2,645 research outputs found

    Widespread depolarization during expiration: A source of respiratory drive?

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    Respiration influences various pacemakers and rhythms of the body during inspiration and expiration but the underlying mechanisms are relatively unknown. Understanding this phenomenon is important, as breathing disorders, breath holding, and hyperventilation can lead to significant medical conditions. We discuss the physiological modulation of heart rhythm, blood pressure, sympathetic nerve activity, EEG, and other changes observed during inspiration and expiration. We also correlate the intracellular mitochondrial respiratory metabolic processes with real-time breathing and correlate membrane potential changes with inspiration and expiration. We propose that widespread minor hyperpolarization occurs during inspiration and widespread minor depolarization occurs during expiration. This depolarization is likely a source of respiratory drive. Further knowledge of intracellular and extracellular ionic changes associated with respiration will enhance our understanding of respiration and its role as a modulator of cellular membrane potential. This could expand treatment options for a wide range of health conditions, such as breathing disorders, stress-related disorders, and further our understanding of the Hering–Breuer reflex and respiratory sinus arrhythmia

    Verification of a Central Pacemaker in Brain Stem by Phase-Coupling Analysis Between HR Interval- and BOLD-Oscillations in the 0.10–0.15 Hz Frequency Band

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    The origin of slow intrinsic oscillations in resting states of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals is still a matter of debate. The present study aims to test the hypothesis that slow blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) oscillations with frequency components greater than 0.10 Hz result from a central neural pacemaker located in the brain stem. We predict that a central oscillator modulates cardiac beatto- beat interval (RRI) fluctuations rapidly, with only a short neural lag around 0.3 s. Spontaneous BOLD fluctuations in the brain stem, however, are considerably delayed due to the hemodynamic response time of about 2–3 s. In order to test these predictions, we analyzed the time delay between slow RRI oscillations from thorax and BOLD oscillations in the brain stem by calculating the phase locking value (PLV). Our findings show a significant time delay of 2.2 0.2 s between RRI and BOLD signals in 12 out of 23 (50%) participants in axial slices of the pons/brain stem. Adding the neural lag of 0.3 s to the observed lag of 2.2 s we obtain 2.5 s, which is the time between neural activity increase and BOLD increase, termed neuro-BOLD coupling. Note, this time window for neuro-BOLD coupling in awake humans is surprisingly of similar size as in awake head-fixed adult mice (Mateo et al., 2017)

    Cardiopulmonary coupling indices to assess weaning readiness from mechanical ventilation

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    The ideal moment to withdraw respiratory supply of patients under Mechanical Ventilation at Intensive Care Units (ICU), is not easy to be determined for clinicians. Although the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) provides a measure of the patients’ readiness, there is still around 15–20% of predictive failure rate. This work is a proof of concept focused on adding new value to the prediction of the weaning outcome. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Cardiopulmonary Coupling (CPC) methods are evaluated as new complementary estimates to assess weaning readiness. The CPC is related to how the mechanisms regulating respiration and cardiac pumping are working simultaneously, and it is defined from HRV in combination with respiratory information. Three different techniques are used to estimate the CPC, including Time-Frequency Coherence, Dynamic Mutual Information and Orthogonal Subspace Projections. The cohort study includes 22 patients in pressure support ventilation, ready to undergo the SBT, analysed in the 24 h previous to the SBT. Of these, 13 had a successful weaning and 9 failed the SBT or needed reintubation –being both considered as failed weaning. Results illustrate that traditional variables such as heart rate, respiratory frequency, and the parameters derived from HRV do not differ in patients with successful or failed weaning. Results revealed that HRV parameters can vary considerably depending on the time at which they are measured. This fact could be attributed to circadian rhythms, having a strong influence on HRV values. On the contrary, significant statistical differences are found in the proposed CPC parameters when comparing the values of the two groups, and throughout the whole recordings. In addition, differences are greater at night, probably because patients with failed weaning might be experiencing more respiratory episodes, e.g. apneas during the night, which is directly related to a reduced respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Therefore, results suggest that the traditional measures could be used in combination with the proposed CPC biomarkers to improve weaning readiness

    Cardiopulmonary coupling indices to assess weaning readiness from mechanical ventilation

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    The ideal moment to withdraw respiratory supply of patients under Mechanical Ventilation at Intensive Care Units (ICU), is not easy to be determined for clinicians. Although the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) provides a measure of the patients' readiness, there is still around 15-20% of predictive failure rate. This work is a proof of concept focused on adding new value to the prediction of the weaning outcome. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Cardiopulmonary Coupling (CPC) methods are evaluated as new complementary estimates to assess weaning readiness. The CPC is related to how the mechanisms regulating respiration and cardiac pumping are working simultaneously, and it is defined from HRV in combination with respiratory information. Three different techniques are used to estimate the CPC, including Time-Frequency Coherence, Dynamic Mutual Information and Orthogonal Subspace Projections. The cohort study includes 22 patients in pressure support ventilation, ready to undergo the SBT, analysed in the 24 h previous to the SBT. Of these, 13 had a successful weaning and 9 failed the SBT or needed reintubation -being both considered as failed weaning. Results illustrate that traditional variables such as heart rate, respiratory frequency, and the parameters derived from HRV do not differ in patients with successful or failed weaning. Results revealed that HRV parameters can vary considerably depending on the time at which they are measured. This fact could be attributed to circadian rhythms, having a strong influence on HRV values. On the contrary, significant statistical differences are found in the proposed CPC parameters when comparing the values of the two groups, and throughout the whole recordings. In addition, differences are greater at night, probably because patients with failed weaning might be experiencing more respiratory episodes, e.g. apneas during the night, which is directly related to a reduced respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Therefore, results suggest that the traditional measures could be used in combination with the proposed CPC biomarkers to improve weaning readiness

    Pulse respiration quotient as a measure sensitive to changes in dynamic behavior of cardiorespiratory coupling such as body posture and breathing regime

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    In this research we explored the (homeo)dynamic character of cardiorespiratory coupling (CRC) under the influence of different body posture and breathing regimes. Our tool for it was the pulse respiration quotient (PRQ), representing the number of heartbeat intervals per breathing cycle. We obtained non-integer PRQ values using our advanced Matlab® algorithm and applied it on the signals of 20 healthy subjects in four conditions: supine position with spontaneous breathing (Supin), standing with spontaneous breathing (Stand), supine position with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Supin01) and standing with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Stand01).Main results: Linear features of CRC (in PRQ signals) were dynamically very sensitive to posture and breathing rhythm perturbations. There are obvious increases in PRQ mean level and variability under the separated and joined influence of orthostasis and slow (0.1 Hz) breathing. This increase was most pronounced in Stand01 as the state of joint influences. Importantly, PRQ dynamic modification showed greater sensitivity to body posture and breathing regime changes than mean value and standard deviation of heart rhythm and breathing rhythm. In addition, as a consequence of prolonged supine position, we noticed the tendency to integer quantization of PRQ (especially after 14 min), in which the most common quantization number was 4:1 (demonstrated in other research reports as well). In orthostasis and slow breathing, quantization can also be observed, but shifted to other values. We postulate that these results manifest resonance effects induced by coupling patterns from sympathetic and parasympathetic adjustments (with the second as dominant factor).Significance: Our research confirms that cardiorespiratory coupling adaptability could be profoundly explored by precisely calculated PRQ parameter since cardiorespiratory regulation in healthy subjects is characterized by a high level of autonomic adaptability (responsiveness) to posture and breathing regime, although comparisons with pathological states has yet to be performed. We found Stand01 to be the most provoking state for the dynamic modification of PRQ (cardiorespiratory inducement). As such, Stand01 has the potential of using for PRQ tuning by conditioning the cardiorespiratory autonomic neural networks, e.g., in the cases where PRQ is disturbed by environmental (i.e., microgravity) or pathologic conditions

    Unexpected Cardiovascular Oscillations at 0.1 Hz During Slow Speech Guided Breathing (OM Chanting) at 0.05 Hz.

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    Slow breathing at 0.1 Hz (i.e., 6 cycles per minute, cpm) leads to strong cardiovascular oscillations. However, the impact of breathing below 6 cpm is rarely addressed. We investigated the influence of OM chanting, an ancient Indian mantra, with approx. 3 respiratory cpm (0.05 Hz) on the synchronisation of heart period (RR), respiration (RESP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Nine healthy, trained speech practitioners chanted three sequences of five subsequent OM with 2 min pauses in between. Each single OM chanting consisted of taking a deep breath and a long "OM" during expiration and lasted approx. 20 s. ECG, respiration and blood pressure were recorded continuously, of which the RR tachogram, RESP and SBP were derived. Synchronisation between the signals was computed using the phase difference between two signals. During OM chanting synchronisation among the oscillations of RR, SBP and RESP was significantly increased compared to rest. Furthermore, OM chanting at breathing frequencies between 0.046 and 0.057 Hz resulted in 0.1 Hz oscillations in RR and SBP. In conclusion, OM chanting strongly synchronized cardiorespiratory and blood pressure oscillations. Unexpected oscillations at 0.1 Hz in SBP and RR appear at breathing frequencies of approx. 0.05 Hz. Such frequency doubling may originate from an interaction of breathing frequency with endogenous Mayer waves

    The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning

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    This monograph is an overview of Institute of HeartMath's research on the physiological correlates of positive emotions and the science underlying two core HeartMath techniques which supports Heart-Based Living. The heart's connection with love and other positive emotions has survived throughout millennia and across many diverse cultures. New empirical research is providing scientific validation for this age-old association. This 21-page monograph offers a comprehensive understanding of the Institute of HeartMath's cutting-edge research exploring the heart's central role in emotional experience. Described in detail is physiological coherence, a distinct mode of physiological functioning, which is generated during sustained positive emotions and linked with beneficial health and performance-related outcomes. The monograph also provides steps and applications of two HeartMath techniques, Freeze-Frame(R) and Heart Lock-In(R), which engage the heart to help transform stress and produce sustained states of coherence. Data from outcome studies are presented, which suggest that these techniques facilitate a beneficial repatterning process at the mental, emotional and physiological levels