5,276 research outputs found

    Low Cost Monitoring and Intruders Detection using Wireless Video Sensor Networks

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    International audienceThere is a growing interest in the use of video sensor networks in surveillance applications in order to detect intruders with low cost. The essential concern of such networks is whether or not a specified target can pass or intrude the monitored region without being detected. This concern forms a serious challenge to wireless video sensor networks of weak computation and battery power. In this paper, our aim is to prolong the whole network lifetime while fulfilling the surveillance application needs. We present a novel scheduling algorithm where only a subset of video nodes contribute significantly to detect intruders and prevent malicious attacker to predict the behavior of the network prior to intrusion. Our approach is chaos-based, where every node based on its last detection, a hash value and some pseudo-random numbers easily computes a decision function to go to sleep or active mode. We validate the efficiency of our approach through theoretical analysis and demonstrate the benefits of our scheduling algorithm by simulations. Results show that in addition of being able to increase the whole network lifetime and to present comparable results against random attacks (low stealth time), our scheme is also able to withstand malicious attacks due to its fully unpredictable behavior

    Cobertura Fornecendo em Redes de Sensores Direcionais através de Algoritmos de Aprendizagem (Autômatos de Aprendizagem)

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    Today, wireless sensor networks due to application development are widely used. There are significant issues in these networks; they can be more effective if they would be fixed. One of these problems is the low coverage of these networks due to their low power. If coverage increases only by increasing the power of sending and receiving power, it can increase network consumption as a catastrophic disaster, while the lack of energy is one of the most important constraints on these networks. To do this, the antenna coverage is oriented in some sensor networks to cover the most important places. This method tries to improves the efficiency and coverage of directional sensor networks by providing a mechanism based on the learning algorithm of the machine called learning automata. Results show this method outperform the before methods at least 20%.Hoy en día, las redes de sensores inalámbricos debido al desarrollo de aplicaciones son ampliamente utilizadas. Hay problemas importantes en estas redes; pueden ser más efectivos si se solucionan. Uno de estos problemas es la baja cobertura de estas redes debido a su baja potencia. Si la cobertura aumenta solo elevando la potencia de envío y recepción de energía, puede aumentar el consumo de red como un desastre catastrófico, mientras que la falta de energía es una de las limitaciones más importantes de estas redes. Para hacer esto, la cobertura de la antena está orientada en algunas redes de sensores para cubrir los lugares más importantes. Este método intenta mejorar la eficiencia y la cobertura de las redes de sensores direccionales al proporcionar un mecanismo basado en el algoritmo de aprendizaje de la máquina denominado autómatas de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran que este método supera los métodos anteriores al menos un 20%.Hoy en día, as redes de sensores inalámbricos debitaram o desenvolvimento de aplicações sonoras extensamente utilizadas. Obras do feno importantes nas redes; pueden ser más effectivos e se solucionan. Uns de esos protes es la baja cobertura de es redes debido a su baja potencia. Se a porta leva sozinho a aumentar a potência de envio e a recepção de energia, aumentar o consumo de energia como um desastre catastrófico, a falta de energia de energia é uma das limitações mais importantes destas redes. Para hacer esto, a cobertura da antena está orientada nas algunas redes de sensores para cubrir os lugares mais importantes. This method intenta mejor a eficiencia and the coverage of the networks of sensors directionals are provided in engine based on the algorithm of aprendizado of the machine denominado autómatas de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran que este método supera os métodos anteriores a menos de 20%

    Heuristic solutions to the target identifiability problem in directional sensor networks

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    Existing algorithms for orienting sensors in directional sensor networks have primarily concerned themselves with the problem of maximizing the number of covered targets, assuming that target identification is a non-issue. Such an assumption however, does not hold true in all situations. In this paper, heuristic algorithms for choosing active sensors and orienting them with the goal of balancing coverage and identifiability are presented. The performance of the algorithms are verified via extensive simulations, and shown to confer increased target identifiability compared to algorithms originally designed to simply maximize the number of targets covered

    Towards Efficient Sensor Placement for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is the recent emergence in wireless technologies that facilitate industrial applications. IWSN constructs a reliable and self-responding industrial system using interconnected intelligent sensors. These sensors continuously monitor and analyze the industrial process to evoke its best performance. Since the sensors are resource-constrained and communicate wirelessly, the excess sensor placement utilizes more energy and also affects the environment. Thus, sensors need to use efficiently to minimize their network traffic and energy utilization. In this paper, we proposed a vertex coloring based optimal sensor placement to determine the minimal sensor requirement for an efficient network
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