206 research outputs found

    The Brown-Colbourn conjecture on zeros of reliability polynomials is false

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    We give counterexamples to the Brown-Colbourn conjecture on reliability polynomials, in both its univariate and multivariate forms. The multivariate Brown-Colbourn conjecture is false already for the complete graph K_4. The univariate Brown-Colbourn conjecture is false for certain simple planar graphs obtained from K_4 by parallel and series expansion of edges. We show, in fact, that a graph has the multivariate Brown-Colbourn property if and only if it is series-parallel.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 pages. Version 2 makes a few small improvements in the exposition. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory

    On two conjectures of Maurer concerning basis graphs of matroids

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    We characterize 2-dimensional complexes associated canonically with basis graphs of matroids as simply connected triangle-square complexes satisfying some local conditions. This proves a version of a (disproved) conjecture by Stephen Maurer (Conjecture 3 of S. Maurer, Matroid basis graphs I, JCTB 14 (1973), 216-240). We also establish Conjecture 1 from the same paper about the redundancy of the conditions in the characterization of basis graphs. We indicate positive-curvature-like aspects of the local properties of the studied complexes. We characterize similarly the corresponding 2-dimensional complexes of even Δ\Delta-matroids.Comment: 28 page

    Determining a binary matroid from its small circuits

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    It is well known that a rank-r matroid M is uniquely determined by its circuits of size at most r. This paper proves that if M is binary and r ≥ 3, then M is uniquely determined by its circuits of size at most r - 1 unless M is a binary spike or a special restriction thereof. In the exceptional cases, M is determined up to isomorphism

    Negative correlation and log-concavity

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    We give counterexamples and a few positive results related to several conjectures of R. Pemantle and D. Wagner concerning negative correlation and log-concavity properties for probability measures and relations between them. Most of the negative results have also been obtained, independently but somewhat earlier, by Borcea et al. We also give short proofs of a pair of results due to Pemantle and Borcea et al.; prove that "almost exchangeable" measures satisfy the "Feder-Mihail" property, thus providing a "non-obvious" example of a class of measures for which this important property can be shown to hold; and mention some further questions.Comment: 21 pages; only minor changes since previous version; accepted for publication in Random Structures and Algorithm
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