ao sistema do painel.Test procedures in systems have been the subject of many studies in recent decades for providing more security and reliability to the systems, and also to reduce costs with possible future errors. The control system for embedded applications is becoming more and more complex, due to the increasing implementation of different usage functions. However, most of the investment is dedicated to the development of the hardware and software project, and few efforts are made to improve control quality through testing, which generates failures that can compromise the entire project. When it comes to Fire Control and Safety, it is essential that the system does not fail, especially in times of critical alarm. Thus, the study and development of techniques for testing the embedded fire protection and alarm system is a very important part of the project. This document is part of the theme of tests in embedded systems and consists of the study and development of tests for control and fire safety systems. This internship report has as main objective to report the main test methods performed to the fire safety control panels of the company Global Fire Equipment, and also to show new test methods applied to the panel system