2,039 research outputs found

    Automated refactoring for Java concurrency

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    In multicore era, programmers exploit concurrent programming to gain performance and responsiveness benefits. However, concurrent programs are difficult to write: the programmer has to balance two conflicting forces, thread safety and performance. To make concurrent programming easier, modern programming languages provide many kinds of concurrent constructs, such as threads, asynchronous tasks, concurrent collections, etc. However, despite the existence of these concurrent constructs, we know little about how developers use them. On the other hand, although existing API documentation teach developers how to use concurrent constructs, developers can still misuse and underuse them. In this dissertation, we study the use, misuse, and underuse of two types of commonly used Java concurrent constructs: Java concurrent collections and Android async constructs. Our studies show that even though concurrent constructs are widely used in practice, developers still misuse and underuse them, causing semantic and performance bugs. We propose and develop a refactoring toolset to help developers correctly use concurrent constructs. The toolset is composed of three automated refactorings: (i) detecting and fixing the misuses of Java concurrent collections, (ii) retro fitting concurrency for existing sequential Android code via a basic Android async construct, and (iii) converting inappropriately used basic Android async constructs to appropriately enhanced constructs for Android apps. Refactorings (i) and (iii) aim to fix misused constructs while refactoring (ii) aims to eliminate underuses. First, we cataloged nine commonly misused check-then-act idioms of Java concurrent collections, and show the correct usage of each idiom. We implemented the detection strategies in a tool, CTADetector, that finds and fi xes misused check-then-act idioms. We applied CTADetector to 28 widely used open source Java projects (comprising 6.4 million lines of code) that use Java concurrent collections. CTADetector discovered and fixed 60 bugs. These bugs were con firmed by developers and the fixes were accepted. Second, we conducted a formative study on how a basic Android async construct, AsyncTask, is used, misused, and underused in Android apps. Based on the study, we designed, developed, and evaluated Asynchronizer, an automated refactoring tool that enables developers to retrofit concurrency into Android apps. The refactoring uses a points-to static analysis to determine the safety of the refactoring. We applied Asynchronizer to perform 123 refactorings in 19 widely used Android apps; their developers accepted 40 refactorings in 7 projects. Third, we conducted a formative study on a corpus of 611 widely-used Android apps to map the asynchronous landscape of Android apps, understand how developers retrofi t concurrency in Android apps, and learn about barriers encountered by developers. Based on this study, we designed, implemented, and evaluated AsyncDroid, a refactoring tool which enables Android developers to transform existing improperly-used async constructs into correct constructs. We submitted 45 refactoring patches generated by AsyncDroid in 7 widely used Android projects, and developers accepted 15 of them. Finally, we released all tools as open-source plugins for the widely used Eclipse IDE which has millions of Java users. Moreover, we also integrated CTADetector and AsyncDroid with a static analysis platform, ShipShape, that is developed by Google. Google envisions ShipShape to become a widely-used platform. Any app developer that wants to check code quality, for example before submitting an app to the app store, would run ShipShape on her code base. We expect that by contributing new async analyzers to ShipShape, millions of app developers would bene t by being able to execute our analysis and transformations on their code

    Towards sound refactoring in erlang

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    Erlang is an actor-based programming language used extensively for building concurrent, reactive systems that are highly available and suff er minimum downtime. Such systems are often mission critical, making system correctness vital. Refactoring is code restructuring that improves the code but does not change behaviour. While using automated refactoring tools is less error-prone than performing refactorings manually, automated refactoring tools still cannot guarantee that the refactoring is correct, i.e., program behaviour is preserved. This leads to lack of trust in automated refactoring tools. We rst survey solutions to this problem proposed in the literature. Erlang refactoring tools as commonly use approximation techniques which do not guarantee behaviour while some other works propose the use of formal methodologies. In this work we aim to develop a formal methodology for refactoring Erlang code. We study behavioural preorders, with a special focus on the testing preorder as it seems most suited to our purpose.peer-reviewe

    Renaming Global Variables in C Mechanically Proved Correct

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    Most integrated development environments are shipped with refactoring tools. However, their refactoring operations are often known to be unreliable. As a consequence, developers have to test their code after applying an automatic refactoring. In this article, we consider a refactoring operation (renaming of global variables in C), and we prove that its core implementation preserves the set of possible behaviors of transformed programs. That proof of correctness relies on the operational semantics of C provided by CompCert C in Coq.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2016, arXiv:1607.0183

    Proactive Empirical Assessment of New Language Feature Adoption via Automated Refactoring: The Case of Java 8 Default Methods

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    Programming languages and platforms improve over time, sometimes resulting in new language features that offer many benefits. However, despite these benefits, developers may not always be willing to adopt them in their projects for various reasons. In this paper, we describe an empirical study where we assess the adoption of a particular new language feature. Studying how developers use (or do not use) new language features is important in programming language research and engineering because it gives designers insight into the usability of the language to create meaning programs in that language. This knowledge, in turn, can drive future innovations in the area. Here, we explore Java 8 default methods, which allow interfaces to contain (instance) method implementations. Default methods can ease interface evolution, make certain ubiquitous design patterns redundant, and improve both modularity and maintainability. A focus of this work is to discover, through a scientific approach and a novel technique, situations where developers found these constructs useful and where they did not, and the reasons for each. Although several studies center around assessing new language features, to the best of our knowledge, this kind of construct has not been previously considered. Despite their benefits, we found that developers did not adopt default methods in all situations. Our study consisted of submitting pull requests introducing the language feature to 19 real-world, open source Java projects without altering original program semantics. This novel assessment technique is proactive in that the adoption was driven by an automatic refactoring approach rather than waiting for developers to discover and integrate the feature themselves. In this way, we set forth best practices and patterns of using the language feature effectively earlier rather than later and are able to possibly guide (near) future language evolution. We foresee this technique to be useful in assessing other new language features, design patterns, and other programming idioms

    Refactoring Sequential Java Code for Concurrency via Concurrent Libraries

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    Parallelizing existing sequential programs to run efficiently on multicores is hard. The Java 5 packagejava.util.concurrent (j.u.c.) supports writing concurrent programs: much of the complexity of writing threads-safe and scalable programs is hidden in the library. To use this package, programmers still need to reengineer existing code. This is tedious because it requires changing many lines of code, is error-prone because programmers can use the wrong APIs, and is omission-prone because programmers can miss opportunities to use the enhanced APIs. This paper presents our tool, CONCURRENCER, which enables programmers to refactor sequential code into parallel code that uses j.u.c. concurrent utilities. CONCURRENCER does not require any program annotations, although the transformations are very involved: they span multiple program statements and use custom program analysis. A find-and-replace tool can not perform such transformations. Empirical evaluation shows that CONCURRENCER refactors code effectively: CONCURRENCER correctly identifies and applies transformations that some open-source developers overlooked, and the converted code exhibits good speedup

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac
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