313 research outputs found

    Development and characterization of methodology and technology for the alignment of fMRI time series

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    This dissertation has developed, implemented and tested a novel computer based system (AUTOALIGN) that incorporates an algorithm for the alignment of functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI) time series. The algorithm assumes the human brain to be a rigid body and computes a head coordinate system on the basis of three reference points that lie on the directions correspondent to two of the eigenvectors of inertia of the volume, at the intersections with the head boundary. The eigenvectors are found weighting the inertia components with the voxel\u27s intensity values assumed as mass. The three reference points are found in the same position, relative to the origin of the head coordinate system, in both test and reference brain images. Intensity correction is performed at sub-voxel accuracy by tri-linear interpolation. A test fMR brain volume in which controlled simulations of rigid-body transformations have been introduced has preliminarily assessed system performance. Further experimentation has been conducted with real fMRI time series. Rigid-body transformations have been retrieved automatically and the values of the motion parameters compared to those obtained by the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM99), and the Automatic Image Registration (AIR 3.08). Results indicated that AUTOALIGN offers subvoxel accuracy in correcting both misalignment and intensity among time points in fMR images time series, and also that its performance is comparable to that of SPM99 and AIR3.08

    Data registration and fusion for cardiac applications

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    The registration and fusion of information from multiple cardiac image modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) has been of increasing interest to the medical community as tools for furthering physiological understanding and for diagnostic of ischemic heart diseases. Ischemic heart diseases and their consequence, myocardial infarct, are the leading cause of mortality in industrial countries. In cardiac image registration and data fusion, the combination of structural information from MR images and functional information from PET and SPECT is of special interest in the estimation of myocardial function and viability. Cardiac image registration is a more complex problem than brain image registration. The non-rigid motion of the heart and the thorax structures introduce additional difficulties in registration. In this thesis the goal was develop methods for cardiac data registration and fusion. A rigid registration method was developed to register cardiac MR and PET images. The method was based on the registration of the segmented thorax structures from MR and PET transmission images. The thorax structures were segmented from images using deformable models. A MR short axis registration with PET emission image was also derived. The rigid registration method was evaluated using simulated images and clinical MR and PET images from ten patients with multivessel coronary artery diseases. Also an elastic registration method was developed to register intra-patient cardiac MR and PET images and inter-patient head MR images. In the elastic registration method, a combination of mutual information, gradient information and smoothness of transformation was used to guide the deformation of one image towards another image. An approach for the creation of 3-D functional maps of the heart was also developed. An individualized anatomical heart model was extracted from the MR images. A rigid registration of anatomical MR images and PET metabolic images was carried out using surface based registration, and the registration of MR images with magnetocardiography (MCG) data using external markers. The method resulted in a 3-D anatomical and functional model of the heart that included structural information from the MRI and functional information from the PET and MCG. Different error sources in the registration method of the MR images and MCG data was also evaluated in this thesis. The results of the rigid MR-PET registration method were also used in the comparison of multimodality MR imaging methods to PET.reviewe

    Sub-pixel Registration In Computational Imaging And Applications To Enhancement Of Maxillofacial Ct Data

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    In computational imaging, data acquired by sampling the same scene or object at different times or from different orientations result in images in different coordinate systems. Registration is a crucial step in order to be able to compare, integrate and fuse the data obtained from different measurements. Tomography is the method of imaging a single plane or slice of an object. A Computed Tomography (CT) scan, also known as a CAT scan (Computed Axial Tomography scan), is a Helical Tomography, which traditionally produces a 2D image of the structures in a thin section of the body. It uses X-ray, which is ionizing radiation. Although the actual dose is typically low, repeated scans should be limited. In dentistry, implant dentistry in specific, there is a need for 3D visualization of internal anatomy. The internal visualization is mainly based on CT scanning technologies. The most important technological advancement which dramatically enhanced the clinician\u27s ability to diagnose, treat, and plan dental implants has been the CT scan. Advanced 3D modeling and visualization techniques permit highly refined and accurate assessment of the CT scan data. However, in addition to imperfections of the instrument and the imaging process, it is not uncommon to encounter other unwanted artifacts in the form of bright regions, flares and erroneous pixels due to dental bridges, metal braces, etc. Currently, removing and cleaning up the data from acquisition backscattering imperfections and unwanted artifacts is performed manually, which is as good as the experience level of the technician. On the other hand the process is error prone, since the editing process needs to be performed image by image. We address some of these issues by proposing novel registration methods and using stonecast models of patient\u27s dental imprint as reference ground truth data. Stone-cast models were originally used by dentists to make complete or partial dentures. The CT scan of such stone-cast models can be used to automatically guide the cleaning of patients\u27 CT scans from defects or unwanted artifacts, and also as an automatic segmentation system for the outliers of the CT scan data without use of stone-cast models. Segmented data is subsequently used to clean the data from artifacts using a new proposed 3D inpainting approach

    Parallel Computation of Nonrigid Image Registration

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    Automatic intensity-based nonrigid image registration brings significant impact in medical applications such as multimodality fusion of images, serial comparison for monitoring disease progression or regression, and minimally invasive image-guided interventions. However, due to memory and compute intensive nature of the operations, intensity-based image registration has remained too slow to be practical for clinical adoption, with its use limited primarily to as a pre-operative too. Efficient registration methods can lead to new possibilities for development of improved and interactive intraoperative tools and capabilities. In this thesis, we propose an efficient parallel implementation for intensity-based three-dimensional nonrigid image registration on a commodity graphics processing unit. Optimization techniques are developed to accelerate the compute-intensive mutual information computation. The study is performed on the hierarchical volume subdivision-based algorithm, which is inherently faster than other nonrigid registration algorithms and structurally well-suited for data-parallel computation platforms. The proposed implementation achieves more than 50-fold runtime improvement over a standard implementation on a CPU. The execution time of nonrigid image registration is reduced from hours to minutes while retaining the same level of registration accuracy

    Improvements in the registration of multimodal medical imaging : application to intensity inhomogeneity and partial volume corrections

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    Alignment or registration of medical images has a relevant role on clinical diagnostic and treatment decisions as well as in research settings. With the advent of new technologies for multimodal imaging, robust registration of functional and anatomical information is still a challenge, particular in small-animal imaging given the lesser structural content of certain anatomical parts, such as the brain, than in humans. Besides, patient-dependent and acquisition artefacts affecting the images information content further complicate registration, as is the case of intensity inhomogeneities (IIH) showing in MRI and the partial volume effect (PVE) attached to PET imaging. Reference methods exist for accurate image registration but their performance is severely deteriorated in situations involving little images Overlap. While several approaches to IIH and PVE correction exist these methods still do not guarantee or rely on robust registration. This Thesis focuses on overcoming current limitations af registration to enable novel IIH and PVE correction methods.El registre d'imatges mèdiques té un paper rellevant en les decisions de diagnòstic i tractament clíniques així com en la recerca. Amb el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies d'imatge multimodal, el registre robust d'informació funcional i anatòmica és encara avui un repte, en particular, en imatge de petit animal amb un menor contingut estructural que en humans de certes parts anatòmiques com el cervell. A més, els artefactes induïts pel propi pacient i per la tècnica d'adquisició que afecten el contingut d'informació de les imatges complica encara més el procés de registre. És el cas de les inhomogeneïtats d'intensitat (IIH) que apareixen a les RM i de l'efecte de volum parcial (PVE) característic en PET. Tot i que existeixen mètodes de referència pel registre acurat d'imatges la seva eficàcia es veu greument minvada en casos de poc solapament entre les imatges. De la mateixa manera, també existeixen mètodes per la correcció d'IIH i de PVE però que no garanteixen o que requereixen un registre robust. Aquesta tesi es centra en superar aquestes limitacions sobre el registre per habilitar nous mètodes per la correcció d'IIH i de PVE

    Motion correction in fMRI via registration of individual slices into an anatomical volume

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    An automated retrospective image registration based on mutual information is adapted to a multislice functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisition protocol to provide accurate motion correction. Motion correction is performed by mapping each slice to an anatomic volume data set acquired in the same fMRI session to accommodate inter-slice head motion. Accuracy of the registration parameters was assessed by registration of simulated MR data of the known truth. The widely used rigid body volume registration approach based on stacked slices from the time series data may hinder statistical accuracy by introducing inaccurate assumptions of no motion between slices for multislice fMRI data. Improved sensitivity and specificity of the fMRI signal from mapping-each-slice-to-volume method is demonstrated in comparison with a stacked-slice correction method by examining functional data from two normal volunteers. The data presented in a standard anatomical coordinate system suggest the reliability of the mapping-each-slice-to-volume method to detect the activation signals consistent between the two subjects. Magn Reson Med 41:964–972, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34927/1/16_ftp.pd
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