9 research outputs found

    An Energy Balanced Dynamic Topology Control Algorithm for Improved Network Lifetime

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    In wireless sensor networks, a few sensor nodes end up being vulnerable to potentially rapid depletion of the battery reserves due to either their central location or just the traffic patterns generated by the application. Traditional energy management strategies, such as those which use topology control algorithms, reduce the energy consumed at each node to the minimum necessary. In this paper, we use a different approach that balances the energy consumption at each of the nodes, thus increasing the functional lifetime of the network. We propose a new distributed dynamic topology control algorithm called Energy Balanced Topology Control (EBTC) which considers the actual energy consumed for each transmission and reception to achieve the goal of an increased functional lifetime. We analyze the algorithm's computational and communication complexity and show that it is equivalent or lower in complexity to other dynamic topology control algorithms. Using an empirical model of energy consumption, we show that the EBTC algorithm increases the lifetime of a wireless sensor network by over 40% compared to the best of previously known algorithms

    A Comprehensive Survey of Potential Game Approaches to Wireless Networks

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    Potential games form a class of non-cooperative games where unilateral improvement dynamics are guaranteed to converge in many practical cases. The potential game approach has been applied to a wide range of wireless network problems, particularly to a variety of channel assignment problems. In this paper, the properties of potential games are introduced, and games in wireless networks that have been proven to be potential games are comprehensively discussed.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figures, to appear in IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E98-B, no. 9, Sept. 201

    An Overview of Distributed Energy-Efficient Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    A wireless ad hoc network is composed of several tiny and inexpensive device such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs) which have limited energy. In this network energy, efficiency is one of the most crucial requirements. Data transmitting in minimum power level is one way of maximizing energy efficiency. Thus, transmission power level of nodes should be managed in a smart way to improve energy efficiency. Topology control is one of the main algorithms used in a wireless network to decrease transmission power level while preserving network connectivity. Topology control could improve energy efficiency by reasonably tuning the transmission power level while preserving network connectivity in order to increase network capacity and lifetime. In pursuit of energy efficiency and connectivity, nodes can be selfish and are conflicting with each other. Therefore to overcome the conflict, game theory is used to construct energy efficient topology, as well as minimizing energy consumption. In this paper, the main goal and most recent energy efficient topology control algorithms in WSNs and ad hoc network are classified and studied according to their specific goals

    Towards Energy - Efficient Qos-Aware Online Stream Data Processing for Internet of Things

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    Online data stream processing in Internet of Things (IoT) systems is an emerging paradigm that allows users to use resource-constrained IoT devices with the back- end of resourceful machines to process the data collected from the physical world in a real-time manner. The huge amount of generated sensor data can produce value- added information with different purposes for several applications. Techniques to pro- mote knowledge discovery from the raw data allow fully exploiting the potential usage of wide spread sensors in the IoT. In this context, using the energy of the resource- constrained IoT devices in an efficient way is a major concern. However, the appli- cation of QoS requirements should not be ignored to achieve the purpose of energy saving at any cost. In this thesis, we propose a framework that combines online stream data processing with adaptive system control to address both needs. The online algo- rithms are based on statistical methods to meet the needs of stream data processing. The result of the algorithms are then used to dynamically control the system behaviour to meet the needs of energy-saving. Simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposed framework

    Wake-up communication system using solar panel and visible light communication

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    [ANGL脠S] One of the most promising energy-efficient communication methods is the use of wake-up receivers. In this work we propose and develop a wake-up communication system that uses Visible Light Communication (VLC) and an indoor solar panel with two functions: act as the receiver of the wake-up signal and harvest power from the light. After the reception of the wake-up signal an interrupt generated by the wake-up receiver wakes up the wireless device attached. Two configuration options are presented: an addressable and a broadcast-based wake-up configuration. In addressable configuration, after the reception of the wake-up signal a comparison is made with the identification code configured in the device; as consequence only the device with the match code is woken up. In broadcast-based wake-up configuration the wireless node attached wakes up after the detection of the carrier burst frequency, allowing use this system for wake up several nodes at once. Two options of configuration for the receiver are presented, and also the design of a transmitter who copes with flickering mitigation. Through experiments the feasibility of the system is shown and its performances is characterized in terms of wake-up probabilities for different distances. The effect of light interferences is evaluated, which shows that the achieved wake-up distances are reasonable for indoor scenarios.[CASTELL脌] Uno de los m谩s prometedores m茅todos para la comunicaci贸n con mayor eficiencia energ茅tica en las Redes de Sensores Inal谩mbricos (Wireless Sensor Networks - WSN) es el uso de wake-up receivers. Es este trabajo se propone y desarrolla un sistema de comunicaci贸n de wake-up que usa las comunicaciones por luz visible (Visible Light Communication - VLC) y un panel solar de interiores con dos funciones: actuar como receptor de la se帽al de wake-up y recoger energ铆a de la luz. Despu茅s de la recepci贸n de la se帽al el wake-up receiver genera una interrupci贸n activando el nodo inal谩mbrico adjunto. Se presentan dos configuraciones para la generaci贸n de la interrupci贸n: una basada en direcci贸n y otra basada en la transmisi贸n de la frecuencia portadora. En la configuraci贸n basada en direcci贸n, despu茅s de la recepci贸n de la se帽al de wake-up se hace una comparaci贸n con el c贸digo de identificaci贸n configurado en el dispositivo; como consecuencia s贸lo el dispositivo con el c贸digo correcto es activado. En la configuraci贸n basada en la transmisi贸n de la frecuencia portadora, el nodo inal谩mbrico adjunto se activa con la detecci贸n de dicha frecuencia, lo cual permite usar el sistema para activar varios nodos a la vez. Se describen dos opciones de configuraci贸n para el receptor, as铆 como el dise帽o de un transmisor dise帽ado para mitigar el parpadeo del LED. A trav茅s de experimentos se muestra la factibilidad del sistema y se caracteriza su desempe帽o en t茅rminos de la probabilidad de generar la interrupci贸n de activaci贸n a diferentes distancias entre la fuente de luz y el receptor. Se eval煤a el efecto de las interferencias de luz y se muestra que las distancias alcanzadas son razonables para escenarios intramuros.[CATAL脌] Un dels m猫todes m茅s prometedors per a la comunicaci贸 amb una major efici猫ncia energ猫tica en les Xarxes de Sensors Sense fil (Wireless Sensor Networks - WSN) 茅s l'煤s de wake-up receivers en el node receptor. Els wake-up receivers s贸n dispositius d'ultra-baix consum de pot猫ncia connectats al node sense fil que li permeten romandre en estat inactiu mentre esperen un senyal d'activaci贸. En aquest treball es proposa i desenvolupa un sistema d鈥檃ctivaci贸 que usa les comunicacions per llum visible (Visible Light Communication - VLC) i un panell solar d鈥櫭簊 interior amb dues funcions: actuar com a receptor del senyal d鈥檃ctivaci贸 i recollir energia de la llum ambient. Despr茅s de la recepci贸 del senyal de l鈥檈missor, el wake-up receiver genera una interrupci贸 activant el node sense fil adjunt. Es descriuen dues alternatives per a la generaci贸 de la interrupci贸: una basada en identificador i una altra basada en la transmissi贸 de la freq眉猫ncia portadora. En la configuraci贸 basada en identificador, despr茅s de la recepci贸 del senyal de wake-up es fa una comparaci贸 amb el codi d'identificaci贸 al dispositiu i, com a conseq眉猫ncia, nom茅s el dispositiu amb el codi correcte 茅s activat. En la configuraci贸 basada en la transmissi贸 de la freq眉猫ncia portadora, el node sense fil adjunt s'activa amb la detecci贸 d'aquesta freq眉猫ncia, la qual cosa permet utilitzar el sistema per activar diversos nodes alhora. Tamb茅 se detallen dues opcions de configuraci贸 per al receptor aix铆 com el disseny d'un transmissor per mitigar el parpelleig del LED. Mitjan莽ant experiments es mostra la factibilitat del sistema i s鈥檃valua el seu funcionament en termes de la probabilitat de generar la interrupci贸 d'activaci贸 a diferents dist脿ncies entre la font de llum i el receptor. S'avalua l'efecte de les interfer猫ncies del senyal i es mostra que les dist脿ncies assolides s贸n raonables per escenaris en interiors

    Energy-aware Approaches for Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Systems

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    Energy harvesting (EH) powered wireless sensor systems (WSSs) are gaining increasing popularity since they enable the system to be self-powering, long-lasting, almost maintenance-free, and environmentally friendly. However, the mismatch between energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSS to perform the required tasks is always a bottleneck as the ambient environmental energy is limited, and the WSS is power hunger. Therefore, the thesis has proposed, designed, implemented, and tested the energy-aware approaches for wireless sensor motes (WSMs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), including hardware energy-aware interface (EAI), software EAI, sensing EAI and network energy-aware approaches to address this mismatch. The main contributions of this thesis to the research community are designing the energy-aware approaches for EH Powered WSMs and WSNs which enables a >30 times reduction in sleep power consumption of WSNs for successful EH powering WSNs without a start-up issue in the condition of mismatch between the energy generated by harvesters and energy demanded by WSSs in both mote and network systems. For EH powered WSM systems, the energy-aware approaches have (1) enabled the harvested energy to be accumulated in energy storage devices to deal with the mismatch for the operation of the WSMs without the start-up issue, (2) enabled a commercial available WSMs with a reduced sleep current from 28.3 渭A to 0.95 渭A for the developed WSM, (3) thus enabled the WSM operations for a long active time of about 1.15 s in every 7.79 s to sample and transmit a large number of data (e.g., 388 bytes), rather than a few ten milliseconds and a few bytes. For EH powered WSN systems, on top of energy-aware approached for EH powered WSM, the network energy-aware approaches have presented additional capabilities for network joining process for energy-saving and enabled EH powered WSNs. Once the EH powered WSM with the network energy-aware approach is powered up and began the network joining process, energy, as an example of 48.23 mJ for a tested case, has been saved in the case of the attempt to join the network unsuccessfully. Once the EH-WSM has joined the network successfully, the smart programme applications that incorporate the software EAI, sensing EAI and hardware EAI allow the EH powered WSM to achieve (4) asynchronous operation or (5) synchronised operation based on the energy available after the WSM has joined the network.Through designs, implementations, and analyses, it has been shown that the developed energy-aware approaches have provided an enabled capability for EH successfully powering WSS technologies in the condition of energy mismatch, and it has the potential to be used for wide industrial applications

    Distributed algorithms for extending the functional lifetime of wireless sensor networks

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    The functional lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN) is among its most important features and serves as an essential metric in the evaluation of its energy-conserving policies. Approaches for extending the lifetime of a wireless sensor node include using an on/off strategy on the sensor nodes and using a topology control algorithm on each node to regulate its transmission power. However, the need to keep the network functional imposes certain additional constraints on strategies for energy conservation. A sensing constraint imposes that the sensing tasks essential to the functionality of the WSN are not compromised. A communication constraint similarly imposes that communications essential to an application on the network remain possible even as battery resources deplete on the nodes. This dissertation presents new distributed algorithms for energy conservation under these two classes of constraints: sensing constraints and communication constraints. One sensing constraint, called the representation constraint in this dissertation, is the requirement that active (on) sensor nodes are evenly distributed in the region of interest covered by the sensor network. This dissertation develops two essential metrics which together allow a rigorous quantitative assessment of the quality of representation achieved by a WSN and presents analytical results which bound these metrics in the common scenario of a planar region of arbitrary shape covered by a sensor network deployment. The dissertation further proposes a new distributed algorithm for energy conservation under the representation constraint. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is able to significantly improve the quality of representation compared to other related distributed algorithms. It also shows that improved spatial uniformity has the welcome side-effect of a significant increase in the functional lifetime of a WSN. One communication constraint, called the connectivity constraint, imposes that the network remains connected during its functional life. The connectivity required may be weak (allowing unidirectional communication between nodes) or strong (requiring bidirectional link layer communication between each pair of communicating nodes). This dissertation develops new distributed topology control algorithms for energy conservation under both the strong and the weak connectivity constraint. The proposed algorithm for the more ideal scenario of the weak connectivity constraint uses a game-theoretic approach. The dissertation proves the existence of a Nash equilibrium for the game and computes the associated price of anarchy. Simulation results show that the algorithms extend the network lifetime beyond those achieved by previously known algorithms.Ph.D., Computer engineering -- Drexel University, 201