2,127 research outputs found

    Modelling tools for cost-effective water management

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    Vlaanderen als regio wordt geconfronteerd met een hele reeks van waterbeheerskwesties zoals een ontoereikende oppervlaktewater- en grondwaterkwaliteit, een toenemend risico op overstromingen, sedimentbeheer en een slechte ecologische kwaliteit. Het identificeren van kosten-effectieve maatregelenprogramma’s die in staat zijn om deze kwesties geheel of gedeeltelijk op te lossen tegen zo laag mogelijke kosten is hierbij een belangrijke stap. De doelstelling van dit onderzoek is modellen en instrumenten te ontwikkelen die beleidsmakers ondersteunen bij het samenstellen van kosten-effectieve maatregelenprogramma’s voor waterbeleid. Belangrijk hierbij is dat de modellen enerzijds geschikt zijn om besluitvorming te ondersteunen op nationale of regionale schaal (macro-schaal), maar anderzijds ook gedetailleerd genoeg zijn om inzichten te geven op het lokale project-niveau (micro-schaal). Toepassingen die o.a. aan bod komen zijn een kosten-effectiviteitsanalyse voor oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit, een kosten-batenanalyse voor risico-gebaseerd overstromingsbeheer en hoe door de waardering van ecosysteemdiensten win-win situaties kunnen geïdentificeerd worden voor diverse wateraspecten gelijktijdig

    Modelling Waikato Farm Nitrogen Discharges for Policy Analysis

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    This study describes the development of bio economic models examining the economic and water quality impact of various proposed policy options in the Upper Waikato catchment. In the first phase nitrogen emissions are determined for representative farming systems using the Overseer nutrient budget model. These model components are integrated into an economic model, which predicts producer responses to various policy options. The second phase determines catchment wide costs and water quality impacts of riparian buffers by combining geographic information system, bio economic modelling and experimental data. The results of the study signals directions for policy initiatives and further analysis exploring policy design and all costs associated with production adjustment.Riparian margins, Non point pollution, Nitrogen, Linear programming, and Environmental policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Health Economics and Policy, Industrial Organization, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Integrated Environmental Modelling Framework for Cumulative Effects Assessment

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    Global warming and population growth have resulted in an increase in the intensity of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Investigating the complex nature of environmental problems requires the integration of different environmental processes across major components of the environment, including water, climate, ecology, air, and land. Cumulative effects assessment (CEA) not only includes analyzing and modeling environmental changes, but also supports planning alternatives that promote environmental monitoring and management. Disjointed and narrowly focused environmental management approaches have proved dissatisfactory. The adoption of integrated modelling approaches has sparked interests in the development of frameworks which may be used to investigate the processes of individual environmental component and the ways they interact with each other. Integrated modelling systems and frameworks are often the only way to take into account the important environmental processes and interactions, relevant spatial and temporal scales, and feedback mechanisms of complex systems for CEA. This book examines the ways in which interactions and relationships between environmental components are understood, paying special attention to climate, land, water quantity and quality, and both anthropogenic and natural stressors. It reviews modelling approaches for each component and reviews existing integrated modelling systems for CEA. Finally, it proposes an integrated modelling framework and provides perspectives on future research avenues for cumulative effects assessment

    Water Resources Management Models for Policy Assessment

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    This book is a compilation of original research articles that apply a variety of techniques to identify and evaluate water resource management policies. These papers cover a wide range of topics and methodologies applied across the world, from a local to a continental scope. They illustrate open challenges in water resource management, such as the quantitative assessment of policy impacts, trade-off analyses, understanding the water–energy–food–environment nexus, collaborative model development, stakeholder engagement, formalizing social interactions, or improving the theoretical understanding of complex adaptive systems. Therefore, this book is a representation of research areas that have emerged from the origins of water resource systems analysis, seeking to improve the way in which water policy is formulated and implemented

    Multi criteria decision support system for watershed management under uncertain conditions, A

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    2012 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is the primary cause of impaired water bodies in the United States and around the world. Elevated nutrient, sediment, and pesticide loads to waterways may negatively impact human health and aquatic ecosystems, increasing costs of pollutant mitigation and water treatment. Control of nonpoint source pollution is achievable through implementation of conservation practices, also known as Best Management Practices (BMPs). Watershed-scale NPS pollution control plans aim at minimizing the potential for water pollution and environmental degradation at minimum cost. Simulation models of the environment play a central role in successful implementation of watershed management programs by providing the means to assess the relative contribution of different sources to the impairment and water quality impact of conservation practices. While significant shifts in climatic patterns are evident worldwide, many natural processes, including precipitation and temperature, are affected. With projected changes in climatic conditions, significant changes in diffusive transport of nonpoint source pollutants, assimilative capacity of water bodies, and landscape positions of critical areas that should be targeted for implementation of conservation practices are also expected. The amount of investment on NPS pollution control programs makes it all but vital to assure the conservation benefits of practices will be sustained under the shifting climatic paradigms and challenges for adoption of the plans. Coupling of watershed models with regional climate projections can potentially provide answers to a variety of questions on the dynamic linkage between climate and ecologic health of water resources. The overarching goal of this dissertation is to develop a new analysis framework for the development of optimal NPS pollution control strategy at the regional scale under projected future climate conditions. Proposed frameworks were applied to a 24,800 ha watershed in the Eagle Creek Watershed in central Indiana. First, a computational framework was developed for incorporation of disparate information from observed hydrologic responses at multiple locations into the calibration of watershed models. This study highlighted the use of multiobjective approaches for proper calibration of watershed models that are used for pollutant source identification and watershed management. Second, an integrated simulation-optimization approach for targeted implementation of agricultural conservation practices was presented. A multiobjective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) with mixed discrete-continuous decision variables was used to identify optimal types and locations of conservation practices for nutrient and pesticide control. This study showed that mixed discrete-continuous optimization method identifies better solutions than commonly used binary optimization methods. Third, the conclusion from application of NSGA-II optimization followed by development of a multi criteria decision analysis framework to identify near-optimal NPS pollution control plan using a priori knowledge about the system. The results suggested that the multi criteria decision analysis framework can be an effective and efficient substitute for optimization frameworks. Fourth, the hydrologic and water quality simulations driven by an extensive ensemble of climate projections were analyzed for their respective changes in basin average temperature and precipitation. The results revealed that the water yield and pollutants transport are likely to change substantially under different climatic paradigms. And finally, impact of projected climate change on performance of conservation practice and shifts in their optimal types and locations were analyzed. The results showed that performance of NPS control plans under different climatic projections will alter substantially; however, the optimal types and locations of conservation practices remained relatively unchanged

    Sustainability Analysis and Environmental Decision-Making Using Simulation, Optimization, and Computational Analytics

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    Effective environmental decision-making is often challenging and complex, where final solutions frequently possess inherently subjective political and socio-economic components. Consequently, complex sustainability applications in the “real world” frequently employ computational decision-making approaches to construct solutions to problems containing numerous quantitative dimensions and considerable sources of uncertainty. This volume includes a number of such applied computational analytics papers that either create new decision-making methods or provide innovative implementations of existing methods for addressing a wide spectrum of sustainability applications, broadly defined. The disparate contributions all emphasize novel approaches of computational analytics as applied to environmental decision-making and sustainability analysis – be this on the side of optimization, simulation, modelling, computational solution procedures, visual analytics, and/or information technologies