184 research outputs found

    Cost-effective compiler directed memory prefetching and bypassing

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    Ever increasing memory latencies and deeper pipelines push memory farther from the processor. Prefetching techniques aim is to bridge these two gaps by fetching data in advance to both the L1 cache and the register file. Our main contribution in this paper is a hybrid approach to the prefetching problem that combines both software and hardware prefetching in a cost-effective way by needing very little hardware support and impacting minimally the design of the processor pipeline. The prefetcher is built on-top of a static memory instruction bypassing, which is in charge of bringing prefetched values in the register file. In this paper we also present a thorough analysis of the limits of both prefetching and memory instruction bypassing. We also compare our prefetching technique with a prior speculative proposal that attacked the same problem, and we show that at much lower cost, our hybrid solution is better than a realistic implementation of speculative prefetching and bypassing. On average, our hybrid implementation achieves a 13% speed-up improvement over a version with software prefetching in a subset of numerical applications and an average of 43% over a version with no software prefetching (achieving up to a 102% for specific benchmarks).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Survey of Techniques for Architecting TLBs

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    “Translation lookaside buffer” (TLB) caches virtual to physical address translation information and is used in systems ranging from embedded devices to high-end servers. Since TLB is accessed very frequently and a TLB miss is extremely costly, prudent management of TLB is important for improving performance and energy efficiency of processors. In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for architecting and managing TLBs. We characterize the techniques across several dimensions to highlight their similarities and distinctions. We believe that this paper will be useful for chip designers, computer architects and system engineers

    Compiler-Driven Cache Policy (Known Reference String)

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    Increasing cache hit-ratios has proved to be instrumental in improving performance of cache-based computers. This is particularly true for computers which have a high cache-miss/cache-hit memory reference delay ratio. Although software policies are often used for main vs. secondary memory caching , the speed required for an implementation of a CPU vs. main memory cache policy has prompted only investigation of policies which can be implemented directly in hardware. Based on compile-time analysis, it is possible to predict program behavior, thereby increasing the hit-ratio beyond the capability of pure run-time (hardware) techniques. In this report, compiler-driven techniques for this kind of cache policy are described. The SCP Model (software cache policy model) provides an optimal cache prefetch and placement/replacement policy when given an arbitrary memory reference string. In addition to suggesting a simplified cache hardware model, the SCP Model can be applied to various cache organizations such as direct mapping, set associative, and full associative. Analytic results demonstrate significant improvements in cache performance. The current work discusses an optimal cache policy which applies where the string of references is known at compile time. However, this constraint can be relaxed to encompass reference strings which are known only statistically, i.e., reference strings in which data aliases make the target of some references ambiguous. Companion reports, currently in preparation, detail the extension of the SCP Model to incorporate aliases, code incorporating loops, and conditional branches

    Minimizing Single-Usage Cache Pollution for Effective Cache Hierarchy Management

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    Efficient cache hierarchy management is of a paramount importance when designing high performance processors. Upon a miss, the conventional operation mode of a cache hierarchy is to retrieve back the missing block from higher levels and to store the block into all hierarchy levels. It is however difficult to assert that storing the block into intermediate levels will be really useful. In the literature, this phenomenon, referred to as cache pollution, is often associated with prefetching techniques, that is, a prefetched block could evict data that is more likely to be reused in a near future. Cache pollution could cause severe performance degradation. This paper is typically concerned with addressing this phenomenon in the highest level of cache hierarchy. Unlike past studies that treat polluting cache blocks as blocks that are never accessed (i.e. only due to prefetching), our proposal rather attempts to eliminate cache pollution that is inherent to the application. Our observations did indeed reveal that cache blocks that are only accessed once - single-usage blocks - are quite significant at runtime and especially in the highest level of cache hierarchy. In addition, most single-usage cache blocks are data that can be prefetched. We show that employing a simple prediction mechanism is sufficient to uncover most of the single-usage blocks. For a two-level cache hierarchy, these blocks are directly sent from main memory to L1 cache. Performing data bypassing on L2 cache maximizes memory hierarchy and allows hard-toprefetch memory references to remain into this cache hierarchy level. Our experimental results show that minimizing single-usage cache pollution in the L2 cache leads to a significant decrease in its miss rate; resulting therefore in noticeable performance gains

    Automatic scheduling of image processing pipelines

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    Automatic scheduling of image processing pipelines

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    TD-NUCA: runtime driven management of NUCA caches in task dataflow programming models

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    In high performance processors, the design of on-chip memory hierarchies is crucial for performance and energy efficiency. Current processors rely on large shared Non-Uniform Cache Architectures (NUCA) to improve performance and reduce data movement. Multiple solutions exploit information available at the microarchitecture level or in the operating system to optimize NUCA performance. However, existing methods have not taken advantage of the information captured by task dataflow programming models to guide the management of NUCA caches. In this paper we propose TD-NUCA, a hardware/software co-designed approach that leverages information present in the runtime system of task dataflow programming models to efficiently manage NUCA caches. TD-NUCA identifies the data access and reuse patterns of parallel applications in the runtime system and guides the operation of the NUCA caches in the hardware. As a result, TD-NUCA achieves a 1.18x average speedup over the baseline S-NUCA while requiring only 0.62x the data movement.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (contract PID2019-107255GB-C21) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414). M. Casas has been partially supported by the Grant RYC- 2017-23269 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF ‘Investing in your future’. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of Cache Inclusion Policies in Cache Management

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    Processor speed has been increasing at a higher rate than the speed of memories over the last years. Caches were designed to mitigate this gap and, ever since, several cache management techniques have been designed to further improve performance. Most techniques have been designed and evaluated on non-inclusive caches even though many modern processors implement either inclusive or exclusive policies. Exclusive caches benefit from a larger effective capacity, so they might become more popular when the number of cores per last-level cache increases. This thesis aims to demonstrate that the best cache management techniques for exclusive caches do not necessarily have to be the same as for non-inclusive or inclusive caches. To assess this statement we evaluated several cache management techniques with different inclusion policies, number of cores and cache sizes. We found that the configurations for inclusive and non-inclusive policies usually performed similarly, but for exclusive caches the best configurations were indeed different. Prefetchers impacted performance more than replacement policies, and determined which configurations were the best ones. Also, exclusive caches showed a higher speedup on multi-core. The least recently used (LRU) replacement policy is among the best policies for any prefetcher combination in exclusive caches but is the one used as a baseline in most cache replacement policy research. Therefore, we conclude that the results in this thesis motivate further research on prefetchers and replacement policies targeted to exclusive caches

    DAMOV: A New Methodology and Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Data Movement Bottlenecks

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    Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improving performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems employ a range of techniques to reduce overheads tied to data movement, spanning from traditional mechanisms (e.g., deep multi-level cache hierarchies, aggressive hardware prefetchers) to emerging techniques such as Near-Data Processing (NDP), where some computation is moved close to memory. Our goal is to methodically identify potential sources of data movement over a broad set of applications and to comprehensively compare traditional compute-centric data movement mitigation techniques to more memory-centric techniques, thereby developing a rigorous understanding of the best techniques to mitigate each source of data movement. With this goal in mind, we perform the first large-scale characterization of a wide variety of applications, across a wide range of application domains, to identify fundamental program properties that lead to data movement to/from main memory. We develop the first systematic methodology to classify applications based on the sources contributing to data movement bottlenecks. From our large-scale characterization of 77K functions across 345 applications, we select 144 functions to form the first open-source benchmark suite (DAMOV) for main memory data movement studies. We select a diverse range of functions that (1) represent different types of data movement bottlenecks, and (2) come from a wide range of application domains. Using NDP as a case study, we identify new insights about the different data movement bottlenecks and use these insights to determine the most suitable data movement mitigation mechanism for a particular application. We open-source DAMOV and the complete source code for our new characterization methodology at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMOV.Comment: Our open source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMO