12 research outputs found

    Energy Management

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    Forecasts point to a huge increase in energy demand over the next 25 years, with a direct and immediate impact on the exhaustion of fossil fuels, the increase in pollution levels and the global warming that will have significant consequences for all sectors of society. Irrespective of the likelihood of these predictions or what researchers in different scientific disciplines may believe or publicly say about how critical the energy situation may be on a world level, it is without doubt one of the great debates that has stirred up public interest in modern times. We should probably already be thinking about the design of a worldwide strategic plan for energy management across the planet. It would include measures to raise awareness, educate the different actors involved, develop policies, provide resources, prioritise actions and establish contingency plans. This process is complex and depends on political, social, economic and technological factors that are hard to take into account simultaneously. Then, before such a plan is formulated, studies such as those described in this book can serve to illustrate what Information and Communication Technologies have to offer in this sphere and, with luck, to create a reference to encourage investigators in the pursuit of new and better solutions

    Large space structures and systems in the space station era: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 03)

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    Bibliographies and abstracts are listed for 1221 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1991 and June 30, 1991. Topics covered include large space structures and systems, space stations, extravehicular activity, thermal environments and control, tethering, spacecraft power supplies, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, propulsion, policies and international cooperation, vibration and dynamic controls, robotics and remote operations, data and communication systems, electric power generation, space commercialization, orbital transfer, and human factors engineering

    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1989-1990 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans

    Parallel evolutionary programming techniques for strategy optimisation in air combat scenarios

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    Air combat between fighter missiles and aircraft can be categorised as a pursuit-evasion problem. One aircraft acts as a pursuer and the other as an evader. Generally, the pursuer will try to capture the evader as quickly as possible and the evader tries to evade capture for as long as possible. For an experienced human pilot, it is trivial to discuss this methodology, but to simulate it, the mathematics involved is very complex and difficult to implement in a computer environment. Classical methods, though very accurate in their analysis, are not suited to solve a complex 6DOF pursuit-evasion problem and they have limitations in representing real-world problems such as discontinuities, discrete, stochastic, chaotic, temporal information or lack of information. In this thesis, evolutionary programming (EP) is applied to determine the optimum maneuvering strategy for an aircraft (evader) to avoid interception by an incoming missile (pursuer). EP is a class of algorithms known as Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). EA has an ability to find an optimal solution in a complex problem which involves discontinuities, discrete, nondifferential parameters and noise. In addition, the methodology was implemented on parallel computer architecture to improve the computing time and expanding the search space. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the best configuration and to understand the effect of parameters, such as number of processors, population size, number of generations, etc., on the results. The effects of sensor and instrument errors were also considered. The method enabled feasible solutions to be found in a relatively short period of time. However, the ability to search for feasible solutions is dependent on various parameters such as initial conditions, aircraft configurations and aerodynamic constraints. It is concluded that, in general, EP is able to determine feasible maneuvering strategies for an evader to avoid interception with and without instrument errors. The methodology has the potential to be used as a training tool for pilots in air combat or as an intelligent engagement strategy for autonomous systems, such as Unmanned Air Combat Vehicles (UCAV)

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2015

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    The Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) of Old Dominion University hosted the 2015 Modeling, Simulation, & Visualization Student capstone Conference on April 16th. The Capstone Conference features students in Modeling and Simulation, undergraduates and graduate degree programs, and fields from many colleges and/or universities. Students present their research to an audience of fellow students, faculty, judges, and other distinguished guests. For the students, these presentations afford them the opportunity to impart their innovative research to members of the M&S community from academic, industry, and government backgrounds. Also participating in the conference are faculty and judges who have volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitate the various conference tracks, serve as judges for each of the tracks, and provide overall assistance to this conference. 2015 marks the ninth year of the VMASC Capstone Conference for Modeling, Simulation and Visualization. This year our conference attracted a number of fine student written papers and presentations, resulting in a total of 51 research works that were presented. This year’s conference had record attendance thanks to the support from the various different departments at Old Dominion University, other local Universities, and the United States Military Academy, at West Point. We greatly appreciated all of the work and energy that has gone into this year’s conference, it truly was a highly collaborative effort that has resulted in a very successful symposium for the M&S community and all of those involved. Below you will find a brief summary of the best papers and best presentations with some simple statistics of the overall conference contribution. Followed by that is a table of contents that breaks down by conference track category with a copy of each included body of work. Thank you again for your time and your contribution as this conference is designed to continuously evolve and adapt to better suit the authors and M&S supporters. Dr.Yuzhong Shen Graduate Program Director, MSVE Capstone Conference Chair John ShullGraduate Student, MSVE Capstone Conference Student Chai

    Nuclear Power - Deployment, Operation and Sustainability

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    We are fortunate to live in incredibly exciting and incredibly challenging time. Energy demands due to economic growth and increasing population must be satisfied in a sustainable manner assuring inherent safety, efficiency and no or minimized environmental impact. These considerations are among the reasons that lead to serious interest in deploying nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. At the same time, catastrophic earthquake and tsunami events in Japan resulted in the nuclear accident that forced us to rethink our approach to nuclear safety, design requirements and facilitated growing interests in advanced nuclear energy systems. This book is one in a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of six major sections housing twenty chapters on topics from the key subject areas pertinent to successful development, deployment and operation of nuclear power systems worldwide. The book targets everyone as its potential readership groups - students, researchers and practitioners - who are interested to learn about nuclear power

    Nuclear Power

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    We are fortunate to live in incredibly exciting and incredibly challenging time. Energy demands due to economic growth and increasing population must be satisfied in a sustainable manner assuring inherent safety, efficiency and no or minimized environmental impact. These considerations are among the reasons that lead to serious interest in deploying nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. At the same time, catastrophic earthquake and tsunami events in Japan resulted in the nuclear accident that forced us to rethink our approach to nuclear safety, design requirements and facilitated growing interests in advanced nuclear energy systems. This book is one in a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of six major sections housing twenty chapters on topics from the key subject areas pertinent to successful development, deployment and operation of nuclear power systems worldwide. The book targets everyone as its potential readership groups - students, researchers and practitioners - who are interested to learn about nuclear power