104 research outputs found

    Varieties of unary-determined distributive β„“\ell-magmas and bunched implication algebras

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    A distributive lattice-ordered magma (dβ„“d\ell-magma) (A,∧,∨,β‹…)(A,\wedge,\vee,\cdot) is a distributive lattice with a binary operation β‹…\cdot that preserves joins in both arguments, and when β‹…\cdot is associative then (A,∨,β‹…)(A,\vee,\cdot) is an idempotent semiring. A dβ„“d\ell-magma with a top ⊀\top is unary-determined if xβ‹…y=(xβ‹…β€‰β£βŠ€βˆ§y)x{\cdot} y=(x{\cdot}\!\top\wedge y) ∨(xβˆ§βŠ€β€‰β£β‹…y)\vee(x\wedge \top\!{\cdot}y). These algebras are term-equivalent to a subvariety of distributive lattices with ⊀\top and two join-preserving unary operations p,qp,q. We obtain simple conditions on p,qp,q such that xβ‹…y=(px∧y)∨(x∧qy)x{\cdot} y=(px\wedge y)\vee(x\wedge qy) is associative, commutative, idempotent and/or has an identity element. This generalizes previous results on the structure of doubly idempotent semirings and, in the case when the distributive lattice is a Heyting algebra, it provides structural insight into unary-determined algebraic models of bunched implication logic. We also provide Kripke semantics for the algebras under consideration, which leads to more efficient algorithms for constructing finite models. We find all subdirectly irreducible algebras up to cardinality eight in which p=qp=q is a closure operator, as well as all finite unary-determined bunched implication chains and map out the poset of join-irreducible varieties generated by them

    Varieties of unary-determined distributive β„“\ell-magmas and bunched implication algebras

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    A distributive lattice-ordered magma (dβ„“d\ell-magma) (A,∧,∨,β‹…)(A,\wedge,\vee,\cdot) is a distributive lattice with a binary operation β‹…\cdot that preserves joins in both arguments, and when β‹…\cdot is associative then (A,∨,β‹…)(A,\vee,\cdot) is an idempotent semiring. A dβ„“d\ell-magma with a top ⊀\top is unary-determined if xβ‹…y=(xβ‹…β€‰β£βŠ€βˆ§y)x{\cdot} y=(x{\cdot}\!\top\wedge y) ∨(xβˆ§βŠ€β€‰β£β‹…y)\vee(x\wedge \top\!{\cdot}y). These algebras are term-equivalent to a subvariety of distributive lattices with ⊀\top and two join-preserving unary operations p,q\mathsf p,\mathsf q. We obtain simple conditions on p,q\mathsf p,\mathsf q such that xβ‹…y=(px∧y)∨(x∧qy)x{\cdot} y=(\mathsf px\wedge y)\vee(x\wedge \mathsf qy) is associative, commutative, idempotent and/or has an identity element. This generalizes previous results on the structure of doubly idempotent semirings and, in the case when the distributive lattice is a Heyting algebra, it provides structural insight into unary-determined algebraic models of bunched implication logic. We also provide Kripke semantics for the algebras under consideration, which leads to more efficient algorithms for constructing finite models. We find all subdirectly irreducible algebras up to cardinality eight in which p=q\mathsf p=\mathsf q is a closure operator, as well as all finite unary-determined bunched implication chains and map out the poset of join-irreducible varieties generated by them

    On the Mereological Structure of Complex States of Affairs

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    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the mereological structure of complex states of affairs without relying on the problematic notion of structural universals. For this task tools from graph theory, lattice theory, and the theory of relational systems are employed. Our starting point is the mereology of similarity structures. Since similarity structures are structured sets, their mereology can be considered as a generalization of the mereology of sets.

    The Logic of Partitions: Introduction to the Dual of the Logic of Subsets

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    Modern categorical logic as well as the Kripke and topological models of intuitionistic logic suggest that the interpretation of ordinary "propositional" logic should in general be the logic of subsets of a given universe set. Partitions on a set are dual to subsets of a set in the sense of the category-theoretic duality of epimorphisms and monomorphisms--which is reflected in the duality between quotient objects and subobjects throughout algebra. If "propositional" logic is thus seen as the logic of subsets of a universe set, then the question naturally arises of a dual logic of partitions on a universe set. This paper is an introduction to that logic of partitions dual to classical subset logic. The paper goes from basic concepts up through the correctness and completeness theorems for a tableau system of partition logic
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