597 research outputs found

    AIST Overview Advanced Information System Technology Fueling Innovation for Earth Observing

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    One element of NASA's Earth Science Technology Office is the Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program, which funds information technology development for use in the 5-20 year timeframe. The needs are identified in conjunction with the NASA research and applied sciences communities and discussions with other, forward-looking organizations, such as ESA. AIST projects must have a US lead, but collaborations with non-US organizations are encouraged. The AIST Program focuses on two major thrusts and a small collection of concept studies and solicits both evolutionary and disruptive development projects. One thrust seeks to leverage the emergence of smallsats to create constellations of instruments to examine phenomena that could not be studied before using conventional single-satellite instruments. The second thrust develops re-usable tools to support scientific investigations through the interaction with data. The study projects formulate relevant theory, bleeding-edge concepts or to articulate need statements more clearly for highly advanced work. This talk will describe the research and development funded by the AIST Program

    Mobile Sensing Systems

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    [EN] Rich-sensor smart phones have made possible the recent birth of the mobile sensing research area as part of ubiquitous sensing which integrates other areas such as wireless sensor networks and web sensing. There are several types of mobile sensing: individual, participatory, opportunistic, crowd, social, etc. The object of sensing can be people-centered or environment-centered. The sensing domain can be home, urban, vehicular Currently there are barriers that limit the social acceptance of mobile sensing systems. Examples of social barriers are privacy concerns, restrictive laws in some countries and the absence of economic incentives that might encourage people to participate in a sensing campaign. Several technical barriers are phone energy savings and the variety of sensors and software for their management. Some existing surveys partially tackle the topic of mobile sensing systems. Published papers theoretically or partially solve the above barriers. We complete the above surveys with new works, review the barriers of mobile sensing systems and propose some ideas for efficiently implementing sensing, fusion, learning, security, privacy and energy saving for any type of mobile sensing system, and propose several realistic research challenges. The main objective is to reduce the learning curve in mobile sensing systems where the complexity is very high.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion", through the "Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011" in the "Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental", project TEC2011-27516, and by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, through the PAID-05-12 multidisciplinary projects.Macias Lopez, EM.; Suarez Sarmiento, A.; Lloret, J. (2013). Mobile Sensing Systems. Sensors. 13(12):17292-17321. https://doi.org/10.3390/s131217292S1729217321131

    Research and technology, 1990: Goddard Space Flight Center

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    Goddard celebrates 1990 as a banner year in space based astronomy. From above the Earth's obscuring atmosphere, four major orbiting observatories examined the heavens at wavelengths that spanned the electromagnetic spectrum. In the infrared and microwave, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), measured the spectrum and angular distribution of the cosmic background radiation to extraordinary precision. In the optical and UV, the Hubble Space Telescope has returned spectacular high resolution images and spectra of a wealth of astronomical objects. The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph has resolved dozens of UV spectral lines which are as yet unidentified because they have never before been seen in any astronomical spectrum. In x rays, the Roentgen Satellite has begun returning equally spectacular images of high energy objects within our own and other galaxies

    Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, May 1, 2020

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    Minutes from the Wright State University Board of Trustees Meeting held on May 1, 202

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2009

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics

    Integrated multi-functional morphing aircraft technologies

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    In the past years, the development of morphing wing technologies has received a great deal of interest from the scientific community. These technologies potentially enable an increase in aircraft efficiency by changing the wing shape, thus allowing the aircraft to fly near its optimal performance point at different flight conditions. This thesis explores the development, analysis, building and integration of two new functional Variable-Span Wing (VSW) concepts to be applied in Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). Additional studies are performed to synthesize the mass of such morphing concepts and to develop mass prediction models. The VSW concept is composed of one fixed rectangular inboard part, inboard fixed wing (IFW), and a moving rectangular outboard part: outboard moving wing (OMW). An aerodynamic shape optimization code is used to solve a drag minimization problem to determine the optimal values of wingspan for various speeds of the vehicle’s flight envelope. It was concluded that, at low speeds, the original wing has slightly better performance than the VSW and for speeds higher than 25 m/s the opposite occurs, due to the reduction in wing area and consequently the total wing drag. A structural Finite Element Model (FEM) of the VSW is developed, where the interface between wing parts is modelled. Deflections and stresses resulting from static aerodynamic loading conditions showed that the wing is suitable for flight. Flutter critical speed is studied. FEM is used to compute the VSW mode shapes and frequencies of free vibration, considering a rigid or the real flexible interface, showing that the effect of rigidity loss in the interface between the IFW and the OMW, has a negative impact on the critical flutter speed. A full-scale prototype is built using composite materials and an electro-mechanical actuation system is developed using a rack and pinion driven by two servomotors. Bench tests, performed to evaluate the wing and its actuation mechanism under load, showed that the system can perform the required extension/retraction cycles and is suitable to be installed on a RPAS airframe, which has been modified and instrumented to serve as test bed for evaluating the prototype in-flight. Two sets of flight tests are performed: aerodynamic and energy characterization. The former aims at determining the lift-to-drag ratio for different airspeeds and the latter to measure the propulsive and manoeuvring energy when performing a prescribed mission. In the aerodynamic testing, in-flight evaluation of the RPAS fitted with the VSW demonstrates full flight capability and shows improvements produced by the VSW over a conventional fixed wing for speeds above 19 m/s. At low speeds, the original wing has slightly better lift-to-drag ratio than the VSW. Contrarily, at 30 m/s, the VSW in minimum span configuration is 35% better than the original fixed wing. In the other performed test, it is concluded that the VSW fitted RPAS has less overall energy consumption despite the increased vehicle weight. The energy reduction occurs only in the high speed condition but it is so marked that it offsets the increase in energy during takeoff, climb and loiter phases. Following the work on the first VSW prototype, a new telescopic wing that allows the integration of other morphing strategies is developed, within the CHANGE EU project. The wing adopted span change, leading and trailing edge camber changes. A modular design philosophy, based on a wing-box like structure, is implemented, such that the individual systems can be separately developed and then integrated. The structure is sized for strength and stiffness using FEM, based on flight loads derived from the mission requirements. A partial span, fullsized cross-section prototype is built to validate the structural performance and the actuation mechanism capability and durability. The wing is built using composite materials and an electromechanical actuation system with an oil filled nylon rack and pinion is developed to actuate it. The structural static testing shows similar trends when compared with numerical predictions. The actuation mechanism is characterized in terms of actuation speed and specific energy consumption and it was concluded that it functioned within its designed specifications. A full-scale prototype is later built by the consortium and the leading and trailing edge concepts from the different partners integrated in a single wing. Wind tunnel tests confirmed that the wing can withstand the aerodynamic loading. Flight tests are performed by TEKEVER, showing that the modular concept works reliably. From the previous works, it is inferred that morphing concepts are promising and feasible methodologies but present an undesired mass increase due to their inherent complexity. On the other hand, mass prediction methods to aid the design of morphing wings at the conceptual design phase are rare. Therefore, a mass model of a VSW with a trailing edge device is proposed. The structural mass prediction is based on a parametric study. A minimum mass optimization problem with stiffness and strength constraints is implemented and solved, being the design variables structural thicknesses and widths, using a parametric FEM of the wing. The study is done for a conventional fixed wing and the VSW, which are then combined to ascertain the VSW mass increment, i.e., the mass penalization of the adopted morphing concept. Polynomials are found to produce good approximations of the wing mass. Additionally, the effects of various VSW design parameters in the structural mass are discussed. On one hand, it was found that the span and chord have the highest impact in the wing mass. On the other hand, the VSW to fixed wing ratio proved that the influence of span variation ratio in the wing mass is not trivial. It is found that the mass increase does not grow proportionally with span variation ratio increase and that for each combination of span and chord, exists a span variation ratio that minimizes the mass penalty. Using the VSW to fixed wing ratio function, the mass model is derived. To ascertain its accuracy, a case study is performed, which demonstrated prediction errors below 10%. Although the mass model results are encouraging, more case studies are necessary to prove its applicability over a wide range of VSWs. The work performed successfully demonstrated that VSW concepts can achieve considerable geometry changes which, in turn, translate into considerable aerodynamic gains, despite the increased weight. They influence all aspects of the wing design, from the structural side to the actuation mechanisms. The parametric study summarizes the mass penalties of such concepts, being successful at demonstrating that the mass penalty is not straightforward and that a careful selection of span, chord and variable-span ratio can minimize the mass increase.Nos últimos anos, o desenvolvimento de asas adaptativas tem sido alvo de um grande interesse por parte da comunidade científica. Nesta tese explora-se o desenvolvimento, análise, construção e integração de dois novos conceitos de Asas de Envergadura Variável (VSWs) funcionais a serem aplicados em Sistemas de Aeronaves Pilotadas Remotamente (RPASs). Estudos adicionais são levados a cabo para sintetizar a massa desses conceitos e desenvolver modelos de previsão de massa. O conceito da VSW é constituído por uma parte interna retangular fixa, Asa Fixa Interna (IFW), e por uma parte externa retangular móvel, Asa Móvel Externa (OMW). Um código de otimização aerodinâmica é utilizado para minimizar a resistência ao avanço, determinando os valores ótimos de envergadura para várias velocidades de voo do veículo. Concluiu-se que, a baixas velocidades, a asa original apresenta um desempenho ligeiramente melhor que a VSW, enquanto que a velocidades superiores a 25 m/s, a VSW apresenta um desempenho melhor devido à redução da área das asas e, consequentemente, à redução da resistência total das asas. Para levar a cabo um estudo estrutural, foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Elementos Finitos (FEM) estrutural da VSW, no qual se modelou a interface entre a IFW/OMW. As deflexões e tensões resultantes dos carregamentos aerodinâmicos estáticos mostraram que a asa é capaz de suportar as cargas em voo. A velocidade de flutter é também investigada, sendo o FEM utilizado para calcular as formas dos modos de vibração da VSW e respetivas frequências de vibração livre. Considerou-se uma interface colada ou flexível, confirmando-se que o efeito da perda de rigidez na interface IFW/OMW, tem um impacto negativo sobre a velocidade de flutter. Um protótipo da VSW é construído, utilizando materiais compósitos, e um sistema de atuação eletromecânico é desenvolvido usando um sistema de pinhão e cremalheira movido por dois servomotores. Os testes de bancada, realizados para avaliar a asa e o mecanismo de atuação, mostraram que o sistema é capaz de realizar a extensão/retração da asa, sendo adequado para ser instalado num RPAS. Este RPAS foi modificado e instrumentado para servir de banco de ensaio para avaliação do protótipo em voo. São realizados dois conjuntos de testes de voo: caracterização aerodinâmica e energética. O primeiro incide na determinação da razão de planeio para diferentes velocidades e o segundo é levado a cabo para determinar a energia propulsiva e de manobra ao executar uma missão típica. Nos testes aerodinâmicos ficou comprovado que o RPAS equipado com a VSW é capaz de uma normal operação e ainda que mostra melhorias sobre uma asa fixa convencional para velocidades acima de 19 m/s. A velocidades mais reduzidas, a asa original tem um desempenho ligeiramente melhor do que a VSW. Por outro lado, a 30 m/s, a VSW na configuração de envergadura mínima é 35% melhor do que a asa fixa original. No outro ensaio realizado, conclui-se que o RPAS de envergadura variável tem menos consumo de energia global, apesar do aumento de peso do veículo. A redução de energia ocorre apenas na fase de cruzeiro de alta velocidade, mas foi tão acentuada que compensou o aumento da energia durante as fases de descolagem, subida e espera. Na sequência do trabalho anterior e no âmbito do projeto europeu CHANGE, é desenvolvida uma nova VSW que permite a integração de outras estratégias adaptativas. A nova asa adotou a mudança de envergadura, e a mudança de curvatura nos bordos de ataque e de fuga. Esta adotou uma filosofia de projeto modular, baseada numa caixa de torção, permitindo o desenvolvimento das diferentes tecnologias adaptativas separadamente. A estrutura é divmensionada para resistência e rigidez usando FEM, com base em cargas de voo derivadas dos requisitos da missão. Um primeiro protótipo é construído para validar o desempenho estrutural e a funcionalidade do mecanismo de atuação. A asa é construída usando materiais compósitos e utiliza um sistema de pinhão e cremalheira e um servomotor, para variar a envergadura. Testes estruturais estáticos mostram que as deflexões corroboram as previsões numéricas. O mecanismo de atuação é caracterizado em termos de velocidade de atuação e consumo de energia específica, concluindo-se que funciona dentro do previsto. O segundo protótipo é construído pelo consórcio e os conceitos de bordo de ataque e de fuga são integrados. Testes em túnel de vento confirmaram que a asa suporta o carregamento aerodinâmico. Os testes de voo, realizados pela TEKEVER, mostram que o conceito modular funciona de forma fiável. Baseado nos trabalhos anteriores, conclui-se que os conceitos adaptativos são promissores e viáveis, mas apresentam um aumento de massa indesejável devido à sua inerente complexidade. Por outro lado, os métodos de previsão de massa para auxiliar o projeto de asas adaptativas na fase de projeto conceitual são raros. Deste modo, um modelo de massa da VSW com um dispositivo de borda de fuga é proposto. A previsão de massa estrutural é baseada num estudo paramétrico. Um problema de minimização de massa com constrangimentos de rigidez e resistência é implementado e resolvido, sendo as variáveis de projeto espessuras e larguras estruturais. Para o levar a cabo, um FEM paramétrico da VSW é desenvolvido. O estudo é feito para uma asa fixa convencional e para a VSW, os quais são combinados para determinar o incremento de massa da VSW. Aproximações polinomiais das massas da asa são produzidas, mostrando serem capazes de produzir uma adequada representação. Adicionalmente, são discutidos os efeitos dos vários parâmetros de design da VSW na massa estrutural. Por um lado, verificou-se que a envergadura e a corda têm o maior impacto na massa da asa. Por outro lado, a razão de massas da VSW e da asa fixa provou que a influência da razão de variação de envergadura na massa das asas não é trivial. Verifica-se que o aumento de massa não cresce proporcionalmente com o aumento da razão de variação de envergadura e que para um dado conjunto de envergadura e corda existe uma razão de variação de envergadura que minimiza o aumento de massa. O modelo de massa é derivado usando a aproximação polinomial da razão da VSW com a asa fixa. Para verificar a precisão do modelo, é realizado um caso de estudo que demonstrou erros de previsão abaixo dos 10%. Embora os resultados do modelo de massa sejam encorajadores, mais casos de estudo são necessários para provar a sua aplicabilidade a uma ampla gama de VSW. O trabalho realizado demonstrou com sucesso que os conceitos de VSW podem alcançar consideráveis mudanças de geometria, que se traduzem em ganhos aerodinâmicos consideráveis, apesar do aumento de peso. Estes influenciam todos os aspetos do projeto da asa, desde a parte estrutural até aos mecanismos de atuação. O estudo paramétrico tentou resumir a penalização de massa de tais conceitos, sendo bem sucedido em demonstrar que esta penalização não é simples e que uma seleção cuidadosa de envergadura, corda e razão de variação de envergadura pode minimizar o aumento de peso.This thesis and the associated research was partially funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under the Grant Agreement 314139

    Options for a new integrated natural resources monitoring framework for Wales. Phase 1 project report

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    Healthy natural resources underpin significant economic sectors in Wales including agriculture, fisheries, tourism and forestry, they also make a significant contribution across Cabinet policies including the health and well-being agenda. In order to develop policies that build social, economic and environmental resilience and to evaluate policy implementation, a robust natural resources monitoring framework is required. Current monitoring activities are of varying quality, not sufficiently aligned to the new legislative and policy landscape, disjointed and when considered as a whole, potentially not as cost-effective as they could be. This project was tasked with identifying options and developing recommendations for an integrated natural resources monitoring framework for Wales reflecting the ambitions and integrating principles of the Environment Act and Well Being of Future Generations Act. The monitoring community, the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales Core Evidence Group, the project team, stakeholders and partners, have agreed on a set of recommendations
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