227 research outputs found

    Energy Measurements of High Performance Computing Systems: From Instrumentation to Analysis

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    Energy efficiency is a major criterion for computing in general and High Performance Computing in particular. When optimizing for energy efficiency, it is essential to measure the underlying metric: energy consumption. To fully leverage energy measurements, their quality needs to be well-understood. To that end, this thesis provides a rigorous evaluation of various energy measurement techniques. I demonstrate how the deliberate selection of instrumentation points, sensors, and analog processing schemes can enhance the temporal and spatial resolution while preserving a well-known accuracy. Further, I evaluate a scalable energy measurement solution for production HPC systems and address its shortcomings. Such high-resolution and large-scale measurements present challenges regarding the management of large volumes of generated metric data. I address these challenges with a scalable infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing metric data. With this infrastructure, I also introduce a novel persistent storage scheme for metric time series data, which allows efficient queries for aggregate timelines. To ensure that it satisfies the demanding requirements for scalable power measurements, I conduct an extensive performance evaluation and describe a productive deployment of the infrastructure. Finally, I describe different approaches and practical examples of analyses based on energy measurement data. In particular, I focus on the combination of energy measurements and application performance traces. However, interweaving fine-grained power recordings and application events requires accurately synchronized timestamps on both sides. To overcome this obstacle, I develop a resilient and automated technique for time synchronization, which utilizes crosscorrelation of a specifically influenced power measurement signal. Ultimately, this careful combination of sophisticated energy measurements and application performance traces yields a detailed insight into application and system energy efficiency at full-scale HPC systems and down to millisecond-range regions.:1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 Basic Concepts of Energy Measurements 2.1.1 Basics of Metrology 2.1.2 Measuring Voltage, Current, and Power 2.1.3 Measurement Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 2.2 Power Measurements for Computing Systems 2.2.1 Measuring Compute Nodes using External Power Meters 2.2.2 Custom Solutions for Measuring Compute Node Power 2.2.3 Measurement Solutions of System Integrators 2.2.4 CPU Energy Counters 2.2.5 Using Models to Determine Energy Consumption 2.3 Processing of Power Measurement Data 2.3.1 Time Series Databases 2.3.2 Data Center Monitoring Systems 2.4 Influences on the Energy Consumption of Computing Systems 2.4.1 Processor Power Consumption Breakdown 2.4.2 Energy-Efficient Hardware Configuration 2.5 HPC Performance and Energy Analysis 2.5.1 Performance Analysis Techniques 2.5.2 HPC Performance Analysis Tools 2.5.3 Combining Application and Power Measurements 2.6 Conclusion 3 Evaluating and Improving Energy Measurements 3.1 Description of the Systems Under Test 3.2 Instrumentation Points and Measurement Sensors 3.2.1 Analog Measurement at Voltage Regulators 3.2.2 Instrumentation with Hall Effect Transducers 3.2.3 Modular Instrumentation of DC Consumers 3.2.4 Optimal Wiring for Shunt-Based Measurements 3.2.5 Node-Level Instrumentation for HPC Systems 3.3 Analog Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 3.3.1 Signal Amplification 3.3.2 Analog Filtering and Analog-To-Digital Conversion 3.3.3 Integrated Solutions for High-Resolution Measurement 3.4 Accuracy Evaluation and Calibration 3.4.1 Synthetic Workloads for Evaluating Power Measurements 3.4.2 Improving and Evaluating the Accuracy of a Single-Node Measuring System 3.4.3 Absolute Accuracy Evaluation of a Many-Node Measuring System 3.5 Evaluating Temporal Granularity and Energy Correctness 3.5.1 Measurement Signal Bandwidth at Different Instrumentation Points 3.5.2 Retaining Energy Correctness During Digital Processing 3.6 Evaluating CPU Energy Counters 3.6.1 Energy Readouts with RAPL 3.6.2 Methodology 3.6.3 RAPL on Intel Sandy Bridge-EP 3.6.4 RAPL on Intel Haswell-EP and Skylake-SP 3.7 Conclusion 4 A Scalable Infrastructure for Processing Power Measurement Data 4.1 Requirements for Power Measurement Data Processing 4.2 Concepts and Implementation of Measurement Data Management 4.2.1 Message-Based Communication between Agents 4.2.2 Protocols 4.2.3 Application Programming Interfaces 4.2.4 Efficient Metric Time Series Storage and Retrieval 4.2.5 Hierarchical Timeline Aggregation 4.3 Performance Evaluation 4.3.1 Benchmark Hardware Specifications 4.3.2 Throughput in Symmetric Configuration with Replication 4.3.3 Throughput with Many Data Sources and Single Consumers 4.3.4 Temporary Storage in Message Queues 4.3.5 Persistent Metric Time Series Request Performance 4.3.6 Performance Comparison with Contemporary Time Series Storage Solutions 4.3.7 Practical Usage of MetricQ 4.4 Conclusion 5 Energy Efficiency Analysis 5.1 General Energy Efficiency Analysis Scenarios 5.1.1 Live Visualization of Power Measurements 5.1.2 Visualization of Long-Term Measurements 5.1.3 Integration in Application Performance Traces 5.1.4 Graphical Analysis of Application Power Traces 5.2 Correlating Power Measurements with Application Events 5.2.1 Challenges for Time Synchronization of Power Measurements 5.2.2 Reliable Automatic Time Synchronization with Correlation Sequences 5.2.3 Creating a Correlation Signal on a Power Measurement Channel 5.2.4 Processing the Correlation Signal and Measured Power Values 5.2.5 Common Oversampling of the Correlation Signals at Different Rates 5.2.6 Evaluation of Correlation and Time Synchronization 5.3 Use Cases for Application Power Traces 5.3.1 Analyzing Complex Power Anomalies 5.3.2 Quantifying C-State Transitions 5.3.3 Measuring the Dynamic Power Consumption of HPC Applications 5.4 Conclusion 6 Summary and Outloo

    A Scalable Correlator Architecture Based on Modular FPGA Hardware, Reuseable Gateware, and Data Packetization

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    A new generation of radio telescopes is achieving unprecedented levels of sensitivity and resolution, as well as increased agility and field-of-view, by employing high-performance digital signal processing hardware to phase and correlate large numbers of antennas. The computational demands of these imaging systems scale in proportion to BMN^2, where B is the signal bandwidth, M is the number of independent beams, and N is the number of antennas. The specifications of many new arrays lead to demands in excess of tens of PetaOps per second. To meet this challenge, we have developed a general purpose correlator architecture using standard 10-Gbit Ethernet switches to pass data between flexible hardware modules containing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips. These chips are programmed using open-source signal processing libraries we have developed to be flexible, scalable, and chip-independent. This work reduces the time and cost of implementing a wide range of signal processing systems, with correlators foremost among them,and facilitates upgrading to new generations of processing technology. We present several correlator deployments, including a 16-antenna, 200-MHz bandwidth, 4-bit, full Stokes parameter application deployed on the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization.Comment: Accepted to Publications of the Astronomy Society of the Pacific. 31 pages. v2: corrected typo, v3: corrected Fig. 1

    SEDEA: A sensible approach to account DRAM energy in multicore systems

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    As the energy cost in todays computing systems keeps increasing, measuring the energy becomes crucial in many scenarios. For instance, due to the fact that the operational cost of datacenters largely depends on the energy consumed by the applications executed, end users should be charged for the energy consumed, which requires a fair and consistent energy measuring approach. However, the use of multicore system complicates per-task energy measurement as the increased Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) allows several tasks to run simultaneously sharing resources. Therefore, the energy usage of each task is hard to determine due to interleaved activities and mutual interferences. To this end, Per-Task Energy Metering (PTEM) has been proposed to measure the actual energy of each task based on their resource utilization in a workload. However, the measured energy depends on the interferences from co-running tasks sharing the resources, and thus fails to provide the consistency across executions. Therefore, Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA) has been proposed to deliver an abstraction of the energy consumption based on a particular allocation of resources to a task.In this work we provide a realization of SEA for the DRAM memory system, SEDEA, where we account a task for the DRAM energy it would have consumed when running in isolation with a fraction of the on-chip shared cache. SEDEA is a mechanism to sensibly account for the DRAM energy of a task based on predicting its memory behavior. Our results show that SEDEA provides accurate estimates, yet with low-cost, beating existing per-task energy models, which do not target accounting energy in multicore system. We also provide a use case showing that SEDEA can be used to guide shared cache and memory bank partition schemes to save energy.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and National Key R&D Program of China under No.2016YFB1000204, by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and by the IBM-BSC Deep Learning Center initiative. Also by the major scientific and technological project of Guangdong province (2014B010115003), and NSFC under grant no 61702495, 61672511. M. Moret´o has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI- 2012-15047. J. Abella has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fine-grained Energy / Power Instrumentation for Software-level Efficiency Optimization

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    In the pursuit of both increased energy-efficiency, as well as high-performance, architects are constructing increasingly complex Systems-on-Chip with a variety of processor cores and DMA controllers. This complexity makes software implementation and optimization difficult, particularly when multiple independent applications may be running concurrently on such a heterogeneous platform. In order to take full advantage of the underlying system, increased visibility into the interaction between the software and hardware is needed. This paper proposes on-line and off-line fine-grained instrumentation of SoC components in hardware (e.g. as part of the debug & trace infrastructure) in order to enable improvements and optimization for energy efficiency to be undertaken at higher levels of abstraction, i.e. the programmer and runtime scheduler. Energy counters are incorporated for each component that keep track of energy use. These counters are indexed by customer number tags, that are used to distinguish between the transactions executed on any given component by client applications running in a multitasking SoC environment. The contents of the counters for each augmented component, correlated with the appropriate consumer-numbers, are extracted from a running SoC under test via existing debug & trace interfaces like GDBserver, JTAG and various proprietary trace probes. In addition, auxiliary processing on-chip computes local and global energy figures and offers them through a 4-layer abstraction stack so that programmer-level finegrained energy measurement is made available. Both the O/S scheduler and programmers can adapt their policies and coding styles for their desired energy/performance tradeoff

    Modeling Energy Consumption of High-Performance Applications on Heterogeneous Computing Platforms

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    Achieving Exascale computing is one of the current leading challenges in High Performance Computing (HPC). Obtaining this next level of performance will allow more complex simulations to be run on larger datasets and offer researchers better tools for data processing and analysis. In the dawn of Big Data, the need for supercomputers will only increase. However, these systems are costly to maintain because power is expensive. Thus, a better understanding of power and energy consumption is required such that future hardware can benefit. Available power models accurately capture the relationship to the number of cores and clock-rate, however the relationship between workload and power is less understood. Thus, investigation and analysis of power measurements has been a focal point in this work with the aim to improve the general understanding of energy consumption in the context of HPC. This dissertation investigates power and energy consumption of many different parallel applications on several hardware platforms while varying a number of execution characteristics. Multicore and manycore hardware devices are investigated in homogeneous and heterogeneous computing environments. Further, common techniques for reducing power and energy consumption are employed to each of these devices. Well-known power and performance models have been combined to form the Execution-Phase model, which may be used to quantify energy contributions based on execution phase and has been used to predict energy consumption to within 10%. However, due to limitations in the measurement procedure, a less intrusive approach is required. The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert-Huang Transform analysis technique has been applied in innovative ways to model, analyze, and visualize power and energy measurements. EMD is widely used in other research areas, including earthquake, brain-wave, speech recognition, and sea-level rise analysis and this is the first it has been applied to power traces to analyze the complex interactions occurring within HPC systems. Probability distributions may be used to represent power and energy traces, thereby providing an alternative means of predicting energy consumption while retaining the fact that power is not constant over time. Further, these distributions may be used to define the cost of a workload for a given computing platform

    Performance and Power Analysis of HPC Workloads on Heterogenous Multi-Node Clusters

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    Performance analysis tools allow application developers to identify and characterize the inefficiencies that cause performance degradation in their codes, allowing for application optimizations. Due to the increasing interest in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community towards energy-efficiency issues, it is of paramount importance to be able to correlate performance and power figures within the same profiling and analysis tools. For this reason, we present a performance and energy-efficiency study aimed at demonstrating how a single tool can be used to collect most of the relevant metrics. In particular, we show how the same analysis techniques can be applicable on different architectures, analyzing the same HPC application on a high-end and a low-power cluster. The former cluster embeds Intel Haswell CPUs and NVIDIA K80 GPUs, while the latter is made up of NVIDIA Jetson TX1 boards, each hosting an Arm Cortex-A57 CPU and an NVIDIA Tegra X1 Maxwell GPU.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects [17], grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697. E.C. was partially founded by “Contributo 5 per mille assegnato all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara-dichiarazione dei redditi dell’anno 2014”. We thank the University of Ferrara and INFN Ferrara for the access to the COKA Cluster. We warmly thank the BSC tools group, supporting us for the smooth integration and test of our setup within Extrae and Paraver.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    SELFWATTS: On-the-fly Selection of Performance Events to Optimize Software-defined Power Meters

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    International audienceFine-grained power monitoring of software-defined infrastructures is unavoidable to maximize the power usage efficiency of data centers. However, the design of the underlying power models that estimate the power consumption of the monitored software components keeps being a long and fragile process that remains tightly coupled to the host machine and prevents a wider adoption by the industry beyond the rich literature on this topic. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces SELFWATTS: a lightweight power monitoring system that explores and selects the relevant performance events to automatically optimize the power models to the underlying architecture. Unlike state-of-the-art techniques, SELFWATTS does not require any a priori training phase or specific hardware to configure the power models and can be deployed on a wide range of machines, including heterogeneous environments

    Per-task energy metering and accounting in the multicore era

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    Chip multi-core processors (CMPs) are the preferred processing platform across different domains such as data centers, real-time systems and mobile devices. In all those domains, energy is arguably the most expensive resource in a computing system, in particular, with fastest growth. Therefore, measuring the energy usage draws vast attention. Current studies mostly focus on obtaining finer-granularity energy measurement, such as measuring power in smaller time intervals, distributing energy to hardware components or software components. Such studies focus on scenarios where system energy is measured under the assumption that only one program is running in the system. So far, there is no hardware-level mechanism proposed to distribute the system energy to multiple running programs in a resource sharing multi-core system in an exact way. For the first time, we have formalized the need for per-task energy measurement in multicore by establishing a two-fold concept: Per-Task Energy Metering (PTEM) and Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA). In the scenario where many tasks running in parallel in a multicore system: For each task, the target of PTEM is to provide estimate of the actual energy consumption at runtime based on its resource usage during execution; and SEA aims at providing estimates on the energy it would have consumed when running in isolation with a particular fraction of system's resources. Accurately determining the energy consumed by each task in a system will become of prominent importance in future multi-core based systems as it offers several benefits including (i) Selection of appropriate co-runners, (ii) improved energy-aware task scheduling and (iii) energy-aware billing in data centers. We have shown how these two concepts can be applied to the main components of a computing system: the processor and the memory system. At first, we have applied PTEM to the processor by means of tracking the activities and occupancy of all the resources in a per-task basis. Secondly, we have applied PTEM to the memory system by means of tracking the activities and the state switches of memory banks. Then, we have applied SEA to the processor by predicting the activities and execution time for each task when they run with an fraction of chip resources alone. And last, we apply SEA to the memory system, by means of predicting activities, execution time and the time invoking memory system for each task. As for all these works, by trading-off the hardware cost with the estimation accuracy, we have obtained the implementable and affordable cost mechanisms with high accuracy. We have also shown how these techniques can be applied in different scenarios, such as, to detect significant energy usage variations for any particular task and to develop more energy efficient scheduling policy for the multi-core system. These works in this thesis have been published into IEEE/ACM journals and conferences proceedings that can be found in the publication chapter of this thesis.Los "Chip Multi-core Processors" (CMPs) son la plataforma de procesado preferida en diferentes dominios, tales como los centros de datos, sistemas de tiempo real y dispositivos móviles. En todos estos dominios, la energía puede ser el recurso más caro en el sistema de computación, concretamente, lo rápido que está creciendo. Por lo tanto, como medir el consumo energético está ganando mucha atención. Los estudios actuales se centran mayormente en cómo obtener medidas muy detalladas (finer granularity). Por ejemplo, tomar medidas de potencia en pequeños intervalos de tiempo, usando medidores de energía hardware o software. Estos estudios se centran en escenarios donde el consumo del sistema se mide bajo la suposición de que solo un programa se está ejecutando en el sistema. Aun no hay ninguna propuesta de un mecanismo a nivel de hardware para medir el consumo entre múltiples programas ejecutándose a la vez en un sistema multi-core con recursos compartidos. Por primera vez, hemos formalizado la necesidad de medir el consumo energético por-tarea en un multi-core estableciendo un concepto dual: Per-Taks Energy Metering (PTEM) y Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA). En un escenario donde varias tareas se ejecutan en paralelo en un sistema multi-core, por cada tarea, el objetivo de PTEM es estimar el consumo real energético durante tiempo de ejecución basándose en los recursos usados durante la ejecución, y SEA trata de proveer una estimación del consumo que tendría en solitario con solo una fracción concreta de los recursos del sistema. Determinar el consumo energético con precisión para cada tarea en un sistema tomara gran importancia en el futuro de los sistemas basados en multi-cores, ya que ofrecen varias ventajas tales como: (i) determinar los co-runners apropiados, (ii) mejorar la planificación de tareas teniendo en cuenta su consumo y (iii) facturación de los servicios de los data centers basada en el consumo. Hemos mostrado como estos dos conceptos pueden aplicarse a los principales componentes de un sistema de computación: el procesador y el sistema de memoria. Para empezar, hemos aplicado PTEM al procesador para registrar la actividad y la ocupación de todos los recursos por cada tarea. Luego, hemos aplicado SEA al procesador prediciendo la actividad y tiempo de ejecución por tarea cuando se ejecutan con solo una parte de los recursos del chip. Por último, hemos aplicado SEA al sistema de memoria para predecir la activada, el tiempo ejecución y cuando el sistema de memoria es invocado por cada tarea. Con todo ello, hemos alcanzado un compromiso entre el coste del hardware y la precisión en las estimaciones para obtener mecanismos implementables con un coste aceptable y una alta precisión. Durante nuestros estudios mostramos como esas técnicas pueden ser aplicadas a diferente escenarios, tales como: detectar variaciones significativas en el consumo energético por una tarea en concreto o como desarrollar políticas de planificación energéticamente más eficientes para sistemas multi-core. Los trabajos que hemos publicado durante el desarrollo de esta tesis en los IEEE/ACM journals y en varias conferencias pueden encontrarse en el capítulo de "publicaciones" de este documentoPostprint (published version

    Exascale computer system design : the square kilometre array

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    Characterization and Acceleration of High Performance Compute Workloads

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